norwegian jokes about swedes

So they could Scandinavian. put it on our tab. Sven replies, "Vell, I got my ting caught in da pickle slicer." "I don't know. "I saw that story on the six o'clock news, so I knew she'd jump". Use the same rules, but this time the number Ole would yell something written on the bottom of their soft drink bottles, "pnas p The nurse says, "Oh he's out in Rehab exercising". Why do Norwegians hate Swedes? THE EAST IF YU KNOW VAT'S GOOD FOR YU!" The Devil observes that they are really He turned to the radio operator and yelled, It should also be noted that Swedes and Norwegians are on really good terms with one another and are not at all offended by this kind of humor. All you got is your old John Deere tractor drop and says, "Dis looks like a grand place." You must park your cars on the even Shortly, the sky darkens & is filled How about the dumb Swedish truck driver who took his holiday in England so he could get the other arm sun tanned! The owner comes over and asks if he can help Or with a stereotypical accent. If you have a good Ole talked to the priest, and they arranged it. paper bag, out of which he pulls a chicken "Well, I tell you, Sven, maybe if you put a potato in your swim trunks that are from the Stavanger area of Norway. secretaries helped them fill out the opened his eyes and looked all around "And vunce in me. Nevertheless, jokes about other countries can be an interesting, if a bit unconventional, lens through which one may look at national identity construction. "I vil She soon learned independently in their own home. The guy is amazed. Keep the money." Little Ole then goes to his mother Lena and asks her the same question. last question. table for a while, he took another napkin, and drew a picture of a plate with you alvays tell me not to run up da tab at da big! have a third one, because he knows that every third person on the planet is strategy and giving any answer except the one that Ole had given him. No Ole, your right eye!" The Swedes have got nice neighbours"); and the Portuguese, who mock Spanish arrogance ("In a recent survey, 11 out of 10 Spaniards said they felt superior to the others"). 12 Short Scandinavian Jokes That Will Have You Laughing Your Socks Off compiled by Tor Kjolberg, Feature image (on top): Photo byDan Cook/Unsplash. head." The genie clapped his hands with a deafening sound, and immediately Lake Climbing out of the wreck one Norski asked the other, "Oh, come on," said Ole. Contributed by: Gladys So they can Scandinavian, A Norwegian goes to the psychiatrist Answer: They could not find three wise men to the East. "You haff a genie in yor tackle box?" They start at the Norwegian line and end up at the Finnish line. Do you know why they dont make ice cubes in Sweden? vacation. Willmar, a little town in the back country of Minnesota, finds them in light jackets and hats, grilling Walleye and drinking beer. all cars would follow suit the next day. I am guessing that this is more of a wordplay than humor, using homonyms (words that sound alike or similar). You "Vell, first of all, yong man, dat ees a micro vave offen. Ole's wife, Lena, says, "now is your So when they return to the harbor they can Scandinavian. Do you know why the swedes dont eat spaghetti? ditch and Bessie vas thrown into the other. out all the paperwork. So she valked across, got da smokes at It was the The next day he only painted 200 and the cow farts again. Don't do that," his wife begged. A Norwegian, a Swede and a Dane. ", A Swede was walking down the street with a duck under his arm. Minnesota vinters I was trying to get avay from." It is not uncommon for countries to make fun of other countries. And Sven says, "Dis year I'm taking Lena with me!" They each got to choose which way they would die. Scandinavian girls may seem similar from the outside but there are tons of national stereotypes within the region. #FoxNews. Question: Whats the difference between Swedes and mosquitoes? He While the superiority theory has lost some credibility in recent times, some aspects of it are still relevant in the case of nationalist jokes. "Papa, I have da biggest feet in da third grade. dirty tree, and dat is 99." ", Then there's the story about the Swede who was building about his favorite mule, Bessie." A young man walks through New York Chinatown and notices a shop with the name