Prerequisite: None 0726 / 0727 Dance IV Advanced Company Grade 9. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. This course explores the interactions of civilizations from the decline of ancient empires through a study of the impact of globalization. This helps develop an understanding of the mathematical process of theorems and axioms that underlies mathematics and the concept of deductive reasoning. Units of study include: study of traditional and popular choral repertoire, quality tone production, intermediate music literacy and musicianship, concert performance preparation and participation in MSUMA Festival performance. Students will use methods of calculus, when appropriate, to study and solve problems in the classroom and laboratory. Students will also be afforded an understanding of the major political institutions in the United States. Students design a chassis then cut, bend, and weld the chassis into a completed frame. Novi High School is a building with a lot of character. Recommended English proficiency level of 2.5 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. The AP Statistics course introduces students to the major concepts and tools of collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Prerequisite: Spanish I Lindsay Gojcaj, Information Services Librarian Novi Public Library 45255 W. 10 Mile Rd. Activities include individual and team sports, and the components of fitness. 0107 Jewelry I Course satisfies 1 credit VPA Grades 11-12. A study of simple past tense and comprehensive review of two tense, weak and strong verbs, regular and irregular conjugations, reflexive verbs, gender and case, complex clauses, adjective endings, modal verbs, grammar, verb conjugations, sentence structure, idiomatic expressions, and advanced vocabulary will be integrated into the course units, which include fairy tales, health, appearances, opinions, relationships, travel, jobs and professions, difficulties, relative clauses, and expressing agreement and disagreement. This is an advanced journalism course in which students are responsible for producing Reflections, the school's yearbook. 1 semester, .5 credit. Students will prepare to take the SL (Standard Level) IB test second semester of either their junior or senior year. AP Computer Science introduces students to the formal concepts of object-oriented computer programming, including program design, control structures, data structures, and algorithms using the Java programming language. 1semester, .5credit. This is an elective credit course. Students will be introduced to kitchen safety, food handling, reading and modifying recipes, measuring, kitchen tools, meal planning, setting nutrition goals, reading food labels and presentation, assessing restaurants and menus for appeal and nutrition, food additives and allergies, eating disorders, cultural foods and customs, and careers in food and nutrition and much more. It includes the broadening of the study of linear relationships including piecewise functions, systems of equations and formalized function notation. Through class lectures, readings, discussions and simulations for each unit students will be able to: (Graduation Credit can be earned by taking general civics or a full year of AP US Government & Politics). 0722 Dance II Course satisfies 1 credit VPA 2 semesters, 3 credits. Course satisfies 1 credit VPA Throughout the unit, we will look for an understanding of the authoritarian leaders that arose from the conflicts (Stalin and Mao). 1203E Economics (ESL) Students will develop continuing growth in expression and inquiry, constructing meaning, linking language and culture, acquiring knowledge and using strategies to communicate in German. Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade or 1 credit VPA This Biology course uses the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from the Michigan Science Standards to explore topics including Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems, Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems, Structure and Function, Inheritance and Variation of Traits, and Natural Selection and Evolution. Therefore, the major focus of this course is to empower students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become officials through the Student Legacy Officials Program. This class constitutes the Algebra I requirements from the State of Michigan as well as National Common Core State Standards. Welcome to Novi Community Education! Prerequisite: Ninth Grade English Students who do not audition into Symphony Orchestra will make up the Concert Orchestra. $630,000 Last Sold Price. The course focuses on ages 16-26, when teens transition to independent, self-sustaining adults. Grades 10-12. Credit Recovery students can take up to (2) credits in (session 1 & 2). 835 Sq. 1 semester, .5 credit. Prerequisite: Caseload Teacher Recommendation Child Car Seat Inspections CPR Classes File of Life Fire and Fall Prevention Fire Extinguisher Training Home Inspections Public Fire Education Firefighter for a Day Students will be responsible for researching, planning, creating, and carrying out appropriate activities for the children in our on-site preschool. Units of learning include short stories, film and screenplay and poetry. Grades 11-12. Background in writing mechanics must be strong. Attendance at after school rehearsals and performances outside of class is required. Students read articles, research studies, and foundational and philosophical texts: listen to and view speeches, broadcasts, and personal accounts; and experience artistic and literary works to gain a rich appreciation and understanding of issues. Attendance at dress rehearsal and the semester dance concert outside of class is required. Medical Math will help strengthen a students Algebra skills in the context of relevant, career embedded math. 1 semester, .5 credit. 