All this while also catering to and coddling the ASD partner like a child as to never upset him. Once I gave them an attitude and they tried to tone police me, although they were just talking to me like that too. That killed me. The grand romantic gestures faded into small rituals. I cant. I have issues with work place/school relationships not progressing to the next level. Love You. This is traumatic for us both. You felt like the luckiest person on the planet. This person was different. I finally tried to explain that his silence made me anxious and I needed to know if he is ok. We had beautiful memories and dated for a year and he went cold and he broke up with me. Note Im a very social person. I feel for you Sarah, I am so sorry you are going through this! I want to stay healthy this time around. You worried about how honest and genuine your partner was. And if there is a issue forget it hes on the attack then shuts down. It is the only way he has communicated for the past three days. I am not saying that everyone with mental disabilities / personality disorders is toxic, but toxic relationships are hard to escape from. I often am scared that I am moving forward and he is just standing still enjoying the company ut not really growing with me. He also gave me the silent treatment the who day. I wish I would have yielded to the red flags and told him, NO! He cant cope with the intense emotions he is experiencing, so he has shut down and actually regressed. He does not want to be tested. I have tried reaching out to him, first via texts, which he mostly ignored and then said that he is now unsure of whether he wishes to continue in our relationship. Me and my bff worked together for over 2 years and in that time, he literally barely spoke a word to ANYONE at work. Each is shaped by their background, their upbringing, their beliefs and their local customs. He lives in a different city doesnt help. I am sorry to hear about your own daughter and husband and I will add you to my prayer list. Your needs will not get met and the lack of emotional connection made me both physically and emotionally sick. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Kathy J. Marshack, Ph.D.Privacy Statement | All Rights Reserved. I am so happy I came across this thread. Is there any hope he might decide we should be together again. Dear Victoria, I never thought that I would have an opportunity to think and reflect on what love really is. I dont get talk support unless I basically ask for it. Never fool yourself into thinking They are remembering You.No, they remember anything negative and ruminate on it. He said I came down on him hard, which I personally dont think. I chose to stop talking to my ex spouse/ASD once I decided to get a divorce. I;m 45yo and have AS, was diagnosed at age 39. If you love an Aspie be prepared to lose your identity. He is a silent spouse who only talks when spoken to and then its 50 questions to get more information. I think its his way of protecting himself and I think hes worried about saying the wrong thing. Navigating communication with her sometimes feels like an impossible minefield, but one that Im willing to try to navigate. He gets these ideas that aren't really founded in rational thought and then just runs with them to far away places and there is no convincing him that his initial premise is mis-guided. I am so sorry that you are going through this Sarah. She expressed to us (before this happened) that if we really knew her we wouldnt love her. I feel me and him will not meet for a few months as that what his intention seems to be like. He does not miss you in the way you do him. Whatever the reason, the aspie change resistance kicks in. It wore me down because it seemed so insecure. That was one of the most devastating experiences of my life I have ever had to go through, as I really love and care for and miss this person, but this really solidified for me that something is off emotionally in his brain. He is extremely caring, loyal and goes out his way to make me feel special at times. Yes, many of our Aspies have severe anxiety, and some cross wiring that makes it difficult for them to feel and talk at the same time. You didnt so dont cry to me later on. After a few days he tells me he thought things would be different this time but he freaked out got depressed and wanted to be alone. They're also very easily distracted. I tried to change the subject, and in a very charming way, she stopped on the sidewalk,looked directly in my eyes, smiled, and asked "do you like me?" He says Im such a good person he doesnt feel like its fair and I deserve someone better than him. Get more authentic and back in touch with yourself and others. It is very difficult to change the mind of a black and white thinker. Alexios Zavras: It is not true that they cant lie. To even begin to resolve these issues, youre going to have to understand each other. Then, silent treatment completely. This book discusses the science behind Aspie behavior and how you can initiate the rules of engagement that help your Aspie give you the emotional support that you need. Hi im greatful to read all of this comments im in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for 3 years now and the start was pretty good and I didnt know he has aspergers until 6 months into our relationship. Thats what the next Asperger Syndrome: Partners and Family of Adults with ASD video conference is about. She explained that she did not have romantic feelings for me. The last 2 years have been push/pull. After a bit of time, they wear me out and I don't want to get sucked into the emotional maelstrom. The last fight, he ignored me for 3 days and he went back, he said he wont do things like we did before anymore, then he start to "stay cold" to me, spend less time than before, not even a video call or share thing together, i'm trying to get him back, gently with him, encourage him but i'm not sure if it work :(. I am 35. In fact he went overboard. I hope that there is a future where we can communicate again because it felt like it went so well and she really seemed to enjoy me. And I do it right back so he understands how cruel it is. He didnt seem to mind at all. They were the ones who thought he might be on the spectrum. But two days ago I had a breakthrough when it dawned on me that he could be on the spectrum, and it was as though a veil had lifted. