what does the bible say about the pope

But is Malachys last pope a reliable end time sign that faithful saints should get excited about? Throughout the centuries of Rome's existence, the popes have regularly claimed to be divine. The other important phrase is whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. check out these links concerning the final pope and the answer to who peter the roman is: https://www.avoicewithinamerica.com/final_pope.html, In fact, I was a Catholic until I read the Bible through for myself-something I was never encouraged to do by Catholicism.. W The original Benedict became the founder of the Benedictine order, one of the most prominent orders in the Roman Catholic Church. That The Pope's Exorcist is a historical horror thriller is one hell of a twist on the age-old demon vs priest premise. Guess what? =). The more I read about Malachys prophecy the more it seems to me to be a clever satanic deception. What does Bible prophecy say about the pope? The Bible does not support the celebration of Christmas. 12:28- READ. They are scared to death, and the governments of the world are preparing to take away self defense weapons and enslave, in a peaceful way, of course the entire planet. Apart from the Catholic prophecies, there are quite a few images/icons/building designs in the Vatican that match up to the images of Revelation and Daniel. How many times has someone foretold the End? Coronavirus Cases Maybe 10 Times Higher Than Reported ! will indeed judge those people Peter the Roman helped keep alive! Finally, the white smoke billowed out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel. So Jesuit history is his history. The future of 2023 is gloomy according to Nostradamus. Non-Catholics 3. 2. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Note, people have been asking how can the name "Pope Francis" that cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose match the "Peter the Roman" description if his name is not Peter and he is not from Rome? There may be an end-times prophecy about the city of Rome ( Revelation 17:9 ), as Rome is the city on seven hills. The pope claims to be a representative of God here on earth. What is there left for a Pope to be head of? who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel saw a dream and visions of his head as he lay in his bed. Malachy said there will be 112 popes but the current pope is the 266th pope. "I would also like to take this opportunity to thank, through you, all journalists for their work. Its just not the case. Nevertheless, he's only about one step down from that according to Revelation. Yes, the word "father" is in the Bible thousands of times. While the pope does "rule" the Vatican principality, he is known chiefly as a spiritual leader, not the political ruler of a principality that is only 0.2 square miles containing less than 1000 subjects. 1 John 4:3. The Bible states that a final pope is coming. Every subsequent commentator has gone by Messinghams shortened version, and that is why everyone supposes that Pope Francis must be Petrus Romanus. The Bible says the last pope will be in alliance with the worlds last political leader the Antichrist. Most of the world is presently rejecting capitalism and embracing socialism. It says he will Sheppard his flock during terrible times. If people believe this prophecy they will be deluded when the real false prophet arrives. J And its another example of why fundamentalism SUCKS. He will be a false, illegitimate Pope (not a real Pope), who will also serve the role of the False Prophet. If any nation were to be make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself! Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuits in 1534 AD. The first papal ballot was taken that afternoon. In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught (that Christianity misses) so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself! Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. St. Malachy wrote his vision of the popes down, and it is believed the manuscript was given to Pope Innocent II. Liberation Theology teaches that if Jesus were on earth today, He would be a Marxist. He will probably be a young man, who is elevated to the Papacy, and then proceeds to argue for peace and reconciliation among all the religions of the world. The clue given for the identity of the last pope in the Malachy vision was Peter the Roman. Two of the top ten likely candidates for the papacy had names containing the name Peter. I do not turn aside from your rules, for you have taught me. If the Antichrist is going to be the head of the coming One World Government, he ought to have been a lesser political ruler already. Yet in the never-ending quest to know when the end of the age will come, many believers find it hard to resist considering it. Catholics & Bible is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Pope Francis, the global head of the Catholic church, has "cancelled the Bible and proposes to create a new book", claim several messages shared on Facebook and WhatsApp. D Francis (then Bergoglio) wouldve followed the conflict closely, and seems to have split the difference between the two sides. "Pope" comes from the Latin word Papa, also a child's word for father. Its states that judgment will be poured out on the Roman Church during the reign of the last pope. It's telling most believers what they want to hear. Benedict said that, at the age of 85, he no longer had the strength to execute the duties of leading the Roman Catholic Church. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. I received with great joy the kind letter you sent me, in your name and that of the Society of Jesus, on the occasion of my election to the See of Peter, in which you assure me of your prayers for me and my apostolic ministry as well as your full disposition to continue serving unconditionally the Church and the Vicar of Christ according to the teachings of St. Ignatius Loyola. Rev 13:11 (KJV) - And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. Let no one deceive you in any way. In fact, if the Apostles of Jesus would be alive today, they would never promote Christmas, but rather the Biblical Festivals of God written in the Bible. Google Sitemap, What does the Bible say about Pope Francis, Russia Is The SpiritualHope Of The World At End Of Times. Yet, even in the midst of leading people astray from what the Bible teaches, he is widely respected as a man of God, and a great spiritual world leader. However, it does not say he will be the 112 th pope from 1139 AD. The clue for the 112th pope was Peter the Roman. 60 Reasons America is Mystery Babylon (Not Iraq), Daniel 7 and 8 call him "the little horn" among other hornswith the horns explained there to be. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope ever. If another pope appears after Pope Francis, then we can say the prophecy is proven wrong.). F Someone mentioned the Rev 12 Sign as well as the book of truth Pope francis will step down this year. After the death of a pope, there is a 15 day period to celebrate the funeral Mass and burial of the pope, as well as a period of mourning. Copy. That determination emerged during Bergoglios service as the top Jesuit leader of Argentina beginning in 1973. The Jesuits, also known as the Society of Jesus, took a vow of absolute obedience to the pope. That meant the next pope would be the 111th and then, if Malachys prophecy were true, the 112th pope would be the last pope. Publisher: OpenBible.info. Graham in Arizona. Jesus Christ appointed Simon to "feed" His flock. In fact if you examine history you will find that Rome persecuted Peter to death. Specifically, in the proclamations of Jesus to his apostle Peter in Matthew 16:18-19. (Read More.) Publication date: Feb 15, 2023. Thanks for the information TM what exciting times we live in. If this article blessed you and you want to bless back, you can (NOTE: For instant access to the special Supporter content, please use the buttons over here instead.). OpenBible.info I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Learn the surprising details that both Catholic and Bible prophecy agree on about the last popes evil reign. R This would translate to putting us two or, at most, three decades before Jesus returns which is an exciting prospect to most believers. There is no hierarchy of human beings demonstrated throughout Scripture. As one of the most enduring and prominent institutions in human history, the pope is uniquely positioned to influence the world so powerfully. Understanding Bible prophecy will bless you (Rev 1:3) and dispel your fears about the end times. The question on everyones mind was: How long till the 112th pope? Pope francis will step down this year. Ive read the Bible through myself and remain a Catholic. Whenever any person opens the Bible, they begin a process of interpretation. That is why the arrival of the last pope of Malachy's prophecy is a little exciting to me as well. Summary Evangelism is commanded for believers, but for many it's a frightening thing to do. Even wicca, Islam, Hinduism and any other false pagan religion in the world will join in with the rest. Leaked Public Health Document : coronavirus crisis in the UK could see 7.9m hospitalised ! Who could successfully deal with that? When Is The Next Blood Moon? But this is typical of Catholic prophecies. More importantly, this may fit what Bible prophecy indicates for how much time we have left until Jesus' return: only several more Sabbath years (which come every seven years and would cover just a few decades). Although its not impossible that the False Prophet could fulfill his prophesied role at the age of 86 or 87, it doesnt appear likely. It immediately became apparent to all that this was going to be a much different pope. They have a huge history of homosexual parties and child molestation charges and child sacrifices one need only look at all their statues and the serpents lining everywhere you look to know these top people were never of God. The horrible problem of sexual abuse by priests just wouldnt go away. Nor are they looking ready or about to pop. T The Vatican Owns the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Before he bestowed the traditional papal blessing on the crowd below, he asked them first of all to pray for him. This is a story about emotional intelligence and three of the most powerful words in the universe. Regardless of doubts over its true source, it has gained in fame over the years because of how well it can be matched up to past popes. Simply put, Peter was not the rock, Christ is the Rock. Jesus even changed Simon's name, saying, " [Y]ou are Peter [which means "Rock"], and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). For all of our videos, books, podcast episodes, and more, visit our website, http://www.wwutt.com! [] https://escapeallthesethings.com/last-pope-prophecy/ []. Some people think that the last pope will be the Antichrist. The movie is inspired by the case files of Amorth who performed and . What are they looking at? One of them was Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, born in Romano Canavese, Italy and serving as Vatican Secretary of State since 2006. Persons with homosexual tendencies. (NOTE: In case Catholics reading this are wondering, I bear no malice towards Catholicism or the pope. Most will say its just a remnant of the Middle Ages, but I wonder about it. This is the passing down of the keys or leadership to the church down through different apostles. Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Both prophet and priest are ungodly; even in my house I have found their evil, declares the Lord. The scriptures call the last pope the False Prophet. The prophesied last pope is here according to Saint Malachys vision of 112 popes: "Peter the Roman/Petrus Romanus." when Jesus said he would be Resurrected, or back on earth. Malachy also stated that God would judge His people and the city of Rome would be destroyed during the reign of the last pope. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Part 1 Total secrecy was enforced. Revelation 13:12-1412 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. This explains why Malachy's prophecy is so popular, even with Protestants. This was the first resignation of a pope while in office in over 600 years. Peace will reign. He ate nothing during those days, and when they were over he was hungry. Why is Revelations mysterious overlooked star Wormwood (Rev 6-8) the key to understanding Revelation? Today we see attacks on the Pope and his authority from three very different sources. Francis is the first non-European pope and the first pope ever elected from the Jesuit order. Only some meats. Sowho are they and what did they miss or do wrong? Until the milestones identified by Bible prophecy appear, we should not expect (or fear) the end times to begin soon. If you stop to think about it, there could have been 100, 50 or even 5 more popes left on Malachy's list today. But it is not as good a fit as the False Prophet when examined carefully. Contents show 1. The scriptures say nothing about Peter the Roman. Rule 13 of Ignatius Rules for Thinking with the Church said: That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformityif the Church shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black.. It is His finished work on the Cross, HIS shed blood that saves, alone. Let's give you the three words right upfront: "I forgive you." People with high emotional intelligence find themselves saying them over and over, day . Get the book from the interview here or read all about it here. IF YOU BELIEVE literal interpretations of the Bible, you will believe Malachy; You might think that a transition of popes would be of no interest to those watching for solid signs of the Apocalypse. This is because it will take faith to act on God's escape instructions in time before the Tribulation starts. The truth is, and we all know this, the Bible says and we know the gist, even if they dont know it precisely, that the Bible says (more or less), Not the angels in Heaven, nor all the saints, nor the Prophets of the Bible, not even the Son of God or the Holy Spirit, know the day, or the hour of the Final Coming (or words to that effect) only God. The Bible also says, and we know this, too, Beware of false prophets.. those who claim to speak the truth and those who speak of the endtimes, and those who speak of the final day and the final hour. Through miracles and the Mark of the Beast he will give validity and complete support to the Antichrist. Blog, A Instead, we now have only the remaining lifespan of a single elderly man to complete this prophecy. Is anyone on here saved? Q They also give us much more information about the last pope than Malachy gave. P St. Malachy was the Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland. We need the HOLY SPIRIT to help us discern fact from fiction. New American Standard Bible Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.. The pope at the time, Paul VI, accused the Jesuits of loose discipline. He thought the superior general of the Jesuits, Fr. The people will beg for it and the charismatic young Pope will lead them. Overlooking St. Peters Square, the announcement was made that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina had been elected pope. Interesting, to say the least. OBJECTOR: Matthew 16:13-20 does not teach anything about the papacy. What was going on inside the Sistine Chapel? I think youll find a man who is conservative theologically but very strong on matters of social justice, one of his associates said. He will forcefully argue that God is all religions and there is good in each one that all can agree on. H That is the concept which the title, Pope, signifies. Psalm 31:24 - Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. There is always a reason behind the names that new popes choose to reign under. During his reign, the Roman Catholic Church will be judged. The biggest factor against Pope Francis fulfilling the Bibles prophecies about the False Prophet is his age. of the Holy Roman Church.. CoronaVirus outbreak predicted in 1981 by Dean Koontz ! He arrived on Feb. 12th, 2013. and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. What does Peter, an apostle who lived almost two millennia ago, have to do with the Catholic pope? It was said of him, He was a tough guy who made sure his men toed the mark.. This kind of condescension was shocking to the hierarchy of the church, but played very well to the new popes worldwide audience. He's coming with a reward for the righteous (Rev 22:12) who should love his appearing and judgment in their favor (2Ti 4:8). We cannot tell as yet. What Happens If A Catholic Marries A Divorced Person? He reportedly replied: This (laws around the world criminalising LGBTI people) is not right. During this time, many of the priests ended up in government as they sought to enthrone Marxism under the guise of social justice. U That's the apostolic succession that has, to date, given the Catholic Church 266 popes. For many will come in My name, saying, I am the Christ, and will mislead many. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K2aqYiUJaM. He said he saw every pope that would exist from the time of his vision until the last pope. Even today, he plays the same important roles as Peter and other early Bishops providing stable leadership and direction for the church. will be destroyed, and the terrible judge will judge his people. Timmeh, my pastor once remarked on how well the Catholic prophecies line up with the Bible as long as you remember to reverse the perspective from good to evil and evil to good. June 20, 2022 Scripture teaches that God created all human beings in his image. Since Benedict XVI has not died, this period of mourning will not take place. What Miracles Did Pope John Paul II Perform? What does the Bible say about the pope / papacy? It's love like the Samaritan shows to a broken and hurting man. The Society of Jesus was also known as the popes marines. But that is not the case. All your leaders have fled together; without the bow they were captured. So when it says Peter the Romanwill feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. Yes, the last pope will make sure those enslaved by the Antichrist during the many Tribulations=Great Tribulation are well fed because he wants them alive for their job like my dream revealed to me. This is the chapter where the dreaded mark of the beast that they force on people is introduced as well. Here is why I think the last pope will fulfill the False Prophet prophecy: Protestants already know that the pope's Catholicism is at odds with the teaching of the Bible. The dragon is present as well in an honored spot in various places the same Roman dragon of Wales and The Order of the Dragon monarch society. IF YOU BELIEVE any foretelling of the future, you will believe Malachy. Pedro Arrupe, should have been cracking down on his priests in Latin America who were practicing Liberation Theology. The Parable answers: everyone, especially those who are hurting. It looked like the St. Malachy prophecy had failed. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. Jesus words: The Gospel is 1Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV). When I look at the icons/images I always scratch my head about why they would have made those. We will just have to wait and see how events develop. It dovetails with my understanding that the prophetic end time stage will be set in our lifetime. As in the case of many prophets and seers, St Malachys clues often become clear to us only after the fact., Alikhanys article continued, As the College of Cardinals works feverishly to elect the successor to Pope John Paul II over the next few days, they will have to wrestle with various criteria political, organizational, theological and moral. This Mark of the Beast will apparently be a global scheme for wealth redistribution (social justice). That doesnt mean the Papacy is an unbiblical institution. Evangelism, though, is not to be feared but is a privilege to embrace. On February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict shocked the world by announcing his intention to resign from the papacy. Be the first to receive news, updates and giveaways! Peter from Romano? Coronavirus: Did Nostradamus predict the deadly Virus? In more recent times, the doctrine of Liberation Theology has been embraced by much of the Jesuit order. But it certainly is going to be interesting, isnt it? With these sentiments, I ask all Jesuits to pray for me and to entrust me to the loving protection of the Virgin Mary, our Mother in heaven, while as a sign of Gods abundant graces, I give you the Apostolic Blessing with special affection, which I also extend to all those who cooperate with the Society of Jesus in her activities, those who benefit from her good deeds and participate in her spirituality. Preliminary discussions were held among them as to what kind of pope was needed at this particular juncture of the church. The Bible says The Pope is the Antichrist "Watch out for false prophets. Copyright 2019-2023. 6. Benedict XVI was 78 years of age when he began his papacy. Both Malachy and the Bible agree that he reigns during the Great Tribulation in which he plays a key role. The rock of which Jesus speaks as being the foundation of the Church is the confession of faith that Peter gives, not Peter himself. Pope Benedicts butler had seen so much corruption in the Vatican that he decided to pass some 1,000 of the popes most sensitive documents to an Italian journalist who then published the documents for the world to see. Pope Francis was recently asked about his views on homosexuality. Remember when God told Adam that the seed He would rise up would get a wound on His heal and the savoir would give him a deadly blow to the head. Not to mention that Catholicism already has a legacy of many documented miracles for the greater miracles predicted at the hand of the False Prophet to fit into. O E I was encouraged to do so many times by our religion. #1 - He is the Successor of Peter When Jesus Christ established his Church, he appointed Simon to lead it. The Second Coming of Jesus will end the reign of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Acts 15:29 clearly says that food sacrificed to idols, blood, and meat from strangled animals are still forbidden. 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