A 1685 law, for instance, prohibited the practice of African religions, and required all masters to Christianize their slaves within eight days of their arrival in Haiti. Jul 26, 2007 #1. For many Africans, religion is a way of life that can never be separated from the public sphere, but instead informs everything in traditional African society, including politics, art, marriage, health, diet, dress, economics, and death. Today, several myths are mixed with facts in describing African traditional religion. The African roots of Voodoo may stretch back over 6000 years, making it one of the world's oldest ancestral traditions. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. However, the missionaries of the two foreign religions succeeded in converting some African people to the new religions. The African religious worldview is primarily indigenous, although Islam and Christianity continuously respond to its viability and strength through their transitive approaches, their theologies, and their knowledge systems. With exception of those who take history classes, the majority of young Africans will fail to elaborately tell the story of their origin. In summary, it is not every part of Africa that is hot. To understand Africans, one must understand the African religion. 15. In whatever way it happens, African cosmological narratives are similarly complex, unsystematized, and multivariate, and they are the bedrock for indigenous value systems. The battle between the African traditional religion and western civilization has been raging on for years. Indigenous traditions, however, did not capitulate to these forms, but, rather, creatively domesticated the new faiths, absorbing new rituals and tenets into their own belief systems and responding to the exogenous modernity in its wake. If you take these reports at face value, you may start to believe that all Africans are poor. Many centuries ago, Ifa must have envisaged the possibility of Boko Harams Islamic extremist movement ravaging Nigeria today. That is why they have developed institutions for healing, for commerce, and for the general well-being of their own practitioners and adherents of other religions as well. 7. This is an incorrect representation of the continent that is so vast and with diverse political, social and economic differences. To the outside world, however, far too much of . In this way, the visible and invisible are in tandem, leading practitioners to speak about all objects, whether animate or inanimate, as potentially sacred on some level. Before colonization, marriages were strictly traditional and depends on the customs, traditions, and believes of, Africa is a beautiful continent. Especially if you have never been to Africa. Perhaps, it was a deliberate attempt to make Africans feel inferior about themselves. Another generalization about Africa is that they are all corrupt. John Mbiti divides spirit beings into two types, nature spirits and human spirits. The terms 'traditional' and 'religion' (in its singular form) have each been targets of criticism. Africa has 4 main climate zones. Esu was represented as a stone mound in the front yard of ancient Yoruba compounds. A proper ongoing study of Ifa in West Africa would enable us to understand how one groupthe Yoruba of West Africaencounters transcendence and the sacred in practicing their tradition in ways radically different from Western constructions of religion. Post-colonial Africa is yet to be completely free from the mental slavery and stereotype created by the colonial masters. Hence to call African traditional religion ancestral worship would cause problems in the study of ATR. The stories of violence, kidnapping, religious and political war in Africa are so common. 14. Apart from a few instances in West Africa, where women actually ruled as kings, the designation queen was not often used in isolation from the position itself (which was defined in male terms). However, this was never a generally accepted idea. 3. Since growth and innovation come as a pair, it is impossible to say that African countries are growing without being innovative. Gender dynamics are important in African indigenous religions and in cultural systems, so much so that women goddesses and women-invented rituals are commonplace. Understanding African Traditional Religion. Women are revered in African traditions as essential to the cosmic balance of the world. The myths held by the west about Africa are mostly founded on misinformation. These countries are often very hot. There are so many interesting facts about Africa that you dont see every day. One of the more fascinating conversations that has emerged in the debate about African indigenous traditions is about the central role of women as bearers and transmitters of the traditions, and also the negotiation of gender dynamics. Ritual practices are central to the performance of African religion. The absence of centralized and unified cosmologies indicates the multifaceted nature of African religious life and worldviews. African leaders are also investing heavily in diversifying the economy. Religion occupies a reasonable space in the life of the traditional African/Igbo people. The colonial masters sold the idea that the long-held tradition and believes of the African people is savage, inferior, and primitive. In Africa, dance is a means of marking life experiences, encouraging abundant crops, honoring kings and queens, celebrating weddings, marking rites of passage, and other ceremonial occasions.Dance is also done purely for enjoyment. Advertisement. Examples are mobile innovations such as Flutterwave, Sproxil, and Paystack. It arose through a process of syncretism between several traditional religions of West and Central Africa and Roman Catholicism.There is no central authority in control of the religion and much diversity exists among practitioners, who are known as Vodouists, Vodouisants, or Serviteurs. Responding to this erasure of African indigenous religion as a