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". I am going through this now and have been for months. Then notice when there is an opening and offer to listen instead of desperately try to discuss how you feel. Its not a relationshipits being a carer. disregard for the feelings of others . :). I tried to make him interested in asperger's and understand the differences between us. Thanks for the posts - it REALLY helps to read other peoples' stories because now I don't feel alone. I broke up because he would just abruptly leave me and go out with friends so I got the hint I wasn't that important to him. Update: Ive had little communication from him but a text to say he misses me. the feelings you have that is. Now, he is too scared to come back. Its a challenge. Now, of course, we clearly see it, but when she was growing up it was unclear. If we went to dinners and didnt drink he would barely talk, that made me anxious. In my experience, its not about what they have, its about what they need to be able to become a better person to have an understanding that they cannot be abusive to others. 2. I called his parents and his sister to tell them how much I loved him and that I respected his need for space and that my thoughts and prayers were with them all especially my boyfriend. Many on the Spectrum would be horrified by the trauma inflicted on you. Please can someone help Id really appreciate any advice with no judgement as I feel incredibly isolated. Yes our group is international and includes video conferences, teleconferences, message boards. Very particular eating habits. I am in a similar situation and it sucks. When I suggested he see his Dr, he got mad at me and defensive. I have so much love and understanding for him, but I cant do anything about it until he comes out of his shutdown and gives us a chance. Very interesting thread. Hes tried to engage in random normal conversation and Im not sure what this means as hes ignored all my bigger questions. Tell me if you have overcome your situation n tell me what are you doing to help yourself and the situation. Is overwhelming. When I ended up things I believed he would continue to live under a rock and now it annoys me to see him as this fun, social, new person that I desperately wanted him to be while being with me. But what we can do, is be authentic and build a meaningful life. Any updates? When we met despite some quirks from he and me as well we connected on a deep level and things were going well. adapt to an unfamiliar environment. I'm so so glad to have found this blog. He was the one that mentioned asperger's first. So to save alot of heartbreak, upset and unecessary mental grief for true to who you really are. He has cast me aside for the second time, saying he doesnt have the energy for me, and I know I wont hear from him for months. Did things improve? I started dating this guy for last few months. People defending this behaviour (whether theyre on the spectrum or not) is something all these victims of abuse do not deserve. You have no idea what that entails, you will regret it, and should only blame yourself when you dont like the outcome. I hear your pain and share your feelings of devastation. with. I am getting the silent treatment at the moment. Thats why Mark Zuckerberg made a fortune with Facebook. Hope you'll feel better soon! I started feeling like a puzzle piece that anyone could fill if they were OK with parallel play and doing what he wants to do all weekend. I was struggling to deal with his alcoholism and depression. I have dedicated 15 years to this marriage, most spent alone, crying, confused, angry, fussing, yearning and not Im resentful. They don't know why they don't like it but they can think of lots of fancy excuses. Finally she told us she never wants to see us again . It was too good to be true. Im doing 99% of the chores and getting groceries etc. After seven months of making my BF feel amazing (as he put it everyday), I literally got flowers one time on my bday and told I was pretty only on that day. Similarly, manipulative behaviour can often come across as simply "needy". You quickly made up, and there were a lot of tears from both of you. Two days ago I sent him an understanding email, to try to let him know that Im not angry and that either way, whether he decided to break up with me or stay together, life would carry on calmly. I thought I was going crazy. It didnt even make any sense to you why you were fighting. This is happening to me too. When things started getting real or life too stressful.. Its all so sad, All your stories. How do autistic express love? Doesnt ask how Im feeling. But always come back to work things out with your loved one. How likely is this to skip generations??? It was going ok for us for a couple of weeks we saw each other at weekends. Empathy is the critical piece here. Their actions are devastating and to the point its making me physically sick. Everyone thought he was crazy for how he treated me and the oddly sensitive letters they received from him when they hated him and never spoke to him for years. However, he still doesnt want me on social media and I havent met his parents. Same happened to me. Where before you could do no wrong, now you began to feel that you could do no right. Everything is YOUR fault. He only talked to me to gaslight me and ignores all my messages. I got hurt. Notes: they/them pronouns used for inclusivity/generalization; not all neurotypical-Aspergian relationships will fit this exact trajectory, but this speaks to a trend many might find relatable. Your partner asked you questions youve never been asked, caused you to explore parts and depths of yourself youd never before explored. We are meeting after COVID and I really want to see him and i still love him but i dont know how to cope with him being this way. Dont give up on either of you, but never put up with the abuse. It was just the totality of feeling taken for granted and unappreciated. When I read your post, I thought I had written it, because I went through the exact same thing. You are tone sounds more like my situation so I am wondering if its a more typical situation among men with female partners on the spectrum.. Sometimes I feel that he clearly loves me; sometimes it is a connection when we are just simply together. When the Aspie shuts down, we must be VERY c l e a r and basic in our terms. We are both bright and have completed graduate degrees, but have had many struggles in our marriage as well as in maintaining friendships. Its like this is what I hoped for but now what do you do? I'm in a similar situation and