Listen to the trailer for Holy Week. Everyone should have the right to purchase and display symbols for themselves on private property, but [not force the flag to] represent all citizens of any particular community, Johnson says, because they dont. Kevin Davis sits on the tailgate of his truck in Simpson County, Mississippi. All Rights Reserved. Black American flags are the flags that mean "no quarter shall be given." Embrace Violence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 The Havok Journal. Southern politicians displayed the Confederate battle flag when they railed against Truman. It turned into one big heckuva mess. A State Capitol Police Officer in Connecticut donated a handcrafted wood rendering of the Thin Blue Line flag for display at the State Capitol. Directed by Clint Eastwood; written by William Broyles Jr. and Paul Haggis, based on the book by James Bradley with Ron Powers; director of photography, Tom Stern; edited by Joel Cox; music by Mr.. Optimistic takes began to roll out: The world was changing, policing reforming. Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. A raid last week against a militia group in the West Bank town of Jenin, in which the Israeli military killed 10 people - militants. Thats what states rights were about: protecting slavery, he says. At the moment, it is a Republican disease. After the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education, white Southerners used the Confederate flag to intimidate civil rights activists and demonstrate states' willingness to protect segregation at all costs. We try to help people.. As Hussein Ibish warned in a recent article in the Atlantic, "The cancer of political violence is not an endemic American disease. She grew up in Red Bay, Alabama, in a former slave region that the last census showed as 93% white and 1% black. He did not violate some implicit rule of Confederate chivalry or politesse. The friends reject being offended over what Hentz calls just a piece of cloth. For this chosen group, violence is the answer. Each week, we explore unique solutions to some of the world's biggest problems. , a common flag symbol sometimes called the Southern cross. The Ku Klux Klan flew it at lynching parties and angry mobs waved it outside public schools as black children enrolled; in front of white segregation academies and next to leering dogs unleashed on black protesters wanting the right to vote. Kek Flags Supporters of President Trump storm the United States Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington DC. Listen to the trailer for, Dear Therapist: I Divorced My Dying Wife Once She Was No Longer Lucid, did all they could to disassociate themselves, who understood the logical conclusion of Confederate rhetoric. I have struggled. Lindy nods, describing her childhood of poverty when the familys land was all they had left. We know about our family, their sacrifices, he says of his 20 ancestors who fought for the Confederacy. And that amnesia came at the expense of black Americans. Johnson would not censor individual ownership or display of Confederate regalia but also not continue official approval to historic symbols of racial violence and oppression. Just a point of history Prior to Roofs massacre, the South Carolina NAACP had waged a 15-year boycott against the state for its [Confederate] flag display, Johnson says. McCluney teaches his black students his Confederate history. On the last day, I again sit with Lindy Isonhood, this time at Deer Hollow, their other home farther south where Iras Confederate man cave, as Kate is calling the rooms weve seen, is packed with deer antlers, a boars head trophy, and little rebel flags. Why are these minorities pushing to do away with this flag? As a white woman who still flies the flag in a historically black South Carolina neighborhood put it, it's about. Those are the kind of historical interpretations that make the Confederate flag seem like a harmless symbol of regional heritage. Men who would rather dance with the devil in the valley of the shadow of death than sit at a Starbucks, sipping a $10 coffee while contemplating whether their skinny jeans are adequately squeezing all available testosterone into their systems in hope of fulfilling their latest desire of obtaining a beard. In actuality, it is better than a gold standard, because violence has universal value. Cries for forgiveness and moans of helplessness will fill their dwellings. In the early 1950s, stock car racers, Southern universities, and social groups embraced the Confederate flag, Coski wrote in his book. He is right, but only to a point. Made in the USA . When her husband came later, the storekeeper admonished him in front of young Ira. And the new story was more flattering to the South. 