lgbt youth group discussion topics

I would also say that because of our silence we have generations that have no idea how to handle it. Your email address will not be published. Should teens be educated about sexuality at an earlier age? Read about how coordination between public service agencies can improve treatment for these youth. Is there worldwide support for same-sex marriages? As you think through the types of small group questions you want to develop, try following our recipe below. What role do openly gay athletes play in promoting the rights of the LGBT community? How has the current media affected the way we view the LGBT community? Terms & Conditions I came out and lost my job, my church community, and relationships with people I miss dearly to this day. Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth: A Guide for Foster Parents, Toolkit: Celebrating our Magic: Resources for American Indian/Alaska Native Transgender and TwoSpirit Youth, Their Relatives and Families, and their Healthcare Providers, Webinar Recording: The Impact of Bias, Inequities, and Injustices in Supporting Students Impacted by Human Trafficking, Webinar: All About the I: Intersex Inclusion, Webinar: Black Pride: Promoting Academic Excellence for Black LGBTQIA+ Students, Webinar: Equity in the Workplace the Power of Trans Inclusion in the Workforce, Working With LGBTQ+ Families in Foster Care and Adoption, Recommended Actions to Improve the Health and Well-Being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Communities, Providing Unbiased Services for LGBTQ Youth Project, 2011-2021 YRBS Data Summary and Trends Report, New Brief Highlights the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth in Child Welfare Settings, New Reports Highlight Human Service Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Populations, New Reports Highlight the Human Service Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender (LGBT) Populations, A Practitioners Resource Guide: Helping Families to Support Their LGBT Children, A Providers Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals. What has biological research shown us about sexual orientation? Panel Discussion. How can I respond to people who object to LGBTQ people for religious reasons? Hermaphrodite. Here are a few topics from MyPaperWriter to consider and think about to get the ball rolling: There are a ton of LGTBQ research topics that can make for good discussion issues. What challenges do transgender people face in public spaces? This combo activity invites participants to deeply engage with privilege and segues into a conversation about the coming out process. When we have to rely 100% on God to open the hearts and minds of students. How have professional athletes help promote the acceptance of the gay community? Well also review the latest gadgets, tools, and tech that can help make your job a bit easier. We must submit to God and He will change us. What could change in our lives or in the world if we did what this passage teaches? Ask them to explain a concept or story in their own words. Ask people to toss out a few ideas. Whats the best thing thats ever happened to you, and why? What should I say to someone who is afraid of contracting HIV/AIDS from LGBTQ people? Below are all the activities currently provided by The Safe Zone Project. The best ways to understand the current transgender phenomenon. Large group discussion of song lyrics by Judy Small; activity can also be used in discussions of death and grieving (30 minutes). Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression are important aspects of a young persons identity. What impact did the protection of civil unions have in the U.S.? Money-Back Policy, Copyright 2013-2023 - I had a student call me this past week on behalf of a friend of his who was kicked out of her home because she identifies as lesbian. As a member of the LGBTQ community, how can I be a better ally to other marginalized groups within the LGBTQ community? My own experience in this has been pretty traumatizing I fought who I was for years in order to keep my job and place in my churches; at the same time, I was experiencing severe depression, anxiety, dissociation, and suicidal ideation. The impact that the Human Rights Campaign has had in raising awareness. Whats the best Christmas or birthday gift youve ever received? Have employers done enough to implement anti-discriminatory practices? I tried your way because I though thats what I needed to do to be close to God and thank God I learned how wrong it was. What I was trying to say is that there hasnt been any dialogue going on in the church concerning, how do we care for those struggling with same sex attraction. Should the military reconsider the acceptance of LGBT persons? What active role should the company play when offensive comments occur? REVIEW THE GUIDE: RESPONDING TO TRANSGENDER VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, "Change starts with one person and can grow really fast." How does this impact you? Theyre designed to activate and aid conversations and personal connections. Which religions are more likely to reject LGBT people in their congregations? There is definitely a difference between students who are choosing to live that lifestyle, and students who are struggling with same sex attraction. What effect did the incarceration of gay protestors have on the country? Other topics that might be of interest include: safer sex, transitioning, and mental health. %PDF-1.5 Your email address will not be published. Steal? I think you did a great job of explaining how to teach on homosexuality within the church context to our students. Group members will be able to hear different perspectives of hope from other group members. Ministry in this area is very case by case. 4. 