shannan watts autopsy

Mucho menos que estaba enferma. Meacham [who knew Shanann from school] described Shanaan as OCD in the way the household operated. Who and/or what are we dealing with here? Or perhaps Chris had one with himself by way of rationalizing killing his family, although I dont think it was emotional. Do you think she was murdered elsewhere? Just asking a question. They are The People Of The Lie. (Scott Peck). Not everyone poops when they die, in fact most do not. He continuously maintained throughout the entire interrogation that he would never hurt those kids. This is from the transcript of the Larry King Live show covering Scott Petersons conviction in the death of his pregnant wife Lacey thats Dr. Henry Lee, a forensic scientist: KING: If there were smothering, would there have been evidence? Or do they just know? 1. Surprised he didnt run them thru the washer. I have to point out that Shanann DID have marks on her face there was a line of small circular bruises running from beneath her chin and up the left side of her face towards her temple. Chokeholds and Strangleholds are used in martial arts, combat sports, self-defence, law enforcement and in military hand to hand combat applications. Like 1 in the kitchen by her purse. Would he have cleaned up Shannans stuff if he didnt kill them? Page 453 Was Niko Buried With Shan'ann Watts? I agree with you Jessica I think he snapped, pulled her off of Cece punched her in the face to knock her out and then strangled her with one hand. My husband is 62, weighs 190 lb. Im sure if he were pretending to sleep she would have been so tired she would have gone to sleep right away, thinking well talk in the morning, things will be better tomorrow. The second dog was simply a tracker dog, not trained for cadavers but to track a missing person. Now thats one of the main ways that most lay people think of first but he was coming up with these weird ways but distancing himself from strangling. The trauma dogs noted hot spots in the basement. For more information on having conversations at this site: Ive linked an article below for everyone to read about how harmful perpetuating this lie is. Shanann Watts' husband, Chris Watts allegedly confesses to murder The Colorado Bureau of Investigation reported that three-year-old Celeste Watts and four-year-old Bella Watts are also dead along with mom Shanann. In the 2000 page report that was released they pose the theory that she may have been asleep while attacked. Thats all information in police interviews with Shananns friends. I would say the asshole probably turned them over or put the comforter over their faces and did it that way. Ive never personally had a child repeatedly behave as the girls did, and pleasea disclaimer here. Chris was plainly seen in the neighbors security video loading a red gas can into the back of his truck. He has proven to be a pathalogical liar and nothing he has said before or after his conviction can be proven as truth. If she was that tired, yes, Shannan could have left her suitcase and purse downstairs in her own home. Are you a parent? I mean, nothing can be done of course, it is done and is over of course, I am stating the very obvious. I think despite her bravado, she had insecurities just like everyone else, with both herself, and her roles as wife and mother AND someone working in an MLM. She probably snuggled up next to him & was able to fall asleep. He woke up at 5 a.m. to get ready for work, and they began talking about separating. GREELEY, Colo. Authorities have released the autopsy reports for Shanann, Bella and Celeste Watts, who were murdered by Christopher Watts in August. Im having my doubts about an emotional conversation occurring that particular morning prior to Chriss killing Shanann. He dug the grave with a shovel. But yeah I really think he was being nicer to her to assure she had her guard down when he murdered her; which was when she was sleeping, on the sofa upstairs on her phone or laptop, or god forbid he initiated some kind of intimacy that turned into her death. Your thoughts? The male agent says did Shannan do one child & you the other? They probably already had an emotional conversation before she left for Phoenix and he had made up his mind to do what he did. Celeste was found face down in that oil tank. It could be all the thrive he was taking. But legally it was in Chriss name. In the majority of cases of asphyxiation, petechiae are formed, and Shanann exhibited none. That is simply a common misconception/stereotype that is very harmful and untrue. Fecal traces also missing in the Zahau case. The autopsy noted that recovered items included oil soaked pink pajama type top with images of hearts and butterflies and a pair of oil soaked underwear.. One of the predatory marketing techniques used by MLMs (which overwhelmingly target MOMs) is that they can be at home *with* their children, making extra money with little effort. Also, if memory serves, CW did at least one load of laundry on the night in question. Have they watched something? He organized the bins in the basement. If the girls were dead by ca. And to come home to a cheating bum! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Listen to the cop who interrogated him after he tells that stupid story. Now remember this would be AFTER strangling Shannan carrying her to their room & putting her in bed, so at least 5 minutes and since it would have taken about 4 minutes for CeCe to die 9 minutes had passed supposedly since Shannan had been in her room. Little Celeste, thankfully, seemed to have no idea what was happening to her. Thankfully that psych warned me I should take the children somewhere to be safe. @Lisa oh hell, if your description is an accurate one for a diagnosis of OCD, then I reckon I have it too! [UPDATED] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Watts Sentencing: Live Coverage and Analysis [Updated throughout the day] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Crime News November 2018 | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, The murder of the Watts children at CERVI 319 as Dramatized in FAMILY MAN, FAMILY MURDERER | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs. She also could not stand Shannan. If the oil got into her stomach by being submerged in the tank then shouldnt CeCe have oil in her system too. She had the girls in daycare full time to the tune of $500 a week, spending $28k a year per official documents, and this HAD to be a financial strain. Reay & Holloway (1982) state that during neck holds, the blood flow to the head is reduced by 85% within six seconds. So what are you saying? I think Chris pretended to be asleep because I think hes a coward and wouldnt have wanted to interact with her. I am in Australia and I came across this story by accident and I am just horrified. She seemed to be in pajamas which indicates she got into bed, which sickly matches up with his barely got into bed remark, The sheets were stripped because they probably got pulled off anyway during the act. Or it might be that a place for everything and everything in its place is a good way for me to manage time being able to grab what I need when I need it without having to faff around looking for it. Terrifying to think he could have put them in the tanks still alive but incapacitated. I think she was killed in the basement, just by the bottom of the staircase, by the fridges and the area where they stored old rope. D Oil, water and sludge debris in the stomach He then pursued and strangled her there. This dog did not find any place of interest (both seemed to be keen on searching by the basement bed) Chris stated that his wife smothered her children and im sure hes lying but i was hoping to read somewhere here of proof that chris also smothered his kids. It appeared to be an addiction by this point it was all she wanted to do. Thanks for the paper, ganana Im with you on this. Unfortunately she never got the chance. I have high praise for you, you are excellent at what you do. Heartbreaking evidence photos and video of stained shirt, underwear and bra Shanann Watts was wearing when her husband murdered her, wrapped her in a sheet and put her in shallow grave The. When youre pregnant you do, breasts get tender and the extra support helps. Then he felt he had to kill CeCe too. She even labelled food in her kitchen. Do not make it more complex than it need be please. & he says ah um like yeah theres that too & sort of skips right over it. Chris Watts. You should apologise to him actually for your rude remarks in your comment. This would explain how she didnt fight! To do her business? Possible if the hips were gyrated slightly, titled vertically, the horizontal width could be reduced by an inch. Parents reach for any hope, even if the child is blue, even if rigor has set in, theyre desperate and people who are not emotionally involved as them, professionals,have to tell them its too late. The womans home was spotless & there was a place for everything & everything was labeled! Shan'ann seemed to have a fairly mild case. And that she looked at him as she died. Shanann was in there with her on top of her. For nothing. None of that is going to me made public, for obvious reasons. They obviously didnt watch the K9 body cam footage! what was the deal with the blue gloves next to the bed??? Chris Watts destroyed three fully formed, perfect adults. I think he would have come up with a better plan as to where he would bury them. You can see it in his eyes. Does anyone know where I can view the autopsy pictures and/or videos? Those were my kids. He claimed he saw Shanann on top of Cece and that they were blue. He said he lost it and choked Shanann. I honestly believe Chris smothered them all with ethanol soaked cloths. Since its clear CW is a flagrant coward, I am finding it hard to imagine him having enough courage to have looked at her eye to eye while he was strangling her. How did Shanann Watts die? Knowing that his neighbor had a camera, he has a reason to leave at that time. These may have been caused by an object, such as a necklace worn by the victim, or fabric, such as heavy-duty leather (such as a motorcycle jacket being worn by the murderer), and being compressed between the arm of the assailant and the neck/face of the victim. Again, less bad publicity for LeVel. Seemed to me like she kept everything clean that you could see. Good to have a former forensic detective around. Stomach: The stomach contains approximately 75mls of viscous green-black fluid which is suggestive of oil and particulate matter from the oil tank which she was in. Like you, I was suspicious about the DAs assessment. I doubt shed just leave her phone and stuff downstairs like that. It takes 4 5 hours for a stomach to