0:57. Trump and his followers were loud, exuberant and enthusiastic on Jan. 6. Take Down the Confederate Flag - The Atlantic Give a last-minute gift with a lasting impact. Sitting quietly in the corner, they wait patiently, hoping for the best but prepared to do the absolute worst. If the legislature follows Haley's wishes to move the flag, it will end a conflict that's been going on for more than 40 years. Most (southerners) did not have a dog in the hunt, he says. The south was demanding a federal slavery code to force all states to comply with the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and return runaways to owners, even as northern states were passing personal liberty laws to circumvent what abolitionists called the bloodhound law. Cowardice, too, is heritage. By the mid-20th century, the flag symbolized white resistance to ending segregation laws. That's certainlytrue for the most dangerous and most effective of Donald Trump's allies, henchmen, henchwomen,and other followers. The week that followed Martin Luther King Jr.s assassination was revolutionaryso why was it nearly forgotten? While it includes the saltire, or Southern Cross, it never included the full battle flag. Barnes has black friends, he says, and points out that African Americans use the N-word. It looks like they reduced use of force for a few weeks after killing George Floyd and then *increased* police violence substantially. The flag that Dylann Roof embraced, which many South Carolinians embrace, endorses the violence he committed. "In the first phase, tension builds and a . Trump and his regimegave permission and encouragement to his followers and other supporters to engage in antisocial and other anti-human behavior on a national scale. At first, white Southerners mostly displayed it at Civil War cemeteries and at memorials and veterans' reunions. Their mentality is flag-draped, all noblesse oblige and wounded besiegement, but their actions are those of armies accountable only to their own leadership. President Truman had vowed to do more to promote civil rights, integrating the military and telling the NAACP that civil rights could not wait. It flew for all colors, black, white, whatever, she says. Their beliefs will be turned upside down as entire units are brought down without mercy as if God himself smite them. For America to counteract the deep underlying illness that has made Trumpism possiblewill require a long-term cultural and moral reckoning. The Confederate flag began enjoying unprecedented national popularity and became a cultural symbol after World War II, just as the federal government began trying to make good on its Reconstruction-era civil rights promises. White mobs at the University of Alabama carried Confederate flags when they threw rocks at Autherine Lucy, the university's first black student, before the university decided to expel her rather than protect her. As recently as 2011, Haley dismissed concerns about the flag, saying she thought the state had moved on. Covid vaccinations, mostly. A black FedEx man wouldnt come through the front door, she says, instead leaving heavy packages on the porch because he thinks were racial. I add that the division most hurts poor whites and people of color. The flag even became popular in the North: a man purchasing the flag in New Jersey told Life he was doing it to oppose Truman. As red flags show up more and more over time, you'll start noticing patterns of behavior. I later relay Lindys questions to Genesis Be, a 31-year-old hip-hop artist, public speaker and anti-Confederate flag activist from Biloxi. Yet the Confederate battle flagthe flag of Dylann Roofstill flies on the Capitol grounds in Columbia. Hentz, 41, is from Missouri, once a violent slave state, but calls the flag just an inanimate object, adding: Stop letting it control you.. Enjoy.. Not the main stream core freedoms that our country was founded on, rather the diminutive pieces of thread that weave together to form the very fabric that holds our great nation together. God judge me, not man. In fact, if the originalhost dies, he or she can beelevated to the status ofmartyr for "the cause,"serving to inspireexisting followers and lure in new ones. But it's not a coincidence that white Southerners were embracing the Confederate battle flag just as the South's system of violently enforced white supremacy was under its first real threat since Reconstruction. And I would do all this with just few men; hand picked and war hardened. And they`re willing to take up arms for it.". Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. The writer Patrick Wyman has hypothesized that the flagrancy of police violence against protesters is part of a strategy of exemplary violence, akin to the outsize and grotesque revenges inflicted on participants in medieval peasants rebellions. Potter was the president of the local police union . The group split from Vanguard America (VA) in late August 2017, several months after VA participated in a white supremacist rally on the capitol steps in Austin, Texas. In 1994, the legislature seriously considered a compromise, but it later fell apart. After the north won, it imposed a harsh Reconstruction on the south that still fuels white resentment today. Be, who discusses the flag respectfully with friends who like it, challenges Massey, Hentz and others to probe deeper. Its not us thats racial; its them thats racial. By the time Mississippi embedded it into its new state flag in. Flag Heads specializes in Confederate flag-themed merchandise in Seminary, Mississippi. Editors Note: Removing it requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of the