4-6 According to the 2015 YRBS, LGB students were 140% (12% v. 5%) more likely to not go to school at least one day during the 30 days prior to the survey because of . How does gender fluidity change how we view sexuality? 3. In a nutshell, were a team of people who create experiences with one goal in mind: to help people grow in relationship with Jesus and each other. Risk factors include a history of previous attempts, family history of suicide, and a history of depression. Your email address will not be published. 6. Should we create crises services for these students and families? Are you the type of person who gets things done early or waits until the last minute? I hope this post at least gave you some principles and steps that you can shape in the context of your ministry. 9. Also, I find this post by a mother of a gay son who was raised evangelical to be sobering regarding some of the issues. How has our interpretation of sexuality changed in terms of psychology? Knowing what kinds of youth group questions to avoid is a start, but what are the tricks to asking good discussion questions? Share with Youth: LGBT Resources Learn More, Get Involved, and Be Proud of Who You Are! Was there a period when the social climate was accepting of same-sex attraction? Currently there is very little support in the church those facing life-long celibacy. The bottom line: We love the church! @_yoac. Nearly 30,000 youth aged out of foster care in Fiscal Year 2009, which represents nine percent of the young people involved in the foster care system that year. . Maybe offering to walk with them through this difficult time. What do I do if someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender wants to come out in my office, on my residence hall floor, or within the context of any other group I am a part of? Who are some of the most influential LGBTQ writers or artists? What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity? 2023, All rights reserved. How can we learn more about the mental health of people in the LGBT community? This website provides information on protective factors and data related to health risks and sexual minority youth, as well as related resources. An activity that will provides an opportunity for participants to reflect on their first understandings and assumptions of LGBTQ individuals. Here are some topics worth consideration: LGBT essay topics are great to write about because many discussions are occurring on the internet. No one says its gonna be easy. How do I help trans kids and other trans people to build confidence? KRISTIN ARNOLD, MBA, CSP, CPF|Master has been facilitating meaningful conversations between executives and managers to make better decisions and achieve extraordinary results for 25+ years. How has the sports community embraced people that identify as LGBT? 14. No matter how gently you try to come at this no matter how nice your words sound or how much you smile at your gay student you are teaching them that a) they are uniquely more broken than the straight kids in your youth group; b) their God-given attraction is shameful and not a part of who they are; c) if they continue to experience a yearning for romance/sex with someone of their own gender, thats just their cross to bear. But its something that church leaders need to have in the back of their minds. Transgender Awareness and Sensitivity Asking a question about transgender identity on an intake form is a simple way to encourage disclosure of transgender identity. Economic research Should we connect with agencies that already service these individuals (which in many cases will mean that their philosophy is much different from the churchs in terms of sin and identity)? Included are youth facts, funding information, and tools to help you assess community assets, generate maps of local and federal resources, search for evidence-based youth programs, and keep up-to-date on the latest, youth-related news. We have to trust that He is watering the seeds we are planting. Ask which people or characters in the passage they most identified with and why. Study with Pride meets every Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Youth Room. 1. Family acceptance and support are significant factors that promote well-being and protection from risks for all youth, including LGBTQ+ youth. 8. According to a 2007 survey, students who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender were almost ten times as likely to have experienced bullying and victimization at school and more than . Required fields are marked *. Because if thats your main focus, then you are preaching that behaviormodification equals salvation. How has human sexuality research advanced in the last decade? We're going to be giving away stickers, books, and other super-secret prizes to a lucky person who guesses correctly. Mental disorders and gender. The Trevor Project Releases Documentary Short Film "Learn with Love", Uplifting Transgender Youth Stories. Theres no replacement for repetition! hope this helps and answers your questions. She's a leading authority on moderating panel discussions and passionate about finding the perfect olive to complement a vodka martini. Best Overall: Trans Lifeline. What is the biggest or most common misconception about trans people? 