Take whatever you like, but you should probably flip Safiya herself over to the crossbow and keep her back. When youre thoroughly buffed and ready to go, select your main character and tell the rest of your party to hold their ground via the right-click Commands menu. Youll need to overcome these obstacles, then bash your soul out of the wall. The southwestern vault contains no Tomes, but it does contain a solder named Kelthanos who drops a Belt of Storm Giant Strength and a Talisman of Pure Good. Although the game had its rough spots, many of them were polished after patching, allowing Obsidian to focus on loads of new content for the expansion pack, Mask of the Betrayer. If he does survive, though (which he will, if you run Gann or Kaelyn over and immediately Heal him), hell survive for the final fight and youll net some experience. To the west lies the Betrayers Gate, but its well guarded by Death Lords and a King Lich. Shes surrounded by a frightful aura that will probably cause most of your party members to flee in terror; Gann seems to be immune to this, and Kaelyn may be as well. If you want to kill the spirits, do so and move on. You can also attempt to fight all of the spirits within the vault, if you wish. Search the room and be sure to pick up the Heal potions in the corner chest. Having a full craving bar will indicate that you're letting the spirit-eater within you, which in turn will grant you new powers. Dispatch the mummies, then move down the ramp into the scriptorium. The third option will shift you towards lawful evil, while the fourth will just shift you towards evil. Keep your ranged attackers back, summon a couple of creatures to help you out, and go to town. You have two options: attempt to destroy him, or claim to be his master and gain his services. If youre interested in following the Ceremonies of the Hunt books instructions, this will be a necessary item. Bring that soul back to the pit fiends and trade them for the soul you need to unlock Nefris door. Its almost entirely a negative state; although you may think that youd gain some kind of vampiric superpowers, instead, youre mostly going to be crippled if you dont feed your need. Safiya is one of the best utility characters in the game, as she can buff every party member quite thoroughly, create magical arms and armor, create wondrous items, and use her familiar to pick locks and detect traps. Either way you go, search the packs here to find the Ring of Frozen Falls and the Sacred Pouch. The benefit is for berserkers only: you gain an extra +2 AC bonus when you rage, with larger bonuses if you have Greater or Mighty Rage. A full party could be created and directly controlled by the player (as opposed to Neverwinter Nights, where only one character could be directly controlled at a time). Monk smashes most everything to tiny, bloody chunks with their fists and feet. Theyre locked, and cant be Knocked open, and Kaji was about three points shy of being able to pick the locks. Death knights are tough individually, but three of them put together is an even tougher proposition. You can ask him a great many things. I might sound like a complete moron but you can have 4 different classes in NWN these days?! Ammon Jerro, when revived, acts as an information source for the end of the NWN2 campaign. The Tome of KaTai is to the southeast; again, you can either take it, or let the priest who holds it escape. The first room you enter here has locked doors to the west and south and an unlocked door to the north. This is considered a good action. Head there and attempt to find out how she communed with Myrkul. Head through and start looking around, killing the mummified priests that appear. If you buff yourself properly before the fight and summon helpers, they should go down quickly. First of all, you will require an item called Enchantment Focus which is sold within the Laboratory in the Lower Ward. If you eat the soul, then Okku will die and youll move on. There are a few other Orglashes in the cave, including some nonaggressive ones near the bheur; you can use your Provoke Spirits feat on them to make them hostile. Is it that dwarf fighter guy? Before you have a chance to adjust here, youll be thrown on stage at the Veil theater, being forced to take part in a play where you have a role as the Betrayer. Djafi will give you a nice set of bracers for Safiya, and you can find a Lyonsbane Ring in a vase in the entry hall; give it to your most powerful character and use it to Resurrect fallen party members if anything goes wrong. Araman and his cronies are tough, so be sure to call in some backup before approaching. and additional elemental damage. Hes mute, and doesnt talk, but no matter. Have Gann cast Summon Creature IX if possible. GameSpot's Game Guide to Mask of the Betrayer offers up the following exclusive features: Most of the followers from the NWN2 core campaign are lost to you, either killed in the collapse of the cave at the end of that game, or simply removed from you by the fact that you've been spirited away for thousands of miles. You can find a temporary ally in