Dr. Bob Jones Jr. went home to be with the Lord on November 12, 1997. Many who are into the visions of Jones also have seen the white horse who represents a sovereign move of the Spirit of truth and power. - "About" David Cloud . Youre to bring them to a place to allow My Spirit to rule in their life where they can begin to set the Church on the proper foundations, as they will. MB: He said, I havent had visions in two nights! Two nights! a leading member of that church totally repudiate the story as given. . in May 2007 included statements by former Without Walls staff members who testified that the Whites had shifted their focus to money and fame. And it will start a Gods fire( Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations, 1988. Being interviewed by Rick Joyner , he says that God and the angels have their hands cuffed, and it's up to us to speak things into existence because God . This is right out of the Latter Rain/manifest sons of God manual. . on Jan. 19, 2006, but as of March 2006, Paulks television program was still broadcast on Trinity Broadcasting Network. "I saw there were two plagues coming to the global nations, especially the United States. Because Jones was hit by lightening he developed Golden Senses, an ability to feel in his hands and arms sensations that would signal various spiritual realities. Other items we sell to help fund our expensive literature and foreign church planting ministries. Thats all that it means there. So we realize that; so whats our reaction to that? Help me. And the voice spoke to me and says, I cant help you, Bob, until you forgive them. Bob goes into great detail about his life b. On the side leading to destruction, the people were dressed in whatever they worshipped as their God. RUN from this witchcraft which is designed to bring you under the control of Satan's warlocks pretending to have a word for you as a prophet of God! Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. OFFERINGS can be mailed or made online with with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or Paypal. He called me immediately after church that night and said, Dad, Ive been in the weirdest church Ive ever been in. After he described what was going on I advised him that what was happening was not Scriptural. Bob Jones, I must now say, in light of all of the over emphasized, untested signs, just assuming theyre from God, that Bob disqualified himself years ago, never submitting to correction, from the very beginning, even before he met Mike Bickle. (Mike Bickle with Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations, transcript, series of five tapes from the fall of 1988.). In discussing Bob Jones disqualifying history, heres my comment and a response from one commentator. The 1970's was the Word of God. Bob Jones In 1991, Kansas City prophet Bob Jones' tapes were removed from the Vineyard Ministries International product catalog after he admitted to "a moral failure" . Bob refused counsel, refused to be under subjectionand took off for other churches where he would be free to make his predictions. Will and Judy Pliska, ages 31 and perhaps 29; died in the fall of 1976. Wait till you see the next two years! And I was there. Bob Jones' prophecy. When you drink enough, you become possessedI become possessed (F89, p. 29), 3. He was not under submission to the pastor. Since that time he has seen many, many times, five, ten visions and dreams a night. Christians do not bow before anything but God. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. . Youre going to be here the rest of your life anyway. What kind of Jesus is this that Jones presents to the church? Then he said a strange word. So he began to tell me about the movement. However, Paul has resisted this process and has continued in his sin (Special Bulletin, MorningStar Ministries, Oct, 19, 2004). magazine said: About a year later, after the church had become affiliated with John Wimbers Vineyard network of churches, Jones admitted to a moral failure and was removed from his leadership position. I had to warn them. This is very troubling! Mike Bickle dates the very beginning of their Movement to the first supernatural experiences of Bob Jones. for Oct. 29, 2015, the church is standing with its crooked leaders (City Harvest Founder Kong Hee Thanks Congregation for Grace and Love as Wife Sun Ho Is Ordained as Pastor, Oct. 29, 2015). This false prophet can only gain access into the lives of those who are already deluded by their rejection of the LORD and His holy truth (2 Thess. There will be a full manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Gods timing. and all the other doctors out there said, You might as well put him on the strong stuff: hes found a home. Jones has been found to need a translator for his speaking even though it is in English because of his incoherence in communication (one translator for Jones is Paul Keith Davis of White Dove ministry). .until he met Mike Bickle. The book deals with the history of Pentecostalism beginning at the turn of the 20th century, the Latter Rain Covenant, major Pentecostal healing evangelists, the Sharon Schools and the New Order of the Latter Rain, Manifest Sons of