The Buddy Deane Show was a teen dance television show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane (19242003), and aired on WJZ-TV (Channel 13), the ABC affiliate station in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. In 1963, the Civic Interest Group, an student integrationist group founded at Morgan State University, challenged this policy by obtaining tickets for black and white teens to attend the show on a day reserved for black teenagers. The Buddy Deane Showwas a teen dancetelevision show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane(1924-2003), and aired on WJZ-TV(Channel 13), the ABCaffiliate station in Baltimorefrom 1957 until 1964. Every weekday afternoon, in each of these broadcast markets, these shows presented images of exclusively white dancers and rendered black youth as second-class teenagers. Mr. Before long I started getting lots of fan mail: I think youre neat. I saw the show as a vehicle to make something of myself, remembers Joe. Bill Haley and the Comets did their premier perf of "Rock Around the Clock" on Deane's show, and Deane was named the No. Im still a fana Deaner groupie. It suggests a way of understanding race that allows viewers to disavow bigotryframed in the story as the belief that white and black Americans should live in separate sphereswithout acknowledging, confronting, or seeking to overturn the actual structures of discrimination. I guess Helen Crist was the first drapette: the DA, the ballet shoes, oogies [tulle scarves], eye shadoweyeliner was big thenand pink lipstick., Helen Crist. And if you dared to dance the obscene Bodie Green (the Dirty Boogie), you were immediately a goner. My heart would have broken in two if I couldnt have gone on. Finally, Helen quit Mergenthaler (Mervo) trade school, at the height of her fame. It is hosted by the titular Corny Collins, with the exception of the monthly Rhythm and Blues special which is hosted by Motormouth Maybelle . I must have had ten different phone numbers, says Helen, and somehow it would get out. "If you first appeared on The Buddy Deane Show then you could not appear on The Dick Clark Show," Deane said. Fran Nedeloff (debuting at 14 in 61, Mervo, cha-cha) remembers the look: Straight skirt to the knee, cardigan sweater buttoned up the back, cha-cha heels, lots of heavy black eyeliner, definitely Clearasil on the lips, white nail polish. Nationally, American Bandstand blocked black teens from entering the studio during its years in Philadelphia, despite host Dick Clarks claims to the contrary. Not a real one. Waters based the main storyline and "The Corny Collins Show" on the real-life "The Buddy Deane Show" and racial events surrounding it. . Mr. Deane hosted a crowd of exuberant teens, who danced to the music of live rock bands, including many name acts. Here, Clark's memories of American Bandstand are nested in an overview of important events in U.S. history from the 1950s and 1960s. The producers of Diner wanted to include Buddy Deane footage in their film, but most of the shows were live and any tapes of this local period piece have been erased. So you cant imagine how excited I was when I finally got a chance to interview these local legends twenty years later. And none are bitter. This sentiment carries through to the songs lyrics. Buddy Deane, a native of Pine Bluff, was one of the first radio hosts to understand the appeal of Rock n' Roll in its infancy, the host of a popular 60s teen dance show, the inspiration for a film and musical character in Hairspray, and so much more. Joel Chaseman, also a DJ at WITH, became program manager of WJZ-TV when Westinghouse bought it in the mid-50s. One of the first ponytail princesses was Peanuts (Sharon Goldman, debuting at 14 in 58, Forest Park, Chicken Hop), who went on the show because Deaners were folk heroes. She remembers Paul Anka singing Put Your Head on My Shoulder to her on camera as she did just that. It's not just about police brutality. The Buddy Deane Show was over. The "Corny Collins Show" in Hairspray is loosely based on the Baltimore teen dance program called the "Buddy Deane Show." One Baltimore woman fought to get black teens on the popular show back in 1958. The Deane Show was marketed to a predominantly white audience, but due to integration efforts and the civil rights movement of the time the show first had Black dancers appear once a month then once a week. When: Summer 1963. The first and maybe the biggest Buddy Deane queen of all. His show became one of the highest rated stations in the country. The Buddy Deane Show was over. All rights reserved. Ninfa O. Barnard Special to The Commercial This discrimination was explicitly or tacitly supported by an array of advertisers, television stations, music producers, city authorities, and federal communications officials. He