0310 Robotics, Industry and Advanced CAD In this course students will continue to use the Python language as well as a new programming language, Java. Students will learn the core principles of computer programming using the user-friendly language of Python. 0504 Teacher Cadet Program Critical thinking skills are developed while modeling real world problems. Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of the school day is required. 0408V / 0409V Twelfth Grade English(This course may also be offered virtually) Course satisfies .5 credit VPA Students will draw with a variety of media and techniques and use subject matter from life and image references. Unit themes focus on leadership, culture, ethics, and the future beyond the walls of Novi High School. Topics of study will include Detroits role in the Underground Railroad, immigration, industrialization and the automobile, World War 2, Motown, race riots, and the 21st century revival of the city. Students will prepare for a fall and winter concert, along with MSBOA Orchestra Festival and a spring concert. Through this inquiry and investigation, students demonstrate the ability to apply scholarly understanding to real-world problems and issues. 0205 Marketing: Sports/Fashion/Entertainment This includes isolation and manipulation of DNA, DNA fingerprinting and medical diagnostic tests. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of the school day is required. This class will enable students to significantly increase their computer science and programming skills - skills that are needed in an ever increasing array of college courses and workplaces. Edgenuity is aligned to national and state standards and provides a comprehensive curriculum in elective courses. This course is an introduction to construction and fabrication techniques in jewelry (sawing, soldering, forming, etc.) Students will develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through the study of different types of authentic oral and written texts. 2 semesters, 3 credits. Prerequisite: Jewelry I Prerequisite: Earned a B or higher in all previous Social Studies and English courses Grades 9-12. Summer Reading will be given in June. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of the school day is required. It is a program of on-the-job training for students who wish to work on a supervised program for credit. Instruction is delivered using the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) method, by a SIOP-trained teacher. Units of study in the past and perfect tenses will include autobiographical information, health, daily routine, famous people, restaurants, shopping, places in the city and cultural topics from around the French-speaking world. 1003 Recreational and Lifetime Activities This course uses the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from the Michigan Science Standards to explore topics including Forces and Interactions, Energy, Waves and Electromagnetic Variation, and Astronomy and Planetary Physics. Grades 11-12. Course satisfies 1 credit VPA A student who has failed a required course and needs to make that up (Credit Recovery using Edgenuity). 0804C Welding Prerequisite: None It is for the exceptional English student who is willing to direct time and energy toward serious study and learning of nonfiction literature. This course will study other forms of engine construction such as the hydrogen fuel cell, rotary, and electric motors. This course is taught by a SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) trained teacher. Prerequisite: Audition Further information about course offerings in the Imagine Edgenuity program is available online at During labs students will incorporate 21st century skills to be successful including but not limited to: flexibility, accountability, time management, collaborating and working well with others, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. Proper use of statistical techniques and methods for probability events and computations using independent and bivariate data are included. Grades 10-12. Grades 11-12. This course includes continuing the study of linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential, trigonometric, and logarithmic functions, along with extending numeric and logarithmic ideas of accuracy, error, sequences, and iteration. Prerequisite: Audition 0702 / 0703 Symphony Band 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. Prerequisite: Early Childhood Education, Application, Student must provide their own transportation 1 semester, .5 credit. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. Bake Shoppe - Pending Board Approval Students will have the opportunity to cook in labs to apply the knowledge they have learned. To select these courses in your schedule, please use the correct virtual course codes listed below. Registration Links Below: Boys Basketball (Grades 3-9) June 13th-June 16th Times Vary Girls Basketball (Grades 3-9) June 13th-June 16th 9am-Noon This course is required to be accepted into the teacher cadet program. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Arthur Shi Parents: Yibing Shi (father), Jin Yuan (mother) Academic. 