The NJ American Rescue Plan (ARP) Stabilization Grant is no longer accepting applications. Congress declared that these programs are not taxable income. Q: I gifted some of the grant back to parents because of COVID. Such a record could say, February 23, 2022 - $4,000 pay myself with the Stabilization grant.. No. Her tax rate will likely be somewhere between 30-40 percent, but to use the more conservative amount, she should assume that she will need to pay $700 of the $1750 in taxes. She can pay herself this by noting the payment in her bank records or check register as stabilization payment for myself, for example. endobj
For example, a family child care home provider may use the grant to pay her mortgage or rent, but only the portion (percent of the square footage) of the home that is used for the business is tax deductible. The corporation can deduct your wages and payroll taxes. We have received grants from our city and our county. Q: I had a flood in my home. Q: Can the playground used exclusively for my business be part of the space percentage? Q: How do I find out where to apply for this grant? Q: If I previously took out a loan for my business, may I use the Stabilization grant to pay some of off? Stabilization Grant program is capped at $850,000 per site for the duration of the program. In this blog, Damaris Alvarado-Rodriguez explains the strategies she uses to compensate ECE professionals in the manner they deserve. Q: Has the standard meal allowance rules always been in place or is this a recent rule? 3 0 obj
Q: I did not include the grant I got in 2020 on my 2020 tax return. You will have to withhold and pay payroll taxes on these amounts. endobj
Can painting the house be deducted as a repair? Wuo|E&\ttPVcZ27-d#XH%{a_mTfP
p)Qk)LWIH67aJ9>jZ4V#^VQn'*T20Y';X+7sAOQ`+ZZ4&+!` Z+Z C2]/cLWIw<4mH:C7CQ9\x&KFX!8\Q4(mYO{N+CSLrcj'$"^)XG.aVa0WLT)&'q=y@xkJvh^A7T1Z If you just replaced the shingles this would probably be considered a minor repair. Access to safe and reliable child care is the backbone of our economy and essential for employees to get back to work. A: No. A: Yes! Report as income, the amount you received from parents. Is the Child Care Program Stabilization Funding taxable? <>
Q: Are there any grants available to add on space to my home without getting a loan? Minnesota child care providers were able to apply for these grants as part of their January 2022 Child Care Stabilization Base Grant application. %PDF-1.7
A: Apply your time-space% to the monthly mortgage payment. 721 Smith Rd. You would report $5,000 as income and $2,000 as an expense, and end up paying taxes on the difference, or $3,000. In other words if I use the standard meal allowance to claim my food expenses, wont this be the same amount as the reimbursements I received from the Food Program? If you spend all of the grant money on items used exclusively for your business, you won't owe and taxes, but you won't have any money left over at the end of the year. No! A: If you are incorporated and are being treated as an employee of your corporation, then the corporation will report the grant as income. Q: On my grant report I listed mortgage and utilities as expenses. A: You can include it either on line one (Gross receipts) or line six (Other Income). Grant awardees will be determined based on provider type and the number of classrooms licensed to operate within each program. In the spring of 2020 when COVID-19 public health guidance forced all centers to close, the entire childcare industrychildcare staff members, parents, and childrentook a devastating hit. You will probably owe no more than 40% of the grant in taxes. Each state will receive anywhere from $39 million to $2.9 billion in funding from the grant to distribute as they see fit to eligible child-care providers. On October 19, 2021, the Texas Workforce Commission ( TWC) approved distribution of $2.45 billion in American Rescue Plan Act funds for direct relief to child care programs. [-i""c2Njkd-!&-b2bshR6f;N+5fHS&_0!MOJ
0:v#XGd1wIh{Q%WdKKCPc, ZV4sSY_jw`]0(YHyJ9[NAEqrs;2^XWH+S6MQSy6-&RVJe)rL n1WQr&Mw?TgQkCSu A: I dont know the answer for your particular state, sorry. The Child Care Stabilization Grant Program is the latest round of funding the Mills Administration has made available for child care providers, in addition to $175 million for system improvements to support families and providers outlined in the DHHS Child Care Plan for Maine, as well as $10 million in capital funds for child care facilities . Can I deduct this? Help is on the way! This still leaves $2,100 for the provider to spend as she chooses (or save it). A: Yes, pay yourself the cost of the project and then spend it on items not covered by the grant. Z~0^ I5%jE6)jh2!Z4Wq3 The Child Care Stabilization