what are the advantages of having so many levels of subnational governments

2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Defend your answer." 10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? If something goes against the constituency's will the legislator can exercise their judgment on what will ultimately be best for the people. Exercise Short Answer (2 Points) What are the primary responsibilities of municipal governments? 5. In addition to creating policies that might fit more with the desires and conditions of local citizens, states deliver services directly to citizens. To excited over those annexations; they require petitions from a majority of landowners within a target area just to get started. Much of what has reached us on Cleopatra came from Roman sources. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. from University of Notre Dame. An answer to this question is provided by one of our experts who specializes in politics. A unitary government can be lacking in infrastructure. This is because they were appointed by Democratic President Barak Obama. We recommend using a It is up to the Supreme Court to decide which powers go where, which is not an element found in the unitary government. legislate in the way he or she believed constituents wanted, regardless of the anticipated outcome. 8. What is the structure of its government? Registration No: 317209. NetsalesNetincome(loss)TotalassetsShareinformationSharesoutstandingatyear-endPreferreddividends2014$1,117,20466,176855,33864,507,000-0-2013$1,124,59154,587838,07866,282,000-0-. FemaleMaleTotalYes382058No112126238Total1,50146296\begin{array}{lccr} )Has extended powers to review any legislative or executive action in the federal or state is subject to the judiciary branch. The UK is technically a constitutional monarchy, but it functions as a unitary state because all political power is held by Parliament. When we take a look back through the stories of history, the pages are quick to show that when power is held by only a few or just one, then it is abused far too easily. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? Wyoming once had no speed limit on freeways outside of urban areas, a nod to the travel time between its somewhat far-flung towns and cities. Cities may provide police and fire protection, local transportation planning and improvement, and laws relating to the conduct of life within city limits. Because it must suddenly become everything to everyone, the processes can get significantly bogged down. Explain. Even though it is the most common form of governing found in the world today, there are still several pros and cons of a unitary government to consider. Thus I prefer neither a delegate or a trustee, but a combination of both that synergize and make decisions that are ultimately good for the people. What solutions would you impose? So, if an area is zoned retail, a developer can put in a store. The image most people have of Cleopatra comes from her depiction in movies, mainly those produced in Hollywood. These range from counties to cities to special purpose districts, local governments designed to provide and manage a particular kind of service. Defend your answer. When laws are passed on the federal level, they often have to be disseminated down through the lower levels of government to be put into action. The saying "All politics is local" roughly means ________. The representatives can have similar characteristics to their constituents, however, they need to focus on the anticipated outcome more, rather than trying to please their constituents with their similarities. Elitism, Pluralism, and Tradeoffs, The Pre-Revolutionary Period and the Roots of the American Political Tradition, Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism. You can understand the people's needs and they will be a priority. Creative Commons Attribution License Why? Critical Thinking Essay (5 Points) Is it preferable for representatives in the state legislature to behave as trustees or as delegates? Councillors and officers have an understanding of the local area and can tailor policies to that area. Instead of having multiple layers of bureaucracy to navigate, you have a clear set of expectations to follow. U.S. states typically have much more authority over education than does the federal government. Explain three benefits and three drawbacks of Federalism. Counties also often are responsible for local election and voter registration. Explain. However, there can be disadvantages to having so many levels of sub-national government in the nation. More information is available on this project's attribution page. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? The key means of advancing modern legislation is now ________. Municipal governments are responsible for overseeing the operation and functions of cities and towns. However, the publisher has asked for the customary Creative Commons attribution to the original publisher, authors, title, and book URI to be removed. Defend your answer." What about other federal officials? Critical Thinking Essay (5 Points): Congress has consistently expanded its own power to regulate commerce among and between the states. A. In smaller cities and towns, cities operate using the council-manager form of government, by which the city council serves as both legislature and executive, but hires a full-time, professional manager to oversee the day-to-day operations of city government. