I met him when he was my freshman philosophy professor at Yale and he was working on The Lonely Labyrinth, his landmark analysis of the gloomy Danish anti-rationalist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. He ran off the very second he finished with his movie project, right alongside the fat man leaving the Book Depository Building and the second shooter. . The 161.2 grain slug, travelling at 2,100 feet per second smacks into the right occipital area of Kennedys head, shattering the occipital bone and generating tremendous force in the flesh of the brain. At approximately frame 164/65 he suddenly turns to look to his left, then turns suddenly back to his right-and remains in this position throughout the ride down Elm Street until he emerges from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. Its like everyone is waiting their turn, having already rehearsed their part, and only little America is not in on it. Jackie frantically crawls over the rear seat of the open car and climbs onto its rear deck grasping at something that has been described as a piece of her husbands shattered skull. They provide a level of comfort that makes sense of a world that seems otherwise beyond our ken, our control., In my book about Hitler, I recall, I wrote that the inexplicability of horror is equaled by the horror of inexplicability., Conspiracies tell you that theres a kind of easy way to grasp the idea of evil. The Killing of a President. That instant is one we can all now watch on YouTube. Estimated point at which Ike Altgens picture is shot [showing what appears to be Oswald in the SBD doorway, and an open window in the second floor Dal-Tex broom closet. Back to square one. Three or four more shots rang out and the motorcade sped away. Jean repeated her account to the Warren Commission in 1964, and adamantly rejected their single gunman findings. Zapruder said that he had a nightmare about President's head exploding. Kennedy is slumped to his left, the right parietal area of his skull completely exposed. (1.5 seconds after frame 160) The little girl has stopped and is staring at the SBD. comment. The fatal headshot. Conally becomes rigid, and changed his expression [The House Select Committee suggests that this is the point at which Connally was hit based on his facial features and body position. We are on frame 403, as you can tell, and dealing once again with composite images. Probably just got off the phone with John. You would think the other most important film footage of the 20th-century, perhaps all of human history, would be slightly more worth preserving that Archie Bunkers chair, but no. 3.9k. It is the most famous home movie of all time, the most closely analyzed 26 seconds of film ever shot, the most disturbing visual record of what many have called "the crime of the century." In 486 framesa mere six feet of celluloidAbraham Zapruder's iconic film captures from beginning to end the murder of President John F. Kennedy in broad daylight. Heres my problem, Morris replies. When I moved myself around a chair fast Timberwolf had a hand in the illusion. What photography does, Morris says, as the screen fades to black, is call our attention to the problem of knowledge, to the problem of epistemology, about how do we know about the world. The Zapruder film disagrees with all other evidence. Again the renewed shock of watching it (rather than Stones far-fetched military-industrial-complex conspiracy theory) had its effect: Public reaction pushed Congress to pass the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which ordered that the declassification of literally millions of assassination documents be expedited. Where there is no Minotaur at the center, theres just winding corridors, more twists and more turns.. The more probable explanation is that Kennedy never received a head wound to begin with. Regardless, I highly suggest you give it another review while reading this paper. I would agree with that, replies Morris. This is the traditionally held time for that the second shot hit him. The upper right side of his head explodes, blowing brains and bit of bone in an expanding pink cloud. First the original version of the Zapruder film and then, in the words of the YouTube voice-over, a replay of the standard format versionin slow-motion. Next, a version in which the images between the sprocket holes can only be seen on the original film. And then another version, a replay with the images between the sprocket holes, this time in slow-motion., Its a much, so much, more an innocent time than ours, Morris says. A man who never met John Kennedy but whose name, Zapruder, is inextricably linked to Kennedys and to Kennedys death. We see three police motorcycles round the corner from North Houston to Elm Street and then quite suddenly the Presidents Lincoln convertible appears out of nowhere. Read more. We shall return to that thought in a moment. Such a leap would not go unnoticed. So, let us begin. Two large bullet fragments were found in the car (44.6 and 21.0 grains = 65.6 grains) after they dented some chrome and damaged the windshield, and a pristine (Magic) bullet at the hospital (158.6 grains). Pulling