the forges. Nadaj will attack, and be quickly cut down by your party. I noticed that most undead would be immune to cold, and I can imagine that a few demons had resistance to fire (but not enough to dismiss fire as a whole). At the beginning of Act II, your character becomes a spirit-eater. Youll be told that there are two ways to escape from the barrow: you can either bash the bear skeleton bones in the middle of this room to anger the spirits, then defeat them; or head to the northeastern corner of the barrow to reach the Pool of Offerings. The shelves here will have some new spells for you, such as Avasculate, Power Word Petrify, and Extract Water Elemental. Youll also be able to loot the Red Guard bracers from her body, which offers 25% immunity to magic, immunity to level and ability drains, and three casts per day of the Greater Dispelling spell. Also take this time to adjust her AI settings; you may not want her casting on her own. Unfortunately, after you eliminate Dalenka, Nadaj will return and set the remaining berserkers onto you. Thank you. You can speak to him for as long as you like to learn a bit more about your curse, and how it came about, but no matter what you do, Araman will leave, with seven instructors remaining behind to take you down. If you head along the path out into the hills, youll come across Kuarra, who asks that you follow her. If you manage to defeat him (which is possible, with a very good enchanted weapon and a large number of attacks per round), youll earn the Transcendent Edge, a large falchion that appears to mostly be normal, save for the bonus feat "Spirits Ruin". In order to lift the curse, youll need the Pure Sanctuary Water that you obtained via the Re-Exile quest, as well as two more ingredients, including some leaves that Gnarlthorn gives to you. This guy was apparently rebuked by the Wood Man at some point in the past and has been cursed to remain in the grove here, but has since found the means to begin burning it down. When youre ready to leave this godforsaken cave, head to the main chamber. Your Ravenous Incarnation is pretty to look at, but not so useful in effect. If you suck up the essence of Myrkul when you encounter him, you'll earn this ability, which acts a bit like the Destroyer mechanic in Baldur's Gate II. Whether or not thats a good idea is up to you to decide. Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. Take the Blighted Leaves, the Bark Cinders, and the Pure Sanctuary Water to the Immil Vale, which is on your world map (theres an exit from the Burning Grove, incidentally). If you eliminated at least four of them, hell let you through for free. When she dies the first time, shell possess one of your party members; its unclear if theres a way to prevent this or reverse the process (perhaps you simply have to wait it out), but we went ahead and killed our party member who was possessed (Safiya, in our case); you should obviously only do this if you have some means of resurrecting her afterward. When youre ready to do so, enter the dreamscape of the Coven by speaking to one of them. If you enter, youll find a Lady Daniyarra threatening to remove the child of one Baumar Madatov. One last note: the enchanting system has been overhauled in the expansion pack, and you can now enchant weapons right in your very own backpack! As far as epic feats go, try to let her nab Epic Spell Penetration and Great Intelligence, alongside any of the epic spells that you find useful. She doesnt attack for much damage and if youre properly buffed shell have a hard time hitting you. These bears guard the Wells of Lurue. If Okku is in your party and you attempt to devour the Wood Man, hell automatically turn on you and youll be forced to kill him. When youre ready to have the golem fight, speak to Artesh again. Youll spot the Vault ahead, but dont go in yet; feel free to explore this area, kill the enemies, gain some experience, and loot the dirt mounds and unmarked graves. Luckily for you, your map is marked with some notable areas. Most of the dialogue options here will lead to fights, though, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. Useful, but you probably already have Safiya casting Mass Bulls Strength, Mass Eagles Splendor, and the other mass buff spells after you rest, and the bonuses wont stack. Speaking to Nadaj again will reveal a number of problems that you can help with. The wall will counterattack with golems and laser beams, of all things. Kill your way back to the rear cavern to find a Paragon Beast of Malar, which drops a Legendary Blood item when killed. Rammaq has designs on the tomes in Eternitys End: he plans to become a god, somehow. Handy in a pinch, although with proper management you should never have to use it. I finished OC/MotB with strengh fighter using a self made adamantite weapon with high enchantment. You can find Hellfire Powder in one of the locked chests here, as well as a bunch of magical weapons and armor on the racks nearby. If you're surrounded by enemies, such as the swarms of spirit rats outside the Sunken City, you can use this on them and grab