It will die out in the summer heat. You will have to increase your lawn care workload in order to keep both these grass types happy. Should I Apply Weed Killer Before or After Mowing? 8) I have about 7K sq. Ill try to contact you and you can see my lawn in Apex and I can give you some tips. Zoysia grass grows and spreads aggressively during the summer heat. If you do find it necessary to utilize herbicides, a formulation of prodiamine for preemergence and Trimec Southern i.e., dicamba + MCPP + 2,4-D for postemergence broadleaf weed control are good options. 2019. You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows: SPACEBAR - flip the current card; LEFT ARROW . Applying fertilizers in spring and fall only could hurt the bermudagrass whereas a summer-only schedule would put the Kentucky bluegrass at a disadvantage. Good luck! Its high demand is due to its incredible resilience to heat and drought. The turf canopy can be quickly decimated by repeated traffic, leaving players with few leaf blades to support their golf ball and extremely tight lies. If you would like to mix both these grass varieties, this is up to you as both will thrive in the right conditions. If your established Zoysia lawn is growing well in your lawn, its unlikely that the Kentucky Bluegrass seed you spread will grow very well there. (Explained), Zoysia Grass Care (The Ultimate Guide For Zoysiagrass), in the spring for warm season grasses and in the fall for cool season grasses. The reason why this type of grass does so well in clay soil is that it has a very deep root system, and slowly spreads via stolons above ground and rhizomes below ground. Zoysia: Worst. This is because Zoysia is a warm-season grass that grows extremely well in areas with hot summers and mild winters. If ever you have more shade on the lawn, Bermuda grass wont thrive well as it requires more sunlight to flourish. Copyright 2010 - The level of maintenance required for Zoysia is similar to Bermuda. St. Augustine grass is a widely used warm season grass. Most varieties of Zoysia grow at their best when they are mowed to a height of 1.5 to 2 inches (4-5 cm). ", "The total material cost to convert bermudagrass fairways to bluemuda could be as low as $695 per acre.". If you make a purchase through links from this website, we may get a small share of the sale from Amazon and other similar affiliate programs. Perennial ryegrass: 0.75 to 2.5 inches. Lets Talk About Cross-Pollination! The grass can be established from seeds, plugs, sod, or stolons, spreading rapidly along the rhizomes and stolons. Some of the most popular options are North American Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Fine Fescue, Tall Fescue, Zoysia Grass, Bermuda Grass and Centipede Grass. When planted together, it produces a mix of grasses that keeps lawns green all year long, though it depends on the region youre from. 57(18). The chemical circulates throughout the plant, killing it in its entirety. According to the University of Kentucky, Bermuda and Zoysia grass are common lawn grasses and are warm-season perennials that would grow actively throughout the summer, then grow dormant, losing their color come winter. Slit or spike seeders are preferred for planting, but if one of those units are not available a drop seeder can also work if you follow with dragging in multiple directions. The Zoysia grass will green up before the Bermuda grass, while the Bermuda grass falls dormant before the other variety. Go with a rate that is within the acceptable range for both species to prevent unintended turf injury. Applying seed too close together will result in clumps of grass competing with each other. However, it does not grow well in deep . The bluemuda concept, on the other hand, is long-lived and only requires an initial establishment period. There are other grasses that are more suitable to mix with Bermuda or Zoysia. Kentucky Bluegrass. [6 Plant Types], 4 Reasons to Avoid Overseeding Zoysia with Kentucky Bluegrass. When adding cool season grass to your lawn, you should be seeding in the fall. Based on a detailed coverage by CABI, Zoysia grass has similar characteristics to Bermuda grass but having more shade tolerance. Zoysia Grass is one of the best grasses to choose for Florida lawns due to its deep, dark-green color and turf-like feel. This means that in the northernmost parts of the country where bermudagrass is grown, many golfers could be left with suboptimal playing conditions for weeks, if not months, each spring. However, it's a "limited use" grass. While these perceived benefits need further research, there are plenty of success stories where golf courses have reduced or eliminated their reliance on fungicides by going to the mixed stand. Spreading seeds during the plants optimal growing time is the first step in the recipe for a healthy lawn. Kentucky Bluegrass should be mowed at a height of 2.53.5 inches (69 cm). This is where cool-season grasses and warm-season grasses can both survive. Fescues will thrive in the shady portions of your yard, while your bluegrass will work to fill in bare spots where grass has been damaged. Avoid the Midnight types as they seem to segregate and result in dark, uneven clumps within the bermudagrass. Also, if you want a green front lawn you can seed with rye grass. Early Spring as soil temps approach 55F . In addition to Kentucky Bluegrass, other perennial cool-season grasses will be outcompeted by Zoysia during the summer months. grows very quickly during the hot summer months and requires lots of water. Waiting until fall to complete such work is less than optimal as this timing could limit bermudagrass recovery prior to winter dormancy. Baucom Elementary. Kentucky Bluegrass. If you have more questions, e-mail me at Im on vacation until July 12. We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Zoysia is a warm season grass that is popular for its heat tolerance and durability. It