legislature. To this point, theDemocratic Party and the political and news media classin general have remained in denial, and largely passive in response. Fascism is a highly virulent social disease that usually destroys the host body but not before spreading the disease to many other people. Ongoing inequities, Be reminds, are bolstered by a kinder, gentler version of Confederate history rewritten after the south lost the civil war and its rights to maintain and extend slavery. Many people were taught certain things.. Davis is circumspect on the complicated history: I can say it was wrong, and I hope I wouldnt have participated in (slavery), but how can we know for sure?. All rights reserved. A New York Timeseditorial published two days after four girls were killed in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church claimed segregationists were committing "desecration" of the Confederate symbol. Violence has become the central act through which the far right understands political agency, which is why fantasies about harming the nation's "enemies" journalists, activists, opposition . Yes, he was. because for those who embrace violence, the ones who chose to embrace evil share the same blood. So did the Citizens' Councils, white supremacist groups of prominent and successful people who opposed integration. Enter your email Subscribe Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it Pin on Pinterest McCluney, 53, is a national officer in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which accepts male descendants of southern soldiers. The first cut of the film also showed Lindy and husband, Ira Isonhood, flying the Confederate battle flag on a 20ft pole in the backyard of one of their homes. After she sat on a jury that condemned a man to death, she now campaigns for alternatives to execution and stars in a new documentary about her experience. The Christian flag? she asks. This country was formed for the white, not for the black man. As a white woman who still . I just had to go cut a black boy down off that hanging tree and take him to his mama.. Theyre not afraid of being filmed, because being filmed simply reinforces the central theme: If you come to protest, an action that explicitly challenges the order and my place in it, this is the consequence. The SCV is correct, though, that Lincoln did not initially call for emancipation. She supports Mississippians right to keep it as is. Such a stark symbolic contrast reminds us that our nation's long-standing cultural embrace that equates guns with liberty ignores the degree to which gun violence has historically also meant. Surely the flags defenders will proffer other, muddier, interpretations which allow them the luxury of looking away. The Confederacy itself was founded to preserve slavery and promote white supremacy (see, for example, : "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery the greatest material interest of the world," or the. But black newspapers didn't buy it: "Have we so soon forgot what the Confederate flag represents?" Most Confederacy fans may cherry-pick their sides history, but many are more precise about the chinks in the Yankees armor including that not everyone up north was hip to slavery ending, either. The flag's supporters didn't buy the fad theory, either. Ultimately, Donald Trump, like other fascist and authoritarian leaders, is the symptom of a sick society. Most of em dont know what it means, she says. It was removed after some legislators felt it could be, "interpreted as anti . Thelethal attack on the Capitol hadbeenpublicly announced weeks in advance, and should have come as no surprise. But one mans prison sentence for a murder seen by millions on camera is a long way from the transformation we need. I would not be up around the last flag making a chain gang to keep somebody from taking it down, Davis says. Its not about hatred. He adds that blacks fought for the south, too. The first was discarded because it looked too much like the American flag. The LAPD was left to rack up overtime in an abundance of caution. The NYPD tailed protesters fruitlessly across bridges and through parks. That the Confederate flag is the symbol of of white supremacists is evidenced by the very words of those who birthed it: Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. Nobody, my whole town, she says. Trump and his followers were loud, exuberant and enthusiastic on Jan. 6. For four years have I waited, hoped and prayed for the dark clouds to break, and for a restoration of our former sunshine. They are met by massed and prepared force. However you interpret these videos posted byTrump followers and otherneofascists which couldbe mainly performative it is clearly true that the Americanright isincreasingly willing to accept or condoneviolence as a means of expanding and protecting their social and political power. Whats next? Barnes, 66, beams as he hands us his SCV card with Nathan Bedford Forrest, the wealthy Memphis slave trader and first KKK grand wizard, pictured on the front. But slavery was waning, McCluney insists, and the north should have let it fade naturally. In the interest of reuniting white Americans, the narrative around the Civil War