wanted me to go to a summer training session to be a trapeze artist. I thought I was running the world, so they developed a Board, and the Committee began governing itself. Being elected to the Board became the ultimate status symbol. Pauline Kael praised him. (The rave appeared in The New Yorker, where Kael said it was really Divines movie, calling him W. All Rights Reserved. I am here and on FB as well as NOBLE BRUN in the event the footage can be located. The night was full of delightful anecdotes, including these ten you may not have heard before. The Hairspray Live! Deane also held dances at various Maryland American Legion posts and National Guard armories which were not taped or broadcast on television. Facing controversy over the possibility of more integrated broadcasts, the station canceled the program. I got these letters from the Naval Academy, Helen remembers, so I went there one day, and all the midshipmen were hanging out the windows. Waters: We used to go to the hotel and hed say, Come in, and hed be in bed with a cleaning woman smoking pot., It was Tracy saying to Link: Please dont look at my legs without the benefit of nylons.. All of those dances were real, they were real dances, we didnt make any of them up and two were cut out. At her appearances at the record hops, kids would actually scream when youd get out of the car: Theres Mary Lou! When I became of age to understand it all I became motivated to make a difference. I was really mad. Buddy: Deane in the 50s when she worked for a record wholesaler and he was the top-rated disc jockey on WITHthe only DJ in town who played rock n roll for the kids. The best little jitterbugger in Baltimore. Mr. Deane's salary . The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Baltimore Magazine. This program is a tribute to long-time Maryland radio announcer Buddy Deane, who passed away in August, 2003. So the rules were bent a little; the big ones, the ones with the fan mail, were allowed to stay. Im Joe, too. There was a change in the works., Part of that change was the racial integration movement. . Whats great about the choreography in [You Cant Stop the Beat] is that, subtly, the black dancers and the white dancers have the same choreography, the executive producer Neil Meron said in the DVD commentary for the 2007 film. She was one of the chosen few who went to New York to learn how to demonstrate the Madison, and was selected for the exchange committee that represented Baltimores best on American Bandstand. At just 10 years old, he and a friend set up their own radio station in a chicken coop that belonged to Deane's mother. That show featured local teens who danced to the hits of the era, although the entire cast was white except for one episode every other Friday for Black kids. American Bandstand, one of the most popular television shows ever, broadcast from Philadelphia in the late fifties, a time when that city had become a battleground for civil rights. 2023 IndieWire Media, LLC. But most have settled down to a very straight life. Today they seem opposites. In Little Rock, white teens went from protesting integration at Central High School to dancing in the afternoon on Steves Show. Jul 24, 2017 - Explore Bruce Clarke's board "Buddy Dean Show", followed by 154 people on Pinterest. Pancocojams showcases the music, dances, language practices, & customs of African Americans and of other people of Black descent throughout the world. In December 1963, producers at Baltimores WJZ-TV cancelled the Buddy Deane Show rather than integrate the popular teen dance program. Theatre producer, Margo Lion, saw a television broadcast of the film in 1998 and started to conceive it as a stage musical. Associated Press text, photo, graphic, audio and/or video material shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium. He was one of the first to showcase rock and roll music on a continual basis. I graduated from an HBCU, lived through racism, marched on Washington with Martin Luther King, and was active in fighting injustices in Baltimore County at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. Many top acts of the day, both black and white, appeared on The Buddy Deane Show. It ran two hours a day, six days a week. Eating the refreshments (Ameches Powerhouses, the premiere teenage hangouts forerunner of the Big Mac), which were for guests only. I got a little power-crazed, admits Joe. Checking back with the studio, no one had information concerning footage of African American dancers. It would be a treasure to pass down to my future generations. In early 2003, Deane sold KOTN and three other stations he had acquired over the years. [1], As with many other local TV shows, little footage of the show is known to have survived. "Do You Love Me" by The Contours, or "Hide and Go Seek" by Bunker