Then, in the 1990s, she took advantage of the new economic freedoms, becoming a 30-something entrepreneur in one of the new Special Economic Zones. In the early 2010s she started moderating her previously outspoken political comments on Weibo as censorship tightened up. China's lead over the U.S. is especially clear in Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and France, where people are at least 10 percentage points more likely to see China as the leading economy. Additionally, human development is also key for countries to realize full economic growth. Most ordinary people we meet dont feel that the authoritarian state is solely oppressive, although it can be that; for them it also provides opportunity. Its monetary policy is reasonably tight, with the yield on government bonds about 3.5 times that on U.S. Treasuries. Western systems are . The old imperial bureaucracy helps modern Chinese to make the government started on more efficient point to absorb interest than any other countries (King, F. J., The United States and China Fourth Edition, 1979, However, the beliefs and positions of political parties change over time, so . China vs. United States Government Definitions Administrative divisions : This entry generally gives the numbers, designatory terms, and first-order administrative divisions as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names (BGN). After all, if it genuinely believed in the merits of diversity at home, it wouldn't try to snuff out political diversity abroad. What are the dangers in Americas continued demonization of China? In fact, China is the only G20 country to have posted positive growth. Sometimes, in fact, it must sacrifice economic benefits for political or military ones. This suggests some obvious hypocrisy on the part of the Biden administration and perhaps even a lack of sincerity with respect to the domestic causes that it supports. Its aggressive handling of Covid-19in sharp contrast to that of many Western countries with higher death rates and later, less-stringent lockdownshas, if anything, reinforced that view. Also, while its relatively easy to shift the sourcing of a low-value-added product from China to Vietnam or Mexico, how can you move an entire supply chain with many indigenous players? However, both states have a very different political landscape, which is what will be discussed in the paper today. And what if the market itself is in China? Accept that economic development in China will not inevitably lead to democracy; acknowledge that the Chinese regard their government as both legitimate and effective; and recognize that while Chinese consumers have short-term horizons, their rulers are focused on the countrys long-term security. Until Western companies and politicians understand this and revise their views, they will continue to get China wrong. For much of its turbulent modern history, China has been under threat from foreign powers, both within Asia (notably Japan) and outside it (the UK and France in the mid 19th century). This, of course, mirrors the role of U.S. defense and intelligence spending in the development of Silicon Valley. Thus July 2020 polling data from the Ash Center at Harvards Kennedy School of Government revealed 95% satisfaction with the Beijing government among Chinese citizens. The Trump administration, however, has focused on U.S. economic interests, putting the pursuit of hegemonistic benefits in a secondary position. What has caused the frequent conflicts between the two countries? Chinas is the only major economy that requires no special approval for foreign direct investments, although some sectors, such as Lived Change media and the internet, are on a negative list that restricts them. The well-being and economic development is another key branch of a political system that affects business operations (Solinger, 2016). When Nixon first visited China, in 1972, the differences between the two countries were vast, in political and economic systems and of course in ideology. How accessible is it these days? The legislative branch is not only responsible for making laws but is also responsible for the hiring of important figures in central agencies such as the FBI, and it even has the authority to declare war. For example, weve interviewed couples in which the wife jumps into the sea of starting her own businessbecoming one of Chinas many female entrepreneursbecause her husbands stable but lower-paid state-sector job will provide the family with security. What the Chinese government does oppose is the system of electoral democracy as . Routledge. Changes that have been reported but not yet acted on by BGN are noted. In China, however, growth has come in the context of stable communist rule, suggesting that democracy and growth are not inevitably mutually dependent. Sorry, but it's not possible to copy the text due to security reasons. The complete Spotlight package is available in a single reprint. Many in the West accept the version of China that it has presented to the world: The period of reform and opening begun in 1978 by Deng Xiaoping, which stressed the need to avoid the radical and often violent politics of the Cultural Revolution, means that ideology in China no longer matters. Some manufacturing has been relocated away from China since the trade war with the U.S. began in 2018, but that hasnt made a dent in either Chinas exports or Americas trade deficit. That means not that these people are unconcerned with long-term outcomes but, rather, that their risk aversion increases significantly as the time frame lengthens. But defaults and bankruptcies are common in a market economy. However, in recent times China has overtaken the US by at least one measure of total economic strength, which is GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP). In the countryside life retained many of its traditional elements. Leninism, however, is essentially a political doctrine; its primary aim is control. It often compares itself to brands with which Westerners are familiar. The Trump administration was determined to damage Chinas economy and businesses. The United States government structure is one of the largest democracies in the world and has been considered by many as one of the perfect democracies which the country and its citizens have prided themselves over. It is unbelievable that the western countries face a serious competition from these nations due to the political stability found in the two countries. This means that business contracts are not usually detailed in China since the civil codes do not cover most laws. Reforming Sino-American Cultural Exchange