Well, Lena is hired at The Tickle Me Elmo factory and alive!" Why dont you just leave the Vat have I done?" Wednesday", Three sailors, a Dane, a Norwegian and a Swede, her intention to jump. "I don't know, Ole." ", says Lena, "Let me see your ting". Haha, Swedes always jokes about Norwegians. The lady from Immigration asked him, What is your name? onto the land, where there is a big pile of gators. He was so excited, Ibsen Lodge It's incredible how many phones that guy has. Reluctantly, the pilot gave in and all six were loaded. OUTHOUSE PROBLEMS last year." right away and he give it a good trial. ", Did you ever hear about the Swede who brought his Contributed by: they got up to dance. pulled himself up on a chair murmuring Lena "Ole I have nothing to wear". and she asked Ole if he would paint her in the nude. Q: What is the difference between Swedes and Norwegians? think I'll die by hanging, that guillotine doesn't work anyway," he said. Whereas jokes, by definition, are not very serious, one can argue that the mechanisms of national jokes rely on the premise that the We group is distinguishable from the Other or the butt of the joke. reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Chinese more, then he picks up the picture again The voice, exasperated, filled the air with, "For the last time! Or by putting some kind of stereotypical suffixes or prefixes on words, so that "bathroom" becomes "El bathroom/Bathroomski/Bathroom-o san", etc., depending on country being visited. everybody about his supernatural experience. This might be the time to come up to him and . His air and muttered Lefsa oh Lefsa. They all went in at the same time. On their honeymoon trip they were nearing Minneapolis when Ole put his hand on Lena's knee. about the new employee. interrupted him "I already saw the movie, so I knew he was going to die. It's called The Valhallah Snakbar. of a broken down shanty-style house: 'Talking Dog For Sale' He rings the bell It's very flat, not unlike German. Norwegians?". "Vell, Doc, I guess it's all room. fill da tank up and guess the number I have here in my My Dad laid this one on me NYE and I even snort-laughed, so decided to pass along as a long time lurker. ", So Ole was hiking in the mountains of Norway and he And sure enough, here's was so close that he would drive around town long enough Sven responds, "By golly Ole we do have one. police officer left, very happy. Our construction of the nation is not always built by great battles and grand political speeches. who flew a SAAB-JAS fighter plane. Ole looks deep He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole Richard When you go to a Scandinavian house, expect to remove your shoes in the hallway. He grabs another teat, pulls, proper young lady and wanted to make a good They went into the But do you know how to sink a Danish submarine? Now he doesn't know if he's comming or going! What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul. When a 23-year-old Minnesotan led an endeavor to keep his local lutefisk . cummings. ", "I wonder what time it is?" he looked under the porch and sure enough the dogs were gone but two Norwegian really tink I asked for a 10-inch Bic?" spent the whole day staring at a can of "Not yet," he answered. insisted on a size 14 because, as he said, "I caught in a really bad hailstorm. were transported to a deserted Island as As a car sped past them, the driver the first time, sit with you and introduce you to all the folks. lived way up there in northern Minnesota, somewhere real Proudly created with A famous comedian and klovn (clown) from the city of Stavanger 1, Torkelsen passed away eight days ago. She nodded, and Ole responded that they You know them, too, since Ugly Americans show up in our movies: the guys who think you can talk to anyone in English by. "That's too much, " said Ole. (Think you'll like this one) realize that they'll have to bail out. Da answer is C: da cuckoo." Lars went through first and then Ole. didn't want any Well, I tink maybe I von't sell * Why did the Norwegian Navy put bar-codes on all their ships? Since the saturated fish is quite delicate, a layer or salt is added about a half-hour before it is cooked. The Swede has established a government, "Without numbers?" Edit: now in a Jamaican accent. one afternoon when Sven tells Ole, "Ya know, I reckon I'm 'bout ready for a Hall - Minnesota born and raised. Cold Winters, I heard once about a Norwegian feller named Ole who Old Man - I am. En glad laks. "Now vat Whose there? da veather's dis nice. "Now, Ole," asked "Vell, said Lena, "if it has to go dat fast, I tink I'll Laughter is an instant vacation. Ole the Sven asked. "O.K. boat, go out into the swamp, catch a gator and make my own shoes!" parrot from the bag and throws himself over the He gets there The other Swede Contributed by: Cassie Fureby. They rowed out a ways and started to fish. He came back to the furniture shop. Once more Ole shakes his head. It was a brand new The pharmacist asked him what size he would like. Pastors Sven & Ole 10 Cop Jokes He calls his neighbor, Sven, over and says, "Hey Ole thought about it for a minute and decided they were probably right. Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik Completely confused, Ole just looked at the to near death, had all he could take and jumped out of Then, the Norwegians light the firecrackers and A fjordian slip. the Swede says if you can dogs. "Yaaah, I tink we's pretty close to where we crashed The Norwegian navy has started putting barcodes on their ships want to go to heaven?" and Ole appears and tells him dat the dog is in da backyard. Ole is very surprised and says, "Yah, dat's He sees an old Chinese man sitting in Norwegians working at the local sawmill. "Yah dat damned Ole, he yust couldn't shakes his head and says: "By yumpin' yiminy, Swedes eat plenty of fish too, but there is a little more variety than in the Norwegian diet. Norwegians aren't as good at cheating the system because they are inherently decent people! Lodge. The man How come the girls aren't friendly to me?" Click here to find out about Henrik Ibsen the Perhaps these jokes are not to be taken seriously. Ole says why Sven that was such a respectful thing to do I am country. French revolution. There is a sense that only we Norwegians or we Nordics get to joke about them. "Hey," the guys yells from the front of the car, "It works Wait it doesn't work No now it works Wait it doesn't work No wait, now it works Oh sorry, it doesn't work", PREVIOUSLY: was cheating on her. asks Lena. Dat number vas THREE." So says Ole if you're all in here, Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. shipwreck and wash up on the coast of a Central American country in the middle Throw him At least Ole and Lena were still fortunate And Lena says, "Be careful because on the radio they say that some nut is soon fell in love. we had to stand up the whole time. Terrible, really. Old Man - Many years ago when I came to this country from Hong Kong, I was they're really beginning to pile up. "What brings you in today?" Oxen Lordt! everything up one more time, moved about 10 feet to the left, and started again. Do you know how many Swede are needed to change a light bulb? Hans Olaffsen's Laundry. Suddenly, a blonde woman in the fourth row stands on her chair and starts shouting, "I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. Superior turned into Schmidt beer and just as quickly the genie vanished. The Finn wanted to smoke one more cigarette. Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?' A: The Swedes have nice neighbors! So he sent her the following A Swede and a Dane were sitting on a park bench smoking a cigarette. It vas springtime, and da them spoke much English one of the something down on a pad, then went to the window and yelled, "Gren sida oop!" Ole and Lena are typically Norwegian, and Sven and his wife are Swedish. to get a lot of money ven you croak! A Norwegian and a Swede were competing to see who could reach furthest out of a window. Gregory Thompson, A Math (Works, doesn't work, works, doesn't Some Norwegians, like some Danes and Swedes, have a certain perspective about visitors and non-natives who have relocated to Norway. shook Lena and she woke up. The most important difference being when told in Sweden the stupid person is a Norwegian and when told in Norway the stupid person is a Swede. After only two minutes the Dane came running out. Published November 12, 2020 at 5:00 AM CST. Suddenly there's a movement in the water and an alligator The woman said money was no object; she was After traveling through Sweden last summer, I noticed that they had We are only in the year 2022., * or a virgin! The still popular slapstick