productive and generative practice, scholars rallied in opposition. Why is this important to our understanding of African indigenous religions? Mary Slessor is accredited to ending this savage act in ancient Calabar, Nigeria. The first encounters are fascinating. The Hausa man is different from the Igbo man who is also different from the Yoruba man. Religion also encompasses the human, cultural dimensions within faith traditions, such as how human agency shapes, influences, and complicates religious control. Introduction. The idea that Africa is unsafe while statistics say otherwise shows how much misconception there is about Africa. They are less concerned with doctrines and much more so with rituals . The culture believes and traditions of the people of Africa is vast and should not be oversimplified in a stereotypical way. The reason is partly that they want a time when, Your email address will not be published. Finally, it suggested that Afrocentric terminologiesis . African religions command their own cultural ingenuity, integral logic, and authoritative force. The Ndembu tribe of the Democratic Republic of Congo shared a similar belief. 13. His many publications include African Religions: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2014); City of 201 Gods: Il-If in Time, Space, and the Imagination (University of California Press, 2011); and Kingship, Religion, and Rituals in a Nigerian Community: A Phenomenological Study of Ondo Yoruba Festivals (Almqvist & Wiksell, 1991), which has become a model for ethnographic research among Yoruba-speaking communities. A frica has 54 countries and more than a billion people. When Christianity and Western civilization came and interacted with African culture and religion, misconception of beliefs, values, and terms developed. Without relevant knowledge, stereotypes are unavoidable. Africans are eager to learn new skills and embrace new technologies. Little wonder John Mbiti, a famous African theologian said, Wherever the African is, there is his religion. My earlier scholarship was propelled by the insight that the ideology and rituals of Yoruba sacred kingship are what define Yoruba civil religion and, indeed, the center of Yoruba identity.15 Sociologist Robert Bellah understands civil religion as the sacred principle and central ethic that unites a people, without which societies cannot function.16 Civil religion incorporates common myths, history, values, and symbols that relate to a societys sense of collective identity. Ceremonies of naming, rites of passage, death, and other calendrical rites embody, enact, and reinforce the sacred values communicated in myths. It was just the belief of a few groups of people known as Efik people, the predominant tribe in Calabar. Depending on the kind of religious activity being performed, different religious authorities can be leaders for specific events. Regardless of where they find themselves, most Africans will always hold onto some form of their tradition, culture, and religion. This corrective scholarship and critical intervention helped to redefine African worldviews and spirituality and, as such, showed how African religion is pivotal to the individual and communal existence of the people. Thus, many practitioners of African religion, particularly in the shrines of goddesses, are women, indicating the parity with which African religion treats gender and gender-related issues. Also, about 30 % of the earths remaining mineral resources are in Africa. They provide the orientation for the human life journey by defining the rites of passage from life to death. with Ibramic faiths tends to deprive the African Traditional Religion its true status as an independent religion . In digging up facts I found that, while many Africans say that homosexuality is un-African, African culture is no stranger to homosexual behaviours and acts. That is the case concerning issues That is the ultimate and absolute being who originated and gives meaning to all existence.9 III. Similarly, indigenous religion, worldviews, and rituals such as rites of passage and other religious performances are permeated by other religions, culture, and society in general. Traditional African religions are less of faith traditions and more of lived traditions. religions are considered: African Traditional Religions (ATRs) especially that which is found in sub-Saharan Africa, and Christianity, sometimes referred to under the umbrella of faith-based communities. Each has a life force but no concrete physical form. Whether these words carry weight or simply make for a good quote, the fact remains that Africans are unique. While scholars have often argued that African indigenous accounts of creation were ex nihilo (created out of nothing), as the biblical account of creation is often portrayed,12 African cosmological narratives generally indicate that there is never one pattern governing how creation happens. Africa is the second-largest continent in the world. Symbolic and mythic narratives may exist side by side with narratives of legends in history that bear similar characteristics with motifs and events of creation or coming to birth. These 11 Traditional African Clothing Will Help You Identify Ethnic Groups At A Glance, 10 Facts And Myths About African Traditional Religion - African Vibes, 10 Prominent Ways Africans Showcase Their Culture, 10 Traditional African Dances That Showcase Africa’s Rich Culture, more than 3000 ethnic groups, and 2100 unique languages, the most diversified continent in the world, 30 % of the earths remaining mineral resources, Thinking Of Volunteering? . 3. Africa is poor. In this postcolonial period, it has come to be established that there is what we may call . Each transition has a function within the society. They certainly represent interpretive traditions, and, when carefully studied, they form a solid foundation for theoretical frameworks used to study and decode these religions in our scholarship. 