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Term limits for officials can either serve to check the power of government officials or stifle the progress begun by officials. When using judicial restraint, a judge will usually ________. However, directly contacting members of the local and even state governments is much easier. Instead of dividing a persons loyalties between the state and the national government, everyone is placed in a position where they work to support one another. Respond to at least 2 other students' posts. The U.S. Constitution gave the federal government more power by adding two new branches, the legislative and executive branch. Then the bloating begins to happen in the government. One advantage of having lower levels of government is that it makes it easier for citizens to participate. However, for sub-national governments, judges can be recalled and citizens can vote on whether a judge should retain ones seat. There is a U.S. Department of Education, and the federal government provides some funding for both K-12 and for higher education, but the great majority of funding for education, and hence the standards to be applied, the level of tuition, and the location of schools, colleges and universities, is the work of state and sometimes local governments. Likewise, every law of each sub-national government must comply with the federal Constitution. Then the state representatives can communicate these issues to the governing body to ensure that enough attention is given to the problem. Economic recessions and terror attacks have an effect on the president's power because these events require quick action. \begin{array}{l} However, as the COVID-19 crisis showed, one disadvantage to so many smaller governments is the fact that they compete with each other for limited supplies, driving costs to the taxpayer up. Sub-national governments are comprised of local and state governments. How does he formulate his argument? The core factors that determine how judges decide in court cases are their personal beliefs and the laws and rules of the court. Special purpose districtsLocal governments created to perform a particular task, such as providing water, sewer or fire service., as we noted earlier, are created to provide one kind of service. It is a smaller form of government. People are rarely given an opportunity to interact with their governing officials unless they have a specific need to fill, such as the creation of official identification materials. Cities attempt to engage in economic development efforts, trying to attract businesses and jobs that will keep residents employed and keep revenue flowing into the city budget. For example, in federal systems, the national government is given some power over subnational governments. Likewise, consider how large the United States is. Short Answer (2 points): Briefly explain the difference between the classic model of legislating and the modern process. The Founding Fathers did not want to supply one governing body with the absolute power to control all of the states. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? What would government be like if there was only one federal level? are licensed under a, Who Governs? What are the three parts of the Constitution? \text { No } & \underline{112} & \underline{126} & \underline{238}\\ It can also become the foundation for some of the most oppressive societies that our planet has ever seen. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. That is how France structures its form of government. In a ________ political culture, the government is seen as a mechanism for maintaining the existing social order or status quo. 2. Is it preferable for representatives in the state legislature to behave as trustees or as delegates? However, that all changed in the 1930s and 1940s when Elanor Roosevelt became active in the Civil Rights movement. In which level of substate government would you be most likely to get involved? Latest answer posted November 10, 2019 at 3:31:40 PM, Latest answer posted November 30, 2020 at 11:03:44 AM. That was a decision of the state government. Because you are not contending with multiple layers of bureaucracy under the unitary style, there are fewer administrative costs to manage with this centralized government. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. The pros and cons of a unitary government work to balance the needs of a nation with what a community requires for dialing living. Defend your answer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of international trade law. One advantage of so many local and state (i.e., subnational) governments in the United States of America is often attached to freedom. Explain. Under a ________ political culture, citizens will tend to be more tolerant of corruption from their political leaders and less likely to see politics as a noble profession in which all citizens should engage. 1. Can you please explain the advantages and disadvantages of unipolarity? Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Sub-national governments in the US serve to address residents at a more nearby level, particularly in regards to neighborhood issues. Explain. \text{TO MONEY?} Consider Chicago, which has strict gun laws but also high levels of gun violence. Term limits have been shown to have more merits than the unlimited term or rule. In all systems, to some extent, but especially in federal systems, state and local governments are closest to the citizens, and frequently are the parts of government that deliver services and enforce laws in your city, town or neighborhood. Also, since laws can vary from place to place, it makes it difficult for one place to enforce its laws when their neighbor may not have the same laws. DonorsChoose.org helps people like you help teachers fund their classroom projects, from art supplies to books to calculators. what are the advantages of having so many levels of subnational governments. Academic.Tips. The 50 U.S. states are in some ways like 50 mini-republics, each with its own executive, legislative and judicial branches. (There are also county and township levels of government, but these tend to be much less consequential.) Defend your answer'. From then on first ladies have become even more active and influential. In what ways is SCOTUS less powerful than other branches? Referring to such writings, discuss how reliable or unreliable ancient historians and sources are? CONCERNEDABOUTLIMITEDACCESSTOMONEY?YesNoTotalFemale381121,50Male20126146Total58238296. Short Answer (2 points): What are some examples of the enumerated powers granted to Congress in the Constitution? Academic.Tips. Specifically providing clean water, proper sewage systems, and garbage disposal. 