am confused. I certainly grieve over my mistakes and wished Id had the insight I have now. Its about understanding. Was he an aspie? But the negatives far outweighed the positives. Thats his routine. Trauma Bond is very real. Obviously this is not all the time because he is insensitive, nasty, and demeaning although he never means to be, and when I call him out on this behavior, he immediately apologizes if and only if, he senses I am beyond hurt with him. I could tell from her persistent texts, calls, and voicemails that she was upset and had a hard time moving on, but I felt more relieved every day. You might want to be careful with this. The very dramatic emotions are just the comfort of expressing emotions along with ideas, whereas Aspies tend to keep these things separate as if they are unrelated. Wow. Every time we would bring it up she would shut us down with a meltdown or silence. I ve read so much on how to try and understand Aspergers and to make our marriage last. He decided the next day, it was over. You Will have to sacrifice who you are in order to stay with them. 3. Stumbling on this website has felt like such a relief. Then do not mask in the beginning. But i just want us to be ok and go back to normal. Aspies are constantly suffering but NTs expect us to pretend everything is fine so they feel comfortable in their fake contrived mindless materialistic world. Trauma Bond is very Real my friend. I dont know what to do. So I asked, so its okay for you to do that to others, but others cant do that to you? And they said Yes. I told them that was hypocritical and they didnt have anything to say but were mad as hell. If you are not married, and do not have kids, get past trying to save them. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Hope you are well and have found the space to heal from this! Aspie find it hard to verbalise and speak in logic. He has left us for the second time and has discarded me ( as have his family ) after 25 years and 4 children . Things eventually got weird. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Sometimes we have to quit to solve a problem. The sophistication and intricacy of dating aspie man nightmare these simulators continued to grow. They may become particularly anxious in certain social situations. I just scheduled a video appointment for you in early February. Im an unpaid volunteer. There have been a few things like him still being on dating sites and sexual messages with an ex-work colleague but we have talked through and I have forgiven him. I'll post references on my own blog soon enough of where you can find out more. Your words resonated with me that I obliterated him. If they were putting on an act for others, were they doing the same with you? Each episode just makes me want him less. This has been happening for years, I always make excuses, cover for him, go into debt, and then he carries on as if nothing has happened!! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Without empathy, NeuroDiverse folks need a strong moral code to keep from slipping into narcissism. If youre a member of the group, please register for the call to discuss The Silent Treatment on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 2:30 PM or Thursday, October 27 at 3:00 PM. You found this person who seemed to you like this treasure hidden in plain sight. He was and still is in strong denial. You learned to trust. Over the years I have learned to live my life and be me. Fast forward to Thanksgiving when I was cooking (plus the expense of it all) for he and his kids and he brought a bottle of wine he knows I wont drink and even said, I know you wont drink this. People generally feel safe if they believe they can solve all problems. So not my style!! Stay tuned. Speaking with anyone who can relate would be such a huge blessing. Love. You have to carve out a life regardless of whether or not your husband recognizes the problems. Neuro-Divergent relationships are complex. Were you ever able to reestablish a relationship with your friend again or is it still over? Being expert manipulators, narcissists know your vulnerabilities and may appeal to your emotions with cries for help, romantic gestures, messages, cards, or gifts on significant . I found in the limited interaction I now have it is best to be clear, calm and concise about your needs an aspie will not be able to recognize any NT relationship behavior meltdowns by an aspie you love can be so heart breaking but I know now it is best not to react but try to reframe the behavior or come back later with a calm response as reacting emotionally in the moment will spiral the situation. If the Aspie goes silent, we need to make them aware that this is a form of abuse and clearly explain that you will no longer be available to support them until they get support and they need. reduce anxiety and calm themselves. We went to lunch often alone, she would stop by my desk as much as 3 times a day. Can he learn to understand and meet my needs at least intellectually? He will continue on his path of destruction, appealing to him is a complete waste of time. Not everyone in a NeuroDivergent relationship experiences this level of narcissistic abuse, however. You are not asking for too much, but your husband needs a good therapist too. I just ended a 9 year relationship with my fianc, who I suspect has aspergers but is not diagnosed. Someone in his family told me that he had ASD but he didnt really tell me that or accepted that he also had some problems. I am probably the only person who can help Bianca and Howard find relief from their paranoia because I know them very well and I know the dynamic of autism infused paranoia. For the purpose of this article, I have used the word aspie instead of autistic; however, the two terms should be considered interchangeable in this article. I am happy to consult with you on what to look for in an evaluator, though. They were excited to spend time with me, open and healthy. One thing you might do is appeal to his sense of fairness. Any proposed disruption is met with no, I dont want to. Especially if they use defence measures to cope with being hurt. In recent years I felt that we were getting only the fake version of her. You were going to be a hero, and you finally had a way to make all that was good about you useful. Bc in a way what my mom did was right but what she caused was just to get me to herself which shes done so many times in the past. 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