6.Probiotics are increasingly being used for dogs with allergies. http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/SafetyHealth/ProductSafetyInformation/ucm055369.htm, http://definitions.uslegal.com/s/slander/, http://creative.advanstar.com/mkdv/2011/mkdv_vetbenchmarks_email0811/images/VBMZ300_preview.pdf, http://news.zoetis.com/press-release/investors/zoetis-reports-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-2014-results#sthash.hYHWSMPk.dpuf, http://www.2ndchance.info/Apoquel-Comments.htm, http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/wouldnt-give-dog-new-allergy-drug/. Redness . But, your dog may be displaying signs of anxiety because of discomfort. I hearing some of the same things over and over with this drug. Our friend was aware of the allergy and per her normal vet was doing a process of elimination with his food, treats, shampoo, etc. Making people afraid of drugs, of their own veterinarians, or anything else is effectively terrorizing them. Recently we moved to a different side of town in a metropolitan area and needed to find a new vet. If you are into animal welfare, you probably should stay away from those supplements. Called the vet and let them know what was going on and that she was OFF Apoquel for good. Apoquel is very dangerous. Bull and Black Mouth Curr Mix. Also of note, this drug is not labeled for cats. The only saving Grace from all of this is I got to whisper in her ear, Its OK baby Girl Mommas got you. Her creatinine went from 8.0 to 0.3 almost normal!! I wouldnt take our dogs almost considered human to a vet i didnt trust. This is not like him.So I am going to quit giving him this med. Discover Holistic At-Home Remedies By Downloading My Free e-Book: Your email address will not be published. He takes 16 mg. daily and the scratching has almost stopped. Your vet may prescribe it to relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction. After 3 days we stopped the medication because her organs were shutting down. However, it is important to speak to your veterinarian about the best treatment plan for your dog. Ive made a official complaint against the vet that proscribed this poison only to be told that seizures are not a side effect of Apoquel the vets take no responsibility for my dogs death. Control of pruritus associated with allergic dermatitis and control of atopic dermatitis in dogs at least 12 months of age. development of generalized demodicosis (after day 28). The rate of adverse events overall was low (<5%) and included Yes, you can give your dog Apoquel and Zyrtec together. What brand of hepaticlear do you use and and do you give the chewable form? I appreciate your information. At the advise of a new vet we put her on Apoquel. DO NOT GIVE THIS POISON TO YOUR PET. Her ALT is-349, ALP-567 and billi is normal 0.1. But, there are also side effects that you should keep in mind. Maybe, but now she will have to fight Cancer and at 10 1/2, probably not much we can or I can afford to do. It was under the skin, wide but flat so it didnt show under his hair and wasnt obvious when patting him. I have since taken her off of the pills and I can already see that her weight has gone down. Hell no, healthy dogs mean less business. She has been on 3 primary seizure drugs used in humans for almost a year now. and said everything is normal, probably will never happen again. THIS MED IS AWFUL & I SO WISHED I NEVER GAVE IT TO HIM!!!! Hydroxyzine HCI tablets are available by veterinary prescription for dogs. I was not told he could contract opportunistic fungal infections, but this is a huge risk for dogs who are on this drug. I always use salt water and E5 cream or take him to the sea side so he can put his paws in to the sea and it worked late time. Both drugs can have neurologic side effects such as weakness, sedation and lethargy. dog? Last spring, his scratching caused the side of his face to look like he had been attacked and lost the fight. That seemed to set him off so gave him a little more for a few days and also ketaconazole. He is obviously off the medicine and on new medicine to help his liver until the extent of the damage is assessed and the Dr. can provide a treatment plan moving forward. Thanks for your advise earlier about the beta 3. Anorexia was the only adverse event noted more often I didnt get a refill. I think a class action suit against the makers of apparel is called for. We did food trials, we tried herbs, supplements, including Dr. Jones canine formula and none of it seem to work. I recently brought him to the vet because he hasnt been himself as the before mentioned concerns. The et did not tell be the possible side effects. She almost immediately stopped itching and I was delighted. Feed your dog a simple food that he is less likely to react to. This weekend, she developed diarrhea. He came to us with terrible skin allergies. Dogs on Cytopoint typically need injections every four to eight weeks. I fear he may die! The kennel called and said she had a 2 min. The vets are making a fortune off this drug and the injections that is why they are pushing them. I have a 5 yr old Yorkie/Poodle. After 2 evenings, we suspected accumulative effects of pill and stopped it. Despite that, he continued to prescribe Apoquel for our dog until August 2018. About three days into this drug she started acting very lethargic barely getting out of her bed. Go ahead with apoquel. Labrador Retriever. 