the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following

First, religion played a key role. which of the following of Jackson's policies undermined his position as described in the excerpt? What they did would become a model for the other 13 colonies. Come down, then, Sons of the Puritans: for even if the poor victim is to be carried off by the brute force of arms, and delivered over to Slavery, you should at least be present to witness the sacrifice, and you should follow him in sad procession with your tears and prayers, and then go home and take such action as your manhood and your patriotism may suggest. The idea of Manifest Destiny included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT: A Commerce and industry would decline as the nation expanded its agricultural base. 3. "Americans faced an overwhelming task after the Civil War and emancipation: how to understand the tangled relationship between two profound ideashealing and justice. [T]hese two aims never developed in historical balance. It helped me so much, I had so many Questions and all of this helped me answer them. Developing them as a producer of manufactured goods B. . . Increased fear of foreigners and immigrants, During the war, a government agency named the Committee of Public Information, headed by George Creel, was, the producer of a vast number of posters, pamphlets, and films, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, If a statement is $unambiguous$, it is___. The cartoon above is intended to express The colonists wanted to escape this for sure. The period from after the First World War through the 1920s. Which of the following does this excerpt support as the primary cause of the U.S. declaration of war in April 1917? Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines? C: Establishment of the Ku Klux Klan and similar organizations Answer C: opposition to states' rights Text from a poster announcing a meeting of the American Republican Party, later renamed the American Party, Philadelphia, 1844 He has no liberty, and not a single right." Answer C: attempted to monopolize Japanese commerce and to exclude the participation of Europeans in trade B Lincoln's main purpose in the excerpt was to The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for new england's north american colonies integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism one direct long term effect of the navigation act was that it contributed to the rise of opposition that ultimately fostered the independence movement From these two circle, draw more branches and circles in which you will include examples. The emergence of the United States as a world power . Ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, Lincoln's main purpose in the excerpt was to, gain continued support for the war effort. . Citizens do not lose their freedom of speech during war. . Answer D: support for strong government Please do one on the 50 states! States in the South had begun seceding after the presidential election. But there are two ideas that you really want to get down for your APUSH exam. A The continued growth of the influence of liberal political ideas B The religious diversity of the Republican Party's supporters C The increasing public belief in the federal government's positive influence on society D The expanding political participation of Christian groups Question refers to the excerpt below. Answer A: sought to prevent Japan from forming a naval alliance with the British empire Such easy and rapid communication with such facilities for exchanging the different products of the different parts would bring all our immensely wide spread population together. In a two-column chart, list the policies of Richard Nixon that promoted change and those that slowed it down. The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters. Answer C: The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution This was the first successful British colony in North American and a topic you are simply going to have to know if you want to ace your APUSH exam. Kickstartyour AP US History prepwith Albert. Me trae unos cubiertos por favor? Native Americans were a free people from whom much could be learned. Answer C: the South needed to change to survive What is most important about Pennsylvania is that this combination of rich land and religious tolerance helped it to become the most egalitarian of the 13 colonies. Exiled preacher Roger Williams and Baptist leader Anne Hutchinson each laid claim to extensive plots of land in the area. A: coastal South Carolina Question 13. answer choices The state governments needed more power to solve the issues the nation was facing after the American Revolution. the ideas expressed by John C. Calhoun and others who shared his views on slavery had which of the following effects on emerging abolitionist movements in the years leading up to the civil war? But that didnt stop the South from importing numerous slaves from African and making themselves rich in the process. . Based on the excerpt, Calhoun would also be most likely to support which of the following? . So, in brief, for your APUSH review, remember that Virginia was founded as a money maker. The advice in the excerpt most directly reflects the influence of which of the following prevailing American ideas? Again, diverse populations, varied economic opportunities, and religious diversity characterized this middle colony. With respect to teaching, the emphasis most prominently and controversially has been on accountability measures. A. Answer C: Progressivism With a partner, create a word web showing how the Church influenced political and cultural changes in medieval Europe. Proclamation addressed "To the Yeomanry of New England," Boston, 1854 which other "righteous cause" would participants in the Seneca Falls Convention have been most likely to support? The advice in the excerpt most directly reflects the influence of which of the following prevailing American ideas? D Explain why Bone might compare a tombstone carver to a historian. The above excerpt most directly reflects that the temperance movement, appealed to a varied constituency of reformers, The Prohibition movement was similar to other Progressive reforms because it, began on the local and state levels before becoming national. I protest utterly against such a project." Answer B: Efforts by American Indians to achieve political sovereignty through treaties with the United States government the language used in both excerpts most directly reflects the influence of which of the following? He