mirrors facing doors spirits

-Victor. When I moved here and was cleaning it fell off but I placed it back where it was is that ok? As a result, the Yin and Yang balance in the house can shift, and you may find that the house is not as comfortable as it once was. A question. So if youre facing north, you would be facing our master bedroom door. May i know is this placement of the mirror consider a good fengshui? If it doesnt spook you, its good. However, most Bagua mirror manufacturers dont pay attention to this. Hi Denise, It sounds like the mirror is not really facing the front door. You are special dont ever doubt yourself. So if I will put a big wall mirror of my Dinibg it will face to the living area with a tv attached to the wall. Thanks! Is there any other remedy to minimize the negative effect? There is no wall at all in a northeast direction for me to place the mirror.. , Hi Madhuri, Ive never heard about rules stating that mirrors shouldnt face northeast or east. Hi Tim, Different shapes are correlated with different elements. Height Matters for Placement of Mirror as per Vastu. Because of these abilities, mirrors should be usedverycarefully. Hi Victor, We have a large, round decorative mirror above our tv in the living room (NW). The east wall faces long livingrooms ending with large front window with a view of japanese maple tree. Hi AJ, A bagua mirror may or may not help. If you see a space, the mirror can be a portal. If your son doesn't have any sleep issues, then he's ok. From my experience, most young people doesn't have any issues with mirrors facing the bed. In those situations, you can insert amirror at the landing area because it can help widen the staircase. Hi Lorna, The setup is not ideal. My father passed away when I was 5 yrs old. The only clues I have been told is that when I get where ever Im suppose to go Ill know them and they will know me. The player should now continue to call out the name of the spirit after the . Legend has it that spirits resting in your mirror will suck your soul out through the mirror and there is no better time for them to do this than in the dark when you are sleeping and unprotected! Is any of these two options better than the other? Hello, was hoping you could provide some guidance for a mirror selection for Dining Room. However, to prevent negative things from happening, it is best to not sleep in front of a mirror. what can I do if this is not good? These are the things to look out for before sleeping in front of a mirror. Final Tip: Objects with Reflective Properties are Considered Mirrors, Restrooms and bathrooms are said to produce negative Qi, more festive because it feels as if the amount of people have doubled, making the space of your front door area feel wider, mirror at the landing area because it can help widen the staircase, mirror facing the desk will work against you, https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/answers/two-mirrors-facing-each-other-bathroom/, https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/mirrored-closet-doors-reflecting-bed/, https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-bedroom/33-bedroom-feng-shui-tips-improve-sleep/, https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-home/colors-influence-homes-feng-shui/, https://fengshuinexus.com/bazi-reading-consultation-service/, https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-tips/how-to-feng-shui-fish-for-abundance-factors-to-consider/, https://dhj5moikmuouu.cloudfront.net/properties/plans/15011323955979766b82274.pdf, https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-consulting-service-light-review/, https://fengshuinexus.com/ebook-feng-shui-20-man-made-hazards/, https://fengshuinexus.com/ebook-feng-shui-bedroom-love-health-happiness-donna-stellhorn/, Dispersing the incoming energy to its surroundings. Therefore, in feng shui, mirrors are considered both water and metal elements in the five element system. 1. bathroom door to the 1st step of the stairs is 4 1/2 ft. It represents ones capacity to hold wealth. That is the reason I am checking on a remedy. If it really bothers you, talk to your neighbor about it and work something out! One the side of this adjacent property is a large, rectangular window at 1st floor landing level, covered by net curtains and this window looks west, directly back towards my property, down through my living room patio and kitchen window. When I was reading Feng Shui advice some time ago, I found that most of the advice had some practical wisdom in it and made sense. -Victor. I am thinking to place a mirror up in the dining room area to bring in light from the adjacent window which reflects a tree. What Does it Mean if you Keep Spilling Water? Passing headlights? Please share more details and help me out with the solution. For example: if an inactive spirit is in your environment, it is believed that a mirror will activate the spirit through the energy that comes from its reflection. Required fields are marked *. So if it reflects your beautiful artworks, you should be in great shape. Do not hang a mirror that: Most importantly, not everything in your home is a feng shui object. Nothing to worry! However, they can create a spiritual reaction, which might disrupt a lot of things around you. sometimes called a "mirror soul." It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies. Even without the light source, mirrors create the illusion of space. Hi Victor, I have a basement of approx 200 sq. Ticketmaster is the global leader in event ticketing with over 500 million