empty after eating. As previously reported, Shanann Watts was 15 weeks pregnant at the time of her murder, with a baby boy the couple had already named Niko. She was a nag and loved making Chris look like a fool. But then I think if he didnt was he going to leave them at home alone all day? A monster! She often plied them with food and treats and I just felt like she needed to set some boundaries.,,,,,,, Christopher Watts: What else do we know? Do you think CW could have strangled her from behind? Its what seems to make sense, based on the info we recently learned. He kind of giggled & said like you mean like on TV like a magician. Isnt it coincidental that Chris saw her on top of CeCe & when he got into the room it was at the exact moment that CeCe died!!!! If she was murdered in bed, why isnt there any evidence of that? Based on the history provided and the autopsy findings, the cause of death is asphyxiation due to smothering. I would like to read the discovery how do I find it? What information to that extent do you expect *an autopsy* to provide?? Theres really not much to say about this, right? I agree. I remember one video where shes tasting one of the Thrive bars and effusing over how delicious it is, while one of her daughters cries with hunger in the background, and ShanAnn tells the poor child, No, you cant have this this is Mommys. Shannan wasnt answering phone calls or text and missed her doctors appointment. Then again she was dressed for bed. This was the 6th MLM that ShanAnn had been involved in she was apparently a MLM junkie. Will we ever know the order in which they were killed? Chris worked at a petroleum manufacturing company. CeCe was face down no oil inside her. Unless he threw it there and forgot to take it and planned on ridding of it. She left him a note the morning she left for Arizona and it was very loving & positive. @huey Please read todays post where it reads So that indicates perhaps that she and Bella were murdered around the same time as Shanann Im guessing. Was Shanann ever clinically diagnosed with OCD by a physician or a psychiatrist? Then probably went to bed & I guarantee he was in their bed not in the basement & this made her happy. Its completely obvious from videos that the wife was a nut job, self absorbed, controlling weirdo that undermined her husband leave her ass!! 75 mls is about 5 tablespoons or a third of a standard cup. He runs into Ceces room & walks up to Shannan. I dont think enough people are looking at the theory that Chris had flipped a switch with her in the days leading to her death. Shanann was strangled and the children were smothered. After 2nd child, changed. Even flailing my legs they werent even reaching him. didnt attempt it herself. Its hard to fight a larger man off of you when held down, in fear of dying and trying to gasp for air. Watts buried Shannan's body in a shallow grave and dumped his daughters' bodies into an oil tank at the oil and gas exploration site where he worked in Frederick, Colorado, US. And then I freaked out and hurt her., He whispered, Sheshe smothered them. Same with NK. Ive seen hundreds of bodies both recently deceased and WELL decomposed and I can assure you- while SOME bodies dedicate/urinate due to the relaxing of muscles at the time of death- its certainly not most. So Shananns OCD personality stopped that night? Of course he kept saying hed never hurt those kids, he was lying, trying to save his ass. I worry he may have had the girls dead and sprawled out waiting for her to come home and watched her reaction from the baby monitor. She had a separate closest for her shoes & purses. I do know a lot of women who do this also. I think he came up behind her as she was getting ready for bed, after her long trip, and he put her in a choke hold then. I have no insight? MLM comes across in this paper as a cult-like entity that epitomizes absolute evil (evil = a foundation of lies) especially when you read the case histories. The LeVel MLM was a huge contributing factor in this familys financial collapse. 100% yes again), @Kim cadaver dogs dont just detect bodies they scent death, trauma sites, bodily fluids relating to death, and sites where arguments have taken place (they scent the adrenaline-type hormones released The Watts family killings and the financial devastation, infidelity, and what appears on the videos as a mindless neglect of the children overlay all these sad accounts. Folks seem to think wanting to know why means supporting Watts or blaming his wife. Also she seemed to have every intention to work things out while he was having an affair and according to him getting divorced. So wheres the problem here? Watts has since pleaded guilty to killing his wife and daughters, as well as a charge of unlawful termination of a pregnancy. Did you live with them? The autopsy results aren't available, but the funeral and grave site suggest that Niko's remains were either removed, destroyed or buried with his mother. They say the questions had nothing to do with infidelity so it doesnt matter whether or not he had an affair. Loved making Chris look like a magician she looked at him as she died LeVel MLM was a for... Claimed he saw Shanann on top of her neighbor had a camera, he whispered Sheshe! That oil tank saw Shanann on top of CeCe and that they were killed he tells that stupid.... 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