God, the charismatic movement, the Word-Faith movement, the Roman Catholic Charismatic Renewal, the Pentecostal prophets, the Third Wave, and recent Pentecostal and charismatic scandals. Of course both angels and fire have an important part in the revivalism taking place in the church today. What make this a concern is that Alice Bailey, a spokesperson for the New Age Movement, described violet (or purple) light as a catalyst for bringing about healing: [There are]four groups of angels that are bands of servers who are pledged to the service of the Christ [the New Age Christ, not Jesus], and their work is to contact man and to teach them along certain lines. I first met Bob Jones in the mid 1970's, but the first major prophetic word I heard him give was at the debriefing meeting held by Derek Prince after the '77 Charismatic Renewal Conference. You are to write into their minds, as they write into the childrens minds. Four years later, at age thirteen, he claims he was escorted to the throne room of God in heaven (like Cerullo and others). Sir Bob Jones gave up drinking a year ago and says he still feels like a young man. Start your day together with God and the GOD TV team. You stood before the Lord BJ: He was showing me a throne room and He was showing me a seat that I needed to sit in one dayand there was a guide that stood in front of me, and he was like red sunglasses (F88, p.2-3)/, http://www.bobjones.org/?zone=/unionactive/view_page.cfm&page= 2020202020Photos202620Bio 27s2020202020 Bob Jones Web Site, When only seven years old and walking on a dirt road in Arkansas; the Arch Angel Gabriel appeared to Bob Jones on a white horse and blew a double silver trumpet in his face. The 2000 would reveal the glory of God. Instagram, 13 Feb. 2023, https://www.instagram.com/p/Colp6OgrUu-/. (LogOut/ There was a guide, that he identified as the angel of the Lord who protected him from danger by standing between him and the throne by filtering the rays from God as if the angel was like red sunglasses. He said that he later understood that this was Gods way of calling and commissioning him for their new important earth-changing work that could go out from Americas Midwest. No one in my background had ever heard the audible voice of God. Lord is there anything we can do? matlab app designer popup message female comedians of the 90s kalena ku delima prophet bob jones biography. He met Jesus face to face as there were two lines there; One going to everlasting destruction and one leading to eternal life. As told above, Bob out right lied about his warning prophecies, at Berean Baptist Church, and actually recounted two different stories, both lies, as the pastor of the church and another member, recounted what actually transpired. Kansas City Chiefs [@chiefs]. If Mikes ministry and vision was built upon false prophecy, as difficult as it may seem to acknowledge, Mikes labour was in vain. The author was led to Christ by a Pentecostal in 1973 and has researched the movement ever since. Many that run in prophetic circles have respect for Jones, others Have a DIFFERENT OPINION and consider Jones a blatant false teacher/prophet that needs to be avoided. BJ:= Bob Jones "Viola and I were involved in a church in '76. 4:00 into the video) we find Jones telling us the the same story abortion would increase, homosexuality would increase and aids would be incurable and there would be an epidemic of drugs (not anything that someone who watches the culture could not predict). He said that he had heard the audible voice of the Lord about my life. He gave me four very important words in October 1982. Naturally I rejected the prophesy as being false & was in turn rejected by them for being false. Paul Cain, Mike Bickle (and others) are friends to his ministry and were involved in the prophetic movement that entered the Vineyard church under John Wimber and are now part of the new apostolic reformation of Peter Wagner who was friends with Wimber. This man is not right! And then willI profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from me (Matthew 7:22.23). [!] But he is back on earth! Four nations would begin to have open doors into Russia and the fifth nation would be Sweden. Viola and I, we dearly loved them. Prophecy Of Bob Jones Is Happening. I popped a videotape into my VCR and lay down on the sofa. exposed his extravagant lifestyle and his shady fund-raising practices. Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministry. Certainly Jones has not received enough correct Bible teaching to recognize there are other influences going on his life. But, he says, Im going to minister. And he says, My first task is to get you to believe it. I said, What movement? He said, You dont know nothin, do you? I said, The Lord just told me to come here; I dont know a clue about anything. And that began the bizarre 18-month period of events. Bob spoke about deep spiritual things in simplistic parables but . And when I first met him, I couldnt hardly comprehend that. Isaiah 9:15: "The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail." Bob Jones first became known by being part of the Kansas city prophets back in the 1980's. Prophecy is increasing in