Grant (CCSG) Program sustains Arizona's child care network by giving a consistent, reliable funding source directly to child care providers to cover increased cost and challenges due to COVID-19 through June 2023. Child Care Stabilization Grants The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP Act) (Pub. These grants are in addition to other pandemic-related relief funds (e.g., CARES grants, Paycheck Protection Program loans, EIDL loans). A: You can count all the hours children are present in your home. It wont matter if he doesnt sign it. Are the One-Time Child Care Stabilization Grant funds taxable? How do I get the childcare stabilization grant? You dont need to put it in the name of your business. Contact your state for the answer. What if I am on payroll with my staff? Supporting Centers in Preparing for Child Care Stabilization Grants A: No! A: Count the entire room as regularly used as a daycare storage room. Not all applications are guaranteed to be approved. A: You can deduct your Time-Space% of your utilities. Provider A receives a $3,500[1] grant and uses the entire amount of the grant to pay herself; the full amount of the grant will be taxable, but the provider can spend the funds on whatever she wants (e.g., pay down personal debt, save for an emergency, save for retirement, go on vacation). Q: My state (Colorado) is requiring that 50% of the grant be used as tuition discounts. Q: If my husbands is disabled and collects Social Security Disability Insurance, will it change to regular Social Security when he reaches age 70? You can use it for free during a 30 day trial period. Buy a new vacuum cleaner, front door porch light, replace old gutters, large kitchen appliances, install a new kitchen island? Child Care Stabilization Grants Help Desk Support: 1-833-600-2074 User Guide - Grant Survey Frequently Asked Questions Grant Requirement Supports: Family Child Care - Training for C3 Operational Grant requirements - YouTube Center-Based - Training for C3 Operational Grant requirements - YouTube Do you advise doing this? This report provides a state-by-state overview of FFN policies and supports and highlights some examples of the ways in which states and local entities are supporting FFN providers who serve isolated families with low incomes. She can deduct these expenses from the taxes she owes, so she will not owe additional taxes if she receives the grant. A: You cant use grant money to pay someone who is not treated as your employee. Q: Do I have to have a child care license by March 21, 2021 to receive the Stabilization grant? On February 1, 2022, the Commission received an additional $1 billion of COVID-19 stimulus funding to the 2022 CCRF, bringing the total . Q: What impact will receiving this grant have on my Social Security benefits? T he new mont hl y grant amount wi l l be reduced st art i ng O ct ober 1, 2023. A: You wont have to ask. OCFS has awarded $208 million to 12,578 child care providers through the Stabilization 2.0 for Workforce Supports grant. A: Installing a new driveway or repairing it would both be considered a repair, not a home improvement. Q: If I was audited, would they just audit my grant or my entire business? A: Since these expenses are used by both your business and your family, apply your time-space% to these expenses. Contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral agency to see if there are other grant programs. support provi ders unt i l June 2024. Due to the ongoing hardship COVID-19 continues to place upon the child care industry, the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) will be extending the provision of operational grants to all private, licensed (or operating under a notice of compliance) child care centers and homes that are open to serve children and families . QtFA/MdTV'
+` _-gNT_eS?o9u"V)p y[7 A: The standard meal allowance rate has been in effect since 2003. JaJJ+7@h&P8=?xv:jA!tOUa@J]uym@%|4YX2 |[:&= 3q;n#}Ab!72d KNOgl0q8\l0'dP!_"g8X`G6"%Wi{nP"D\-;@Oi1)+fd-
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&A##807[uCo3./kECuzS:zRsu[G q>+hL There is no upper limit on how many hours you can claim. Q: Does the federal guidance for this grant require providers to gift any of it to parents? Ask your tax preparer to advise you. Each state, territory, and tribe may further clarify eligibility requirements, but the federal eligibility parameters indicate that licensed, registered, and legally license-exempt center-based and home-based child care providers are eligible. June 02, 2021. Then put aside some money in a place that is low risk (bank savings account, short-term bond fund or money market account). Funding for the grants comes from the American Rescue Plan Act. If youre a daycare or childcare provider, read on to find all of the important program details. Can I use the grant to hire a clean-up crew? <>/Font<>/Pattern<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 48 0 R 49 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 540 720] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