himself was a Quaker, but did not intend on Pennsylvania to become a Quakers paradise. (A) The peoples of Asia had a right to govern themselves without outside interference. Congressional leaders sought political compromise to resolve discord between the North and the South The position expressed by Clay in the excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following? Answer B: was willing to intimidate Asian countries like Japan to secure economic opportunities The sentiments expressed in the proclamation would have been most widely condemned by White residents of A: Nationalism Answer A: granting free land in the new territories A belief among Spanish colonizers that they were more civilized. prevented neither the monarchy nor the explorers from returning with greater resolve. Advertisement Advertisement Increasing legal immigration for Asians because the United States became a Pacific Rim country, C Increasing divisions between North and South because of questions about the status of slavery in new territories, APUSH Unit 5 Practice Exam Questions & Answers, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, . ", "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves become a member of the political community formed and brought into existence by the Constitution of the United States", "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves become a member of the political community formed a", "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors". (6) The screen was mounted on the wall. Slavery was so central to South Carolinas economy that in 1720, 65 percent of the population was enslaved. Answer C: campaign by the federal government to eliminate poverty . Answer C: New political alliances united northern and southern members of the Democratic Party to win control of both houses in Congress. (A) Debates about federalism and states' rights (B) Debates about access to voting rights . But even this paled in comparison with the immigration of the late 1840s. During the decade 1846 to 1855, more than three million immigrants entered the United Statesequivalent to 15 percent of the 1845 population. What follows is a thorough breakdown of both the similarities and differences that make up the history of the American 13 colonies. Unfortunately this almost led to their demise. D: The purchase of silver by the United States Treasury, B Answer A: The expansion of a market economy in the early 1800s, which shaped a distinctive middle class C. The competition between Spanish and English colonizers. So, even though the South increasingly relied on slavery, when the New England colonies did not, profit was still a central goal. b. westward expansion c. increased manufacturing d. the booming internal slave trade Advertisement Advertisement . A federal inspection system to ensure minimum standards for processed meats and food. Two events took place in the early years of the Virginia colonys history that would forever change the rest of the 13 colonies and the history of the United States forever. Developing them as a producer of manufactured goods b. the Japan seas will soon be covered with our vessels. The most controversial and divisive component of the Compromise of 1850 was the, passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act. Why do you think the commentaries are so significant to many Jews? I protest utterly against such a project.". Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives were "exclusionary"? (8) They didn't pay attention. . Kind of obvious, right? They too created a representative government, but you had to be a landowning male if you wanted to vote. Aiding them in developing trade with other European nations c. Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism d. Protecting them from American Indian attacks c . 5. But instead of the Dutch, this time, it was the Swedes. a. Without the 13 colonies there would be no AP United States History. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following trends of the 1770s? The average quadrupled in the 1830s. But even this paled in comparison with the immigration of the late 1840s. During the decade 1846 to 1855, more than three million immigrants entered the United Statesequivalent to 15 percent of the 1845 population. John Maynard Keynes Its staff recognizes the importance of government intervention in several sectors of the economy, especially infrastructure and education. b. the debates over the federal government's proper role had intensified during the early nineteenth century. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? [the United States] population has rapidly spread through the country, until it has reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean; that we have now large cities, from which, with the aid of steam vessels, we can reach Japan in eighteen or twenty days; [and] that . (a) Note three aphorisms that deal directly with friendship. Answer A: slavery was immoral So, in 1629, an offshoot of colonists from the Massachusetts colony got permission from Plymouth and the crown to create a new colony in what is now New Hampshire and Maine. Unlike many of the other 13 colonies, New Hampshire residents generally stayed to themselves and kept out of trouble. D: the Mexican-American War, (map 2) It has been called the Lost Colony because when resupply ships returned less than five years later, it had been entirely abandoned. D: The passage of legislation by southern states intended to nullify federal laws, C: The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, "We, therefore, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled, do declare and ordain that the several acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United States, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and imposts on the importation of foreign commoditiesare unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, and violate the true meaning and intent thereof and are null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State." David W. Blight, historian, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, 2001 B: The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. The policies advocated by Marshall had most in common with which of the following developments in other periods in United States history? He is more of a slave than the negro, because he works longer and harder for less allowance than the slave, and has no holiday, because the cares of life with him begin when its labors end. This was Georgia for you. D: Supreme Court rulings such as Plessy v. Ferguson, A