11. Orishas, Goddesses, and Voodoo Queens: The Divine Feminine in the African Religious Traditions. That is why we have freewill, and regardless of whether we choose to acknowledge that a living God exists or not, and regardless of how we choose to worship Him, directly or through deities, we will all be eventually accountable. The culture believes and traditions of the people of Africa is vast and should not be oversimplified in a stereotypical way. Bolaji Idowu, John Mbiti, Wande Abimbola, Benjamin Ray, Gabriel Setiloane, Laura Grillo, Aloysius Lugira, Kofi Asare Opoku, Emefie Ikenga-Metuh, Charles Long, and others attempted to imbue African traditions with the vitality, status, and identity that is now finally recognized. This is the popular assumption amongst many African theologians of which Maluleke (1994) is one example. My essay Om ptadran, an Africanist Griot: Toni Morrison and African Epistemology, Myths, and Literary Culture, in. Even within a single ethnic group or clan, there are often highly contested and even opposing stories or viewpoints when it comes to creation accounts, thus allowing for flexibility and hermeneutic creativity. Traditional African religions are less of faith traditions and more of lived traditions. Most importantly, the rite itself should not be condemned together with circumcision or female genital mutilation. This article is an edited version of remarks he delivered for the annual Surjit Singh Lecture in Comparative Religious Thought and Culture at the Graduate Theological Union on April28, 2020. It is misleading to say Africa when speaking about a specific tribe, ethnic group, or country in Africa. Another misbelief about Africa is that all Africans are the same. In spite of the heuristic value of V. Y. Mudimbes distinction between myth and history in Africa, and by extension the cohesion of oral and written narratives,10 the notion that myth is nonrational and unscientific while history is critical and rational is false. They include assumptions, misconceptions, traditional or religious beliefs and beliefs about the . It is also the most diversified continent in the world. Based on sacred narratives, these traditions espoused their unique worldviews, defining cosmologies, ritual practices, sociopolitical frameworks, and ethical standards, as well as social and personal identity. Thank you for this interesting essay on African religion. Many foreign nations and organizations do send aid to African countries. . These one-sided stories or reports are among the major roots of stereotypes and myths about Africa. Every life stage is important in African religions, from birth and naming, to betrothal/marriage, elderhood, and eventually death. Many traditional African religions are based on guiding principles that are unfathomable to foreigners, more specifically those with interests such as historians and scholars. Representation matters, and as scholars we have a responsibility to advocate for religions in their contexts. Traditional African religion is based on oral traditions, which means that the basic values and way of life are passed from elders to younger generation. Not the one we saw, very clear and good article easy to understand. African Traditional Religion: An Examination of Terminologies Used for Describing the Indigenous Faith of African People, Using an Afrocentric Paradigm by Nana Osei Bonsu, B.Ed. Because it enables us to theorize questions of syncretism and hybridization and, more importantly, raises the issue of why African religion is flowering and spreading in the Americas, especially in the United States, while it is declining in Africaa phenomenon that we need to understand. The ability of the Black community to call on the spirits and ways of its ancestors is crucial to its continu Please follow our Commentary Guidelines when engaging in discussion on this site. In my work, I consider civil religion in Nigeria as a central galvanizing feature that brings together different aspects of religious beingness under the banner of sacred kingship. .p-summary {display: none !important} . Loosely, it encompasses all African beliefs and practices that are considered religious but neither Christian nor Islamic. Because religion is a way of life, it relates to culture and society as they affect the worldview of the African people. It goes a long way to show that information is power and the way a story is told matters a lot. a. newly birthed babies. While those who identify as practitioners of traditional African religions are often in the minority, many who identify as Muslims or Christians are involved in traditional religions to one degree or another. It is the foundation on which the morals of pre-colonial Africa were built. This was amazingly written. This is far from the truth. Traditional African religions are not stagnant but highly dynamic and constantly reacting to various shifting influences such as old age, modernity, and technological advances. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, African countries are leading as well. b. certain clan outsiders. on. Such scholars stereotyped African religionand African peoples themselvesas primitive social forms, part of a lower social order. Religions of the African diaspora are of particular note and importance to the comparative study of African religions because of their resilience and the characteristic formations leading to their performance and expression. These elements are worth exploring and espousing. 5. It is a well-known fact that religion continues to play a central and vital role in the lives of African people. The truth is that people in some African countries lack access to education and resources, but they make the most of what they have. This lack of knowledge as well as understanding of essentials has led to burgeoning of myths on African . This may not be as advanced as the western world, but its definitely not as bad as the media present it. Myth 3: Africa Is Lacking Innovation. These can be found all over the Americas and Europe. Continue with Recommended Cookies. 