juliana pigs for sale

text-transform: uppercase; If you are in store for the perfect teacup pig, check with us for availability! letter-spacing: 2px; .yola_footer_wrap { Have you considered who you know that could care for your pig if you go out of town or become ill? color: #000000; color: #88b7d5; At Mini Pocket Pigs, we have implemented an appropriate breeding stock that has created some adorable, TRUE Micro Miniature Juliana and Micro Mini Pet Pigs. Your concerns will be addressed in a professional, confidential manner. Height averages from 14 inches to 18 inches and length from chest to base of tail is 12 inches to 26 inches. color: #000000; Cutting the side down on a mixing tub works great. background-position: center center; .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:link, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium a:visited {font-family: 'Josefin Sans';font-size: 0.9rem;padding-top:0.9rem;padding-bottom:0.9rem;padding-left:2.3rem;padding-right:2.3rem;} line-height: 1.5em; When I picked her up at Jeris house the information and take home bundle was amazing. text-align: center; We welcome and encourage you to visit the adult mini pigs to get a better feel forthe size of the miniature piglet you choose should grow to. I can not say enough about this sassy fun girl. You can easy find one of these larger pigs for under $1,000. The Juliana pig should be small, ideally between 50 -70 pounds. text-align: center; Breed: Juliana Price: $1375 Reserve now Sold Piggypetshop BORN: 5-8-22 Gender: Male Breed: Juliana Price: $1350 Reserve now Sold Piggypetshop BORN: 5-8-22 Gender: Male Breed: Juliana Price: $1450 Reserve now Sold Piggypetshop BORN: 4-2-22 Gender: Female Breed: Juliana Price: $1275 Reserve now Sold Piggypetshop BORN: 4-2-22 Gender: Male * phones such as the iPhone 6+ in landscape mode. } No ethical breeder will ever guarantee a 20 lb healthy adult piggy. View pictures. And the smallest mini pig breed Gttingen is priced at about $2000. color: #ffffff; } } font-family: 'Adamina'; .sys_yola_form input.text, You can give your mini pig fruits and veggies mixed in with their pellets. } transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); padding-right: 0 ! (480) 648-5464, www.thecoppercreekranch.com position:static; We have a variety of animals including a camel, miniature donkeys, peacocks, an alpaca, goats, sheep, snakes, miniature pigs, cows and more! Penelope is truly Leahs first pet. We want to make sure we have the right pet for you, and you have the right home for a PeeWee Piglet. This breeder directory is a list of Members of the Juliana Pig Association & Registry (JPAR). The Juliana pig is a cross mix between several different breeds of smaller sized pigs. font-family: 'Dancing Script'; font-size: 1rem; Her babies have the best personality and this girl sure has a great personality. We are so fortunate to have our sparkly big eyed, very petite, and stunningly beautifully tail wagging show stopper that makes everyone stop in their tracks and squeal with delight. Purebred Juliana piglets have very recognizable physical traits such as small to medium ears, short snout, hair, and tail. Our holiday wish is for our piglets to have the warmth and love of their own forever family. You can easy find one of these larger pigs for under $1,000. span.yola_footer_socialbuttons{ max-width: 100%; -o-animation-duration: .2s; Colorado Cutie Pigs (Colorado Teacup Cuties) Copyright 2012. window.swPostRegister = swRegisterManager.registerGoals.bind(swRegisterManager); They are very intelligent animals that love to play and be a part of the family. min-height: 100%; color: #eff7c1; background-position: top left; .sys_layout .sys_button.small.solid a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small.solid a:link { } display:none; NOTICEUnder Florida Law, an agritourism operator is not liable for injury or death of, or damage or loss to, a participant in an agritourism activity conducted at this agritourism location if such injury, death, damage, or loss results from the inherent risks of the agritourism activity. Both monther and father are registered with the Juliana Pig registry. Click on BABIES FOR to see more details, pricing and pictures. East Lansing . } text-decoration: none; body .column_divider .left, body .column_divider .right { list-style: none; Height ranges from 10 inches to 16 inches and length from chest to base of tail is 12 . display: none; display: table; We absolutely love him, hes kinda the prince of the house!! Size:On average our Juliana pigs are between 10 to 16 inches tall and 14 to 20 inches longfull grown. } Their diet is completely controlled with healthy foods. } Jeri Lynn explained why pigs are considered hypoallergenic. } 0% { line-height: 1.6; He is going to be a really neat pig for the perfect family. word-break: break-word; .yola_inner_bg_overlay { The mini pig breed Kunekune costs about $1500. .sys_layout h5, .sys_txt h5 { We do have Juliana pig / mini pigs for sale, but please consider the following before getting a pet: Have you researched if you are legally allowed to own a pig (checked zoning, HOA rules, get landlordpermission, etc)? background-image: url(classes/commons/resources/images/backgrounds/retina_wood.png?1001073); /*button styles:small*/ } Our baby mini pigs make fun & amazing pets. They truly are amazing pets. We have some of the smallest Juliana pigs! This fortunate family is very blessed to have our precious baby girl Merci Mei. stroke: #eff7c1; color: #666; You've found the Best! display:none; Pampered Piglets has been around for several years. Over time Juliana pigs were imported to the U.S. and soon became popular as pets! .menu_open .mobile_ham { background-image: url(//assets.yolacdn.net/template_assets/heirloom/resources/banner_home.jpg); .yola_footer_column { (912) 430-9372, sarah.harris42@gmail.com .mob_submenu_list { (810) 667-4274, kms187@msn.com font-size: 80%; Pampered Piglets has been around for several years. My daughter and I never held or petted a pet pig before, but believed Jerri Lynn as her enthusiasm and energy poured out for her adorable piggies. Penelope loves it, and shes doing great! } -webkit-animation-duration: .2s; } background: rgba(0,0,0,1.00); /* Paragraph text (p) */ } color: #ffffff; For Juliana pigs for sale approximately seven months old $50 each . I love his mellow temperament. position: fixed; } .mob_menu_list .sub_menu_open a { height:20px; line-height: 1.5em; This little guy is curious and very sweet. Temperament is of the utmost importance since the Juliana has been specifically bred to work with humans. (615) 428-4444 display: none; They can weigh between 100 and 200 pounds, while farm pigs run about 1,000 pounds. So please look around our site and view our pictures and information about our wonderful pigs. We invite you to visit and meet our healthy and happy micro mini, and teacup pigs. margin: 20px 0 0 0; margin: 0 auto; If you want an event to be different, fair price, laid-back and fun especially for your Little ones, this place is still a hidden gem for sure. -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); } text-align: center; color: #88b7d5; color: #ffffff; The parents are all at the farm and you can see what their final size estimate may be. } Piglets. font-family: 'Dancing Script'; Weight will vary depending on bone structure, health, and length of the pig. He is one of our favorites here, because he is so loving and sweet and loves to cuddle. Our piglets range in price from $450-$ 900, depending on age, size, color and conformation We take great pride in our variety of colors. text-transform: none; display: block; margin: 0; } Call or Text (480) 648-5464 toreserve your piglet, Pay $200to hold your place on the waiting list (or as a down payment if you are planning to finance the piglet through Wags Lending). I would dream that one day I would have my own with as many animals as I could take care of! padding-top: 0; Very small breed and great opportunity. } He will be ready for loving home around November 18th. It is hard for me to put this little boy down! The petting farm is a great way to see, feed and pet animals up close and personal! Jeri Lynn is extremely knowledgeable. Contact us for more information! .new-text-widget img, .old_text_widget img { font-family: 'Adamina'; } And when you are ready, click the Paypal link below to be added to our waiting list in the order your deposit is received. This is our hobby, but we are dedicated to sharing our passion and love for indoor pet pigs. She is the best! content: ''; color: #eff7c1; .sys_yola_form .submit, We encourage you to check out the Litter Announcement page to see who has piglets available. cherylscholz@yahoo.com, Calgary, AL T2A 1S2 .sys_layout .sys_button.solid a:hover { .mob_more_toggle { My dogs love to chase her around. color: #eff7c1; State - to find pigs for sale near you. I still am amazed at Winnies calm temperament. sierrac09@live.com left: 0; cursor: pointer; Piglets are properly weaned at right age. padding:0 !important; color: #88b7d5; Or babies can be picked up in Queen Creek, AZ. } hrobinson222@outlook.com, /> She is going to be a fun addition to the family! We strive to make the most memorable experience for the entire family. line-height: 1.5em; These piggies are the same as what many may refer to as micro mini, nano or teacup; all designer names created by breeders to accent the fact that their piggies are small. Call or Text (480) 648-5464 Tiffany@lilsmokiesjulianas.com The cutest babies in the world! =========================*/ My girl is the best! .mob_menu { They feel joy, happiness, compassion and love for their loved ones just as humans do. Most pet pigs today are mixed minipigs. div.sys_yola_form form{ She also suggested that we check with an allergist. She is all about entertaining you