11 yr old German Shepherd: Skin problems all life, extremely bad over last 2 years. We adopted this puppy from the Animal Defense League 2/16/2016. She began taking it in Nov. Of 2019. We gave her omega fatty acids, removed the grass out of our yard and eliminated environmental threats the best we could. My six yr old terrier mix took Apoquel for six months this summer for his allergies. He seemed confused and his coordination was way off. It was generally well tolerated, with the . This affects how the drug works. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Veterinarian, author, advocate for alternative, natural solutions for dog and cat health, Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM What is hydroxyzine? Apoquel is marketed for dogs older than 12 months and weighing over 6.6lbs, while Benadryl can be used for any animal, both over 1 year of age and less than 12 months. The dosage will depends on your dog's weight. Somewhere all my English teachers and Professors are rolling in their graves. He kept breaking out in scabby smelly yeasty sores which would eventually turn the skin black and constantly itching and scratching. Lastly, always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new medication, just to be on the safe side. Something has to be done. So we are finished with it for good. My puppy is exhibiting the same bad side effects others mentioned in this post. I called the vet and he told me to stop the medication and keep a closed eye on him. I think I saw where it increases thirst and appetite. She went on this medication because she got extremely itchy from going into the lake. The only thing the bw showed was that his body was basically starving. I wouldnt recommend it after our issues with it and reading others comments. There he had a second seizure which left him drooling,crying and incapable of any movement.I had no choice,I chose to relieve his pain. Apoquel is the only thing that has worked. How to Report Apoquel Side Effects in Dogs Apoquel side effects in dogs can be reported directly to the manufacturing company. You will need to work closely with your vet to find the treatment regime that works best for your pooch. But because he was itching excessively, the Vet prescribed Apoquel. During the initial first 14 day period her itching just vanished BUT I noticed her having one or two weird wobbles, not thinking much of it I continued with the Apoquel. She suffered from a myriad of allergy issues as well as lots of other issues (Chronic UTIs being one.. we finally got under control) The allergy medication worked wonderfully!!! Apoquel Dosage. He was going to go back onto Apoquel after being off it for a short time. For a sonogram and X-rays that showed everything is normal. I got him at six weeks old, so I can say I know him better than anyone. The doctor along with us are monitoring all. my newfie takes 1 1/2 tabs. I guess I need to do some more research. I cant say enough how appreciative I am this drug came along! I thought it was due to me not being able to have play time (because of major surgery I had). We have 4 dogs, 2 cats and birds so we have used many drugs. Thank you for any help. Carprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used by veterinarians as a supportive treatment for the relief of arthritic symptoms in geriatric dogs. You can continue to treat your dog with APOQUEL for as long as your veterinarian recommends. Thank you for this eye opening site, so important to be informed on the dangers os all meds. We went through a round of antibiotics (no help)and then an antifungal, which seemed to help. We used another medicine that was for his condition and it helped but then it stopped working. Tavist and chlortrimeton Unknown: No interaction information available. They say it can take a month per year of your pets life to work. This is because your vet will be able to advise you on the best course of action for your dog based on their individual health and medical history. We tried Benedryl, claritan,and zyrtec, nothing worked except prednisone in combination with antibiotics. We are devastated. When we told the vet we wanted to discontinue this because of the side effects she acted like she has never heard of anyone having hear issues before. My dog had been on Prednisone several times before and he always had excessive urination but never had an accident in the house. I have put her on a probiotic to see if that gives her some relief. Worst of all she has gone instantly blind. She is otherwise fine during the day this just seems to happen at night. The ringworm lesion is slow healing due to her weakened immune system, but Im confident we are on the mend and will continue to see improvement. Finally after several hours he ate his food and drank enough water. Now, after a couple of months of this intermittent accident issue.. she just wakes up and if she doesnt get out the door immediately.. she just goes! DrugBank Accession Number. I also give him on 25mg Benadryl with his food at night. Two of my staffies have been put on these tablets but after reading all these comment Im stopping them. The veterinarian explained he was born with this and it will manifest when his immune system is weaken. Then came the motor coordination hiccups. O.K its very late and a long stress filled day So hard to do and they dont even care as long as they make their money at $200 a bottle take it vantage of court animals and people. 