tickets sold annually and more than 12,000 clients worldwide. This will force you to take a hard look at the mirror at your own reflection and reflect upon yourself. Reflecting the garden brings more green to your house! Is a Mirror Facing the Front Door Bad Feng Shui? I will move to a new house and I need your advice. . If two mirrors are facing each other in your room, it is believed that you will lack motivation. This is a general belief in the African culture, and that is why it is advised to always cover the mirror, or sleep with your back facing the mirror. Thank you very much for you advice. Hope you can help me. Your room is a physical image of your mind. Further, most layman cant really see the difference. In general, the Bagua mirror is mainly used to block the negative energies from the outside. Does reflecting closed curtains or blinds have meaning? This will definitely compromise the quality of your life, and the lives of your loved ones. -Victor. Thank you for your thoughtful replies. Second question: Out bedroom bed is placed against wall between 2 small little chandelier-type lights thats mounted to the same wall. I posted briefly about it on the other forums and if you want I can bring it over here. Hi can I place the mirror on the back of the door in the bedroom facing window? As a result the mirror on the wall ( about 30+ feet) away would be visible from the main entrance door near the foyer. My bathroom door was open as I slept and I was having a restless night. However, I do agree that it is distracting and can bring more stress. I just wanna ask if it is good in feng shui . -Victor. The floor plans are west-east and the living room, where I spend most of my time in has a huge east-facing patio window which looks out across the garden and is overlooked by side wall of an adjacent 1 storey house. -Victor. -Victor. I would like to put mirrors on the south wall which will face the north side which has windows that overlooks the garden and main road. Try it out and see! On the other hand, if you believe in feng shui, placing a mirror that faces a door is considered as bad luck. Youll be constantlyreminded of work, which can definitely bring a great deal of stress to you. Therefore, it is advisable to keep your room free of mirrors. Is it permissible to hang a mirror on a wall at top of stairs facing stairs placed at eye level?? I personally recommend you place the mirror perpendicular but not directly facing the front door. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. The mirror facing my bedroom door is grounded by a small, handcrafted console my Mother made for me and on it are a pair of candles and symbols of unity, as it is located in the relationship sector of my bedroom. I love waking up to them. If you are superstitious and want a mirror in your room, you may want to place . Thanks so much ???????? The first 6 months was a dream and like a light switch he flipped on me. So strange. This way, if evil spirits were to enter their place of worship, they would see their reflection and run away. It only pushes luck and energy away when the mirror is affecting your rest (and therefore, your mentality and emotions). I childhood school friend dropped in to tell me he had always loved me and to keep and eye on his boys for him. Thank you and keep up these good work, I live in the Philippines. Hi Caitlin, It is not bad Feng Shui if the mirror doesnt face your bed, and if you are not bothered by the mirror when you enter your bedroom and bathroom. That is why some experts say that televisions are not suitable for the bedroom. hi there victor, we have a large mirror which is about 10 ft away facing our front door and a window. I keep both doors closed virtually all the time, and the mirror facing my bedroom door is at least five feet across from the door. Its reflection is up-side down. Also, if the staircase canbenefit from the water element, adding a mirror would help too. Thank you for responding to my trivial enquiries. Hi Maria, Reflecting light up the stairs is always a good idea. Any other advice on how to deflect the negativity would be very much appreciated. The front door is about 6 feet away. Toilet is said to produce negative Qi because of its purpose. These are mostly energies that has Form. Hi Monica, Thats completely ok if the mirror is not cracked. my stove is place outside the house) thanks, Hi Michelle, I would go with the first option that reflects living room, dining, and window. An Old Broom. Hi Jen, That is totally fine. In Cambridge, an 1800's men's shoe buckle was found hanging on the wall. 2.) Placing a mirror can bring energy from the outside, which is a great if whats outside your window has positive energy. Any obstructions in between would mean that the mirror is not facing the front door. Hi Simran, Its fine to place it at the South wall. Some like it, and some dont. -Victor. Therefore, exercise caution whenever it comes to sleeping in front of a mirror. Windows that are located on the east side of your home face the sunrise and allow you to start your day with a lot of sunlight. Use whichever one you feel most comfortable with. If my front door faces directly towards the back door should I place a mirror in the path? I need some advice on how to correct the current placement of the mirror at our dining room, unfortunately its durectly facing a door leading into our everyday kitchen. However, it is not good Feng Shui to have mirror facing the bed. Youll be fine as long as it doesnt reflect your front door/window. Most experts agree that these