2. Similarly, although ancestors dwell inside the earth, their activities also interject into human life, which is why they are referred to as the living dead.13 African cosmologies, therefore, portray the universe as a fluid, active, and impressionable space, with agents from each realm bearing the capabilities of traveling from one realm to another at will. Once again, this is far from the truth. African religions do not rely on a single individual to be a religious leader, but rather depend on an entire community to make the religion work. Such dismissal has been based on the misconception and assumption that indigenous Bapedi . Copyright 2023 President and Fellows of Harvard College. When he heard that I came from Nigeria, he wanted to display his knowledge of Ocha tradition as a devotee of Oxhosi, God of Thunder in Afro-Brazilian heritage. Robert N. Bellah, Civil Religion in America,, Jacob K. Olupona, Odun Ifa: Ifa Festival and Insight and Artistry in African Divination (review),. Just as rituals are an expression of this . The expression is also used almost as a technical term for a particular reading of such beliefs and practices, one that purports . Inasmuch as androcentric authority is more prominent within social structures and systems and patriarchy is more pronounced in the social order, women are considered the cornerstone of the African family system.19 The African mother is a vibrant life force, central to African religious understandings of the interrelatedness between the human and the divine, as she embodies the production and sustaining of life. Initially, Christian missionaries and propagators of Islam assumed that indigenous religion would eventually fizzle out, while Islam and Christianity would dominate the African religious scene. There are abundant natural resources scattered across the 54 countries of Africa. Indigenous African religions are not based on conversion like Islam and Christianity. Many economic forecasts predict the rapid growth in the African Market. Divination enables us to recognize how indigenous traditions have a foundation upon which knowledge and knowledge production is developed. 8. African Traditional Religion: A Definition (1973), Omosade Awolalu in Yoruba Belief and Sacrificial Rites and John Mbiti in The Concept of God in Africa (1970) are a few examples of postcolonial scholars of religion who have resisted and denounced colonial idea that Africans do not know God. Corrupt government officials also capitalize on the generosity of the westerners to the point of looking like a panhandler. Nature spirits are associated with objects seen in nature, such as mountains, the sun, or trees, or natural forces such as wind and rain. As a lived religion, African tradition deploys through its ritual processesparticularly rites of passage, calendrical rituals, and divinatory practicestangible material and nonmaterial phenomena to regulate life events and occurrences, in order to ensure communal well-being. c. masculine, feminine. It is misleading to say "Africa" when speaking about a specific tribe, ethnic group, or country in Africa. Humans are thus able to maintain constant and symbiotic relations with their ancestors who are understood to be intimately concerned and involved in their descendants everyday affairs. African traditional religion refers to the indigenousor autochthonousreligions of the African people. To each his own. Abstract. These oral sources are intricately interwoven into arts, political and social structure, and material culture. the belief that natural objects and natural phenomenon possess souls or spiritual beings. .title-desc-wrapper .view-post {display: none !important} Thus, I have argued that religion should be examined not only as a sacred phenomenon, but also as a cultural and human reality, all the while remembering the importance of integrating the sociopolitical dimensions of religiosity into any examination of an African state. The stoning of the devil in the Kaba in Mecca was a disguise for rejecting the local Esu, the Yoruba god of fate and messenger of the gods. Portia Zvavahera, His Presence, 2013, oil-based printing ink on paper. The diversity of Native American religions could fill whole libraries with descriptions of belief, tales of lore, definitions, explanations, and insights into spiritual practices and ceremonies. They believe in Africa is the target of western stereotypes. However, African traditional religion is resilient which explains its continued existence after so many years. One approach is to outline, in a systematic way, the essential features of these traditions without paying much attention to whether or not the traditions fit into the pattern of religions already mapped out by Western theologians and historians, who use Western religious traditions as the standard by which to measure religions in other parts of the world. Temperature varies from one country to another depending on the climate type. See Luc De Heusch, What Shall We Do with the Drunken King?,. . The misconception about African religion Man generally is given to misconception especially in the midst of conflicting ideas or contending issues. Most Africans at home and in the diaspora have made a name for themselves and praised for their contributions to society. The much-cited dictum by the doyen of African religious studies, the recently deceased John Mbiti, that Africans are notoriously religious still holds true (though I prefer to use the word deeply).1 While, officially, statistics suggest that African Christians and Muslims constitute about 80 percent of the total population, and African indigenous religion constitutes about 20 percent, these statistics do not reflect the truth of the African situation. Burgeoning of myths on African: Toni Morrison and African Epistemology, myths and... After so many interesting facts about Africa that is hot political war in Africa beings two... 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