purity, but there is a still a long way to go for those who walk in this ministry. Two nights! - www.wayoflife.org. This man was also a Christian in good standing, who was run off the road and killed. Bob and Bonnie Jones, Fort Mill, SC Bob had a vision of a sword of light and power; it was like - . At the age of 13 or 15 (two different accounts), he supposedly is taken to heaven, and a guide who appears looking like red sunglasses, protects him from Gods glory, saying, this was Gods way of calling and commissioning him for their new important earth-changing work that could go out from Americas Midwest., 20 years of debauchery, drinking and demonization led him to Topeka Veterans Hospital mental ward, where, on drugs, this devil come and he said, Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. g.The sad irony is that so many of those same mystical experiences and revelations have no support whatsoever from Scripture, and many defy the scriptural record entirely. Two of the most spiritual children I know were the Pliskas. fromhttp://www.letusreason.org/Latrain52.htm. For the first time in history we have a woman angel working inside the church bringing signs to the. , which he announced in a full-page ad in, magazine readers in 1983 and appeared on the cover of. He said, Oh, were collecting those who are foreknown and predestinated for the end-times, for you see, theyll be the best of all the seed thats ever been. The 5th edition of this book, November 2014, is significantly enlarged and revised throughout. Whats interesting is that this time revival is happening at Asbury College. , Jan. 31, 2002). Whatever is communicating to Jones has some hair raising tails to tell. This full maturity is what is called the Manifested Sons of God doctrine that came from the Latter Rain Heresy. The first was Bob Jones on February 14, 2014. In a television broadcast in May 1988 Swaggart had the audacity to boast, You are looking at a clean preacher! and I do not lie! (Don Matzat, The Same Ol' Jimmy,, , May 16, 1988). Bob Jones experienced correction., not rejection. Quoting Jesus on the last days: Matthew 24:11And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many. (NASV) Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. (NASV). The prophesy was that my church at that time would fail. Chiefs Super Bowl 2023 Victory. Many will say this not a few. Do you need a new Bible or Christian Gifts? McClendon enjoys the spotlight on Christian television, and he shares pulpits with top leaders in our movement (Lee Grady, Sin in the Camp,. Jones explains to us that his healing power came when he was struck by lightning: It was about 76. But he just cant seem to get the accuracy level past first grade prognostics. Watch out, as there will be a false prophet in your midst in the early days. By the way, we discovered it; so there is no mystery about that. And the whole thing was shut down. And so were in a day when were in such an immature stage of this. If you talk poverty, youll have it. And the Lord was tellin me what they were doin. Your email address will not be published. It went like this: Euossa, Euossa, use rela sema calah mala kanah leulla ssage nalan. Little or no Scripture is ever mentioned. Get a daily devotional and encouraging 2-3minute video direct to your inbox. He complained to Mike Bickle one time. to one aspiring to public ministry. There are going to be thousands of young people gathered from around the world. His . Hebrews 1: IN TIMES PAST, God spoke to the fathers through the prophets. So if youve got short range plans, make long range plans(Bob Joneswith Todd Bentley at the Lakeland Florida revival, 5/13/08 evening service, on God TV. These type of descriptions and non- conformity to the Bibles Jesus certainly raises the suspicion of a another Jesus, or spirit at work. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? (1 Peter 2:20). The 1960s reveal the Spirit of God. Supernatural experiences are an every day and night occurrence to Mr. Jones, and there is no end to how flamboyant the stories can be. (ROH, p. 6)And then he began to proceed to tell me an hour and a half or two hours, though I forgot the time, of this most unbelievable layout of visions that you could ever imagine in your mindIncredible, not like because it was so realisticincredible, like the first time you ever see Star Wars. Bob Jones a Tail of a Prophet , September 2008). The church was birthed by the Holy Spirit , yet Jones is speaking of a new birth to a new breed of youth that will have power only despots covet for. So that that glorious Church might be revealed in the last daysbecause the Lord Jesus is worthy to be lifted up by a Church that has reached the full maturity of the God-man! (Bob Jones, tape, Visions and Revelations, 1988.). . Understanding The Holy Of Holies Inside The Temple. Full updates of Bonnie Jones' and or Lyn Kost's ministry available at. I requested Bob that for at least a month that he sit quietly and be still. Much of our material is available for free, such as the hundreds of articles at the Way of Life web site. Christ can only return when the people of God have reached that place of unity in which the Spirit and the Bride can say, Come (p. 73). We were involved with the youth leaders, and we even gave them quite a bit of land in Lake Ozarks. David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. , December 2004). Early years. A bolt of lightning. Incredible as it seems, Mike Bickle was, however, soon won over by supernatural signs, to believe that Bob Jones must be from God. While in a time of praise, Bob saw an apple tree in full bloom. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 4. He gave me a prophecy. BOB JONES WINDS UP IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION BJ: In my late 30s, my nerves wentI went to Topeka (the Veterans Hospital mental ward); I signed in and I immediately run off and I got in hell again, so they took me back and I thought, Ive got to set it out. So I walked the halls out there night and day. MB: And after (over 20) years of alcoholism and street fighting and all the gambling and etc., etc., and so now, he is so steeped in alcoholism BJ: It was hell. Christ gave only one legitimate cause, and that is fornication, yet the two said the split involves no third party on either side.. as she drew close to him he looked out and said did you learn to love and she said yes lord she threw her arms and he just put her arms around herand kissed her right on the lipsand just pulled her in and the rest of this is even more out of context from the Bible that I refuse to write about such nonsense. By his own acknowledgement, MB: Because Bob had had a long history of rejection over a number of years cause every time he prophesied, something would happen cause most of them were negativethey threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people.. I had Jesus. The part that is true is that Bob had been prophesying and reporting his dreams and predictions for years in Kansas City. And I requested Bob that for at least a month that he sit quietly and be still. Jones is claiming to have actually died and was at the judgment, his judgment. We are standing in prayer with you. I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. The church is never going to be a Melchizedek Priesthood because this is not Gods intention for the church- Jesus ALONE is the God man, this why the Bible teaches he is the only begotten Son of God. The Melchisedek Priesthood has only one priest- that is Jesus Christ and Him alone, for it is an eternal priesthood with Him as its priest forever. And you know there is about a list of 12 people that are the problems why you are here. For example, he described in one story (detailed in Section I), how Berean Baptist Church, a highly respected Charismatic church, threw him out. (Testimony Letter 11)When we checked the story with the man who pastured Berean Baptist Church at that time, he told us that Bob Jones had the habit of; dominating the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding propheciessupposedly from Godmostly in the flesh. 4 1990). "Bob Jones had heard from God that the chiefs would go to the Super Bowl and win it. Header Images: Kansas City Chiefs [@chiefs]. He actually left St. Louis and started the church in Kansas City, solely in response to a prophetic word, from defrocked prophet Augustine Acula. Thats the purpose so that Jesus in the last days has the seeds that will glorify Him above any generation that has ever been upon the face of the earth. The Holy Spirit invaded the denominations. Prophecy is primarily for speak(ing) to men for their edification, encouragement, and comfort. It is this story that we will focus on at the outset of this article. Ernie Gruen Report p.41 (bob Comes To Kansas City Fellowship) 4. Heres another good one.. But in these last days, He speaks to us through His SON. And Jesus said, SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES for they testify of Me. John 5. One of the last things Bob told Bonnie was, "I took it as far as I could, now you take it on in." Go kill them or forgive them (F88, p. 6)EDITORS NOTE: He does eventually forgive them. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. The book deals extensively with the theological errors of the Pentecostal-charismatic movements (exalting experience over Scripture, emphasis on the miraculous, the continuation of Messianic and apostolic miracles and sign gifts, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of fire, tongues speaking, physical healing guaranteed in the atonement, spirit slaying, spirit drunkenness, visions of Jesus, trips to heaven, women preachers, and ecumenism). The property developer and columnist won't confirm how many children he has though it's at least nine . . They were not in sin. OPH ,p. 2) And the reason I get talking about BobBob is so integral in the first 18 months of our history, because the Lord ordained it. Help me. And the voice spoke to me and says, I cant help you, Bob, until you forgive them. Jones relates his concern about the rise of abortion and homosexuality, and a conversation he had with a devil: He told me the next time that I prophesied and told anybody about it,he would kill me. magazine featured this testimony in My Summer of Miracles., One day my wife suddenly spoke aloud [and] said, Your healing was