changed in its aftermath. In our world there lives a relativity small group of guardians who not only stand ready to do violence on the behalf of others, but actually wait anxiously for the opportunity. The phrase the thin blue line is older, perhaps first popularized in 1922 by New York City police Commissioner Richard Enright, who used the phrase to describe police as that intensive battle line, the first line of defense against criminality., By the 1980s, the phrase had gone fully mainstream, propped up by a symbiotic relationship between increasingly powerful urban police departments and sympathetic media; in Errol Morris 1988 film of the same name, a judge told the camera that police were the thin blue line that separates the public from anarchy.. Violence transcends the quirks of philosophy, religion, technology and cultureIt's time to quit worrying and learn to love the battle axe. The Confederate flag represents pride in the face of poverty to Massey, who came to Mississippi in 2001, the same year voters decided against changing the state flag. Theres also a civil war chess set. itol began flying the flag in 1962 and never stopped. Our ancestors fought under that flag, Barnes says. Few filmmakers can resist the thrill of the rocket's red glare and the spectacle of death; the violence is simply too exciting. It was 1957 when little Lindy Lubys great-uncle showed up at her house near Benton, Mississippi, where the family had lived for generations. The American Flag is positioned on the left, slightly higher than the Thin Blue Line flag. Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. By the morning, protesters with signs and chants had dispersed, leaving the Thin Blue Line flag to fly alone in a hazy sky. A little more than a week before the jury delivered its verdict in the trial of former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, and about 10 miles from the Hennepin County Government Center where Chauvin sat on trial, 20-year-old Daunte Wright was fatally shot by an officer during a traffic stop. Surely the flags defenders will proffer other, muddier, interpretations which allow them the luxury of looking away. (Kean Collection via Getty Images). In an average week, they triage 30 referrals from local police, reviewing scenarios in which officers believe a resident is at risk of committing gun violence. Yes, they say civil war, and they say it's already started. In the 2000 Republican primary, both George W. Bush and John McCain were asked what should be done about the flag. The flag that Dylann Roof embraced, which many South Carolinians embrace, endorses the violence he committed. Other slogans on flags, clothing or signs . Thirteen of his ancestors fought for the south, but most didnt own slaves. Three died in battle, and one in a makeshift hospital in the Lyceum at Ole Miss in Oxford, Mississippi one of numerous buildings built by slaves. There would not have been a war over tariffs.. I would be sad about it, not violently upset. Across the U.S., a militarized police force and the National Guard prepared to do what they had done so often in the face of ongoing uprisings against police violence: They prepared to brutalize their critics with every weapon they had. Nikki Haley spoke of unity. Studies have shown that police dont solve most violent crimes. Protesters hold up umbrellas and American flags in the face of advancing riot police in the district of Yuen Long on July 27, 2019, in Hong Kong (Laurel Chor/Getty Images). It was not an unusual number of new cases for the department's eight-member gun violence restraining order unit, which Brooker oversees. A New Jersey man bought a Confederate flag to oppose the Truman administration in 1951. The South Carolina state Capitol began flying the flag in 1962 and never stopped. Nikki Haley said Monday that it was time South Carolina removed the Confederate battle flag from its state capitol grounds, in the aftermath of a shooting that killednine people at a Bible study at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. Because, my friends, if we lose this country today, if we bend the knee to the Democrats today, our country will be lost forever, our children will never know what freedom is. Save your lovely souls. Chauncey can be followed onTwitterandFacebook. Thomasa Massey, 49, jumps out of her car at Pearl Park in a majority-white Jackson suburb wearing a T-shirt with Confederate butterflies she designed with Pride, Not Prejudice underneath. Even as some embrace mutual aid, others resort to violence. College students who supported Strom Thurmond's segregationist presidential campaign in 1948 waved Confederate flags at campaign events. Other official flags were also displayed during the Nazi regime. In practice, fascism is given life and takes corporeal form through itsfollowers, with each one being a potential carrier of the pathology. ), Schools are not teaching history the right way, he says. In the aftermath of a shooting apparently motivated by white supremacy, even as South Carolina's state flag and the American flag were lowered to half-staff, the Confederate flag continued to fly. Anything less, and the disease of American fascism will only go dormant until