mirrors have the ability to absorb bad Qi from the outside. Hi Latchforda, Yes, that is fine. Also, youre awesome! It faces our outdoor seating area. Plane mirror should not be used in doors. Fire: Passion, enthusiasm, boldness, expressiveness. I am of Korean/Chinese descent and my family have always told me about the merits of this ancient practice but never truly embraced it until now. The wealth area of a house can be hard to find, but ones wealth vault is easy to identify. The sellers? Amplifying negative energy is not a good idea, even if it can be used to suppress other negative energies. Also its helpful to recognize if you have your own fears based on what youve read. Whats more important is how you handle it. Is it good or bad to have a mirror facing your bed? Hi Celestine, Only basic answers I can answer for free. Instead, plane Bagua Mirrors are often used to block out the bad building shapes, such as facing a vertical road, corner, temple and Yin items (e.g. The only remedy for this situation is to relocate the mirror so that it's no longer directly across from the door. Is it ok to have the mirror in the West wall? Cheers, Hi Mr T Benjamin, Yes, having 2 mirrors in the living room is fine. The front door allows access to you, your guests, and according to superstition good luck and evil spirits. If that room is mostly used in the evening hours, what is reflected while the room is in use? Is it better to move it on the staircase (half way on the staircase there is wall , i can hang on that)? I could almost hear them. Pick your like! I live in Southern California. Its not the front door so Im assuming its okay? I have a full size mirror (78 cm x 110 cm) that I have placed right opposite the Easel (on the middle of the North wall), reflecting my Painting. is gifted and you do not want in your home, but youre keeping it out of a sense of obligation. Also at the back of my house is a retention pond, and you can of course view this from the inside because of the sliding glass door. So when I paint, the painting is right behind me on the opposite wall, reflecting my back. Does it sometimes creep you out like it does to me? Therefore, mirrors are one the important objects with high spiritual energy, density, and volume. -Victor. Keep your head high and keep fighting!! You can wake up on the wrong side of the bed. This way, any evil spirits who would enter their place of worship would see their reflection and be scared off. Im wondering if this is deliberate use of feng shui for good/bad or just ignorance? Mirror placed near the front door is fine as long as it doesnt face the front door. Therefore, mirrors facing windows should be placed depending on what it will reflect from outside of window. The list goes on and on. -Victor. Keeping more than one mirror in your room is not good. However, it is advisable to sleep with your back facing the mirror. Please help. I did see that one of the comments reply is to place plants and I have lots of plants should I be placing plant outside of my front door too ? The same was said for mirror placed on the wall behind the bed. Is it safe to hang the rectangular large mirror there? Therefore, dont sleep in front of a mirror. Therefore, it is best to not sleep in front of a mirror. 2) can a wall mirror be placed opposite the floor mirror but not directly across from it? Short answer . As for the stairs, it is fine. That was removed instantly after reading your article an hour ago. Reflecting good views from the outside is actually quite nice. Heres a tip suggested by Uncle Dixer: https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/mirrored-closet-doors-reflecting-bed/ If you are to place a mirror, dont have it face the front door (its fine if its far away). According to Feng shui, clocks should never be hung facing the door because they can welcome evil spirits. This rule applies to mirrors not just in the kitchen, but also to living areas where mirrors can reflect the kitchen stove. If you have a memory that is not good, then, dont sleep in front of a mirror. -Victor. Sincerely, anka, Hi Anka, Your welcome! 1. Hi Denise, Yes, this is permissible. Negative energies are supposedly caught in mirrors and reflected back to the sleeping person during the night. Sleeping in front of a mirror depends on the position of the mirror. However, some others think that placing mirrors in staircases has theeffect of cutting Qiand is not recommended. Moreover, don't ever place a mirror near the study table . It disrupts the tranquillity needed in a bedroom for better sleep . Saying that can we place a sofa or chairs in front of the glass block tiles? Therefore, dont sleep in front of a mirror that exposes too much light. The cook can easily get the attention of waiters and waitresses as they enter and leave the kitchen. Even when you sleep, sleeping in front of a mirror will lead to nightmares. Should I be removing all of my mirrors? It may take the rest of my life to completely heal from his traumatic problems he cast upon me. Thanks so much in advance..! I bought a beautiful arched mirror to place in my patio area, however its a tiled mirror (with patterns), I heard that its bad to use a tiled mirror which cuts the reflection into pieces, is that true? It is believed that sleeping in front of a mirror will attract ghosts. Also, I googled and googled >>> there is something about window/door positioning plus colour according to your Birthday. In the BTB school of feng shui, a practitioner may actually recommend a mirror facing the front . Victor, we also have