The excerpt from James Henry Hammond is most clearly an example of which of the following developments in the mid-19th century? the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the united states during the first half of the nineteenth century? Which of the following was the most significant impact of the South's expansion described in the excerpt? Catholics were commonly persecuted and being a Catholic himself, Lord Baltimore wanted his Maryland colony to be a safe haven for religious tolerance. Eventually, however, the area did fall into the hands of the British in 1664. American shippers who smuggled goods to England in defiance of the Neutrality Acts for the immense profits they might gain. A A: Ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments . Then the drills and sheetings of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, and other manufactures of the United States, may be transported to China in thirty days; and the teas and rich silks of China, in exchange, come back to New Orleans, to Charleston, to Washington, to Baltimore, to Philadelphia, New York, and to Boston, in thirty days more." But there were no real cities except for Charleston, which became hugely successful because of how close it was to the Caribbean points of trade. Ultimately, neither industry nor agriculture dominated the economy, the population was diverse, and there was no religious monopoly. Remember, this was a time when religious wars were taking place across Europe. Which of the following was the most significant impact of the South's expansion described in the excerpt? represents to your honorable body, that he has devoted much time and attention to the subject of a railroad from Lake Michigan through the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, and that he finds such a route practicable, the results from which would be incalculablefar beyond the imagination of man to estimate. Quickly review popular literary works like The Great Gatsby and more, See how scores on each section impacts your overall SAT score, See how scores on each section impacts your overall ACT score. Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans. And second, in 1619 the colonists created the House of Burgesses, which was the first representative form of government in the New World. The above excerpt is most closely associated with which sector of the Progressive movement? Answer B: The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. in the sense in which that word is used in the Constitution. The ties between England and Holland became so deep in fact that the Prince of Orange married the Duke of Yorks daughter (they are better known as William and Mary). Manifest Destiny "Article 2: [T]he United States now solemnly agrees that no persons. Germany's violations of U.S. neutral rights, When the Zimmermann message was made public, most people in the United States, expressed nationalist anger against Germany. how sectional tensions waned after the Mexican-American War ended in 1848. how the abolition movement gained political support in the 1840s. Which of the following events best represents a continuity of the sentiments expressed by Senator Calhoun in the speech? 1. Identify the correct term or person from the chapter that best fits each of the following descriptions. But this didnt last long and when Protestants outnumbered the Catholics, they overthrew the government and replaced it with one that mimicked that of VirginiaProtestant and profitable. The intelligence and organizational skills of its leaders: 37: 9199044217: 39. Plus the land was rich and fertile. This also almost led to its downfall until tobacco started bringing in the dough. The issue of freedom of the seas in World War I most closely resembles the cause of which of the following conflicts? people who shared the views expressed in the excerpt most likely opposed which of the following? Answer C: The secession of most Southern states (9) Some students talked. (B) The United States had a duty to bring a new civilization and religion to the former Spanish colonies. > LOIRE-ATLANTIQUE : la vue sur l'ocan ; Prix : 768000eur b. westward expansion which of the following resulted from arguments made by Southern politicians, such as the one in the excerpt, in the years prior to the Civil War? The area of the Carolinas was actually rather massive, stretching all the way to Florida. Answer B: Nativist sentiment Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 1863 D Answer C: Fewer social differences among White settlers "Many of the large ships-of-war destined to visit Japan have not yet arrived in these seas, though they are hourly expected; and [the United States has], as an evidence of [its] friendly intentions . d. the development of regional cultures increasingly defined by the presence of enslaved people. The belief in White cultural and political superiority, "Americans faced an overwhelming task after the Civil War and emancipation: how to understand the tangled relationship between two profound ideashealing and justice. [T]hese two aims never developed in historical balance. answer choices. E: opposition to the draft, "We do not know whether free laborers ever sleep. The formation of new political parties Explanation: Debates over the role of the federal government, such as the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States, reflected one of the clear divisions between the emerging Democratic Party and the Whig Party in the 1820s and 1830s. Having mastered these, gather up your family and GoWest!" Answer B: Manifest Destiny answer choices the expanding political participation of men without property the increasing belief in women's suffrage how the income gap declined between plantation owners and former indentured servants "It would enable us, in the short space of eight days (and perhaps less) to concentrate all the forces of our vast country at any point from Maine to Oregon. . Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, letter to R. L. Sanderson, 1871 Now, for the APUSH exam, you are going to want to think about the Southern economy. renewed interest in the whole student and all students reflects widespread recognition of major gaps related to what schools do in facilitating learning and development and in addressing . the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States spring the first half of the nineteenth century? Politicians who supported state regulatory commissions to curtail abuses in business. And, as a result, their histories parallel New Yorks almost perfectly. The failure of the Compromise of 1850 to lessen sectional tensions, "The Vigilance Committee of Boston inform you that the MOCK TRIAL of the poor Fugitive Slave has been further postponed. But remember that agriculture was king here. The excerpt above reflects the common argument in the antebellum South that The population trend described in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following domestic developments in the nineteenth century? Answer B: The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act Answer B: opposition to women's rights The views expressed by Vespucci in the excerpt most directly reflect which of the following? c. to give Congress additional constitutional powers. Read the excerpt and then answer the question: Be it enacted That after the five and twentieth day of March, 1698, no goods or merchandises whatsoever shall be imported into, or exported out of, any colony or plantation to his Majesty, in Asia, Africa, or America in any ship or bottom, but what is or shall be of the built of England, Ireland, or the said colonies or plantations and navigated with the masters and three fourths of the mariners of the said places only under pain of forfeiture of ships and goods. English Parliament, Navigation Act, 1696. African Americans were able to exercise political rights. D: allowing slavery in the new territories, D: allowing slavery in the new territories, (map 2) . These two things would come to define the 13 colonies. Make sure you read carefully and answer all parts of the questions. . Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 1863 how national leaders attempted to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories. Opposition to the international slave trade . The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (A) unmistakable\ Answer B: All were immediately granted political equality by the Emancipation Proclamation. . . Which of the following most directly contributed to the anti-imperialist sentiments expressed in the excerpt? E: They supported the passage of Black codes to ensure their economic and political rights. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men. But they did share a number of similarities as well. The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Legislation passed during the Wilson presidency to legalize the organization of labor unions, 7. Follow the directions below, or think of your own way of revising the paragraph. Equal in significance to the increase in the foreign-born population were changes in its composition." . D: western Virginia, "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. Of course, I say to all who are in want of work, GoWest! James M. McPherson and James K. Hogue, historians, Ordeal By Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction, 2010 But not to worry, weve created this APUSH review to get this info down for you just in time for the upcoming AP US History exam. First, unlike Rhode Island, founder Thomas Hooker was a Puritan minister and wanted to replicate the religious society that had been created by the founders of Massachusetts. South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, 1832 "We have conquered many of the neighboring tribes of Indians, but we have never thought of holding them in subjectionnever of incorporating them into our Union C: The supreme court decision in Plessy v Ferguson, "The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves become a member of the political community formed and brought into existence by the Constitution of the United States, and as such become entitled to all the rights, and privileges, and immunities, guaranteed by that instrument to the citizen, one of which rights is the privilege of suing in a court of the United States in the cases specified in the Constitution? b. culinary Which of the following was the most direct result of the policy stated in this excerpt? It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before usthat from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotionthat we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vainthat this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Which of the following most directly contributed to "the sharp increase of immigration after 1845" referenced in the excerpt? Delaware ultimately came as a result of an argument between Duke Baltimore and William Penn (remember them?). Aiding them in developing trade with other European nations C. Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism All the 13 coloniesNew England, the Middle, and the Southwere concerned with this and this passage proves it. Answer C: The expansion of manufacturing in the South Answer A: States' rights They might be farmers large or small, but most farmed or lived by serving the needs of farmers. The other options, such as economic equality and private property, are not directly addressed in the excerpt. Almost accidentally Penn would help to create on one of the most religiously tolerant places in the 13 colonies. In fact, the main reason for the colonies to have existed was to make profit. The policies advocated by Marshall had most in common with which of the following developments in other periods in United States history? Briefly explain why ONE of the following options most clearly marks the beginning of the sectional crisis that led to the outbreak of the Civil War. Answer B: Growth of a national railroad network Answer B: The federal government removed troops from the South and eliminated aid for former slaves. In what ways do you think Nixon was most conservative? Hi my name is Kyle and i was wondering what the colonys had to do to become a nation? Ultimately, neither industry nor agriculture dominated the economy, the emphasis most and... Cultural changes in medieval Europe was most conservative World War through the 1920s the colonys to. Intelligence and organizational skills of its leaders: 37: 9199044217: 39 compare... To legalize the organization of labor unions, 7 in other periods in United States during the early nineteenth?. I had so many Questions and all of this helped me answer.! Impact of the 1845 population middle colony the Ratification of the sentiments expressed by Senator Calhoun in the excerpt a. The Constitution the British in 1664 but instead of the Compromise of was. Of an argument between Duke Baltimore and William Penn ( remember them? ) support the sentiments these! Church influenced political and cultural changes in its composition. of an argument between Duke Baltimore and William (... 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