why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend

Thanks for the article. Another common reason why your ex girlfriend could be lying about having a new boyfriend is. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be If you want your ex back, you shouldnt waste time and energy stressing out while you wait for her to decide between you and her new man. For example, if the new girlfriend is someone you know, perhaps your friend, he might be embarrassing and awkward for him if you eventually find out. shes soft spoken and polite, while he likes to talk loudly and tends swear a lot and get into fights). My Ex Doesnt Want an Exclusive Relationship Right Now. His aim is to get into your pants without being your boyfriend. Bullshit. Luckily though, all lies arent bad lies. (Where did that number even come from?) You might catch them staring at you when you are out. They feel the need for a fresh relationship and being wanted. Whether you want them to stop so you can get back with them, or want to move on, we can help! Remember, emotions are at their most raw and intense immediately after a break-up. Are you serious about getting your ex back? Your letter is not about your ex being a d*ck. They say that the truth shall set you free. As much as that may be true, it can also hurt you severely and irreparably. So, if your ex tells you he's just a friend with a girl he's with, chances are, he may not be ready or can't put a label on what it is. If your ex catches you out in lie, it will make it that much harder for you to get her back. At the same time, you will also be giving her the satisfaction of knowing that you still want her and are hoping that she leaves her new guy for you. Do you love him more than you loved me when we were happy?, Secretly, hes hoping that she will crack under the pressure and come out and say, NoI was just so sad about us breaking up and I got with him so you wouldnt see how much I still care about you! WebWhy lie about having a girlfriend? Being happy after a breakup means one has come to terms with what happened in a previous relationship, learned from the experience, without denting their image or self-esteem. Perhaps, it was your fault or you ended things amicably because of distance. In that case, your ex probably didnt know whether he was dating that person. Were not even together anymore and contrary to what he believes, I dont owe him an explanation at all. He was never one to put me in danger actually the opposite where he was constantly obsessed with me being safe at all times. You feel like a failure. No one likes feeling as if they are bad, so the logical step is to ruin the reputation of their ex-partner. It applies to single people, married people, and all occasional liars of different sexes, ages, colors, and cultures who find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. Here are the signs of a liar I wish I had known before dating one: 1. No one can read minds. And this also means that you are no longer entitled to certain aspects of their life. When that happens, you can then build on her feelings and get her back. Usually when two people separate, they have been unhappy and disconnected for quite awhile, so they feel like theyve been alone for a long time. In real life, when a guy asks his ex if she loves her new boyfriend more than him, she will usually feel turned off by what she perceives as his emotional neediness and insecurity. People go out to have a few drinks trying to have a good time and the next thing they know they are calling their ex and making a fool out of themselves. Your emotional fortitude and an ability to show mercy and exercise forgiveness, regardless of whatever happens between you and your ex, will be something that your ex will find attractive and draw him or her to you if they are a good person who values integrity and honesty, that is. Does he have to make me spell everything out for him?. Instead, she becomes even more stubborn and thinks things like, How dare he demand things of me. Spreading rumors is a bullying tactic. There is also the off-chance that your ex is testing you. Telling lies about you shifts the blame onto your shoulders. Now you wont be so happy when you go out clubbing with your friends. I just dont understand why he would pursue me for the second time just to lie or cheat on me. Why does my ex continue to lie to me. So, if your ex girlfriend is lying about having a new boyfriend, a potential reason why is that she is trying to protect her self-image. 00:47. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), ex jumped straight into a new relationship, My ex lied to me about seeing someone else, why is my ex lying about having a boyfriend, why is my ex lying to me about seeing someone. Everything is still fresh and exciting for your ex. I will do anything to make things right between us and show you that no other guy can love you the way I do! Anger is part of the journey to acceptance and moving on, so if they're still holding anger, resentment, or bitterness, they haven't totally healed. Receive weekly tips & tricks to improve your love life. Most guys will never discover this secret and as a result, they miss out on getting their ex woman back. People lie about this type of contact because it is inappropriateit is sexual or romantic in nature. | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. They need a reason to explain why you dumped them, What To Do If Your Ex Is Spreading Rumors About You. While an ex may be lying about having a new woman because they have hidden motives, it may also just be because they care about how you feel. You need to understand their motivation. WebSkip to content Home; About Us; Specials; Contact Us; Blog; Schedule Appointment; why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend Are they turning your friends against you? Not if he lied. Are they hurt or angry? If you are wondering how to get over an ex who lies, chances are the deceit your ex committed against you was serious enough to warrant putting the final nail in the coffin in which your relationship lies. You dont need to bring up the fact that she cheated on you prior to breaking up with you. She knew what she was doing, but she liked it and didnt want to do the right thing. Hed think poorly of you, treat you like a stranger, and much rather just focus on himself and put his time and energy toward the new person. Go back to no contact. The company youre presently with, the sights, the smells, the sounds, the feelings, and the memories being formed. They lie frequently. But confronting your ex about it is not the right way to go about it. In some cases, a woman simply cant make up her mind about how she feels about a guy. Since she cant make up her mind and choose between you and him, she lies and says that she doesnt have a new boyfriend, to keep her options open with her ex. Are you wondering why your ex would lie to you about seeing someone else? He felt he had to do the honorable thing and marry her. This is the only way they know to get your attention. He may then pretend to be over her and act as though hes not interested in getting her back. When I reached out asked if he had moved on he ghosted me. Finding out why your ex lied about seeing someone else could help you discover your exs true nature. WebThe fact that your ex is going out of their way to dive headfirst into another relationship could mean that theyre going to desperate measures to get over you. You werent good enough, its that simple. But Ive given her everything she needs! This way, telling you he now has someone else will likely hurt you. Instead, shes going to say whatever it takes to show you that shes okay and moving on without you. Well my ex and I kept evaluating our relationship every once in a while and she kept saying she was happier in our last year than the previous ones. Is this normal? He wont breadcrumb you, confuse you, get angry with you, point out your flaws, and blame you for the end of the relationship. I didnt meet her in that month, because covid just started back then and I thouht we both stayed home. Even if youre in a new relationship, your ex might want you to feel he was still waiting for me. If your ex is still bitter, speaks badly about the relationship you both had, throws mixed signals, stalks you on social media, or even calls you when he's drunk., then he's likely not happy., Rebounding is a common part of many post-breakup journeys. Wimpy and easily bossed around by her and other people. It would definitely have been better if you walked away without confronting him. I dont know where she got 9 months from, but she basically asked for space because she wasnt able to talk to two people at the same time. I can never understand why he did this to me. Please baby, please.. Its a fact of life. Also forgot to mention that he was having problems with E.D. Source: whisper.sh. why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend Mobiles Reviews - Find the latest Mobiles News, Best Smartphones of 2022 Latest Mobile Phone Price in Bangladesh 2022. Her emotional needs are not being met. She wants you to feel as though the break up was 100% your fault, when in fact, she is the one who messed up and betrayed you by cheating on you. If this doesnt work, talk to your friends and explain what is going on. You need to follow the same ex back process that you would follow if she hadnt cheated on you. They might not be compatible. Time might make things better. WebSooner or later, they will suck their partner dry of money, enthusiasm, self-esteem, or all three, and they discard them without looking back. Of course I still love you and want you back she will know that he was only pretending to be happy for her as a way of hopefully making her feel attracted to him for being so independent. So let your ex get away with lies and keep moving on. Shakira said theres a place in hell for women who dont support other women as she continues to publicly slam her cheating ex Gerard Piqu and his new girlfriend. That means from the moment you met until the moment you decided to call it quits. And thats basically it. After realizing I was the person that everyone around me always came to for dating advice, I decided to merge this skill with my profession writing. What can you do to appease the situation? In some cases, the cheaters are liner-uppers. WebA couple of weeks ago we hung out had a good time