7. It is possible to have a unitary republic or monarchy while using this structure. Look up the local government where you live. \text{Net income (loss)}&\text{\hspace{19pt}66,176}&\text{\hspace{19pt}54,587}\\ This efficiency makes it possible to create stronger safety nets for those who are out of work for an extended time or have disabilities which keep them out of the labor force. One of the disadvantages is that subnational governments create a huge diversity which means that laws can change between the states. Defense: When a government is flexible, it is able to respond to priorities at each level. The judicial branch is more powerful because:1. The whole purpose of a correctly-structure unitary government is to create common ground. Right now, Georgia is trying to pass legislation that restricts voting primarily for Black voters. In theory, with elected boards in charge, they are not immune to popular control. Furthermore, local level governments can better serve the particular needs of their citizens because they do not also need to balance the needs of distant and different parts of the country. d. all of the above Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Explain using the textbook as a reference point, Currently, it is acceptable for Congress to have this power. A unitary government is the most common form of governing found on our planet today. In large cities in particular, city governments often face a balancing act in promoting economic development while trying to maintain quality of life for existing residents. Which of the following is a check that the legislative branch has over the courts? The governor is the chief executive, although states often have separately elected statewide officials such as the state attorney general or the state treasurer. For details on it (including licensing), click here. Since the president of the United States holds such an incredibly powerful position both in the nation and the world, why would the founding fathers believe that term limits for the position were necessary? \text { LIMITED ACCESS }\\ States have a major say in transportation issues, aside from the interstate freeway system, which was created by the federal government. Defend your answer. Instead of working with local governing officials, the centralized state will send a delegate to oversee the needs of each community. "What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? Laws can vary confusingly from state to state. Although the unitary government is centralized and makes decisions through authoritarian processes more often than not, this structure can be designed in such a way that it replicates the style of a federated state. The term prevented elected members from becoming entrenched in power. Do various levels contradict one another? Fiscal policy is established as a stabilizing instrument against the volatility of economic activity, a function that becomes more important considering the decentralization model that governs Colombia and many countries, and which is characterized by the fact that subnational governments have fiscal autonomy, and therefore are active agents in the provision of goods and services under a . 7. There is less complexity in the legal system of a unitary government. Provide at least one positive and one negative characteristic of having overlapping court systems in the United States. Short Answer (2 Points) What do the appointments of the Supreme Court's two newest justices, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, reveal about the changing court system? Defend your answer. The majority typically rules at the expense of the minority in this situation, only granting rights to people when it suits their best interests. Latest answer posted July 28, 2019 at 9:08:49 AM. - Sub national g View the full answer Previous question Next question Congress, which was concerned about energy issues, wanted states to set lower speed limits to encourage fuel conservation, and threatened to take away Wyomings federal highway funds if it did not comply. Why does a bill has to pass both houses of Congress to reach the president's desk? How does Plato treat tradition? He also has high cholesterol and recently started taking a lipid-lowering medication. A large national government can do much more to distribute goods efficiently and use its bargaining power to lower costs to the taxpayer. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? This system is more common in large cities. This was evident on the radio and Tv during the 20th century and is now even more influential because people are more connected to technology today than ever before. What do these sources say and to what extent can we take them as credible? Critical Thinking Essay (5 Points): What does the trend toward descriptive representation suggest about what constituents value in their legislature? A good president has to be able to negotiate with other lawmakers and Congress. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. In the United States and other countries with federal systems of government, another important piece of the political pie are state and local governments, also sometimes called sub-national . The unitary form of government will usually place a legislative body or a single individual into the ultimate place of power. 21. States have substantial leeway to order their own affairsto create and maintain laws particular to the people of that state. Recent tests have revealed Steve has fatty liver, which concerns him. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? See the license for more details, but that basically means you can share this book as long as you credit the author (but see below), don't make money from it, and do make it available to everyone else under the same terms. While particularly in the area of foreign affairs, states are subservient to the national government, they may have quite a bit of leeway to set their own laws within the boundaries established by a national constitution. The U.S. Constitution also strengthened the role of the federal government by specifically giving the government a set of specific powers, the expressed powers, and the implied powers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? It is a structure that can ignore local needs. How does that affect decision-making over the years if there is not much change in the Court? Youre also bound by the different state laws if you buy legal recreational marijuana in Washington State, you cant take it to a location where it is illegal to have it in your possession. Short Answer (2 Points) What factors contributed to the growth of presidential power in the twentieth century? In the context of voting laws, its possible to argue that the subnational governments are doing what the Founding Fathers feared the federal government would do: behave undemocratically. Already a member? In some states, port districts are charged with encouraging economic development and managing sea and airports to encourage commerce and foster job creation. Accessed 2 Mar. consent of Rice University. The advantages of many levels of the subnational government is you get closer to the people. Subnational governments are also an important fallback when the national government does not fully act on an issue. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? Explain. Remember that the status of sub-national or local depends on whether the nation operates under a federal or under a unitary system. \text{Shares outstanding at year-end}&\text{\hspace{5pt}64,507,000}&\text{\hspace{5pt}66,282,000}\\ It is city government that sets local speed limits, puts in a stoplight, or takes out a traffic camera from your neighborhood. they feared the opportunities created for corruption. Many cities engage in zoning, laws by which rules are set about what can be built where. The disadvantage of the centralized state is that there are fewer opportunities to get involved with the legislative process. Instead of a local government, a unitary system will place a delegate, ambassador, or someone in a similar position to administer local resources. 23. Which of the following is an example of an executive agreement? The national government is huge and complex, and competing with all the other citizens of the country to have your voice heard and make an impact would be difficult. Some of the factors that contributed to the growth of presidential power in the twentieth century include technology, which party controls Congress, and the crisis that occurs. 4. Some Americans believe that corruption, bribery, party politics, and unfair practices become too common when many of the same members of Congress are in office year after year. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Texas's judicial selection process? Some people believe that since the US Supreme Court is the highest Court in the land, handling the most difficult, relevant, and poignant cases, then stability of the Justices is paramount. districts are often drawn to benefit partisan groups. 2021, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-2066381. However, you should also consider what the effects of term limits might be: would members of Congress have enough time to accomplish true change if their time was limited? This process artificially shapes what happens in society because blogs, social media, and even face-to-face conversations might be monitored to see if something harmful to the government is said. The role and function of subnational governments in modern governments. There are almost 1,000 local political subdivisions that they call Departments in the country. It is important to analyze the various advantages and disadvantages of term limits in all levels of government, as well. Explain. The autonomy of states or provinces will depend if the overall system of government is federal or unitary. Unitarian governments work to create a system of unity. Why? When this happens, its usually because one of these local governments is too small to support itself. \end{array} & \text { Total } \\ The contrast with a federal state is this: whereas the federal state sees the national government as being an equal actor with the other levels of required governing (local, county, and state/provincial), the unitary government sees itself as being superior. The Advantages 1. Because the unitary government functions through a centralized structure, it is not unusual for it to fail to meet local needs. Our mission is to improve educational access and learning for everyone. "What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? Explain. This governing structure can encourage an abuse of power. He also reports having occasional low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) and feeling shaky and dizzy. 9. 78, Alexander Hamilton characterized the judiciary as the ________ branch of government. That may provide some inconvenience at times, but it can also reduce the risk of an unknown violation of the law. , uragement of domestic and foreign investment in private business the power to regulate the sale of tobacco in the states. Do term limits seem to have more advantages or disadvantages? The advantage of the unitary government is that this confusion disappears. "What are the advantages and disadvantages of having so many levels of subnational governments in the United States? So, federally funded programs such as welfare and Medicare/Medicaid will be funneled through state offices, with the states and the federal government sharing funding responsibility. The disadvantages include a lack of efficiency and lack of equity. 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