1430 / 1431 German III In the course, which covers two semesters, students make arguments about the past as they learn the content of Americas amazing story. The class is conducted almost exclusively in Japanese. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade Students will be required to work cooperatively in groups, discuss topics in both small and large group format, research information, use technology, prepare presentations as well as read and evaluate articles related to relationships. 2 semesters, 1 credit. It places primary emphasis on the nature and functions of product markets and includes the study of factor markets and the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. Grades 9-12. Specific skills learned will be technical facility on an instrument, musicianship, reading music, writing music, key signatures, time signatures, and composition. 1202E Civics (ESL) A Novi High School senior is striving to make prom dresses available to all young women . Use advanced equipment and techniques to join, cut, bend, and manipulate metal to fabricate a wide range of products. This class is designed for students with an interest in exploring the challenging concepts of Calculus without the rigor of advanced placement calculus. 0502 Child Development, Ages 1-3 The students in Instrumentals will learn skills and concepts in music and musicianship, as well as pursue an independent study to improve performance skills on their respective instrument. 0700 / 0701 Concert Band Grade 11. Prerequisite: Algebra I and WIDA 2.5+ Recommended Novi High School - 24062 Taft Road - Novi, MI 48375 - Website: Novi High School 3 Novi High School: A National School of Excellence Message to Students and Parents/Guardians This catalog is designed to give students and parents detailed information about the selection of classes and curricular aspects of the Novi HIgh School program. The basic structure of this course is comprised of modular, hands-on, engaging activities that focus on six key skill areas: communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem solving and critical thinking and professionalism. Students will learn to perform this music through specific units of study - style, articulation, chord symbols, scales, improvisation and jazz history. Units of study in the present tense will include food, school, sports, family, weather, calendar, descriptions and cultural topics from around the Spanish-speaking world. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. Grades 11-12. Students will build upon previous dance experience, knowledge, and training. Spring 2019 Registration, Middle School. Course satisfies 1 credit VPA There's an additional $75 fee for any class drop received after June 2, 2023 Once summer school begins, withdrawal fees will be as follow: Day 1: $100 Day 2: $200 Day 3 & 4: No refund Day 5: No refund plus an E There will be a $10 class transfer fee for students requesting to make a class change. Students will gain knowledge of graphic design software, such as Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop and others, in order to create imagery and design layouts. Units of learning include literature such as fictional, cultural and the research paper and essay writing. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA The second course required for the AP Capstone Diploma, AP Research, allows students to design, plan, and conduct a yearlong research-based investigation on a topic of individual interest. 1118 / 1119 Advanced Placement Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade Prerequisite: Completion of IB Math A&A SL1, Pre-Calculus with an A, or Honors Pre-Calculus with a B or above Prerequisite: None The course includes Michigan Merit Curriculum and meets the requirements for English credit in ninth grade. Prerequisite: None This is a sheltered class for ESL students only. The contract law unit concludes with a who done it video project. Course satisfies .5 credit VPA This course is an introduction to photojournalism and publication design and will prepare students for both advanced journalism courses, Journalism II: Yearbook and Newspaper & Modern Media. Enrollment - Novi Community School District. Prerequisite: WIDA 2.5+ Recommended Prerequisite: Food Science An application is required. Throughout this course, students analyze the causes and effects of events in the nations past using primary and secondary sources to explore time and place in the twentieth century. Assessment will include in-class participation and unit quizzes. Load more Why novi Novi Community School District We Are Novi Novi Christian Academy INSPIRE . It is required that students participate in two semesters of regular choir prior to joining. Grades 9-12. Students will utilize the fitness center, gymnasium,and outdoor facilities. Prerequisite: Audition General Math is designed to help students improve numeracy so that they can use mathematics efficiently and critically to make informed decisions in their daily lives. 1 semester, .5 credit. Prerequisite: Civics Recommended Hands-on problem solving (e.g. Recommended English proficiency level of 2.0-4.0 on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. Basic debt entries are explored and assessed. Facebook. Students may be required to attend events outside of class. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. 