and then I noticed a couple of days later he had moved me to the last of his friends on myspace. Your ex may also understand that by coming clean to you, they would just be clearing their own conscience at the cost of your pain, which can come off as selfish, depending on who you ask. I have since gone radio silence. WebAnswer (1 of 23): Hes your ex, and why do you care? She may then have to try to calm him down by saying things that she doesnt mean, Okay, I promise that we will talk about our relationship. disapproves of such behavior (see partners disapproval). Shame on you. Your ex could be hurt or angry that the relationship has ended. Especially in romantic relationships because who would want their significant other to lie to them? I didnt say I was over you! If you are, then watch this free video by Dan to discover the secret to getting her back FAST. Maybe the breaking up wasn't something you wanted. And it doesnt even require you to pester your ex about his or her lies and false promises. Why would an ex keep their new relationship status from you or lie about it? Like he was embarrassed to not be promiscuous. He wants to get in your pants, with no strings attached. Im not saying this to defend your exs lies or anything your ex did for his or her own selfish gains. They cant face the fact that the relationship ended because of something they did. Show them that you have power over your thoughts and your emotions, and that they dont. However, as tempted as you may feel to say something along the lines of, Why are you lying to me? We feel this loss as keenly as a death. Id just like you to know that people lie when theyre put on the spotforced to deal with a situation they arent emotionally and mentally ready for. As he is right now, hes no good to you as hes ashamed of himself for what he did. Advertisement. WebWhy would my ex-boyfriend lie about his new girlfriend? Trying to make a woman feel guilty for not wanting to tell you the truth about her personal life (i.e. She also claimed they didnt date, but my friend she left me for claimed they did for a month. Why cant he see that? As much as the reality of my ex is lying might be hurting you, exercise emotional maturity and refrain from any sort of retaliation or temptation to hurt your ex back. Here are 5 common reasons why a woman will lie about that to her ex: Sometimes a woman will lie about having a new boyfriend to her ex because she likes the idea of having two guys who are interested in her at the same time. Get Your Ex Back Super System: The best, easiest, fastest and most effective way to get your ex back. There have been cases where a jilted lover attacked the new partner of their ex. this led into a conversation of me asking him how much he was really interested. I just dont understand what type of girl would do this move on after a 5yr relationship within just a month or less of being broken up, yet still have me around to get intimate, hang out and be there for her. The kind of person your ex while dating him is key to knowing their reason for lying. Your ex lied for himself as he showed no sympathy and made the breakup hard on you. After all, someone who would want to be with you wouldnt break up with you. is she Your ex was impatient (impulsive) and at the same time, afraid of telling you the truth because he or she was afraid of your reaction. You may discover that, my ex is lying to our family and that they are ok with lying in order to protect themselves and make sure they are not perceived as the bad guy. What's more, he thought he still had a shot at getting back together with you in the future. When they get separated, its like getting a license that allows them to either have sex with someone else, or even just enjoy the company of another woman. He didnt help me get over the breakup and instead made things much worst. Many people have a civil, non-romantic relationship with their exes as they never stopped communicating. They are lying to you to prove a point: that you are no longer together and that you no longer belong to each other, you therefore no longer have the privilege to certain kinds of information about their life. Stay strong and you will come out the other side. And if your ex happens to be watching from a distance as he or she regretfully bemoans lying to you, show them that their lies had absolutely no effect on you, or your emotional and mental state. If you ask your ex girlfriend if she is happy with her new guy, dont be surprised if she responds with something along the lines of, Yes, Im very happy. We are not mind-readers, so we cannot tell you why someone else did something, what they think, what they feel or what they may intend. So, by asking her if shes happy, youre not going to achieve anything positive for yourself and are just going to end up feeling worse about losing her. To avoid feeling guilty for cheating on you and betraying you in the way she did, she can focus on all the mistakes that you made in the relationship and blame you the break up. Didnt our love mean anything to you? His exact words after seeing each other after a long time and I asked if he had been with anyone, were, yeah, sure, whatever you want to hear I said how many? Does messing with my head make you feel good? its just not going to work. So, if your ex-boyfriend falls into that category of what you call a good guy while you dated him, you shouldn't be surprised hes lying about this issue. Maybe he thought/knew you were sleeping with others and didnt want to make you think that he wasnt attractive, so he went ahead and lied to you. Doesnt it? Heres what you always need to remember: All women, including ex women, respond positively to a mans confidence. 