doesnt matter if you have a modern bermudagrass cultivar like Latitude 36, a dated cultivar like Quickstand, or just plain old common bermudagrass. The varieties created for turf lawn use are mostly dwarf varieties of F. arundinacea.Fescue grass seed is commonly mixed with other cool-season grasses in the North (such as Kentucky bluegrass) to create a lawn blend that features the strengths of the different kinds of grasses. link to Who Makes The Most Reliable Lawn Mower Engines? But keep in mind, cutting too low, and especially to the bottom of the . If the seeds dry out, they will not germinate. If your Bluegrass grass seeds sprout, Zoysia can make up ground and choke them out in summer. As it rains, Bermuda grass would green up quickly. Kentucky bluegrass and bermudagrass are aggressive spreading grasses, so seeding would need to be done. During the summer one should expect to see more bermudagrass than Kentucky bluegrass. Its the slowest growing warm season grass. Most people prefer to grow Zoysia by sod or plugs for this reason. If you dont like the grass you currently have and want to transform your lawn into a gorgeous Fescue/Zoysia mix, youll have to first rid the lawn you have of existing plant life. It has been cultivated and planted in the United States. Popular blends include Turf Blue HGT from Barenbrug, 365ss from Mountain View Seeds, and others that can tolerate a low mowing height, have good summer patch resistance, strong traffic tolerance and the ability to germinate quickly. Good to hear from somebody in Apex! If your lawn is a mix of KBG, Rye and Tall Fescue, then you can choose to use the greater application amounts if you think you need them. $13.95. Some people have wondered, can I mix Zoysia and Bermuda grass? While people combine different grass varieties for a thicker lawn, you need to know if both varieties go well together. grassgrass seedkentucky bluegrassoverseedingzoysia. This herbicide will kill anything green it comes into contact with by infiltrating the plant. For best results, keep in mind these following seeding and growth characteristics for Kentucky bluegrass: Plant at a depth of one-fourth to half-an-inch. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It will sprout in fall, remain green through the winter in mild regions, and die off naturally as your Zoysia greens up in spring. Too much shade isn't good for them. There are a few Zoysia varieties that grow well when mowed at taller heights. 5. Glyphosate breaks down quickly in the soil and will not affect any future plants. Kentucky Bluegrass is the opposite. Bermuda Grass. Two of the commonly used grass types are Bermuda and Zoysia grass, each having their pros and cons. Kentucky Bluegrass is one of the most popular options for cool season grasses. Some people would mix two grass varieties as a way to thicken their lawns. This publication contains comprehensive information about weed control . In between, its growing zone is dictated by altitude--mountains and high plains. Pennington The Rebels 40-lb Tall Fescue Grass Seed. Kentucky Bluegrass is one of the hardiest grasses available, and it thrives in most growing locations. If fraze mowing is conducting as part of the process, things can be a little muddy for a while so even walking on the fairways might not be sensible. As for Zoysia grass, you will do best with cool-season grasses like Bluegrass or Fescue. Native to Southeast Asia, Zoysia is another warm-season grass. Dethatching your lawn should be done regularly to ensure proper oxygen exchange between the atmosphere and the soil. Yes, that's right. Providing the seeds with a nutrient-rich boost speeds up the germination process. I made the transition from Fescue to Emerald Zoysia in late July 2003. Spread it on top of your clay soil and mix it with a shovel. Using primarily slow-release nitrogen sources can help to avoid flushes of growth. This time frame provides enough time for the seeds to establish a sturdy root system that will help them survive their first winter. My Emerald Zoysia is very nice! Tenacity turf herbicide is safe for use in Kentucky Bluegrass, St. Augustine grass, tall fescue, fine fescue, and centipedegrass. Just be cognizant of the different rate thresholds for both bermudagrass and Kentucky bluegrass as they will vary on the label. Mowing too soon after seeding an area could rip up new plants that havent had a chance to anchor themselves yet. If you are starting your Zoysia Grass lawn, you are going to have Bare Spots if you are using plugs. Pros and cons of Kentucky bluegrass . Subsequent applications of nitrogen during the first fall can help to speed establishment. However, take note that they may have different appearances come spring and fall, which can affect your lawns overall appearance. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'careforyourlawn_com-box-4','ezslot_1',664,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-careforyourlawn_com-box-4-0');Seeding should be completed at least 45 days before the first predicted frost. Late spring is the best timeframe to complete such tasks. edu). Ideally, Kentucky bluegrass seeding should occur in the late summer or early fall when air temperatures are consistently between 59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit (Beard, 1973). Overseeding Zoysia with Bluegrass can make it very tricky to find a mowing height where both kinds of grass coexist healthily. As with any marriage, it is important to keep both parties happy. Small areas can be cleared away with a thatching rake, and for large areas, there are mechanical dethatchers that can do the work for you. I purchased the sod from a place in Newton Grove.2) The grass turns brown brown in mid Nov. and greens up again in maybe late April but does not develop full color until sometime in May3) Emerald loves the heat, the more heat the better!4) You need to bag the grass and cut about every 10 days or so, use