5.Essential Fatty Acid supplements. My question is whether there is any relationship between the Apoquel and tremors. I weaned her off the Hydroxyzine and started her on the Apoquel. It has now been 7 days since his last Apoquel dose, and while he can hold himself up, he is very wobbly and falls if he tries to run. We went back inside and for the rest of the night she cried and stared off into space. But, the chemical structure of these two varieties is a little different. I also wonder if advantix 2 would be responsible for his rash. It helped a little but not enough, so a week later (yesterday) I called the vet, they prescribed Apoquel 5.4mg once every 12 hours for 14 days then once every 24 hours for 14 days. I have read that this could be a side effect of apoquel which I was not made aware. I have her on flea meds year round, no fleas. Ive rang the vets and they said its not a side effect to this drug !! I noticed that she did have some more frequent urination and she had a kind of balance issue, she just wasnt acting right when she first started on the apoquel. The most common side effect is drowsiness. Auggie needs this medicine this medicine needs to be cheaper and safer for his liver and kidneys. This is a awful drug. My Yorkie/jack Russell, around 8 years old is supposedly allergic to fleas, around 20lbs. (Answered 2023). Hydroxyzine belongs to a family of drugs called antihistamines. 2 packs of apoquel tablets The comment section sure sounds familiar. And Grandpuppy has a history of urinary tract issues, but after starting Apoquel her urinary tract problems are blamed on it by her owner. I dont think dogs are suddenly getting allergies. I thought I had found the magic drug. The pills are gone and I am unable to afford another $200+ vet visit plus a larger supply of Aproquel. To help determine if a pet is receiving an appropriate dose of a medication, veterinarians may monitor the amount present in the bloodstream, a procedure that is called therapeutic drug monitoring. Any advice????? Dr. Dwight Andrew Alleyne warns that "Allergies in dogs can be a unique experience for each pet. She would trip out the doorbumble around in the yard and occasionally just trip and stumble while she was searching for a place to do her business. She had bladder stones three years ago and is on a prescription food for that. Norman weighs roughly 20 pounds, so he takes a 5.4mg pill. One more thing I would like to say is that he was eating those CET dental sticks for about a year and a half before this whole skin issue started and I wonder if they caused anything to happen with his skin? my dog Max is a 9 year old border Collie and he has been Apoquel 16mg once a day for 12 days now, then just last week he was vomiting and diarrhea not eating and acting strange, took him to the vet today July 24, 2017 and we just found out that he his now on kidney failure and is in the vet hospital for 3 days for dehydration. I have used Benadryl for big flare ups of his skin, dosing him at .5mg per lb ( I give 50lb Jessie 25mg of Benadryl at night), and Ill do it twice a day if needed. Some of the horror stories above are frightening. Nadya. Lastly, I think you choose to bash a drug just to sell your supplement. Started on Apoquel February 25 and the itching stopped almost immediately He has been on Apoquel for about 3 weeks now with no side effects. I am wondering who your employer is, Ms Moore, and what prompted you to comment? While still within reference ranges, mean serum globulin and mean white blood cell, Bit worried my E.R. The night of the 21st I hand fed him ice chips in hopes to prevent dehydration. (I work a 4 hour shift three times/week) I noticed he was disoriented,walking into walls.He was well enough to go for a short walk. I have an eight year old cockapoo, who has been like my third child. She hasnt had a seizure no in 11 months. In my opinion the drug trials were inadequate (300 dogs, many of which dropped out), and this drug is DANGEROUS. I just started noticing however that his fur on his hind legs is disappearing. We havent been able to test for what his allergies could be yet, but the vet thinks it could be something environmentalmold, pollen, dust, something. The reports of the studies list everything that the animals in the studies had while in the study, but a causative relationship cannot be made, merely an association . Nowhere in the FDA stats on Apoquel does it claim that Apoquel is suppressing the immune system, and this caused pneumonia, mange, skin infection, bladder infection. It works perfectly, but it takes a little while before it knocks everything out. After reading all the complants. Cetirizine hydrochloride, also known by its brand name Zyrtec, is a fairly new type of antihistamine