But, if you pay yourself, you can then use this money to purchase a home. Q: May I claim expenses for a vehicle I also use for personal purposes, or to claim vehicle expenses it must be used only for business purposes? How am I doing that? Q: How to I calculate the percentage of mortgage payments? Paying for weekly house cleaner? If so, the corporation must pay you with the grant money through your normal payroll process which means paying payroll taxes. p Stabilization Grants, intended to support child care, early care and education and out -of-school time programs that have faced increased costs and . Supporting Family Child Care to Prepare for Child Care Stabilization Grants, Help is on the way! Q: If I use the grant for my IRA, can I deduct 100% of this on my taxes? A conservative estimate would be to assume 15 percent for social security/Medicare plus 15 percent federal income tax and about 10 percent for state and local income tax, for a total of 40 percent or $1,400. Distribution date Deadline; Cohort 1: (Center (100+) October 5, 2021 : October 18, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. CT: Cohort 2: Center (76-100) . The grant opportunities available to the state's early childhood community will help address operating and facility costs, and will support greater access and quality. You will owe 15.3% in Social Security/Medicare taxes, plus any state and federal income taxes. What is the New Child Care Stabilization Grant? Is the child care stabilization grant taxable? You can always deduct any expense that is ordinary and necessary for your business. If its only used by your business, you can deduct 100% of the cost in one year. Therefore, if you received a $10,000 grant and paid $4,000 in taxes, you would still have $6,000 left over after paying the taxes. Q: If Im on the Food Program I can also use the standard meal allowance rate to deduct food expenses? A: Having a room used exclusively for your business will greatly increase your time-space%. 4 0 obj
The amount your reduced tuition would have no impact on your taxes. She may keep the funds in the bank account as an emergency fund for later use or she can spend it as she wishes. In this blog, Anna Mercer-Mclean details how she has utilized funding to increase salaries and benefits for her employees and her strategies to sustain providing ECE professionals their worth. endobj
Q: If I was closed because I had COVID and didnt have parents pay during that time, how do I record using some of the grant to cover the lost revenue? As an employee stipend software company that specializes in tax compliance, Compt can serve as your trusted guide to help administer the grant money in the form of an employee stipend, while staying fully compliant with federal tax law. Ive created an instructional video that answers these questions and many more. Q: We are a non-profit preschool facility in our church. You should amend your 2020 taxes and report it as income and pay taxes on the amended return. <>/Metadata 1131 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1132 0 R>>
Q: Is there a thing such as too many hours when claiming hours when children are not present in my home? Eligibility Application Recertification Questionnaire Training Grant Funds Since you cant deduct these expenses on your 2021 tax return, youll owe taxes on the amount you apply to 2020 expenses. Supporting Family Child Care to Prepare for Child Care Stabilization Grants Q: Beside the grant, is there a stipulation for how long you have to stay in business? Distributing the funds to employees (most states require a portion of grant funds to be paid out to employees)? Find Stabilization Grant Applications for your State or Territory. Q: Do I include the square footage of my garage that is not attached to my home as part of the total square feet of my home? Q: Can we pay ourselves in 2022 with grant money from 2021? Did this change? Here are the government resources for the Child Care Stabilization Grant by state: The Child Care Stabilization Grant is part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP Act) (Pub. Q: My large vehicle that I use for business and personal purposes needs a new transmission. This webinar, presented by child care business expert, Tom Copeland, will cover all the new tax changes affecting family child care providers for 2021. Can I still deduct them as expenses? Child Care Relief Funding 2022. A: Yes, you can deduct this in one year as a repair. Q: Do I claim the same time-space% I used last year? These funds have reached over 12,000 child care providers across the state, including child care centers and family child care homes, as well as bonuses for early childhood professionals. In almost every situation, a provider will benefit financially from these grants even after taxes. A: Yes, with the exception of a home, home improvement or home addition. Q: May I decrease wages for employees during the grant period? COVID-19 Child Care Stabilization and Recovery Grants. The plan includes $24 billion in child care stabilization grant funding for states, territories, and tribes to distribute within their state using the Child Care and Development Grant (CCDBG) formula. Q: How do I create an emergency fund with this grant? applications for three grant opportunities, totaling $150 million, to help child care programs defray . By using our website you consent to the use of cookies, two-thirds of childcare centers are serving less than 75 children and are struggling to break even, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Child Care Stabilization Grant requirements by state. Q: Can I claim Social Security on my ex-husband? Under federal guidance, this clearly language clearly applies to a family child care provider, even if she has no employees. References: The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act (42 U.S.C. s,[[1c!yOOH-Nr Programs that are awarded a grant will receive an IRS Tax Form 1099-NEC. Here is the recording of my recent webinar, Child Care Stabilization Grants and New Tax Changes for 2021., The tax implications of the Stabilization Grants, What expenses can be deducted in your business. Operational Grant Formula Updated. No. Then the corporation must withhold payroll taxes before you receive the money. The Child Care Workforce Stabilization grants supply funding to help child care providers recruit and retain qualified employees as the industry recovers from the pandemic. KidKare is a comprehensive record keeping program that includes an accounting section that allows you to keep track of all your income and expenses. Get more information about KidKare. You can use the grant money to pay yourself and then pay off the loan. For all of the above answers that were No, you can still pay yourself and then use the money for these purposes. For example, can I give one employee $500 and another employee $300 if they are not as productive? But you can pay yourself and then use that money to fund your IRA. Q: If a parent leaves my program owing me money, is that considered a bad debt that I can deduct? Afterwards it costs $99.00 a year. endobj
4 0 obj
It may be the same or may not. However, you can only deduct the time-space% of your mortgage loan interest in addition to deducting house depreciation. Q: If I have been in business for 30 years and sell my home ten years after I close my business, do I still need to pay tax on the home depreciation I claimed while in business? If you do, the amount that you lower your tuition is not tax deductible. A: Yes! A: RI DHS aims to approve two stipends to all eligible providers, depending upon fund availability. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 was signed into law on March 11, 2021, issuing three streams of federal funding to states through the Child Care and Development Fund which include Supplemental Discretionary, Stabilization, and Mandatory/Matching funds. 3 0 obj
Phase 4 of the Idaho Child Care Grant provides funding for child care providers in Idaho to ensure they are able to remain open and caring for children. Q: Do I have to take out payroll taxes to pay myself if Im an LLC or does every provider who is not incorporated still have to deduct from the check before paying ourselves? No. Take the money! CHILD CARE STABILIZATION GRANT DATA NCDHHS Division of Child Development and Early Education has created two data dashboards to provide Child Care Stabilization Grants summary data. Phase two will include application, awarding, and issuing of funding. Purchase of a swim spa for physical therapy, exercise, relaxation? If you do so, this will help support the work I do helping family child care providers be more successful as a business. There has never been this amount of federal funding dedicated to childcare providers, which makes this an incredible opportunity. Investing in Iowa's Child Care (IICC) Funding Program What does that do to my time-space%? 9857 et seq. Licensed family child care homes will receive a stabilization stipend of $3,500 while child care centers can receive anywhere from $3,500 up to $6,500 depending on the center's capacity. Adhering to your states unique spending and reporting requirements for funds that are part of the grant through the Office of Child Care. stream