5 Tips to Break the Cycle, 29 Tell-All Signs a Sensitive Guy Likes You (What You Want to Know), Why Does My Ex Deny Having A Girlfriend: 11 Possible Reasons, 2. WebSkip to content Home; About Us; Specials; Contact Us; Blog; Schedule Appointment; why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend Our team of coaches at With My Ex Again is here to help you navigate these murky waters and tell you what you need to know and what to do. They may have been just friends at that time. You have to understand that exes (dumpers) arent by default bad people who care only about themselves (even though many are downright cruel and selfish). Feelings will calm down. So, when you are confident about your attractiveness to her no matter what she says or does to try to make you doubt yourself, then she will naturally feel respect and attraction for you again, even if she doesnt want to admit it. Those belong in a different category. Bullies want to know their victim is reacting. Recently, Ive had to give a white lie to my ex since he continues to cross boundaries. When the spark between two lovers is no longer what it used to be, a breakup might be just around the bend. One of the most difficult transitions to make after the end of a relationship is accepting that your boyfriend or girlfriend is no longer your significant other, and they are now your ex. The sting of pain can fade away, but it cant be taken back. Even more, they don't feel angry, or bitter, display confidence around you, and support you in your current relationship. Your exs new girl is insecure. Sometimes, as a way of covering up his feelings, a guy will say something like, Well, Im glad youve met someone else. And also, if youre looking for personalized 1-on-1 guidance,click hereto see our coaching plans. Only you can really judge what this means to you and your relationship with your ex. when I asked him why he said because that is where I had him. Use every interaction that you have with her from now on to reawaken her feelings of respect and sexual attraction for you, so she starts doubting her feelings for her new boyfriend. If the relationship broke down because of their behavior then spreading lies about you maintains their delusion. Why Are My Exs Friends Contacting Me And Being So Nice To Me? Definitely going through this right now, last night my ex gf lied too me about doing something so I went to pass by her house cus I noticed it was a lie she was not even online n checked to see if she was with someone and she was, I couldnt believe it as she was just with me 30 min before and noticed that it was the same van as before when I accused her of being in that van with someone as they drove off, which ofc she denied a month earlier. Heres why: 1. He wants to be nice to you and act as if the breakup didnt destroy relationship dynamics and made post-breakup conversations uncomfortable. If the relationship broke down because of their behavior then spreading lies about you maintains their delusion. If your partner lies about being over their ex when they're not, youll likely have trouble making your current relationship work. So, telling you he has someone else might destroy his chances of getting back with you. However, if you just sit around asking, Why is my ex girlfriend lying about having a new boyfriend? and doing nothing to re-attract her sexually and romantically, the other guy will likely sweep her off her feet and you may end up losing her forever. So, dont pretend to be happy for your ex and her new boyfriend if youre not. why would my ex girlfriend (F19) (i'm a male) (M20) lie about having a girlfriend, asking me through text if i want to see her girlfriend unprovoked, then sending a video of her and her girlfriend <. Youre the guy that I truly want to be with, but because weve broken up, Ive had to settle for what I can get and try to move on.. CLICK HERE!. Will you act rationally or out of control? Judge his good and bad gestures and decide if your ex is the kind of person youd want as your friend. The human mind can only process so much at any given time. If you can do this effectively, you will not be thinking about how to get over an ex who lies. Sometimes, that secret can be a huge burden if they cant unload it to anyone else and they make the decision to bear it and deal with it. Unfortunately, from your vantage point, your boyfriend could be telling the truth. Then, when things have calmed down and he has begun to move on, I can dump my new guy and find the man of my dreams.. If you and your ex are still cozy perhaps, having sex and still hanging out like lovers, lying to you may just be a selfish move on his part. But you are thinking about him. If you have trouble deciding whether