that veterinarians have found useful in treating some canine allergies. Just please dont pump them with drugs, there is no magic pill but with research Im sure you too can find a natural solution that will help. Ive not noticed any of the side effects as of yet but after reading the comments, I will ask for blood work. My dog was prescribed this to help stop the itch for her mysterious skin infection / bacteria ( that the vet could not tell what it was after paying over $500.00). Normal levels are between 0-200 my dogs were 2,000. My son just lost his beautiful 3 year old Dalmatian to the drug. I am now convinced its the apoquel. She sounds like a very sweet dog not making a mess for you. Brand names: Chlor-Trimeton, Niramine, Iramine, Antihistalone. She set up an appt. She died in my arms on the way to the vet.My Zoey is gone and I am heart broken. our 17 year old cairn terrier has been on Apoquel for 4 mos. I only hope my baby Stoney will be Ok. I talked with a Homeopathic vet about my dog and this med and she said that she is seeing at least 4 dogs a week that are coming to her because of reactions to APOQUEL. After an examination, they may deem it appropriate to prescribe an antihistamine as part of the treatment plan. My terrier-mix dog has been on apoquel for about 2 months. After one week on BID dosing he had a 5min seizure, I just chalked it up to stress. Apoquel works for most pets but not all. Two days ago (45 days into Apoquel) Peatie woke from a nap and walked around frantically bumping into things, hes blind, but it seemed more than usual, so I picked him up and he went tight in my armskind of like a dog stretching, but I soon realized he was in a seizure when he urinated all over me. Im wondering If the medicine comes out of his system will he return to his normal form or is the insulin the only option at this point? They assumed that he must have a tumor, so, we scheduled an Ultrasound. After a few months the vet recommended Apoquel, we never thought to ask about side effects. Just seems like a lot to me. I put my Saint on it and it did seem to help The bill of this surgery and medication: $2536.50 He is still on hepaticlear..3 years later. Tried Benadryl which worked some, but she would get flares. with all I am reading, I am not sure if I will continue her on it or not. I agree. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. Sometimes he didnt even realize that he was urinating. 14 days later he died. Zyrtec, or Cetirizine, is a popular method of itch relief in our canine friends due to how few side effects there are, and the fact that Zyrtec does not cause drowsiness like other allergy medications. I read information about the side effects and took him off the medication about a month ago. Apoquel has made my dog awfully ill. We have spent so much money from the side effects of apoquel. Does Apoquel interact with any medications? While the drug helped the itching slightly it did not stop it. It was prescribed by his dermatologist. Over the last month, I have watched my dog become extremely lethargic. (Answered 2023), Is It Legal to Eat Dog Meat in Canada? She is on Natural Balance fish and sweet potato formula and same brand of treats as she is allergic to wheat, gluten, chicken and beef. Working very well for paw licking, but like others, he has to pee all the time and did so in the house yesterday (something he NEVER does). The dog lost 10 pounds and recovered from the UTI but the previous cancer returned and she become seriously ill very quickly and we lost our beautiful dog. This is for Denise Cunningham. Yes, it stopped his itching but at what price? I gave him 4 doses and I have noticed he is lethargic and caught him peeing in the house other than on his puppy pad which he has always used. Liver counts are high is some areas so we will check again in two months. He is still dealing with the side effects of this medication. My border collie always gets itchy in spring & summer. This morning at 5am, I took Peatie out for his early morning peepee and in a rain storm, he dropped on the sidewalk and seized upin a puddle of water on the cold sidewalk, my best friend had completely lost control of all bodily functions. I ran to the vet and asked for more$55 later, I had another months supply. Now there is less worry about infection due to raw shin and constant biting from our dog. My 6 y/o German shepherd was on this drug for approximately 8 weeks and is now deceased. Apoquel saved my Shitshu from horrible itchingbut seemed to cause lethargy and a loss of appetite. Not like her at all. But for cases of severe pruritus, many still prefer hydroxyzine. Hard to articulate, more a pet parents knowing. A very sad day for our family. He is allergic to lots of things, some cannot be avoided without putting him in a chamber. The vet did tests and claimed he had ringworm, which I dont think he ever had. Your dog can continue to be treated with Apoquel as long as your veterinarian recommends. My 10+ yr old Catahoula?AustShepherd has been on Apoquel for about 5 yrs and his most recent senior blood work shows high ALT & Alk Phosphatase levels and it seems as if it might be as a result of Apoquel. Great! He is now getting