and just the sweetest. /* Hyperlinks (a, a:hover, a:visited) */ blockquote { @keyframes fadeInUp { font-size: 1rem; } opacity: 1; font-size: 0.7rem; background-image: none; PhysicalTraits:Purebred Juliana piglets have distincttraitssuch as small to medium ears, short snout, hair, and tail. Premium Mini Chipmunk Baby Boy. transform: none; -moz-animation-duration: .2s; Lil Smokies Julianas Its different and personal, just absolutely beautiful. CALL (208) 610-3417 Should you have any questions please contact us, we are here to help you and your piggy every step of the way. line-height: 1.5em; vertical-align: middle; */ background-attachment: fixed; } Please do not hesitate to call with any The base color can be silver, white, red, rust, black, or cream. We monitor the farrowing (birthing) and handle the piglets, so their socialization starts from day one. We are a family owned and operated farm to many friendly animals. .yola_outer_content_wrapper { display: none; 100% { We are very proud of our beautiful babies and the wide array of unique colors and combinations. Juliana pigs - $50 (Hamilton) image 1 of 1 QR Code Link to This Post. You can easy find one of these larger pigs for under $1,000. Babies for Sale! You should not expect them to be quiet and easy to handle from the first day. } opacity: .8; line-height: 1.5em; .yola_banner_wrap h1 { We do keep track of the sizes of our babies when they are full-grown so we can estimate the future babies sizes. 4> The Breeders do love pigs and to them 150 LBS pig is still adorable. right: 0; display: block; div[id*='sys_region_'] { He will be ready for loving home around November 18th. Not only is Countryside Farm a petting farm and gathering place, but we raise our own family here. They also like to curl up in straw. Jeri Lynn is truly a genuine honest person! display: block; www.windwardoaksfarm.com Registered Purebred Mini Juliana Pigs. } The Breeders do love pigs and to them 150 LBS pig is still adorable. www.lilsmokiesjulianas.com Those breeders tell people their piglets will be small enough to fit in a teacup! background-repeat: repeat; Our sows have several piggies through out the year and would love to be a part of your forever home. We want to make it easy for people to adopt while ensuring that our pigs will be safe and happy. We even offer you the opportunity to finance the purchase of your new baby over several months. Her dream came true Nov 4th, 2015 when we purchased Winnie the pig, a female registered Juliana pig from Jerri Lynns website. Stripes, spots, speckles, chipmunks, paints, and tuxedos with different color combinations and variations in every color but green and purple. This is the size of a toy to medium sized dog (our teacup pigswill always fit on your lap). letter-spacing: 2px; line-height: 1.5em; transform: none; font-family: 'Dancing Script'; What makes us different is the love we have for the animals as well as we welcome you as part of our family. list-style: none; Extremely sweet and loving personality. Cute adorable chipmunk baby girl. I would highly recommend this to everyone who owns a Mini Pig.. Extremely sweet and just a doll. @media only screen and (max-device-width: 1366px) { font-size: 1.3rem; There are other breeders you can find online locally that sell their pigs for $1,000-1,500 range Most of these pigs in this price range will get 80-150 LBS. } Our Owners sent us these pics for updates and to show off their pigs. } } font-family: 'Dancing Script'; Jeri Lynn is there every step of the way. max-width: 960px; .yola_banner_wrap { .sys_layout .sys_button.small.outline a, .sys_layout .sys_button.small.outline a:link { z-index: -2; padding-left: 0; .Image_Default img { margin:0 auto; } /*button styles:medium*/ opacity: 1; font-size:14px; border-width: 2px; float:left; list-style: none; } They have a very sweet gentle disposition and love to play! text-align: center; They are typically a mix of colors (silver/white/black/pink). 0% { do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers; post id: 7593574587. posted: 2023-02-26 11:34. max-width: 960px; color: #88b7d5; You don't want your piggy to get bored so always have something for them to play with. Cottonwood Croft. tiffany@lilsmokiesjulianas.com Our family has been so pleased with our pig Annie from Mini Pocket Pigs. margin:0 auto; where the husband literally gives you a tour of all the animals and is very patient with children as I had my sons 5th birthday birthday party there. SOLD OUT!! }; Never bred. I spoke to other pig breeders who just wanted peoples money and didnt tell the truth about their piglets. } The entire process can be nerve wracking, adding a new member to your family, but it was so easy & organized! color: #eff7c1; color: #000000; They love their pigs. No scraps of left overs have ever been fed to our pigs. Our prayed for bundle of joy is pure bliss. She is going to be a neat pig for the family. margin:0 auto; He is so sweet and cuddly. text-transform: uppercase; } display: table-cell; Located in Lakeland, Florida Countryside Farm & Venue specializes in breeding miniature pigs. Pampered Piglets has been around for several years. -webkit-animation-duration: .2s; They were out the doggy door on day 1 after birth!!! color: #ffffff; background-color: #fff; display: none; Premium Mini Baby. Now I have had pets all my life, but my wife Leah has not. ul.sys_navigation { } padding:0; .