an open floor plan with a corner of the brick of our fireplace more than 5 feet away from the front door on a bias. I have a mirror facing my bedroom door, as well one facing my bathroom door. Is there a remedy for this. I am currently renovating my bar cabinet which has mirrors and its on the South wall of my 30th storey apartment and face my north facing balcony and reflects both beautiful nature( sea view with mountains) and some buildings. With a mirror facing the stove, the fire element and the Yang energies would increase greatly. ruins, cemetery, hospital and ancient house out of repair), close to highway or waterway (e.g. This requires no equipment on your part to complete. Bagua Mirror is widely used in Feng Shui, because it can block, eliminate, absorb and fight against evil spirits. Even water features and other objects that have reflective properties should be treated the same way. Quick question..Ive got a very narrow and small hallway and would like to hang a mirror here, however as soon as you step in, there is wc door to the right (north), kitchen door opposite it (south), radiator next to the kitchen door (thats preferred place for a mirror so far), and turning stairs in front of it (just after the wc door). Lastly is it best to have the bedhead on the North wall with door diagonally across from foot of bed or on the South wall with side of bed in line with door when it open? For example, mirrors in the dining room shouldnt face the kitchen stove or the window, and mirror should not face each other in long hallways. Should I place a bagua mirror outside and directly above my front door as a cure? -Victor. Therefore, if such a spirit is in your bedroom; placing a mirror there will simply activate the spirit. Therefore, whatever you place in your room spiritually connects with your mind. Face the foot of the bed away from a straight-on view of the door. They are gone now and I inherited the home. We also have a circular mirror which is currently in the kitchen on the west wall opposite a window reflecting brick buildings, is it best to move this to the North wall in the bedroom above the bed OR to the North wall in the living room reflecting the kitchen or not use it at all? Even if you use it, I have doubts on whether it can be of much help. Placing a mirror in a window at the outside is good? Now, light the white candle and the incense. -Victor. I have a narrow staircase from the main floor leading down to the basement. I want to reflect more light up into the upstairs hallway. Thanks Victor. The important thing here is that you (and your family) like where it is and how you place it. Ive had a lot of bad luck since moving to this property in all areas of my life(loss of my job, physical and mental health) which may be pure coincidence. I got up and closed the bathroom door and went back to sleep. As for the oil painting, its great to have them because you love waking to them! These Forms can include an electric pole, pipes, electric wires, and others. -Victor. -Victor. Just remember to keep the restroom clean and the door closed and youll be fine! Hi Amanda, This shouldnt be a problem. This is where modernization and commercialism has taken a toll on Feng Shui. Furthermore, it depends on the reflection in the mirror. Comment please. 2. i have a closet workspace with a floor mirror that faces my doorway and it can view the stoveno where else to put it..should i cover it upPleae help, Hi Sondra, Do the mirrors bother you? Is this ok ? There is just one thing: the mirror shouldnt face the bed. Thank you for all your help! I was already advised to place a bagua mirror on top of my front door, hoever, there is no space to place it there. -Victor. I have a mirror in our dining room which directly faces a wall, on the left side is a sliding door with curtains and the other side is an open area living room. 7 Signs, What does Seeing Repeating Numbers Mean? A mirror in front of the bed is not ideal. However, without light to reflect in the . Hope you can answer my question. In this case, its best to check with a trusted feng shui consultant. On the other end it reflects me in a seated position. Perhaps make it a necessary ritual to do something in front of someplace with a mirror in front. Seems like your situation requires some human intervention! I have a twin sister and we are opposites of each other. Wall is on west side. I have mirroed closet doors in my bedroom that when closed face the window. Would you have any advice on this? -Victor. I Love Mirrors. -Victor, This is wonderful news, I was a little worried. asking if its ok to hang the mirror facing the kitchen sink and refrigator . Is the placement of a colourful owl painting in the south-west corner of the living room facing the sofa okay? Also this toilet is facing a front street of my house which also faces west. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. This will bring you to a point of restlessness, and it might disturb your sleep. One of our friend suggested to remove the mirror if possible or else place 2 more small mirror in north wall where staircase and main door is placed. What do you think? If placing a desk, your back should be against the side without without the doors and windows. What to Know About the Feng Shui Water Element, Understand the Meaning of Popular Feng Shui Symbols, How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom: Dos and Don'ts, How to Use Feng Shui to Improve Luck and Protection, How Yin and Yang Energies Function in Feng Shui, How to Use the Energy of Green Tara in Feng Shui, How to Use Feng Shui to Position Your Desk. kita muki ni nete wa ikenai . -Victor. So if you are not sure which type of mirror to use, some would recommend that you use the flat Bagua mirror. According toFeng Shui Expert Gayle Smith, placing a mirror can bring energy from the outside, which is a good thing. These perspectives are those of humans who inspect the mirror's outer shiny surface, and those of spirits, who operate from the realm behind or inside the mirror. I have briefly outlined them here. The dining room is near the window, while on the other end, I am thinking of placing a mirror to lighten up the place. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same. I was in alot of danger with him in my life and had a very very hard time getting him out of my life and home. Or am I really overthinking this? The Later Heaven sequence should be used with a convex mirror. Kindly please advice me which is better. Hi Victor, can I place a mirror above gas fireplace in the living room? Theres no one to startle in that case lol As for plants, it totally depends on you. -Victor. Hi Dieu, I dont have the experience you had with mirrors! Let me repeat: Bagua mirrors should be placed outdoors only. -Victor. Hi Jazz, It depends on how far and how big the mirror is. Having a mirror facing your bed can be good or bad. The first has to do with sleeping with a mirror pointed at your bed. This will prevent your soul from getting affected by the negative energy of the mirror. It can be a good thing. All of them bring energies in the form of light and heat. -Victor. Hi Tracy, Its better to have some distance between the two. Getting your quick fix of reassurance from a partner is easier than facing the root cause of why you need reassurance in the first place.2022. Why not place a painting instead or a living room chair for back pain? Hi Marie, The mirror in the dining room is a great placement, and theres no need to worry about the mirror in your bedroom. Similarly, when you have two mirrors facing each other or hung opposite each other, they drive away energy reflection, which may result in negative energy. In Serbo-Croatian culture, a mirror was sometimes buried with the dead, both to prevent the spirit from wandering and to keep evil men from rising. Feeling of being touched: Feeling a hand or something brush past, or a poke, push or nudge.Sometimes if the energy is negative there can also be unexplained scratches. When you and your twin flame separate . I dont think it is their deliberate use of Feng Shui. Besides, having a mirror facing the toilet can feel a little weird for some people. When I enter my door i face south, past a closet on my right there is a little alcove and my bathroom. It states not to have a mirror in the bedroom, however it a mirror over the dressing table acceptable? -Victor. In addition to this, if the mirror is not rightly positioned, it might attract spirits, bring back memories, or disrupt your energy frequency. Hi Victor, What if I put the mirror in the small alcove on the wall perpendicular to the bathroom door facing the opposite wall; technically it is facing the front door but you cannot see the door in the mirror as it is at a diagonal to the door. 11. I have brought back two small Bagua mirrors; I placed one of them on my outside door not above it is it wrong? If it is the first thing a person sees in the bedroom, this can make it taxing on a person's energy levels. -Victor. What would you recommend? If this happens, you will invite the spirit. The reflection from one mirror will be reflected by the other mirror back to the first mirror, and then back again to the second mirror. I have kinda made my spiritual sanctuary in my room until the guest room is more available. Therefore, sleeping with them will give them access to spirits from other worlds. Some of these include hanging a . I have a mirror opposite my shops main door. 3.) I know about their deaths before anyone knows. In the traditional and classical viewpoint, placement of a mirror facing the front door will reflect the energy back out the door. The mirror would reflect the outside yard through the sliding door. The reason is that the cook would easily know whos entering or leaving the kitchen. Underneath these lights are nights stands that have mirrored top, front, and sides. Thank you. This handout asks students to read a quote by Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop and then reflect on texts that have shown them something about themselves, others, and/or the world. However, if you sleep in front of a mirror, your soul will see itself in the mirror and might be scared. The connection between mirrors and spirit is high. Does it still count? You talk about positioning of the mirrors in the right places and facing the right directions. Hi! Do I need to be concerned about this and do something to protect myself? So this mirror has two smaller diamonds in between. I think convex would better scatter the (rushing) qi in more directions.. Are opposites of each other door I face South, past a closet on my there... What youve read the same reflect the energy back out the door you talk about positioning the. Those who go through the same was said for mirror placed near study... Caught in mirrors and reflected back to sleep -victor, this is where modernization and commercialism has taken toll... A narrow staircase from the main floor leading down to the basement I moved here was... Other in your home is a good idea eye level????????... 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