energy from all of them at once, with a proportionally larger boost to your spirit energy meter, as well as to your craving. THX. It would appear that she really has gone crazy, and has created an image of Gann in her head, or otherwise some spirit is acting upon her. . With respect to dual wielding: get vampiric regeneration for both weapons. You arrive just outside the City of Judgment, where Zoab, a fallen angel, stands in waiting. To gain him as an ally, you need to resist the urge to devour his soul when you fight him outside of Mulsantir, which will spare his life and force him to honor an ancient pledge to help your kind fight your curse. The rumbling that this causes will open the way to Gulkaushs chamber, but the debris it brings down from the ceiling will prevent you from completing either of the other quests here and likely cost you a lot of money from bodies that you wont be able to loot. When youre ready to move on to the next part of the game, head into the Veil, go through Liennas shadow door, and talk to the Keeper of Gates. Gann may need to be in your party to obtain this quest. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. We preferred to use Okku over One of Many, ourselves. To the southwest, near the exit to the Burning Grove, you can find the entrance to the Predator Den. Acid damage is also one of the least resisted types of damage, so that's one of the better choices. Myrkul has much to reveal to you, including the fact that the spirit-eater inside you is all that remains of Akachi, the Betrayer that raised an army and attempted to overthrow Myrkuls city of the dead. Although Persistant Haste will take up a ninth-level spell slot, itll be well worth it for all members of your party, as everyone will get an extra attack per round and move 50% faster, and the spell will last until dispelled or until you rest. When youre ready to continue on your journey, itll be time to head to Shadow Mulsantir. You likely cant, unless you have a high Diplomacy skill. If you attempt to leave the room with more than one housing in your inventory, the defense system will activate (which is worth checking out at least once) and return you to the repository. One of them will drop Nentyarchs Band, a very nice ring for Gann. If you didnt like the character you played in Neverwinter Nights 2, you can also make a new character and level them up to level 18 to try out a new style of play. Head inside, being careful of traps, and fight off the Orglash that comes your way. After inquiring about the golem, tell Safiya to resurrect it (just say "Do it, then"), and youll gain some influence with her and will be able to add the golem to your group. Take Liennas key and head through the shadow portal at the rear of the Veil. After the Child and the Brute speak to you, you will have a few options. When you do go through, youll have to fight Khai, a red wizard, along with another red wizard, a couple of erinyes, and whatever creatures the fools manage to summon. Summon helper creatures if you can to help in the battle. The Soul Repository is at the center of this area. You should continue your questing in Mulsantir until youre certain that youre done with all of the side quests here, then seek out the Hill Tribe. Sure the base damage difference is less negligable in the begining but like you said, i'll find a great Longsword early in the game. Buff yourselves, then move up fairly close to them and cast a few Hellballs their way. Ammon Jerro will be uncontrollable here, as well, but hes powerful enough to take out a few of the Myrkulites by himself. The last lever will be found near the Sleeper; ask Geiard about it, and hell point you out to a gnoll nearby. The only way we were able to advance this plot was to Intimidate her and threaten to eat her spirit friend, which bizarrely caused no evil alignment shift. I also get Weapon Specialization for free at level 12 (but only for my Deity's weapon). Keep clicking on the door lever until all the mephits are dead, then pick up and drop the bodies so that all of the red mephits are in one room, and all the white mephits are in the other. The MotB crafting system adds additional recipes that are not listed here. When you head to the northern part of town, youll be attacked by a pair of Nightwalkers. Begin with the southeastern corner, which leads to. Thatll leave you with the Shape of Fire Essence, which you can throw into your Enchanters Satchel and use with the Mold Spirits feat to enhance a weapon or piece of armor. Ask Imsha and Tamlith in the Immil Vale if theyve seen anything strange recently, and theyll tell you of a bheur, a hag that spreads winter wherever it goes. Despite his threats against you, Zoab and his men will simply wait for you across the way, allowing you to make the first hostile act. Try to be flattering whenever possible; hes a bit of a peacock. There isnt much of note in here, save for many, many animals. The new ones still retain the old item's description, though you can change the name. Kill all of the treants here, then speak to Gnarlthorn. Doing so will net you the Jar of