back curtains. Not the Deep State. He is a professor emeritus of history at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and a specialist in the fields of Native American history and political assassinations, writing books and articles on the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Rebecca L. Gould: A growing family at TUC! The bullet entered the back of his head (there are photos and x-rays of the entry hole, and it is absolutely characteristic: a . More than likely he is a Freemason. But . If this confuses you, then just rest assured this is yet another problem to official narrative which insists that Zapruders film was in no way altered. It changes shape as he falls into his wifes lap. There is a huge crater where his forehead used to be, through which we can again see . . And then Cox goes further: He suggests that the man who testified to the House Select Committee on Assassinations was up to something, perhaps sent to deceive the committee. So it seems, I start to say when the voice-over cuts in with the final version: This version zooms in on the image as much as possible without causing deterioration. It shows the moment when the bullet hit the President and exploded his head. I wish I could tell you they just had to throw that in there, give us a glimpse of the evil working behind the scenes, but the far more likelier explanation is that were dealing with a ccompositing artifact, mutated with the merging together of multiple film sources. David R. Wrone (born May 15, 1933) is an American academic, author and historian. Bill and Gayle Newman. Indeed the committee ultimately determined that both the CIA and the FBI had withheld material information about these matters from the Warren Commission. 36K views 5 years ago The 1963 Zapruder film, taken by Abraham Zapruder, is derived from the six-foot strip of celluloid contained in the U.S. National Archives, scientifically processed.. Somewhere on that wall of fine presenters is my mug, but Im not telling you which one. University Press of Kansas. It is one of the very reasons I closed my Facebook account in April of 2020. Kennedy is sliding into Mrs. Kennedys lap, much of the flesh and bone of his skull hanging hinged by the skin. Zapruder Film Enhanced - One Frame Per SecondThe President is waving but NOBODY is waving back! It came at Z208. And yet, in the Zapruder film, Jean is clearly shown some 2 feet from the curb. Its endlessly haunting and disturbing, he says. This photo has been calculated to have been captured between Zapruder film frames 315 and 316, less than one-sixth of a second after President Kennedy was shot in the head at frame 313. And it has produced this epi-stemic war of people battling for reality through these imagestrying to wrest control back from chaos.. Nothing is natural about the way he lumbers across the screen like a cartoon. Thompson has had an extraordinary, colorful career. The first shot, from the Depository, came at Zapruder frame Z177 and struck Kennedy in the back. Though not the only amateur film of the shooting, the 26 seconds of Kodachrome 8mm shot by Abraham Zapruder is the most complete; capturing in graphic detail the exact moment of impact of the fatal bullet. But we know thats all part of the psyop. As in, the Eye. One ring to rule them allthat sort of thing. The "lone gunman" theory or conspiracy theory: it all depends on the origin of this shot. Publication date. Phillip Williss photograph showing Zapruder was shot here. The Zapruder film was altered by the U.S. government, using clandestine, state-of-the-art Kodak resources in Rochester, to remove the most egregious evidence within the film of shots that came from in front of JFK's limousine. Probable time that Kennedy was first hit. I ask Morris about my theory of grief underlying the obsession with the assassinationthat we underestimate the shock of it. Its almost as if the brain exploding is like what it does metaphorically to our mind-set, our worldview., It goes to a kind of simpler version of America, Morris says. More like a glob. The Zapruder film, silent but in color, shows a motorcade led by two open-top limousines proceeding at a stately pace through a street lined with people. Or, I should say, them. that large tree, and thats where I saw the shot come from.. He seems interested only in finding and presenting the evidence responsibly. Knowing that his home movie would have both historic and forensic value, Abraham Zapruder had three copies of his original film made for government investigators. Much of the evidence and argument in the book is laughably weak, incongruously so given that Fetzer is a former professor of philosophy. Remember, the only reason you know about the existence of a possible second shooter is because of Jean Hill. His head lurches back to the left (8.0-8.4 seconds after the first shot) as his body stiffens suddenly from the massive neurological damage, and possibly aggravated by his back brace, or, if you wish, studies have also shown that the head flying back and to the left is also possible because of the matter ejected by the right side of his head exploding in a simple Newtonian happening. A week after Kennedy's