And as such, it also serves as a powerful ally during a womans moon cycle. You will adopt a more logical and rational approach to moments of disquiet and disharmony. This crystal has inherent feminine energy and properties, so it helps to balance Taureans out. Its high vibration carries calmness and peace. It creates an alignment and flow with light energy through the whole central energy system of the body. To cleanse your selenite: Use a smudge stick to draw the crystal through the smoke. If you have concerns about your physical or mental health then you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. Selenite is a must for spiritual work. Saliva: Edibles can be detected in saliva for 1 to 3 days. Heather Askinosie, the co-founder of Energy Muse Jewelry, told Mind Body Green that for this reason, selenite is great to put in the windowsills of your home. This is because they infuse the body with a white light that can heal. Some other features of Peach Selenite are as follows: Largest selenite specimen found in the crystal caverns of the Naika Mine, measuring 12 meters. Pair that with the purifying light, and the stone is said to help instill a sense of lighthearted creativity and fun. Selenites natural healing properties can remove any blockages that are preventing the healthy flow of good energies throughout your body a room. When you are in a committed relationship but things are starting to feel strained and you no longer feel connected to each other, Selenite can work on bringing you back together and restoring what was lost in your relationship. Put a selenite tower or wand on any section of the body that is in pain. Mindfulness-based clinical interventions such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) typically recommend practicing meditation for 40-45 minutes per day. Selenite is full of divine feminine energy. At times Selenite will be solid inside the Limestone without any cavities, other times it can be found in cavities, for example on a stalactite or stalagmite. Try it, and see how you like it. If you want to focus on your emotional goals, this crystal pairing is the right one for you. Kyanite can be used to protect against geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution, environmental toxins and dangerous pathogens. These are associated with mental clarity and divine inspiration. Grab a piece of selenite, its better to use a selenite wand if you have one and slowly brush it down your body from head to your feet about while keeping the selenite about 1-2 inches away from your body. Clear quartz resonates with all the chakras while releasing any blockages in the energetic body. If you want answers or need guidance, use selenite in meditation. Selenite's healing energies can reduce pain, soreness, or blockages in your body by placing it on the affected body part for 30 minutes. It will inspire you to believe in the power of love. It can also cause testicular shrinkage and breast enlargement in men. Since black tourmaline absorbs negativity to transmute it, it needs regular cleansing. These can be purchased from specialist vendors, and often combine other crystals in some way in the more ornate and expensive ones. If youve been searching for love but havent had much luck finding one that lasts, Selenite crystals can help you. Selenite towers also amplify the effects of any other crystals for focus you have in the office. Considering this, you should start wearing Selenite to receive maximum benefits. Place your crystal . Selenite is often called "liquid light" because it is like a white light that clarifies your body. Selenite can help you stabilize your emotions and feel calm. 1. Using a wand over your chest can help with circulation of oxygen and relieve congestion. Selenite is a powerful stone that absorbs negativity, cleanses other crystals, and amplifies positive energy. Selenite is said to be the perfect gateway into an anxiety-free, calming sleep due to its high frequency vibrations when placed near the body. The translucent white nature of Selenite represents spiritual purity, light, and connection to the angelic realms. It does not store any personal data. Selenite promotes a feeling of harmony and is unlikely to make you the hard nose entrepreneur who puts money and workaholism before all else. According to studies, consuming foods with selenium such as Brazil nuts, eggs, liver, tuna, cod and sunflower seeds . One of the most popular stones in history for protection purposes, Jade has been revered for thousands of years as it possesses some truly incredible healing powers. Because this stone is so versatile, it doesnt matter if you happen to wear it, accessorize with it or decorate your home with ornaments featuring it. . Here are the ten best crystals and stones to ward off negativity: Black Tourmaline for grounding. We use selenite rods in our meditation practice, as calming - and . What selenite is made of. Aside from its attractive appearance, a selenite bowl will cleanse your crystal rings of negative energy. This is a good practice to have, especially when youre surrounded by so many people every day. Its calming properties makes it ideal for meditation and spiritual work. If you want to purchase Selenite in bulk, expect lower prices for greater quantities. Place your crystal in a bowl of dry salt. Place your crystal in a bowl of dry salt. Selenite's name literally translates to "stone of the moon" or "moonstone.". Selenite can occur alongside other minerals such as Calcite, for example in Limestone caves and caverns. Selenite resembles the body's skeletal structure, making it a good stone to aid in spinal injuries, promoting overall flexibility, and correcting the . good for removing negative or unwanted energies from the environment, such as those that might make you feel uncomfortable or depressed; can help you in dealing with any type of negativity that is holding you back from moving forward and achieving your goals; can assist you with realizing what you really desire in life; helps to bring more positivity into your life by clearing away the negative energies, and so much more. Selenite is softer than gypsum and is often found as botryoidal masses. You can move the selenite wand to the arms, legs, or to help blast out smaller meridian pathways. Clearing Blockages in the Body: Selenite is a useful tool for removing energy blockages in your body. The place that selenite stones thrive most is on either side of the head. Selenite. It occurs in well-formed transparent or semi-opaque white, milky, yellow-white, gray, beige, or orange elongated crystals. How long does 600mg edible last in your system? . Selenite brings calm and peace to any room, making it a soothing crystal for your bedroom. You will find that its lighter and cleaner in the morning. 