purchased at the cross. Here is what I discovered. He was backslidden and had been out of the church for over a year in the Navy. your children will be moving into the ministries of Perfection . William Branham, Oral Roberts, AA Allen. , Feb. 1993, p. 64). f.Either Bob Jones has a walk with God that would make that of the Apostle Paul shrink to almost nothing in comparison, or there is something seriously wrong here. The memorial program handed my wife and me at Billy's coffin (crafted by prison inmates), said, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them" (Rev. My wife, who never missed a service and has a better memory than I do, verifies this fact. the extremely, highly prolific technicolor visions, upon leaving the hospital. At the time of his investigation, Nolen was chief of surgery at Meeker County Hospital in Litchfield, Minnesota. Their 2020 super bowl win made headlines as it was a historical moment for the Chiefs as it had been 50 long years since their last championship. 2:10-12). Below you will find a handful of new images from last night, Nigh 43 of the Florida Revival and Healing Outpouring. This is a red flag. Men that looked like drugs because that was the god they served on earth In hell you will serve the god that you served on earth.. The 1950s reveal the power of God. The demon speaking to him in the hospital, Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. Anytime God is going to start a fire, he starts it with lightning. Read carefully the account, given by Mike Bickle and Bob Jones, during interviews in the fall of 1988:BJ:= Bob JonesViola and I were involved in a church in 76. For they are the best of all the generations that have ever been upon the face of the earth. Bob Jones University regrets handling of sex assault allegations after ex-pastor's arrest. 6He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. You have God's Word and Holy Ghost - from Genesis to Revelation - which is "the MORE sure word of prophecy." Furthermore, it has come to my attention thathe prophesied that seven young men would die and that the pastor and church would not listen to him. Jones, 63, was removed from his church duties for an undetermined amount of time, Gulliksen said. died March 29, 1976, drowned at Swope Park. Hi. His estate included an 11,000-square-foot home near Dallas, a condominium in Florida, a yacht, and other assets worth $90 million. We ask You to mature it. We dont take it as serious in the early days as we will in the days to come(Media Spotlight- THE RESTORATION OF APOSTLES AND PROPHETS AND THE KANSAS CITY- VINEYARD CONNECTION byAlbert James Dager). Bonnie was at his side. Sometimes more, sometimes three or four I remember one time in 1984, Bob came to me and he said, Boy, I dont know what is wrongam I in sin, can you see anything? I said, No He said, Boy, the Lords cut me off. He said, quote, unquote, The Lord just shut the whole thing down. I said, What are you talking about? He said, He just shut the whole thing down. He said, I havent had visions in two nights! Two nights! 8:20). One plague was influenza while the other was like influenza in nature. Mike BicklesWierd Church In St. Louis Sheffield Family Life Center April 17, 1990 Dear Ernie: Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Id never seen one, but he looked as close as I could come up with. recorded the actual tongues of another female student, Lilian Thistlewaite. Bob Jones is nothing more than a story teller who attaches Christs name to what he is doing. . And I warned them, but they really got upset the last time I warned them. 14:13, NKJV). We dont throw out the baby with the bath water. The 1970s reveal the great teachers of God and they began to raise up. - Receive these reports by email So the church has not been built on it and those who rule in it will have defeated death and become God-men. This will be the end generation that is foreknown and predestinated to inherit all things. Four years later, at age thirteen, he claims he was escorted to the throne room of God in heaven (like Cerullo and others). This young man, Dennis Wagner. He has since gone to be with the Lord. According to her bio at the Elijah List, "Bonnie moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 2001 to attend Morning Star School of Ministry; in 2005 she met Bob Jones and they were married the following year (he died in 2014). Students Who Attended Asbury Revival Testify: One Said Its Cool To Be Israel and US Begin Development of Next-Generation Arrow 4 Defense System, Israeli Company Converting Trash into Car Parts of the Future, UN Report Accusing IDF of War Crime on Gaza Border Dismissed as Whitewashing of Hamas Terrorism, A UK Local Council Approves Controversial New Guidelines For Sex Education, Another Campus Revival Breaks Out At Cedarville University. Of course both angels and fire have an important part in the.! Gruen Report p.41 ( Bob Jones biography a service and has researched the movement ever.. Handful of new Images from last night, Nigh 43 of the Lord is that time! What kind of Jesus is this that Jones presents to the church today for at least a month he! 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