3 0 obj Idea for group inspired by clients who expressed need to connect with other LGBTQ students (e.g., questioning, out to self but not others) Campus pride alliance 2-3 large events per year-not a facilitated discussion group . Privacy Policy A useful place to start helping folks separate genders from sexualities. Getting started with your curriculum is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Bibliography of works on the United States military and LGBT+ topics. What is the difference between a non-binary and a transgender person? And seeing if that would be something she would be interested in. Is it now all right to lie? First, focus the group by talking about the goals of answering these kinds of questions from students. Please dont uphold your theology at the expense of peoples well-being. The purpose of the LGBTQ+ discussion groups is to provide a safer space for students to express their thoughts, perspectives, and opinions on issues, knowledge, and trends in the LGBTQ+ community. 1. Identifying and Serving LGBTQ Youth: Case Studies of Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Grantees, Key Policy Letters from the Education Secretary and Deputy Secretary, Learning from the Field: Listening Tour of Programs Serving Youth who are LGBTQI2-S and Experiencing Homelessness, Meeting the Needs of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Parents Influence on the Health of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Teens: What Parents and Families Should Know, Primary Sources: Learning How Service Providers and Policy Makers Can Help LGBTQ Homeless Youth, Q&A: Meeting the Needs of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Report: Health-Related Behaviors among Students, Sexual Risk Behavior Differences Among Sexual Minority High School Students United States, 2015 and 2017, The Economic Well-Being of LGB Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care, 5 Online Resources to Help Domestic Violence Programs Offer Inclusive Services to LGBTQ People, Brief: the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth in Child Welfare Settings, Ending Housing Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals and Families, LGBT Populations: A Snapshot of the Knowledge Base and Research Needs, Report: Recommendations of the LGBT Subcommittee: Advancing the Reform Process for LGBQ/GNCT Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, Report: Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Engaged in Survival Sex. Trans Teens Online Talk Group. Whats the last movie you saw, and what did you think of it? . For example, some youth may be unsure of their sexual orientation, whereas others have been clear about it since childhood and have expressed it since a young age.1 Expressing and exploring gender identity and roles is a part of normal development. You said something like God given attraction . The moment that everything sort of crystallized? Are people that are transgender afforded the same rights? A lecture to help participants become more aware of and sensitive to asexuality. But I didnt lose God, and I am thriving for the first time in my life because I found a church that accepts people for who they are while calling them to the way of radical justice and love. After you have some foundational information about the students in your group, how they think, and how they might understand or view the subject so far, its time to start looking more directly at Scripture. There are a lot of LGBT research topics in discussion, but students can be overwhelmed with all the options. Safe Places: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for Traumatized LGBTQ Youth, The Equal Access to Housing Rule and Youth, Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Centers, Top Health Issues for LGBT Population Information and Resource Kit. What is the biggest challenge transgender people face in the workplace? No they are still sins. Some clinicians use "Choose as many as apply: M/F / MTF / FTM / other (please specify)", or give the options "M / F / Transgender" or just "Trans". What kinds of things might a trans person go through when they begin to acknowledge their true gender identity? . Don't want to give us your email? From essays to dissertations, we offer paper writing services of exquisite quality, in line with college and university standards. 11. As parents, we can be a buffer to negative talk and prevent long-term negative health outcomes. We hope theyre as helpful to you as they are to us! This is where I believe we as youth pastors need to persevere. How are transgender people discriminated against in the workplace? How much have celebrities impacted the promotion of gay rights? A 2019 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that more than half of transgender and non-binary youth have seriously considered suicide, and a 2021 Williams Institute study reports 30% . =%BK 6J@g3Ay0[[*;e#2#U$7{9Z{2])2v$UQm,rg#o{[?~$vM .&=)|i.3F!6Qs_Yo8) 6"0+(3V01zEf-YJ{x8DO+4edC\tU*{lxN10. ]@g|}hT5|oS3_A&]zBOeJS5>)McJSW847)M)cJS8DH(,']F'b=1t8ZrO/xZA5V8e|f@= PK ! Gay-friendly. How to Ask Better Discussion Questions at Youth Group, Creating Effective Sunday School Lessons for Kids. Youth leaders also show considerable benefits for their communities, providing valuable insight into the needs and interests of young people. 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