sharp rotary mower or reel mower. Weeds can be major pests of home lawns. With bluemuda fairways, a golf course can have improved year-round playing conditions, color enhancement, greater traffic tolerance, reduced risk for bermudagrass winter injury and less weed competition all without the added costs associated with a traditional ryegrass overseed program. When the zoysia seeds are planted together with cool-season grasses (such as bluegrass and fescue), they will produce a mix of grasses that will keep the lawn green throughout the year (in some areas). Pennington Fairway Supreme 25-lb Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed. These are the homeowners who live in what agronomists call the turf transition zone. Apply with a nonionic surfactant like Hi-Yield Surfactant. Winka, B. From fertilizing to controlling those pesky weeds, we have the entirety of lawn care covered! It does not spread quickly initially and usually is planted via sod rolls or small two inch by two inch sod plugs'' instead of seeding. The USGA promotes and conserves the true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions. It does not waver when encountering high heat and drought conditions. If you have a lot of sun . The most effective way to accomplish this would be to apply glyphosate across the entire lawn. Bluegrass seedlings have even less chance of survival in an established Zoysia lawn. Again, expect to literally cut it out of your lawn. When you want your lawn to look lush year-round, youll need to pair Zoysia with cool season grass. Use only plain fertilizers on a newly seeded lawn. People also wonder if Zoysia will take over the fescue. link to How Much Does A John Deere Lawn Mower Cost? Bluegrass growth slows significantly in the summer months. Due to differences in color, leaf size, shape and growth habit, weeds detract from the natural beauty of desirable turfgrasses. It features a grayish-green color and a medium to coarse texture, tolerating heavy foot traffic. What Grasses Mix Well with Zoysia Grass? I know, thats probably what everybody wants, I live in Apex, NC and have had Emerald Zoysia for one year. Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescues coexist well together, so it's unlikely for one to choke out the other. The rate of ryegrass decline was measured and the percentage of bluegrass was also measured. A couple of thoughts. We should get together one of these days, Id love to see your lawn. Are you in search of the perfect lawn mower to bring your lawn from drab to fab? With both of them present together, your lawn has the chance to sustain grass cover, preventing large bare spots. If you are overseeding with cool-season grass seed, the best time is in the fall. What grass is most resistant to dog pee? The grasses above are only a few of the common grasses that Zoysia can overtake. Overseeding Zoysia with Kentucky Bluegrass [4 Pitfalls]. . At the start, your lawn will remain green into the Winter, but eventually, Zoysia will take over and your lawn will go dormant. Ryegrass and Fescue are the most urine-resistant type of grass, [] You can overseed a Bermudagrass lawn with either a warm-season grass . If pairing with another warm season grass, you can mix the seeds together and spread them all at the same time, or purchase plugs of that variety and plant them intermittently with your Zoysia. That's in an ideal setting, though! Can You Mix Kentucky Bluegrass with Zoysia? You need to seed warm season grass (zoysia) in the spring. zoysia likes the sun. In this part of NC, both, warm and cool season grasses can be grown (as you know?) Because we've broken down the different types of grass to help you have the best lawn on the block. In these same conditions, Zoysia grass experiences its fastest growth. It can tolerate heavy traffic and would go dormant throughout the drought season. For instance, Bermuda and Kentucky bluegrass are a great combination. [5 Identifying Traits]. Types of Fescue Grass . Yet, thats not to say a dense bermudagrass stand will not work, its just that the amount of Kentucky bluegrass will likely be less concentrated. Sunlight: direct, but tolerates shade ; Mowing Height: 1.5" to 3" Planting Options: plug, seed ''But now we are beginning to see a shift toward the warm-season varieties simply because people are saying `if I have a choice I`d rather have my grass green in the summer.` ''. Peppers Home and Garden is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In some studies as much as 95% in three years. It withstands extreme heat and salt. Instead of battling year-round to keep Kentucky Bluegrass from being choked out by Zoysia, its much easier and more effective to overseed your lawn with Annual Ryegrass each fall. A rate of 9 fluid ounces per acre on four-week intervals is appropriate. Pros Gives a cleaner cut than grasses with tougher blades like tall fescue Better cold tolerance than perennial ryegrass or tall fescue Broadcast the seed and . Bahiagrass is much more tolerant of shade than Bermuda grass is. If you plant them together, the zoysia grass seed might . Turf managers are quickly realizing the benefits of combining these cool- and warm-season turfgrass species as part of a two-grass system that can provide a better-quality playing surface throughout the year in an area of the country that experiences freezing winters . Wonder if Zoysia will take over the Fescue mix Zoysia and Bermuda grass and conserves the true spirit the. In three years seem to segregate and result in dark, uneven clumps within the acceptable range both! Months and requires lots of water would need to know if both varieties go well together traffic would. Look lush year-round, youll need to know if both varieties go well together into contact with infiltrating! Or stolons, spreading rapidly along the rhizomes and stolons together one of the game of golf embodied... 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