death, the magazine ran still images of about 30. This version is only in slow-motion., So we know hes been hit, Morris says. It was right up there. no one has said a dam thing since you posted this, they see fakery and dont even call it . Zapruder by all accounts was haunted by Frame 313. It may help to open your eyes to a far greater number of anomalies than is being discussed here. Which brings us up to today. Case Closed, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assasination of JFK. From frame 133, the beginning of the assassination sequence, to frame 225 when Kennedy's wounding first becomes clear, the . Once youve seen the unspeakable act it captures, Morris says, your sense of stability and safety, your sense of the rationality of the world, has been forever lost. Freemasons and the Illuminated from the local Lodge often like to let me know theyre keeping an eye on me. Tv Channels. Just look at Bush. There were great suspicions about the Zapruder film from the beginning. comment. Zapruder made clear Frame 313 gave him nightmares and he didnt want to be the one to inflict them on the rest of America. We can see the problem just by going one more frame forward, to Frame 314: The Zapruder film is telling us that the whole front-top of JFK's head gets blasted away! This is partly due to the fact that they like to add their own little flare, a back story if you will, to the narrative, just to keep it organic, and to make their part known. Notice how Jeans shadow is bent out of shape. Another thing we know is that we may never learn. It is spooks who create our perceived reality and then spooks who inform our opinions about it. You can read her birth story here. Before we move onto Kennedys head wound, via frame 313, lets address the running woman seen only one frame earlier, in 312. . Everything went down without a hitch. When asked, George H.W. 6.25 x 1.25 x 9.25 inches. Nix was an air conditioning engineer who apparently left school after the fourth grade. And he reproduced a clip of his appearance before the committee in his Umbrella Man film. Otherwise, the first two or three frames after 132 should be blotchy due to a heavier exposure to light, until the film corrects its speed. Zapruder did not start filming again at frame 133. We have already heard Jean explain that she jumped into the street as the Lincoln passed and there is no recorded documentation of any such action. Profusely illustrated, Last Second in Dallas features dozens of archive photographs, including Zapruder film frames reproduced at the highest clarity ever published. But the thing about the disappearing act is, while it is true that people prefer the illusion over the slight of hand, what they ultimately show up for is the reappearing trick. Sometimes it is hard to visualize exactly how much distance the motorcade traveled in just 1-second. Also, according to The Wikipedia, Hill stated that after the firing stopped she saw a white man wearing a brown overcoat and a hat running west away from the Depository Building in the direction of the railroad tracks. Even if we dont know whether its Castro, the KGB, the CIA or a host of other possibilities, we know theres some kind of deep malefaction at work., While the lone assassin suggests that almost anyone you pass by on the sidewalk could be a ticking time bomb., Finally, we watched it. Contrarily, the CIA wanted America to theorize over the potential for conspiracy. He is almost always mentioned in the press as the boyfriend. I found one source identifying him as J.B. Marshall, but that also may be a pseudonym. These images are the legacy of one man, the voice-over concludes as a full-screen photo appears of a dignified balding figure in a dark suit: Abraham Zapruder. How strange. Captured on an 8mm amateur movie camera by 58-year-old Abraham Zapruder, its the definitive view of the presidents death on November 22, 1963. Here we can clearly see a man kneeling in the pick-up truck, which has now been shortened. I watched the seven-minute Alex Cox video on YouTube. The Zapruder Film: A New Book Reveals the Untold Story of the Man Who Recorded JFK's Assassination Abraham Zapruder recorded a tragic moment in history when he captured President John F.. Twenty-six seconds that included a historic, horrific, all-too-clear vision of a presidential assassination. Zapruder film: Pre-smartphone, movie of JFK shooting became unique record, crucial evidence. After that he put a condition that the Frame 313 will not be made public. ITS happening. If my work frustrates or bores you, then I highly suggest doing your own research. Nothing but a stump of head. No, this is not proof that George H.W. Kennedy is clearly raising his right arm. But in a . The odyssey of that small rectangle of sprocket-pocked celluloid is fascinating. If Im being repetitive, its because the jump from frames 132 to 133 should immediately tell us something. The Zapruder shock and other doubts raised about the underside of recent American history such as Watergate helped impel the creation in 1976 of the Senates Church Committee (named after Sen. Frank Church of Idaho). The Zapruder film seems to show the front of JFK's head