1110E / 1111E Chemistry (ESL) Attendance violation will result in being dropped from the class, no refund, and loss of credit. The Fall, Winter, and Spring Sports all have separate registration periods. In this course, students will be introduced to the skills and experience used in Graphics and Printing Technologies. Honors Algebra II is a rigorous course and is preparatory for AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics and IB Math SL. Business Law studies basic court procedure systems, exploring criminal, civil, consumer and contract law. Learning oral communication strategies and PowerPoint integration techniques, students exit class with a well-designed presentation template to use throughout their academic career. Enrichment programs are offered to residents of all ages, educational backgrounds, and socioeconomic levels. Grades 11-12. 0800 Agriscience and Environmental Technologies 0506 Food Science Audition required. 0613V / 0614V Honors Algebra II(This course may also be offered virtually) 1460 / 1461 IB Spanish SL 2 Emphasis continues to be on language proficiency integrated with the International Baccalaureate goal of international-mindedness. You will receive a confirmation email before June 20th. Grades 10-12. Registration for OSTC programs is early February. They will learn to discuss, critique, compose and edit photos (portraits, candids, academic, sports and more). 1 semester, .5 credit. Grades 10-12. Grades 9-12. 0110 Digital Imaging II 0:57. Prerequisite: Earned a B or above in all previous Social Studies and English courses Students in this course will have a great deal of choice and independence under the mentorship of the high school literacy coaches, who will act as the teachers of record. Program in languages such as C++, Objective-C, Python, C# and Java to power the modern world. Speeches include an introduction, toast, eulogy, award speech, persuasive speech, panel presentation, voicemail speech and critical review. 0601V / 0602V Algebra I(This course may also be offered virtually) 2 semesters, 1 credit. Find Novi High School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Students will continue their acquisition of these skills through the exploration of cultural themes, grammatical concepts, and vocabulary development. Novi Student: $310 per class (0.5 credit), Out-of-district Students: $340 per class (0.5 credit). As such, a majority of the course will be focused on topics in calculus, including limits, derivatives and their applications, and basic integration techniques. This is the continuation of IB Visual Art HL1. Topics include History/Research; Biopsychology; Developmental Psychology; Cognitive Psychology; Abnormal Psychology; and Social Psychology. This a one semester course that will enable students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for active participation in a democratic society. The AP participation rate at Novi High School is 68%. Students can ONLY take 1 total credit maximum in any high school summer offering (either in seat or online). 0428 Creative Writing & Poetry Emphasis continues to be on language proficiency integrated with the International Baccalaureate goal of international-mindedness. 1496 / 1497IB World Language A SL 1 Prerequisite: None 1454 / 1455 IB Spanish SL 1 Prerequisite: None It is an introductory course requiring no previous experience, however, it is recommended that the students have some basic computer and keyboard skills. 1 semester, .5 credit. 1110V / 1111V Chemistry Baker College Grades 10-12. 2 semesters, 1 credit. 1234 Big History 2 semesters, 1 credit. It is a year-long course designed to be comparable to a first year college level computer programming class. Fax: 248-449-1219. Students that wish to earn IB Biology credit and/or further their biological studies may take IB Biology HL 2 after AP Biology. The units covered include: reasons for becoming a parent, parenting skills, prenatal development, preparing for the birth of a child, birth defects, and newborn care. Show proper measurement techniques while constructing assignments. 0200 Accounting I: Service, Sole Proprietorship Additionally, Michigan State Standards, as well as the Common Core State Standards that are recommended beyond the core expectations will be implemented. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Pre-Calculus is the preparation for calculus. The following Novi Virtual courses may be offered during the 2023-24 school year. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. Topics covered include functions and equations, trigonometry and trigonometric functions, matrices, vectors, conic sections, limits, polar coordinates, and difference quotients. This class may not be retaken. Throughout the year, students will participate in lectures, discussions, laboratory investigations, videos and more. Prerequisite: WIDA 1-1.9 Recommended Prerequisite: IB Diploma Candidate, home language proficiency German III is designed to develop the students reading ability, to look closer at the culture and history of Germany, and to review the grammatical structure of the language. Prerequisite: Fundamentals of PE or Power Yoga 2 semesters, 1 credit. Prerequisite: None Different languages and dialects spoken in the district. Refer to the above course descriptions for more information about individual course prerequisites. Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade or 1 credit VPA This course will combine content from the field of Robotics and Advanced CAD systems as well as introduce students to the needs of todays industries through partnerships with leaders in Industry in the classroom. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 10-12. 0306 Pre-Engineering Design Sophomores may enroll but do so understanding that the workload and content are both college level and pace. 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