Hill). Why? Id wonder. She wasnt even a fan of the show. They all thought all the girls were pregnant by Buddy Deane, remember several. Everywhere we went, people would say Theres Mary Lou. I wondered if she had just been released from the penitentiary.. Rather than integrating, the show was canceled. And according to Arlene, Buddy encouraged one popular Committee member (Buzzy Bennet) to teach himself to read so he could realize his dream of being a disc jockey. You received demerits for almost anything: Chewing gum. The movie was eventually turned into a musical by the same name. BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #96: Short-Lived Integration Of The Buddy Deane Show. Print Headline: Buddy Deane Show was huge hit for young viewers in the late 1950s, Copyright 2023, Northwest Arkansas Newspapers LLC. This page was last edited on 29 July 2022, at 06:25. It was a family: Buddy was the father, Arlene was the mother.. Some of the old Committee kept up with the times and made the transition with ease. In 1957, Deane was chosen by former WITH associate Joel Chaseman to host "The Buddy Deane Show," a dance show for teenagers on WJZ-TV Channel 13. On Wednesday, NBC is broadcasting Hairspray Live! Being a teenage star in Baltimore had its drawbacks. Originally aired 11/5/1986. And the whole concept of the Committee changed. Mary Lou was aware that in some neighborhoods it was not cool to be a Buddy Deaner. Several local art contests were also held on the show, with viewers submitting their own art work. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by Matt Palumbo's MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN for Friday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. "How 'The Buddy Deane Show' really went off the air is the white kids crashed Negro Day to integrate it. The first stars I could identify with. In 1942, Deane enrolled at Cornell University in New York. This sort of nearsighted, if not disingenuous, framing persists today, whether in affluent parents in New York City insisting their opposition to school rezoning proposals is not about race, or in arguments suggesting that the best way to address racism is to stop accusing people of being racists.. I was Tracy, said Waters. I only saw Divine alive one more time after that night, so it was a great, great night to remember. That really hit home then., He adde, That scene where Tracy and [Link] are making out outside and the homeless guy walks up the street singing, that is exactly true. We are kind of like Ozzie and Harriet, says Gene Snyder as Linda nods in agreement. . Friday, February 19 at 7PM. Almost all dancers wore swim wear and beach attire, with music provided by WJZ-TV. The inspiration for this movie was born out of an afternoon teen dance show, The Buddy Deane Show, which aired on Baltimore's WJZ-TV from 1957-1964 until it was taken off the air because the owner did not want to integrate. Perhaps the last thing 2016 needs is a star-studded, light-hearted musical endorsement of colorblindnessthough, viewed holistically, Hairspray is more than that. Weve been searching for her for years, even Ricki Lake couldnt find her when she had her TV show., John Waters and members of the original cast of Hairspray. . Mary Lou, the Annette Funicello of the show, was the talk of teenage Baltimore. I had trunks of it. You learned how to be a teenager from the show. Most are happily married with kids and maintain the same images they had on the show. John Waters with Divine (Harris Glen Milstead) at the Baltimore premiere of Hairspray, Originally, I had it, the idea was Divine was gonna play the mother and the daughter like in The Parent Trap. New Line [Cinema] wouldnt let me, he said. I'll include some of those comments in an upcoming pancocojams series about that dance.However, it seems to me that The Buddy Deane Show is more important because it exemplifies the need to go back and understand how the past has influenced the present with regard to systemic racism in Baltimore, Maryland and elsewhere in the United States. "I remember it well," recalls Evanne. Joe remembers a sport coat I bought for $5 from somebody who got it when he got out of prison. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. As well, a show was broadcast from a local farm in Westminster, Maryland. The racial integration of a take-off of the show, dubbed The Corny Collins Show, provides the backdrop to the 1988 John Waters film Hairspray. Ladies and gentlemen, the nicest kids in town!. by Sources: -- Buddy Deane Biography; - A Collection of Articles About Buddy Deane; -- Winston J. [2], It was so painful. 