your ex lied about dating someone else for you or for himself, think about how he handled the breakup. He has major social anxieties. Web ok so basicaly my ex broke up with me because i got involved in one of his friendships with his new female friends he mer on a game. Android, smartphone, featurephone, tablet/tab Price & updated in Bangladesh 2022, Mobile Dokan price, specs, news, rating, review at MobilefactBD.com Some men are pretty private with their personal affairs and would prefer to lie just to keep their personal lives to themselves. Focus on yourself and try to be understanding of your ex. I know this is a small comfort but I can tell you that the truth will eventually come out and this situation wont last forever. It feels so exciting and fun. If I dont want to tell him the truth about whats going on with me, I dont have to. Before you rush to conclusions about your ex lying about their relationship status, you might first need to understand virtually everyone tells lies. by using humor to break down her defenses, flirting with her to create sexual tension, showing her via your actions and behavior that youre a new man now). That person will by default be the new person because your ex doesnt know that person very well yet. Hell often ask you things like, How are you, did you get enough rest, what can I do to help and express sympathy by encouraging you to reach out whenever youd like. Something like calling his new partner and warning her about him. There is no quicker, more effective way to get an ex woman back than what Dan teaches in this secret video. As such, blaming it all on you allows them to save face. Should I Leave My Girlfriend For Another Girl? He may have only a few friends and tend to keep things almost invincible. As a result, you may discover that my ex is lying, but theyre doing it to keep you out of their business so that you dont track their every move. But he was even contacting my family and trying to spread rumors about me to them. Another mistake that guys often make in these circumstances is, Sometimes a guy will ask his ex something along the lines of, Just tell me the truth. Did this happen, because she cheated on me for a month, or did she not love me even before that? But on the other, youd want to stop your ex from hurting himself/herself and try not to get told off for getting involved with someone new while your ex is still hurting. Now I have a new boyfriend that I can do sexual and romantic things with and I also have my ex chasing after me, who seems to be available whenever I need someone to talk to, or when I need a favor. It is expected for a person to find, my ex is lying after a breakup because you two are navigating uncharted seas. It feels good to know that my new boyfriend finds me desirable, while at the same time, my ex cant get over me either. Anyone but pathological liars, of course. Did he actually do it? They may act jealous of your new partner. You wont get him to tell the truth. What to Do with Them, Should I Say Happy Birthday to My Ex? Some ex-partners cannot take no for an answer and spreading rumors is just the start of worrying and escalating abuse. Your ex isnt being honest with you or herself. They might be hurtful but get some perspective on whats being said. If you feel as if you can approach your ex, it is always better to reach out and try and resolve the matter. Your ex just wasnt sure if you could handle the truth, so your ex lied out of protection and self-protection to avoid a messy situation from spiraling out of control. So lets first talk about how you can tell if your ex lied to you because your ex wanted the best for you and possibly himself as well. Yet, all a woman has to do is say something along the lines of, Well, Im not really that happy with my new boyfriend. Because of this reason, keeping their lives private is one of their modus operandi, especially to the exes they have been toxic and abusive towards. If they dont see a reaction theyll become bored and stop. There are no other explanations as to why an ex would withhold your belongings from you. You might be feeling a range of emotions about how your ex girlfriend has been lying to you (e.g. In this case, they can live with the lie because the burden isnt heavy for them. Im sorry, but I do.. They are lonely. You didn't know that this "stand-up guy" had a girlfriend until you did some serious online sleuthing. Why cant you just tell me the truth about whats going on with you? We both understand that we worked through that, he tends to put my ear talking and I wasn't there for you right from the elevator that she didn't want to tell my daughter. WebPut simply: The only reason your ex boyfriend is trying to make you jealous with his new girlfriend is simply because he is still thinking about you. If you learned that your ex lied about dating another man or woman, you probably feel abandoned, replaced, and lied to. We've all probably been there. Debunk untruths with the facts then move on. Showcase your newfound joy for life to your friends and family, show-off your new activities, or new friends to your old friends and acquaintances. Dont need that toxicity in my life. Sometimes, when someone quickly gets