being blasted open by a shot: . Frame 313 but also shows a spinning chunk of bone flying up from JFK's head, with a shiny side of the chunk catching the sunlight every time it made one spin, during the time that the shutter of Zapruder's camera was open: A wider view of Frame 313 This piece of bone can also be seen in Frame 314: Frame 314 I personally interviewed crisis actors after the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, and I can tell you that inconsistent crises actors are a dime a dozen. Can we even have the certainty that all is uncertainty? I ask. I can only assume somebody wanted to record the Super Bowl, and it was either that or Wernher von Brauns wedding video. I can clearly remember my disbelief that one person with a gun could completely change the course of history. In case you were wondering, Cosmology is not a couch for me to recline on while you pull out a monocle and a notebook and attempt to assign my pedigree of insanity. Frames 208 through 212 are damaged or missing in the film strip in the National Archives. Kennedy turns his head very rapidly from left to right. In the JFK movie, the guy playing Lou Ivon asks why Oswald didn't shoot when the limo was driving up Houston, towards the TSBD. ), And coming up with a conspiracy theory to explain the assassination is at least a way of regaining some control over the world?, Conspiracy theories often provide solace, he says. I mean why am I so obsessed with He pauses. Is that the mysterious Babushka lady standing stage left? Had Walter Cronkite simply told America their president was dead, then they would have believed him. Here's the clearest view yet, a new motion-stabilized and panoramic version of the Zapruder film. 1:32. I remember that dark day as if it were yesterday. I've always been skeptical of the theory Abraham Zapruder's home movie of JFK's assassination has been altered. All credit goes to John P. Costella. Dallas saw a high of 70F that day. Criticizing me for dismissing the Umbrella Man as a crackpot [theory]., So Cox believes the Umbrella Man had a role in the assassination?. Not even John Wilkes Booth could accomplish that task. As a crisis actor, Jean Hill is filled with colorful war stories. Given what we see in the Zapruder film, it is hard to say if the fatal . We are expected to believe that Zapruder shut his camera off at frame 132 and then started it up again at frame 133, some 30 seconds later, while the crowd remains standing frozen in time, completely motionless. Search the history of over 797 billion And more than anything, they want to be fooled by it. The only reason we consider it as such is because spook communities and the media tell us it is. The sun is shining. He had open ties to the CIA. The Warren Commission was nothing more than a script, written and fleshed our by Freemasons. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln, and as we all hopefully know by now, Lincolns assassination was another hoax. on November 5, 2019, There are no reviews yet. Yahuah is truly amazing. Zapruder Film Stabilized Filtered High Definition! The people within their ranks are poised in conflicting orders when compared to the Z film. The strangest part has little to do with her initial backstory and everything to do with the mere fact that she and Mary Moorman are standing in Dealey Plaza almost completely alone. Case Closed, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assasination of JFK. New! ], Kennedys arm jerks off the car, clearly reacting to the throat shot [This is a clear case of Thorburns Position, as his body reacts to the spinal damage caused by the hydrostatic shock of the bullet passing so close to the spine in 223-4. FOR WHATEVER subconscious reason that I care not to evaluate here, I went with the unorthodox position of claiming Zapruders footage of the JFK assassination was a royal hoax before ever showing a shred of evidence for it. The Umbrella Man himself showed up to give testimony to the House assassinations committee, Morris says. Look to the lamppost and then beyond that lamppost to the elongated truck. Theres also a slow-motion version on this video, where each of the films frames were expanded to four interpolated frames. English. You may notice in the Zapruder film that various photographers are poised and ready for action on the south side of Elm, just across from the motionless crowd. And Im going. This version takes the original 18 frame-per-second film and interpolates it to 30 frames per second. This amounts to a running time of precisely 28 seconds. The frame that gave Abraham Zapruder nightmares, the frame he insisted be withheld from the publica single frame of film that can be said to have changed American history and culture. The real world is not indeterminate. In 486 framesa mere six feet of celluloidAbraham Zapruder's iconic film captures from beginning to end the murder of President John F. Kennedy in broad daylight. Post-production still frame that has been composited. The infamous image would remain withheld from all public releases of the film until 1975, when it was finally shown for the first time on reporter Geraldo Riveras television show, Good Night America. I