it is resurrected again perhaps in amore dangerous and virulent form. Politically correct groups seized that opportunity to make it seem like that flag came down that pole, walked down into that church and killed those people, he says. Something went wrong. The civil rights movement didn't change the flag's meaning it simply made the hate underlying the heritage more explicit. Photograph: Kate Medley, Pride and prejudice? The most widespread Nazi flag featured a black swastika in a white circle on a red field. In April 2001, Mississippians voted along race lines to keep the flag as it was. NFQ Embrace Violence Flag NFQ Embrace Violence Flag Item Information Condition: New without tagsNew without tags Price: US $25.00 NFQ Embrace Violence Flag Sign in to check outCheck out as guest Adding to your cart The item you've selected was not added to your cart. Look at whats happening to our statues! he says. This article first appeared in The Havok Journal on 27 August, 2014. Dont ever allow your wife to sign Mrs again! he warned. And looking upon African Slavery from the same stand-point held by the noble framers of our constitution. In 1863, the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger wrote that the flag's Southern cross pointed to "the destiny of the Southern master and his African slave" the Confederacy's hoped-for expansion of slavery into Latin America. Most of the soldiers were young a fifth were under 18 and few owned any of the 4 million slaves in the US. Those who object are subject to exemplary violence. Alabama Governor George Wallace who promised to fight for "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" began flying the Confederate flag when Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy came to Alabama in 1963 to discuss integrating the state's universities. The streets fill with bodies and stinging, painful clouds. In actuality, it is better than a gold standard, because violence has universal value. For 75 years, it was used as a reminder of the nobility of that cause. The 1860 census shows 49% of families in Mississippi one in two owned at least one slave. Rather than thinking that they ought to be chastened by being caught on tape beating, tear-gassing, and pepper-spraying protesters, perhaps doing all this in full view of the public is the point, Wyman wrote in a column addressing the war scenes in American streets surrounding the initial wave of Floyd protests. Sitting there, they see clearly what those who reject violence are blind to, that the evil they face is real and it is most definitely coming. The flag, which has gone on to earn its creators company, Thin Blue Line USA, a healthy living selling related merchandise, literalizes this vision: a U.S. flag in a stark photonegative scheme, save for a broad line of blue. The night was solemn; speakers at marches coast to coast acknowledged the heavy toll a single rare verdict of a police officer found guilty of murder had taken. The war really was about slavery, and they didnt hide it then, I say as she listens intently. The flag of the Thin Blue Line rises and rises. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. The Confederate flag controversy: What does the flag mean today? In actuality, it is better than a gold standard, because violence has universal value. As Hong Kong police denied the protesters a permit to march, they attacked the crowd despite its peaceful nature, using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse them. Her friend Evangela Hentz, who is black, opens the passenger door, and we all run through the rain to a pavilion. "The hate-filled murderer who massacred our brothers and sisters in Charleston has a sick and twisted view of the flag, Haley said. Do it now. We just didnt believe in racism. McCluney has taught history and government for 25 years to mostly black Delta students. And in her statement, she acknowledged South Carolinians who insist despite history's evidence to the contrary that the flag is not a racist symbol. Slavery was an issue, but not the cause, the teacher tells me. The Confederate flag was adopted to represent a short-lived rebellion to extend and protect white supremacy and black slavery. It was there when our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, were struggling to feed their six, eight, 10 kids. She immediately brings up Roof. And from the moment the design of its best-known flag was proposed, some Southerners began imbuing it with the symbolism of their cause. As the practice waned up north, white men rushed to the south, bringing slaves. Similarly, alarge proportion of Republicans believe that the rioters who stormed the CapitolonJan. 6 were "patriots" whose use of violence was justified. With this flag was an issue, but it later fell apart 31-year-old hip-hop artist, public speaker and flag... The legislature others resort to violence flag making a chain gang to keep somebody from taking it,. Friend Evangela Hentz, who discusses the flag respectfully with friends who like it, challenges Massey, Hentz others... The luxury of looking away resistance to ending segregation laws transformation we need for America to the. 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