allergy shots and well see how it goes. Feel free to share any questions and experiences in the comments section below. See what it can do for your dog here: http://www.thedogsupplement.com. And I know she picked the profession she did because of a passion for animals. No visible side effects, her energy level is still high and her need to scratch that one spot on her back is barely noticeable. (Source: Cosgrove SB, Wren JA, Cleaver DM, et al. On the sixth day he could barely walk and we took him to an emergency vet hospital. Have an exit plan in place with you vet before you begin and dont question you own gut feelings. I withheld the medication to see if he got worse, and called the vet. My shihtzu was dealing with itchy skin issues which we thought was a fungal infection. The bonding after reviving her is incredibly tight. The first month he took the full dose of 5.4, the second month we halved it. was up all night with the poor little guy, he was panicking badly, jumping into my lap, whimpering, panting,he was doing a weird head stretch thing ,could not settle, drinking loads stopped the apoquel,took him to emergency vet, had bloods etc checked & they said he was fine. THOUGHT OF THAT UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE. Dogs are able to take hydroxyzine. (2023), Are Catalpa Trees Poisonous to Dogs? Horrible diarrhea that even woke me up because she was frantic to get out in the middle of the nightalong with accidents of that nature, as well as the pee in the back bedroom.. (thank goodness we have hardwood floors). I am going to take him back m to the vet but I think I will try antihistamines and other supplements. Of the types administered, hydroxyzine was one of the most effective. No rain water from puddles or park ponds, rinse off feet every time after walks during summer fall months, Al-Gen drops (Genestra) 1 month. Sadly, with the infections appearing after only a month on the drug, I felt in order to save her life, I had to take her off Apoquel, as I could only guess at the havoc she was going through internally from having her immune system suppressed. Now we will take her to Neurologist. When I do find him upstairs he is comatose and has vomited all around the house and done a poo in the family room. Side effects have been rarely seen and documented, but the most common occurrences have been mild vomiting and diarrhea. I am still waiting for a call back. Do I Have to Stop Minoxidil Before Hair Transplant? As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Her itching is down 75% over three weeks and her coat is beatiful and shiny, she has tons of energy. However, after only 5 days on the drug, he became lame with a painful right paw and a painful back leg. (possibly why her bed was wet on days 19 and 21 too) Nothing can bring back my Ginny, she is gone ;( please please do not give Apoquel to your fur baby. You complain about big business, drug companies, other veterinarians, but then use peoples fear for their pets to feed your own pocket cash. DO NOT GIVE THIS MEDICINE TO YOUR ANIMAL. Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergies in dogs, affecting approximately Hoe often do you advise a blood panel be done. Zyrtec is safe for dogs as long as you follow the direction of your vet and a few safety guidelines. Am going to phone my vet in the morning and get their opinion. 2 days into treatment puppy started crying when he was put into his carrier for bedtime. If you have a severely allergic dog, you need to be treating them. Hello, The one that was having panic attacks, lost weight, had quickly growing malignant growths and bizarre behavior has returned to normal other then weight, even though his appetite is back. It has been launched with much fanfarefrom Zoetis.. FDA Approves APOQUEL (oclacitinib tablet) to Control Itch and Inflammation in Allergic Dogs, Zoetis Offers a Targeted New Approach to Rapidly and Safely Stop the Cycle of Itch and Inflammation Associated with Allergic Skin Disease in Dogs. The interesting thing is her red blood cells were low and not reproducing. Please let me know what I can do to help get this drug off the market. See more at: http://news.zoetis.com/press-release/investors/zoetis-reports-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-2014-results#sthash.hYHWSMPk.dpuf, Revenue of nearly 5 billion dollarsa pretty heft marketing budget, along with an endless array of paid consultants/lobbyists to ensure that governing bodies dont over regulate and allow the company to keep on selling drugs, regardless of the occasional dead dog. Always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog a simple food that he must have a tumor,,! 25Mg Benadryl with his food at night Apoquel and tremors bladder stones three years ago and is now getting shots... Stop it so WISHED I never gave it to relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction recommended Apoquel we... Told he could contract opportunistic fungal infections, but this is I got him at six old... E-Book: your email address will not be avoided without putting him in a area! Just chalked it up to stress his condition and it helped but then it working! 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