10. Golden selenite is also said to raise your awareness and help you connect with higher beings. Gold selenite is highly prized for its' intense healing benefits that work on the whole body. The crown chakra and selenite both resonate with the frequency of pure, spiritual light. Amethyst. This stone also reminds us that we are always connected to the universe. While the name selenite originally referred to the transparent variety, nowadays, it can also refer to the striated, fibrous version called satin spar (which is also a variety of . It is a unique property that makes it an excellent charging stone. It will harmonise your energy centres so that your root chakra, heart chakra and third eye are balanced. underneath your bed. Selenite has a very high vibration and strong healing properties. Where Should You Place Black Obsidian in the Home? Finally, Selenites brilliant white radiance symbolizes the angelic realms and allows us to communicate with these spiritual beings. Selenite is a great stone for meditation, try placing selenite near your feet. It will increase the vibration of any stone or mineral that it is combined with, as well as enhancing their healing properties and supercharging them for your specific intent. Selenite Crystal would be a good and powerful ally because of its vibration's high frequency. Place a wand on your heart pointing to your third eye. Its a wonderful tool of enlightenment when it comes to your life, your spirit, and all the things and people that you interact within this world. Spiritual and Healing Benefits of Selenite. It is excellent for removing any negative energy from you, and purging that which you do not wish to experience. As selenite is a cleansing stone with a peaceful energy, there are certain areas of the home that may benefit from its healing properties more than others. Placing Moonstones around your house will help neutralise any harmful vibrations coming from cables or wires which may otherwise seep into your homes energy field! Sometimes it has tiny impurities of brown clay or sand, which is also a good sign for you that selenite is real. You may also want to place a protective crystal by the front door, such as black tourmaline. Support on Patreon! It dulls the best of its metaphysical properties, and youll find that the stone almost seems to have no shine when you retrieve it from a dark place. Selenite brings calm and peace to any room, making it a soothing crystal for your bedroom. Selenite crystals are found most commonly in sedimentary deposits, however, they can be found in igneous rocks too. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Place it in moonlight overnight. The Salt Plains in northern Oklahoma are the only place in the world to produce the unique "hourglass" selenite. As a certified health coach and yoga instructor, Sandra has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of health and wellness. Selenite is commonly used for meditation. Selenite is a powerful cleansing crystal for mediation, calming, and protection. The feeling of relaxation and serenity this stone provides you with will be complemented by a keen sense of mental sharpness and agility. Other factors that can affect the cost are quantities ordered, modifications such as carving or polishing (which may be charged additionally), and additional costs incurred during shipping such as custom duties or importation taxes. You will become more conscious of the world youre in and the energies surrounding you. Its also a good stone to have with you to protect you from any form of psychic attack. It has been used by shamans all over the world for protection against dark magic/curses/hexes etc., and can be used to protect against geopathic stress. While any selenite shape will work, a selenite tower or a selenite candle holder are two great options. Its high vibration allows it to absorb any out-of-balance energies (including geopathic stress) before they can harm you. Rather, its better to bring the flaws in your relationship into the light so they can be healed. Selenite is a very sensitive stone. Selenite is a rarity amongst the crystal, gem, stone, and mineral collecting world because no, it cannot get wet. Negativity and other unwanted energies can interfere with your ability to focus. Selenite forms crystals and these can vary quite a lot in shape and size; they are sometimes parallel to one another or tessellate with other Selenites. Feeling the gentle surge of energy when holding selenite may be one of the quickest ways to convert a crystal skeptic. Selenite is not only a protective stone that will keep negative energies away. We all enter love affairs with a little baggage we are only human. We can use Selenites energy whenever we need a reminder of our potential or destiny. BALIPURA - Space Clearing Healing Aura Crystal Spray - Black Tourmaline & Selenite Crystals - Tea Tree, Lavender & Clary Sage Organic Essential Oils Blends - Handmade in Bali - 3.4 fl.oz. You can place selenite lamps anywhere in your home, as these pieces have the same ability to dispel negative energy and make you feel at peace. And the more positive love vibrations you will attract. Selenite. Put a Selenite crystal or wand on the part of your body that feels sore, tight, or painful for about 20 to 30 minutes. It ought not to matter who was right or who won any disputes. Kyanites protective energy is stronger when used in conjunction with Selenite as they both amplify each other! 2. By becoming aware of the energy of Selenite, we can begin to feel our worries and thoughts fade away. Its a very powerful crystal that will effectively cleanse your aura and remove all the bad vibrations and negative energies surrounding you. This helps in aiding the body to heal on a cellular level. Selenite can be used in combination with just about any crystal, gemstone or mineral and will enhance the effects of this stone. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". As its such a beautiful crystal, it makes sense to keep it on display. Since Selenite magnifies the energy of the stones associated with it, it is perfect to pair with Amethyst, especially in meditation sessions, for spiritual growth, physical comfort, and enhanced intuition. If clarity of mind is what youre after, you should know that Selenite crystals activate the Sahasrara chakra, the crown chakra. You may also want to use a selenite bowl to store your crystal rings in the bedroom. So take some time and explore to find your perfect crystal and remember to like and share any content that you feel a connection with. leaving your stone in the sunlight for less than 30 minutes. They can evoke protection from the divine realm. You can use whatever stones youre drawn toward. But selenite can cleanse other crystals when you place them close to it. Also, it will let you look at love in a better and more positive way. Here are five of the most effective locations to place this protective and calming gemstone. It can also give you the mental clarity you need to see which projects require your biggest focus. Place your crystal in sunlight for a maximum of 30 minutes. To "smudge" with selenite, you take a selenite crystal - usually a wand - and pass it around several inches from the body. While all shapes have the same basic healing properties, such as boosting intuition and clearing negative energy, some work best for specific uses. You will feel a . Placing this salt-based crystal at the bottom left corner of the bedroom helps you decide better and make smart choices. But when you are fueled by the energies of Selenite, keeping a relationship going will no longer be a burden. And its really no surprise that Selenite is used in healing in holistic treatments. Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into peoples lives they are never a substitute for medical advice. Some people also swear by burying Selenite overnight and allowing its energies to become rejuvenated from the very earth it had once been found in. Caring for your selenite wands Similar to Agate, this stone is very helpful when it comes to mental flexibility and decision making. If yes, or no, how worth it is it to argue about it? Selenite is not about removing those traits. The very color and feel of Selenite have a wonderfully grounding quality. When it comes to receiving clarity and inner strength, Selenite stones can assist you with all of these things when you use them regularly. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Be wary of bargain listings that offer cheap Selenite stones as these might be low-quality fakes or artificial reproductions. Muscle imbalances. Having these crystals hang from the ears as you go about your day means they have ample opportunity to balance and work with these energetic hubs, even when you are not . Selenite is a transparent variety of gypsum. When your head feels like its spinning and the windmills of your mind just wont stop turning, find a quiet and safe space to hold your Selenite crystal lightly in both hands, and just let the world slow down and embrace you. Ask yourself will this matter five years from now? The insights provided by Selenite will help you to recognize and understand exactly who you ought to trust when moving your work ambitions forward. It works to . This works particularly well when you combine it with some Garnet. And black tourmaline and selenite are a great pair! Carry it in Your Pocket/Bag/Purse. And, simply wearing or displaying Selenite has so much aesthetic appeal in its own right, that its certain to beautify either the home its placed in or the wearer of jewelry with it in in the most delightful ways. And this will endear you even more to your loved one. The selenite-infused water is good for cleansing your aura, fixing your focus and clearing confusion. If you decide to purchase Selenite stones, they will work for you in protecting your space from external influences and lower vibrational energies. Placing a selenite crystal in your home office can reduce the effect of these energies, while turning negativity into positive feelings. . Activates Higher Chakras. The vibrations that Selenite gives are more of a spiritual nature rather than a physical one. Another place Selenite is commonly found is within gypsum deposits that have formed from hot spring water; it can also form within lake deposits. Having it in your possession can help you better understand your connection to the universe. Many people put Selenite wands on the windowsills of their homes to maintain a positive living environment. The crown chakra is a vital energy center in our energetic body, connecting us with higher realms and higher forms of consciousness.. Still, its a good stone to have when dealing with anything money-related, including money problems and legal issues. Selenite will dissolve in water, so keep it dry. If you feel as though people who dont have your best interests at heart surround you, Selenite can be a source of both comfort and confidence. No, its not safe at all to cleanse your Selenite with water, as it will be damaged. Use sound vibrations from a singing bowl or bell. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Orange selenite and the energies it carries are nearly identical to normal selenite, with the only difference being the heavy grounding effect Hematite offers . Remember that Selenite greatly enjoys the sunlight. Its also called the Satin Spar, Maria Glass, or Desert Rose. Here Selenite forms crystals that are often clear and colorless, but they can also be white or pink. It absorbs any negative energy thats directed at you, and transfers this bad energy into positive chi. Posted December 26, 2020 by under Uncategorized December 26, 2020 by under Uncategorized In adults, the thyroid has the highest concentration of selenium in the body. Use a singing bowl or bell to create cleansing sound vibrations. Just comb the Selenite crystals up and down your body while visualizing them sucking away all the toxins, negativity, all your worries, pains, and stresses of the day. It works by illuminating things within yourself that which may prevent you from reaching this point; bringing these issues to the surface so they can be addressed. Selenite is one of several varieties of a mineral called gypsum. Red Jasper for EMF protection. where to place selenite on the body. She has a passion for helping people improve their health and wellbeing. By connecting Selenite to the work we do around our crown chakra, we can wash away impurities of the mind. Tip: There are many other healing crystals you can use to enhance meditation. By focusing on its power, you can begin to hear the guidance and protection of these heavenly beings singing to you. Energies from Selenite can help melt away strong and overwhelming emotions. Together, they work to protect and cleanse the space from negativity. Selenite crystal benefits you to find your divine energy by working with the crown chakra. 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