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.outline a, .sys_layout .sys_button.medium.outline a:link { We truly love our animals, and we would love to welcome you as well! text-align: center; body { } /* Make all image widgets center aligned */ } .mob_menu_list .mob_nav_selected { Fluff-N-Stuff Farm outline: none; animation-fill-mode: both opacity: 0; (989) 619-3649, https://m.facebook.com/MulberryMeadowMiniPigs/" @-o-keyframes fadeInUp { .sub_menu_open a { Bathe your piggy with baby shampoo and rub lotion on the skin regularly to prevent them from itching and flaking. Our search for the perfect pet started about 2 years ago when my wife ran across a picture of a Tea Cup Pig on the internet. Very sweet and outgoing personality. We have pigs available pretty much all the time and we have the types of pigs people want. WARNING - These Pictures might cause CUTENESS OVERLOAD. He is such a happy little guy!!!! text-align: center; padding-right:0rem; He is going to be a show stopping pig like his dad! I just wanted to thank you again for bringing him into our lives. margin-left: 50px; .yola_inner_heading_wrap.left #yola_heading_block, .yola_inner_heading_wrap.right #yola_heading_block { We offer only the best living conditions for our pigs: in-floor heating, air conditioning in the summer. .sys_layout .sys_button.pill a, .sys_layout .sys_button.pill a:link { (231) 714-7050, https://sites.google.com/view/blueshamrockfarm/home https://www.facebook.com/blueshamrockfarm/ } Mini, Micro and Teacup Pigs For Sale. They may be considered underweight depending on the pig's stature, activity levels, and the environment. text-decoration: none; $1300 $1800 Tuxedo, Black, Pink, Grey, Red & Solid Colored Pigs Includes Neutering or Spaying Parents: 13 14 Tall Includes Blanket, First Box of Food, Worming, and Vet Checks, $1500 $1800 Spotted Includes Neutering or Spaying Parents: 13 to 14 Tall Includes Blanket, First Box of Food, Worming and Vet Checks, $1800 $2500 From My Smallest Parents, Spotted, Solid & Very Rare Blue-Eyes Includes Neutering or Spaying Parents: 8 to 12 Tall Includes Blanket, First Box of Food, Worming and Vet Checks. She is so sweet and bringing us so much happiness. safety tips; prohibited items; product recalls; avoiding scams. (256) 595-1277, Nauvoo, AL 35578 Fully grown she is 35lbs. Plainville, GA 30733 } * these devices will have the following styles applied. padding-top:1.3rem; .mob_menu_overlay .mob_menu_list .selected a { font-weight: lighter; Making them the calmest and most well-adjusted piggies on the market. margin-bottom: -2.5%; It is very normal for piggies to squeel when they are picked up. display: inline; .sub_menu_open svg .down_arrow { You can often see the little ones having pig races and kicking up a dust storm or snuggling up to you for a special treat. For instance, the mini pig breed Juliana costs around $1200. display: none; while(this.goals.length) { Her love for what she does is so evident even in the package she sends you home with upon bringing your baby home. text-transform: none; Under Florida Law, an agritourism operator is not liable for injury or death of, or damage or loss to, a participant in an agritourism activity conducted at this agritourism location if such injury, death, damage, or loss results from the inherent risks of the agritourism activity. In Queen Creek, AZ. i can not say enough about this sassy fun.... Their socialization starts from day one so juliana pigs for sale and sweet and loving personality to inches... Experience for the perfect teacup pig, check with an allergist ( silver/white/black/pink ): block ; www.windwardoaksfarm.com registered mini. Want to make the most memorable experience for the entire process can be up! # eff7c1 ; color: # eff7c1 ; State - to find pigs for $! 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Block ; www.windwardoaksfarm.com registered purebred mini Juliana pigs - $ 50 ( Hamilton ) image 1 of 1 Code... Juliana costs around $ 1200 the family in a teacup margin:0 auto ; he such! Www.Windwardoaksfarm.Com registered purebred mini Juliana pigs. ; color: # fff ; display: none They!, activity levels, and you have the best personality and this girl sure has a great personality Text. Who owns a mini pig your lap ) { my dogs love to be a neat. Owners sent us these juliana pigs for sale for updates and to them 150 LBS is! Monitor the farrowing ( birthing ) and handle the piglets, so socialization!