Condensed Orglash Essences, which can be applied to weapons in order to make anything they touch freeze. ), For the purposes of this walkthrough, we decided to import our lawful evil scythe weaponmaster. Hes the equivalent of a level 20 fighter at the outset, with huge armor and attack bonuses, as well as some huge stats (37 strength and 27 constitution, for instance). He doesnt know where it is, but points you towards the same ancient vault that the Prodigal Daughter quest will apparently be taking you to. He wont have much unique to sell you, but still, feel free to peruse his inventory. If you like, you can try using something like Dismissal to try and get yourself rid of them and let you focus on the casters. Regardless of which side you fight for, youll have three subquests to pursue: attacking/defending the archives at Eternitys End; help defend/secure the gate to ensure that more troops can or cant get in; or head to the Basilica of Lost Hope and kill/defend the Voice of Kelemvor. If you want a quest relating to the trip, talk to Sheva Whitefeather at the Temple of the Three here in town. When the spirits are dead, accept the mask fragment from the woman who looks like Safiya. At the beginning of the fight, summon a Mordenkainens Sword and/or Orglash to help you out and to distract your opponents. The wyverns here will cast a debuff on you, but it will fade away after a turn or two, so no need to use Restoration on it. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. The teleporter here will lead to a room with Spiritwalkers in it, and an awesome shield for clerics in a chest, but the teleporter that leads onward is to the south of the obvious one. Needless to say, buff yourself extremely thoroughly before starting this fight. Its a guessing game of the most infuriating sort, and itll require you to have a pen and paper and make a bunch of guesses as to how to proceed. Hell tell you that there are three trials that you have to pass, administered by Lena, Forovan, and Yulia. This is considered a Lawful Good action. Master Inarus, on the eastern side of the classroom floor, asks you to devour a soul or a spirit in front of his class. Its kind of like a library for souls. Check the blacksmiths desk as well before heading to the southeast. Gann also has a number of spirit-related abilities, but well be honest and say that we never used them and still got through the game just fine. Using Devour Spirit on the elemental when its in the "near death" stage of things will net you a Pristine Spirit Essence, so thats definitely something you want to take advantage of. Devouring Spirits can be done with a new feat that youve obtained; you'll want to place it on your action bar so that it's convenient. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE), Press J to jump to the feed. At this point, if you havent done so, cast your summoning spells in between your party and Okku, then have your main character run behind them so that theyre the first thing the spirit army hits when they come your way. Every character should have Spiderskin, Stoneskin/Premonition, and all of the Mass Bulls Strength, etc., buffs that you can cast. Doing so will net you a new follower, named One of Many. However, she can cast Mordenkainens Sword and Create Greater Undead, both of which will probably serve your needs until you get Gann. Telthor: If you have Okku in your party, he will want to drive these Telthor off from the area; they apparently have been corrupted by dwelling in the shadow plane. On your way back to the Temple of Kelemvor, you can speak to Susah or Efrem to wrap up the quest that led you to Kaelyn. Before you do so, though, head to the Prison to find another character that will join you on your quest. Just 30 levels of Monk. If youre evil you can try to extort a little cash from them before goading them into a fight. If you head into the golem construction area on the eastern side of the floor, youll run into Artesh, wholl tell you how to create your own golem and place it into the gladiator ring, should you wish to do so. Zinoviy and his gang will set upon you if you happen to set upon them. This is a tough fight, especially if you try to engage all of Aramans forces at once. Thatll gain you some experience and let you move on to search the furnace, which contains the replica of the Sword of the Gith that you lost at the beginning of the expansion. (This may have been a bug, and if so may have been patched out, but still, it made him pretty annoying to party with.). If you nab the spirit core, you can place that and a Brilliant Spirit Essence into an Enchanters Satchel, then use your Mold Spirits feat on it to obtain a Shining Spirit Core. Inquire as to why theyre waiting for the Coven, then "ask nicely" to see if you can get past them. If you keep him in your party until he hits level 30, hell eventually break 700 hit points if you buff him with extra Constitution. If you head to the docks here, you can head into the sloop. Gawatha: Gawatha is an orc shaman that has come to ask the Coven about a boy in his possession, named Kepob. Like Safiya, his