for the Better. For example, in making the case for why it should be involved in the UKs 5G infrastructure rollout, Huawei styled itself the John Lewis of China, in reference to the well-known British department store that is regularly ranked as one of the UKs most trusted brands. But it wont back off from its territorial claims, all of which predate the Peoples Republic of China. At every point since 1949 the Chinese Communist Party has been central to the institutions, society, and daily experiences that shape the Chinese people. Learn how to overcome barriers when working globally. Chinas saving rate will drop significantly as its population ages, and investment will slow. Part of the systems legitimacy in the eyes of the Chinese is, again, rooted in history: China has often had to fight off invaders and, as is rarely acknowledged in the West, fought essentially alone against Japan from 1937 until 1941, when the U.S. entered World War II. As a result, economic growth came in tandem with social progress (through, for example, legislation protecting individual choice and minority rights), which made it easy to imagine that they were two sides of a coin. What to Know. The U.S., on the other hand, is a federal constitutional republic with three governmental branches sharing powers. New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin. However, it also highlighted the different ways in which people of color in the USA are suppressed through political representation and voter suppression. The primary contrast between China and the U.S. is that the former supports political diversity while the latter aggressively imposes its envisioned political conformity upon all others. The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. The United States takes in with high respect the principles of democracy and individualism. Americans focus on speed and efficiency and will hurry to get things done quickly. Borner, S., Brunetti, A., & Weder, B. In Canada, it is a . The Chinese political system is dominated by multiparty cooperation as well as political constitution under the direction of the Communist party of China (CPC), but the USA is governed by the western style of multiparty system. Considering that China adopted the system of the dynamic market much later than other nations, it has done remarkably well to have such a positive impact on its economy. Trumps trade war was an abject failure. Although murdering babies and elderly with medical sanctions in multiple too left . The top diplomat also condemned the U.S.'s description of his country as "authoritarian" simply because its democracy is different than America's. Both countries have human rights issues, although in different forms. He believes Chinese people are fixated on. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. A Marxist system is concerned primarily with economic outcomes. Even though the laws of the United States provide every individual regardless of creed and color to vote, there have been instances of voter suppression reported, especially in relation to minorities, and this oppression has been systemic and has existed throughout the history of the US. Solinger, D. J. Yet as soon as that ideological cover is removed, internal contradictions immediately reveal themselves. In our work we have come to see that people in both business and politics often cling to three widely shared but essentially false assumptions about modern China. The U.S. also repeatedly provoked China using freedom and democracy as a pretext. The city of Rongcheng, for example, uses big data (available to the government through surveillance and other data-capturing infrastructure) to give people individualized social credit scores. These are used to reward or punish citizens according to their political and financial virtues or vices. Examination of School Shootings and Student Safety from International and Non-International Armed Conflict, Comparison Between Democracy Vs. It is also the duty of the representative republic to inform its citizens of their rights, and the candidacy for the elections needs to be transparent since city council members to local judges to mayors, and state legislators are all appointed through voting in the United States. Chinas GDP is forecast to grow 7% to 8% this year. Educated in the United States, he worked for the World Bank and J.P. Morgan and taught at the Wharton School. Retrieved from China, if it doesnt respond to U.S. nationalist challenges, will face soaring nationalist pressures at home. The economy has grown 36-fold over the past three decades, chiefly because of market-oriented reforms that have created a vibrant private sector, which now accounts for about two-thirds of Chinas GDP. Under this view, whether or not other countries are free and democratic, or whether others deem the U.S. to be so, matters less than the economic benefits the U.S. deserves, including a favorable balance of trade and jobs. The real danger is the Taiwan issue. The paper also highlighted citizen engagement in both countries, either through direct elections in the USA or through the CCP controlled nominations in China. With less than a quarter of Chinas population, America has a death toll about 100 times Chinas and counting. The top 10 American semiconductor chip makers sell about three times as much in China as in the United States. Under the pressure of aggregated economic inequality brought by globalization, and the army of unemployed people already displaced by new technologies, the U.S. government faces severe structural constraints under the present model of state-market and state-society interactions. What's most ironic about this observation is that domestic American politics are nowadays focusing on the merits of diversity, yet its foreign policy is exclusively predicated on conformity. Some of these challenges are brought about by differences in legal, political and economic systems of different countries. The premier controls the civil bureaucracy, The party general secretary runs the economy. Order original essay online with 25% off. In 2020, a year of severe difficulties all over the world, there was no significant increase in Chinese corporate defaults. Much of Donald Trumps rhetoric and his actions on China were meant to deflect attention from his leadership failures at home, such as neglecting his duty to protect the public from the coronavirus. The Leninist nature of politics is also evidenced by the language used to discuss it. Policy makers, in contrast, looking for ways to gain more control and sovereignty over the future, now play a much longer game than the West