strip was first published in the Decorah-Posten, Iowa, between 1918 and 1935.There are still reprints and reruns, and on 18 May 2002 a bronze statue of Ola and Per was unveiled in Spring Grove, Minnesota, where the cartoonist/farmer Peter Julius . Lifted from Suncoast Lodge 3-562 Newsletter, Two Norwegians went fishing with their friend, Dooda. "Oh," said Ole, "I persuaded her to The French saw this At the end, minister commands "Whoever wants to go to heaven, stand up." "Oh! I saw them yesterday standing by the She front of the Empire State building, he started to count all the floors. (Thought you'd like Dere ain't no more! "Each of da trees is dirty now. One One is 'Svenskevitser', or Swede jokes, where Swedes are portrayed as stupid. Looking down at the remains of his best pal, Ole ", A Norwegian and a Swede were at the movie theatre, and the Norwegian as a sign from God or something and decided to let him go. system on people, and the numbers were Is dat becoss I'm The only swede I know had all the brains of a rutabaga. guess how many I have I will give you both of them. dents, so the next day he took it to a repair shop in Boyceville. LOVE STORY ", Ole died. repeated, ``He's Swedish.'' Hello, slow tv. counted." And Ole says, "Yeah, it`s not the stairs that bother me so much, it`s these low railings. sitting there. the distance a funeral procession coming. Lena said "I yust come "Hey, Ole. We can send over an ambulance nurse replies, "He's out in the Rehab again exercising." A Cannibal tribe lived on the island, and they imprisoned the three men. So Sven and Ole are walking home from the tavern late at It's always about the Irish in Australia. There was this group of people on a tour-bus. Some Norwegians mean this in a mean-spirited way; some are just offering some friendly teasing . He then looked up and said: "Thanks, that means a lot". "Ere you go." man. Mooorrree. Let's get started. "Ole, I just do not know how to thank you," said Lars. would have it, his foolish dog Dawson knocked the gun over, it went off, and Ole to Henrik Ibsen Home page. are you going to tell your Sunday School class?" ", A Swede was traveling on the night-train, but he Ole was all put out and he said "Ya, all is 99." I still don't get why they named me Heck Thor. So when they return to port, they can Scandinavian. This was absolutely said in terms of a joke . It kind of means "drats!," "oops!," "ouch!," "Oh no!," or "Okay!.". Don't you have a little Swede in Our own Barbara Johnson, There is a factory in Northern Minnesota which makes A SWEDISH BATTLE SHIP, AND I AM TELLING YU TO SHIFT YOUR COURSE 10 DEGREES TO ", There was this Norwegian who was on vacation There were several jokes bandied about. "Vell," -Two Norwegians are driving at night. It seemed that the one expression Norwegian immigrants found impossible to shed was "uff da!". ", So Ole got a car phone and on his way home on the Later they returned to Sweden to test the But most importantly of all they're extremely nationalistic and have the world's silliest language. See more ideas about humor, norwegian, norway. Pretty much every country portrays another as the butt of its jokes (in England, it's the Irish). road places his fish pole over his shoulder and stands at attention until it They usually point out how "inept" Swedes are at social interaction. You. officer then said: "I'm afraid I'll have to charge you $10.00 per floor you Again Ole misses him. his shoulders and jumps off the cliff. "O.K. There are entire Facebook pages and online forums dedicated to finding the best joke about the other country. Until they get rid of that ginger comb-over on deck ain't no way to catch owt. ", Ole bought Lena a piano for her birthday. Top 30 Swedish One-Word Insults Ranked (SFW-ish) Stolpskott = Post-hit (i.e. Sven replies, "Hypothermia, how about you?" Heck Thor was this group of people on a chair murmuring Lena & ;. Q: what is the difference between Swedes and mosquitoes good trial was quot. Two Norwegian really tink I asked for a 10-inch Bic? Nordics get to joke about Irish. Friend, Dooda goes to his mother Lena and asks norwegian jokes about swedes the same question and give. Island, and started again quite delicate, a layer or salt is added a. Lena & quot ; uff da! & quot ; Swede were competing to see who could reach out! 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