1 DJ in 1962 by Billboard mag. But it went something like this: Buddy Deane was an exclusively white show. Some do remember a handful of kids getting high on cough medicine. This Article is related to: Film and tagged Divine, Hairspray, IFC Center, John Waters. In fact, "American Bandstand" was not shown on television in Baltimore because Deane's show was so popular.,,,,,, Black teens were only allowed to dance on the show one day per month. Deane helped the Bill Haley and the Comets song "Rock Around the Clock" become a hit in Baltimore a full year before it became a worldwide success by promoting their music while at WITH. 'The Buddy Deane Show' was over . The main thing was your hair was flat, the antithesis of Buddy Deane, she says, chuckling. This assessment proved true when on Aug. 12, 1963 a group of black and white kids stormed the stage of "The Buddy Deane Show" and danced together. And the other ladies in Allentown blue-collar neighborhood in Baltimore were talking to her and saying, Yeah, what kind of movie is this? They thought she was a real woman that lived on the street, you know. Even today Gene and Linda are the quintessential Deaner couple, still socializing with many Committee members, very protective of the memory, and among the first to lead a dance at the emotion-packed reunions. . Owing to Deane's mid-South roots and work history, he featured many performers from the ranks of country and western music (e.g., Skeeter Davis, singing "The End of the World" and Brenda Lee singing "Sweet Nothin's"), who then achieved cross-over hits among rock and roll fans. We would always do The Dirty Boogie, the one you arent allowed to do, he said. Buddy said to me, Well, heres my little girl whos been with me the longest. I hardly ever cried, but I just broke down on camera. It was similar to Philadelphia's American Bandstand. NBCs Hairspray Live! My mother wanted me to go, she took me down to the tryouts. Oddly enough, few of the Deaners Ive talked to went on to show biz. Influencers: Profiles of a Partnership 2022, How to Pitch Stories and Articles to IndieWire, John Waters Shares His 10 Favorite Films of 2022, 'Peter Von Kant' Tops List, John Waters to Write and Direct 'Liarmouth' from His Own Novel, Quentin Tarantino's Favorite Movies: 50 Films the Director Wants You to See, Oscars 2023: Best Animated Feature Predictions. From 1964 to 1984, Deane hosted a show and owned KOTN-FM and KOTN-AM radio stations at Pine Bluff. Buddy Deane, a native of Pine Bluff, was one of the first radio hosts to understand the appeal of Rock n Roll in its infancy, the host of a popular 60s teen dance show, the inspiration for a film and musical character in Hairspray, and so much more. It was similar to Philadelphia's American Bandstand. My mother used to pick me up after school to make sure nobody hassled me., The adoring fans could also be a hassle. On Negro day a group of black and white kids staged a similar sneak attack on the Buddy Deane Show. Id get letters saying, If you show up at this particular hop, youre gonna get your face pushed in. producers hope this story of interracial unity will be appealing to television audiences in 2016. You could throw her down on the ground, and her hair would crack, recalls Gene. So a year later when he had his own show, it seemed only right that "Rock Around the Clock" premiered on "The Buddy Deane Show.". I dont think Ill ever get over missing it, if you want to know the truth., Many of the Committee members spouses faced an even bigger adjustment. Originally known as The Buddy Deane Bandstand, the show first went on the air at 3 p.m. Sept. 9, 1957, and aired for two hours; the show often preceded the Mickey Mouse Club. It was hilarious., Some of the rumors were fanned on purpose. When that little red light came on, so did my smile, she says, laughing. This town just wasnt ready for that. There were threats and bomb scares; integrationists smuggled whites into the all-black shows to dance cheek to cheek on camera with blacks, and that was it. The Buddy Deane Show was taken off the air because home station WJZ-TV was unwilling to integrate black and white dancers. You Cant Stop the Beat, for example, is an upbeat dance number that resolves the issue of segregation on the Corny Collins Show. In 1950, he moved to Baltimore to WITH. Black History Month . MPT did a segment which included interviews with former African American dancers who appeared on the show. Or Hartford Motor Coach Company? The ultimate reunion.From all over the country, the Deaners could rise again, congregate at the bottom of Television Hill, and start Madison-ing their way (Youre looking good. Performances begin at 7 p.m. I was playing bongos on them in between takes because it was hilarious and he thought it was hilarious and I didnt stop to think, what the hell am I doing?, shared actor Holter Graham, who was 15 years old during filming. I wanted to go, but my parents wouldnt let me. A devoted fan of the Buddy Deane Show, Waters drew on this history to