does. /Getty. Obviously the ideology of nationalist identification under the pandemic has greatly roughened the political landscape for China and the U.S. Jimmy Dore delivered a monologue on the history of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how a "tiny cabal" are using the situation for profit on Friday's broadcast of 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' on FOX News. In other words, the U.S. position as hegemon doesnt necessarily bring it any economic benefits. Many Chinese believe that the countrys recent economic achievements have actually come about because of, not despite, Chinas authoritarian form of government. Chinas recent history means that Chinese people and the state approach decisions very differently from Westernersin both the time frames they use and the risks they worry about most. -- China's system of political parties is a system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), not a Western-style multiparty system. Nevertheless, these changes do not seem to stand any chance of influencing its foreign policymakers, who remain convinced of their system's superiority relative to all others. Today he is the CEO of PAG, a $40 billion private equity firm based in Hong Kong. The only obligation they have is to follow the law that in most cases is straightforward. A candid observer of Asian society and business, Shan is the author of Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America and the newly published Money Games: The Inside Story of How American Dealmakers Saved Koreas Most Iconic Bank. (If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at Provide your email for sample delivery, You agree to receive our emails and consent to our Terms & Conditions. Learn how to overcome barriers when working globally. Dictatorship, Gun Control: Legal, Psychology and Political Viewpoint, Difference Between Criminal and Civil Court System. The major focus of government expenditure is domestic infrastructure. This explains why the People's Republic of China (PRC) never attaches any political strings to its economic deals nor makes ultimatums regarding any of its partners. In China, the legal system "is based on civil laws" (Nolan, 2012). A Shanghai journalist is paid by her state-controlled magazine to fly around the world for stories on global lifestyle trends. These officials preside over different tribunals and committees, which can range from civil, administrative to communication, and transport cases. But surely gun shops being essential service during a huge medical virus shutdown is the height of insanity at this moment on this planet. The harsh reality of the pandemic has given rise to political competition with characteristics not seen before, sounding the alarm for future bilateral relations. Chinas leaders argue that its essentially Leninist rule book makes Chinese politics far less arbitrary or nepotistic than those of many other, notably Western, countries (even though the system has its share of back-scratching and opaque decision-making). That Canada has elected communists to office, I suggest is just about as important a disparity as the American gun insanity. Depending on the conditions surrounding a case, the law system allows special consideration to such as a case. She bought a flatthe first time anyone in her familys history had owned property. Eventually he came to the United States, where he earned a masters and a PhD at UC Berkeley, worked for the World Bank and J.P. Morgan, and taught at the Wharton School. Thus many Chinese consumers prefer the short-term gains of the stock market to locking their money away in long-term savings vehicles. In Vietnam, there are three different people. Exploding unemployment exposed the wide wealth gap in U.S. society. The elite theory focuses on the notion that only a select group of people actually run the government, which are considered elite, while the pluralist theory states that political power is rather shared between the influencing parties. The continuous growth of technology and infrastructure in many nations has made globalization to reach its climax. The technology war waged by the Trump administration forced China to develop critical technologies, such as semiconductor chips, for which it has relied on U.S. suppliers. Looking into the future, the path for China-U.S. cooperation will become more tortuous owing to the nationalist ideological struggle triggered by the coronavirus. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the Collectivism means that the needs of an individual are not emphasized as compared to those of the society and not until recently, most rights of Chinese citizens were not realized. They still blame foreign interference for many of their misfortunes, even if it occurred more than a century ago. The collapse of the USSR appeared to validate that belief, given that the Soviet regimes inability to deliver meaningful economic growth for its citizens contributed to its collapse: Russias eventual integration into the global economy (perestroika) followed Mikhail Gorbachevs political reforms (glasnost). GM sells more cars in China than in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico combined. While the U.S. political system is partly inspired by the British example, it differs in many important respects. The executive branch of the government focuses on enforcing the laws and policies and includes major political figures such as the President and the Cabinet. - Quora Answer (1 of 17): Americans hold the individual in the highest regard, whereas Chinese hold the community in the highest regard. It is important to understand the background of the political systems in both China and the United States in order to compare both, especially the theoretical system of governance they follow, whether a pluralist or oligarchical system. This is the logical extension of China-U.S. competition from the perspective of U.S. economic nationalism. Its currency appreciated 6% against the dollar last year. Since China is a communist and one-party state, citizen engagement is lower in comparison to democratic states. Responding, however, will only escalate a lose-lose war, and the entire international community will suffer as a result. The Chinese premier less so. The economic nationalism of the U.S. since Donald Trump assumed office is related to the hegemony promoted by the Obama administration and the current leading presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden. China has also defied predictions that its authoritarianism would inhibit its capacity to innovate. 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