My CPA says if it happens again I will face the hobby law. What is that law? On another slide it says that state grants are taxable income. In other words, if you reduced tuition by $5,000 you would show $5,000 less in parent fees, but you would still report the $5,000 from the Stabilization grant that replaced this as taxable income. This blog explores the tax implications of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Child Care Stabilization Grants for Home-Based Child Care Providers. Should we spend everything that we receive with the grant? Q: I need a new washer, dryer and water heater. Your state may or may not see this as a major improvement. If you receive these funds, you will be mailed a 1099 form. Is this a home improvement or a repair? . But, dont spend money on items you dont really need, in order to avoid paying taxes. Assistance is available Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM-4:30 PM by email at or phone (919) 814-6300, Option 2. Child care has received $54 billion since the start of the pandemic. In general, every licensed or regulated provider is eligible. NOTE: Child Care Stabilization Grant payments may be taxable. A: Yes. A: State applications will often use the word personnel when describing what the grant can be used for. Q: On one slide it says that the PPP and EIDL programs are not taxable income. Q: How are my wages reported to Social Security? This grant signifies a powerful gesture of government support for families and businesses as the economy recovers. endobj
Q: If I give my staff a bonus am I doing it through payroll? The Stabilization Payment Program Round 2 is a nine-month payment program that runs August 2022 through April 2023. Afterwards it costs $99.00 a year. This bill, based on President Biden's bold American Rescue Plan, provides $39 billion in desperately needed child care relief funding. A: Colorado says they encourage providers to give 50% to parents. dollars for the Child Care Stabilization Grants These grants are to provide financial relief to family child care providers and child care centers to cover business costs associated with COVID-19 and to help stabilize their operations This represents a substantial financial benefit to all child care programs! You must report as income the reimbursements you received from the Food Program, with the exception that any reimbursements for your own children are not income. However, even if it does push you into a higher tax bracket, it only means you will pay more in taxes on the grant amount that is in the higher tax bracket. This is clearly the case if you were receiving the lower Tier II reimbursement rate before July. How much will my daycare get from the childcare stabilization grant? Original URL . You can choose which method to use each year. If you received any other phase of the Idaho Child Care Grant, you may still be eligible for this fourth grant. We can provide technical assistance and have brief training videos and materials available to help complete the process. Therefore, you would need to file 1099-Gs to avoid penalties for failure to file (Internal Revenue Code Section 6721) or failure to furnish (6722). 2 0 obj
Q: If I transferred money to pay myself earlier but sometimes forgot to make a note, can I go back and fix it? Q: Is the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) taxable income? The portion that she uses for businesses expenses can be deducted from her taxable income, but the other half cannot, and she will need to pay taxes on that amount. The Child Care Stabilization Grant is considered income and is taxable. Important note: Although there is federal guidance on how the Stabilization grants are to be administered, each state may interpret this guidance slightly differently. Where to find more information . A: It will depend on your personal finances. Q: My states guidelines say that providers are required to provide families relief to the extent possible. For example, charging less tuition to assist parents. 2. On October 19, 2021, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) approved distribution of $2.45 billion American Rescue Plan Act funds for direct relief to child care programs.On February 1, 2022, the Commission dedicated an additional $1 billion of COVID stimulus funding to the 2022 CCRF, bringing the total available funds to $3.45 billion. The grants cannot be used for new construction or major renovations. Grant funding amounts and distribution schedule. Q: You said that almost everything in your home is a deduction (welcome mat, chairs, flowers in your front yard), can you clarify if these are 100% deductible or time-space%? The purpose of the child care stabilization grants is to support child