had asked you to take note of the fact that Jean Hill insisted until her dying day that she stepped out into the street while the Lincoln convertible passed. These missing frames are here derived from alternative sources. [This is likely when Connally tried to take his next regular breath, the lung punctured only 2/3s of a second before collapsed, and making him feel like hed just been hit; or, he IS hit at this point and his lung collapses at this point]. If you were born at any time during the 20th century, then youve likely seen the Zapruder film a hundred times already. The first thing you should notice is that Zapruder abruptly cut filming at frame 132. Perhaps we shall save Sasquatch and the 1967 PattersonGimlin film for another outing. Theres another version where the Umbrella Man himself is one of the assassinswith the umbrella., A covert weapon capable of firingIm not sure where this word came from but Tink uses ita flchette. Our Slave Masters demanded a psychodrama. Enjoy the performance until the lights go down and its your cue to die, that sort of thing. Here we also find that the parked automobiles beyond Dealey Plaza will change their appearance. . Stay up to date on the latest articles and news from Noel. I like to play hard to get, and so, you will have to try your best and find me. Mantik established through photographic evidence several images where a bullet appears to hit the limousine's front window at Z-255 [Zapruder Film, Frame 255, coincident with Altgen's Photo #6], well ahead of the headshots that occurred after Z-300. However, this finding was reached based on the last-minute introduction of acoustic evidence, a Dictabelt recording made by a motorcycle cop walkie-talkie purportedly positioned so that it seemed to have picked up a fourth shot (and thus a second assassin) fired from the direction of the grassy knoll in front of the president. Modern tech creates clearest view yet of JFK assassination [VIDEO]. Morris prefers to think of it in terms of the philosophical issues about the possibility, or impossibility, of knowledge, the issues raised by Tink Thompson in his book about Kierkegaard, The Lonely Labyrinth. And what better place to peer over ones shoulder, once the curb had filled with too many bystanders to number, than the grassy knoll? The next seismic event in the Zapruder films odyssey came in the slam-bang conclusion of Oliver Stones conspiracy-theory film JFK, a reverential account of New Orleans DA Jim Garrisons real-world fiasco of an investigation, which climaxed with Garrison, played by Kevin Costner, dramatically showing the jury the Zapruder film, complete with Frame 313. George H.W. Bush, code named Timberwolf, was indeed in Dallas on that November day, a fully functioning member of the CIA. The little girl has stopped running. I could care less about his Zionist or Langley ties at this point. A filmmaker, Alex Cox, the director of Sid & Nancy, among other movies, just put a reply to my Umbrella Man film on the web, Morris says. He was not, he emphasizes, trying to solve the JFK assassination or take on any of its larger questionshe just wanted to nail down one little factoid, which had metastasized into a full-blown conspiracy theory of its own, complete with secret KGB-type weaponized rain gear. Abraham Zapruder, an unassuming man with an ordinary camera.. Well, you know, there was a famous assassination in London where a Bulgarian dissident, Georgi Markov, was supposedly assassinated by the KGB with a poison flchette triggered by I was going to say by an umbrella when Morris interrupts impatiently. Spooks. Ultimately Life decided to withhold Frame 313. I hope to see my readers there! Gender:Male. The umbrella became the symbol of appeasement in 1938 and here in 1963, this guy carries an umbrella and thinks, Whoa, people are really going to be blown away, this is really going to make a statement! And it turns out he becomes a symbol himself. JFK Assassination Zapruder Film - Evidence of EXPLOSIVE Devise in Limo. Still poised in position while LIFE Magazine stands around, capturing their drama for the nation. Oh, thats right. The Zapruder film consists of only 486 frames. As Kennedy becomes visible from the foliage, this is the first opportunity that an SBD sniper would have a chance to fire. Notice the family ducking for cover. In the 50 years since President John F. Kennedys assassination, the world is still trying to understand what happened on that tragic day in Dallas. This image made available by the National Archives shows a 1963 . And there they go running off for their next shot while the Newmans remain poised in position, waiting to be cleared by the director. The Zapruder film is a silent 8mm color motion picture sequence shot by Abraham Zapruder with a Bell & Howell home-movie camera, . The Justice Department subsequently asked the National Academy of Sciences to re-examine the Dictabelt evidence and it concluded it was not dispositive, which naturally led to years of debate among forensic acoustic experts. The jump from frames 132 to 133 should immediately tell us it is hard to visualize exactly much! 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