neutrality makes it relatively easy to gain influence with him regardless of your own alignment. When the enemies are dead, loot the bodies and head through the portal beyond. If your appetites get the better of you, or you simply prefer to devour all the spirits that you see, you can maximize your craving meter. unfortunately NWN2 doesn't have its own board. In terms of combat spellcasting, Kaelyn has a full suite of summoning spells at her disposal (including her racial spell Summon Planetar), and is probably a better healer than Gann, since she can cast spells like Mass Heal and Greater Restoration that he cant, although shell need to keep her Concentration score up if she intends to cast in combat. Bracers +10 ac. Before you begin your quest, you can take the time to import one of your old characters to the game, if you wish. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer Character Build FAQ . Immunity to Knockdown, Mind affecting, negative level, ability decrease, poison, disease, slow, movement speed decrease, paralysis, entangle, critical hits, stun, sneak attacks; immunity to evocation, illusion and necromancy and permanent immunity to spells level II and below. My intention is to get Blazing Aura (as early as possible without totally gimping my character). When youre ready to move on, return to Mulsantir and sell the huge number of magical clubs you have at the merchants, and stock up on new ammo for Gann and Safiya, if necessary. The first thing youll want to do here is cast Mordenkainens Disjunction on the group of spellcasters; thatll drop much of their protections. If your main character isnt a warrior of some sort, shell be immediately valuable as a frontline fighter, since she can wear heavy armor and shields as a cleric, as well as heal and cast offensive spells. Be sure to use Devour Spirit on it to gain a Pristine essence. . When it joins your party, OOM is a rogue character, but presumably it can switch to become a warrior or another type of character based on leveling or your influence gains. Once per day, you can spend XP to top off your spirit energy meter. Gann is a chaotic neutral Hagspawn Spirit Shaman, so hell take some getting used to. She also has no combat-oriented feats save for Power Attack. Funny! You can find some golem parts around, with a couple of fine examples being in Safiyas quarters, as well as new soul housings in Inarus chambers and the southwestern room in the main hall here. Head through it and explore a bit. One way or another, this quest will end when you speak to her. If you head north from the entrance to this zone, youll encounter Janiik, a man who complains that Gann has driven his daughter mad. Using that ability is also a Good action. He was the one who sought to trap the spirit-eating curse inside Okkus barrow, to prevent anyone else from finding it and taking it into themselves. Give the scrolls to Safiya to let her scribe them if you cant use them yourself. Use the Hold command to ensure that Safiya stays put, then head through the level and ensure that the beams can reach their final destination by rotating the mirrors. Gann may eventually wind up being a romantic option for female characters. This applies to the last updated original version of nwn2 - perhaps mods can fix it. If your party manages to chew through the wolves and other spirits around Okku, feel free to attack him a bit. If you have good saves against immobilizing effects, then you should be able to act fairly autonomously, but if youre a fighter or another character with less than great spell saves, youre going to find yourself dazed or paralyzed for most of the fight. Ask him to open the fourth gate so that you can reach the Thayvian Academy, then head through the portal to do so. With a little talking here ("If you claim to follow Kelemvor"), you can convince him that he should abandon his studies in the Temple, because if he continues them, hell wind up in the Wall of the Faithless in the afterlife. Axe Unbreaking III and Mending Sharpness V - Just like swords, increases melee damage done significantly. You seem to retain whatever buffs you enter with, so cast a bunch of them on yourself and go to town on the berserkers as they arrive. Sucking down the Wood Man's essence will cause Okku to turn on you, so dismiss him before the fight if necessary. One way or another, you're going to be fighting your way out of here. Beyond his spellcasting, though, Ganns combat feats mostly revolve around the shortbow. With the southeastern corner, which isnt necessarily a bad thing just outside the City of Judgment where. Very nice Ring for gann, we decided to import our lawful evil, while fourth... A Pristine essence acts as an information source for the end of the wall will with! For the soul Repository is at the center of this walkthrough, we decided to import lawful... - just like swords, increases melee damage done significantly no combat-oriented feats save for Many, Many animals that! To fight all of the spirits are dead, loot the bodies and head through the portal do. 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