care centers and home-based child care providers to stay open or reopen. Image credit:, 1 Hampton Court, Lynnfield, MA 01940 | (617) 858-0006, Child Care Stabilization Grants and New Tax Changes for 2021.. Dental crown not covered by insurance? Providers can therefore use all or part of the grant to pay themselves. This can be done by transferring money from one bank account to another, writing yourself a check, or leaving money in one bank account and make a note indicating that this is money to pay yourself. ]ATIGJK5NF5 4 R&a&YFhJl M2z[{F6M6 The following examples are meant to illustrate the different ways in which a family child care provider might utilize the grant and the tax implications of each scenario. CARES Act Provides $3.5 Billion in Child Care Relief. Childcare isnt just a family issue, its a business issue. If you did give parents a discount, the amount you gave as a discount is not a business expense. Child Care Stabilization Grant Questions and Answers. A: No! Workforce Innovation Sustain Child Care Subsidy Operations Start-up & Expansion Paycheck Protection Retention of Child Care Staff Q: Are the Stabilization grant requirements the same from state to state as to what I can use the money for? A: You must report Food Program reimbursements as taxable income. The best way to manage your child care stabilization grant funds, White House American Rescue Plan Funding Fact Sheet, Perk Stipends: Everything You Need to Know, Employee Perks - How to Offer Better Perks at Work in 2023, Download: The Ultimate Guide to Lifestyle Spending Accounts. Youll have to contact Social Security directly. A: If you pay yourself with the grant and then buy items used 100% for your business, you wont owe any taxes on the amount you use the grant for this purpose. Can I pay myself with the EIDL money? Is replacing this considered a repair or home improvement? Q: Can I deduct the business portion of any item in one year regardless of the cost? x][s8~OUNIS6MxJyzdS3 KY)13ed
b6|0-Fiqaps7+y1;? A: Because if you pay yourself you will have more money left over in your pocket after paying the taxes. You do not have to pay back the Stabilization grant. A: I dont know. On April 9, 2021, the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and the Delaware Department of Education announced that the Delaware Early Education and Child Care Stabilization Fund will provide $66,752,816 in direct grants to support eligible early child care professionals across Delaware. Q: Colorado is saying that half of the Stabilization grant must be used to offset/reduce tuition costs to parents. A: This language does not mean you are required to use the grant money to lower your tuition. Before the pandemic, there were approximately 675,000 childcare providers around the country, mostly small businesses, who were already operating on thin margins. Q: Would you need a separate account to pay yourself? The two-year grant period is scheduled to end in September 2023, meaning eligible employees may receive . You can deduct the business portion of other animals that you incorporate into learning activities with the children. Q: I use my car for my business. For further guidance on the tax implications of the Child Care Stabilization Grant, please contact your accountant or financial advisor. Q: You said I could offer employees a one-time bonus. Q: Because of all my deductions I did not show a profit for three years. Are my wages reported to Social Security Idaho Child Care Stabilization grants the American Plan... Start of the Idaho Child Care Centers and Home-Based Child Care providers through the payment... Idaho Child Care Stabilization grants, help is on the Food program reimbursements as taxable income to expenses! Ira, can I claim Social Security on my grant or my entire?... 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Just a family Child Care has received $ 54 billion Since the start of the grant money through normal! Provide families relief to the extent possible and Home-Based Child Care providers or regulated provider is eligible, every or... Is requiring that 50 % to these expenses from the childcare Stabilization grant applications three... Care provider, even if she has no employees an accounting section that allows you keep! I create an emergency fund with this grant have on my ex-husband noting the payment in her bank records check... ) 814-6300, Option 2 child care stabilization grant taxable income and is taxable, and issuing of funding a! Issue, its a business expense be paid out to employees ( most states require a of. The space percentage if they are not taxable income not tax deductible explains... In her bank records or check register as Stabilization payment program Round 2 is a nine-month payment program runs.