write and direct the original film version of Hairspray. That was our whole social life, being a Buddy Deaner, says Gene. That's what really happened, and the show shut down." 3. Now a receptionist living near Towson with her husband and two grown children, Arlene remains fiercely loyal, organizing the reunions and keeping notebooks filled with the updated addresses, married names, and phone numbers of my kids. She met Winston J. "Hairspray" will continue at East Ridge High School through April 23. Both black and white activists picketed the . Originally an all-white teen show with a monthly "Negro . Over lunch at the Thunderball Lounge, in East Baltimore, Kathy remembers, I could never get used to signing autographs. The Nicest Kids in Town! The Buddy Deane Show was a teenage dance party, on the air from 1957 to 1964. See, the fictional Corny Collins Show is actually based on the real Buddy Deane Show, which aired on WJZ-TV in Baltimore, Maryland from 1957 to 1964, and was the inspiration for John Waters . I focused on the 1957-1964 television series The Buddy Deane Show in part because I'm interested in documenting old school African American originated line dances, and the Buddy Deane Show's 1958 or 1959 clip of The Madison appears to be the earliest surviving film of that dance.I believe that The Buddy Deane Show is important in part because it documents aspects of Americana such as the way the teenagers (or at least White teenagers] in the late 1950s and early 1960s dressed, danced, interacted, and also documented (through retrospective interviews such as the one quoted in Excerpt #2 of this post) attitudes and values of that time. His childhood nickname was Buddy. I took off my steady ring and threw it down. Please read our Terms of Use or contact us. On the air before Dick Clark debuted, the show was a hit from the beginning, says Arlene today. Deane even played a small role in the movie, which premiered to moderate success but went on to become a cult classic. I had a lot of black friends at the time, so for me this was an awkward thing, says Marie. Both entities launche. In 1984, he sold the station to a local college but bought it back in 1996. Baltimore teenagers rushed home to catch the show daily to listen to the popular music, watch their favorite dancers, copy their style and learn the new dances that were introduced almost every week. How Actress Rachel Hilsons Baltimore Roots Influence Her Work Today, The Mount Vernon Virtuosi is Much More Than a Chamber Orchestra, Jen Michalski Discusses New Short Story Collection The Company of Strangers. We got out of the limousine and there was a huge crowd that went crazy when Divine jumped out, and it was such an exciting night, Waters said. On Jan. 4, 1964, nearly five months after the first -- and only -- day that black and white kids danced cheek to cheek on TV in WJZ's studios, Buddy Deane put "The Party's Over" on the record player. Although the show has been off the air for more than twenty years, a nearly fanatical cult of fans has managed to keep the memory alive. Deane also played songs that other disc jockeys, including Dick Clark, refused to present to mostly white teen TV audiences because the acts sounded "too black" (e.g. SOUL! . Neither these AP materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and noncommercial use. The Buddy Deane Show was a show from the late 50's to the mid 60's. The show was a teen dance television show, similar to Philadelphia's American Bandstand. But by far the most popular hairdo queen on Buddy Deane was a 14-year-old Pimlico Junior High School student named Mary Lou Raines. The Buddy Deane Show was taken off the air because home station WJZ-TV was unwilling to integrate black and white dancers. Special appearances. Once a month the show was all black. (97) The Buddy Deane Show was a teen dance television show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane (1924-2003), and aired on WJZ-TV (Channel 13), the ABC affiliate station in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. The Corny Collins Show is based on the real Buddy Deane Show which, interestingly, was cancelled in 1964 for refusing to integrate black and white dancers, a core theme in this musical. The rivalry with Dick Clark meant that Deane urged all his performers not to mention American Bandstand or visits to Clark in Philadelphia. Penny nervously stumbles over her answers, and another girl, Nadine Carver, is cut for being Black (the show has a "Negro Day" on the last Thursday of every month, she is told). They sent cakes on my birthday. All on Pulaski Highway. The Corny Collins Show, it turns out, was lifted almost literally from the extremely popular Buddy Deane Show, Baltimore's answer to Dick Clark's American Bandstand. 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