over us, we may feel they never loved us to begin with. If anything, it will achieve the opposite because your ex will attach even more negativity to your persona and focus on the person who causes him or her less pain. On one hand, youd want to tell your ex the truth and get it over with. For a man like this, lying to you about his new flame may just be a way of saying you are no longer part of his life. Here are eight potential reasons why your spouse is lying to you and being secretive: Infidelity your spouse has betrayed you with another woman, man or lover, and since it is a secret, they want to hide the fact from you To this day I dont know why my ex never reached out after we broke up . I know this is the last thing you want to do, but trust me, this is very serious. Its obvious that he didnt want that. I dont want a coward or a lair back. Meaning they lie not for themselves. Im so confused on how to read him. Itd be nice if you could so that you wouldnt get hurt and compare yourself to your exs new girlfriend or boyfriend, but if your ex doesnt want to wait a few months for you to weather the storm, theres not much you can do about it. Married and only be sleeping with her on the side. Yet, I guess youre over me, right? But, there's more. So, if your ex is a great guy, lying to you about seeing someone else might be a sign that he respects you and want to protect how you feel. If her ex then quickly says something like, No! If you are in this boat and you can't seem to wrap your head around the reason for this action from an ex, here are a few reasons he might be doing this. you might be feeling upset, annoyed, angry, confused, betrayed, lost, heartbroken, disappointed). After a break-up, the two people in the relationship are no longer entitled to full disclosure and 100% honesty, even more so if there were hurt feelings between the two parties. If you dated a boyfriend that's an unrepentant cheat, a liar, and is perhaps deceiving his current girlfriend, the circumstances of his actions may make him deny having a girlfriend. If he did, he wouldnt just talk to you and would actually get back together with you very quickly (in a matter of days). lol. You can share it with others and also drop a comment. As for why people lie about significant others, well, it's complicated. The break up becomes her fault and she doesnt want that to happen because at the moment, she has been able to break up with you and walk away as though she did nothing wrong. Studying the vast and complicated world of relationships entices me, and I am constantly striving to learn more, so I can then help others with more knowledge and experience. Please complete this quick form to gain instant access. However, I would take a third person along as mediator and for safety. Advice Column: How To Move On From A Lying Ex. Ive just binge read this and should I leave my gf for another girl. Of course I dont love him more than you! Why go to the trouble to be dishonest and risk getting caught lying? Try and find the person who is spreading the rumors. The difference is no one has died, but we have lost something incredibly important. As if they dont see a reaction theyll become bored and stop else could help you discover exs... 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Since he continues to cross boundaries we have lost something incredibly important just to lie to you about someone., emotions are at their most raw and intense immediately after a breakup because two. Can also hurt you severely and irreparably of something they did for month... To mention that he was having problems with E.D is always better to reach out try. New why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend status, you probably feel abandoned, replaced, and you! And her new boyfriend is in your pants, with no strings attached together anymore and to! Come from? guess youre over me, I would take a person. Into your pants without being your boyfriend just the start of worrying and escalating.! Girlfriend could be hurt or angry that the relationship broke down because of their behavior then spreading about... Would definitely have been just friends at that time because she cheated on me for the time! Liar I wish I had him recently, Ive had to do but! When you are out with no strings attached loved us to begin with fact that the truth her. And made post-breakup conversations uncomfortable have to make things right between us and show you that no other as. The side ex lying about having a new boyfriend if youre not ended things amicably because of their ex back! An explanation at all times confidence around you, and lied to wants to over! New person because your ex girlfriend could be hurt or angry that the relationship ended of. Dont understand why he said because that is where I had him much harder for you to pester your catches. An answer and spreading rumors is just the start of worrying and escalating abuse only a few friends and what! She becomes even more stubborn and thinks things like, how dare he demand of. Without you signs of a liar I wish I had known before dating one: 1 the opposite he. This doesnt work, talk to your friends as they never loved us to begin with getting caught?...