period blood in spaghetti

Lye: This is an old Anglo Saxon word meaning any strong alkaline liquid. In OVIO Blog. Mine has been slow moving, dry dark brown, like coffee grounds, light flow or slow flow, and its day 4 and been like this the whole cycle, there is no chance Im pregnant, what could cause this? Was it actually my period or not? The best way to dry period underwear is in the good old sun. You can search our sites for a single word (like archaeoastronomy, hoodoo, conjure, or clitoris), an exact phrase contained within quote marks (like "love spells", "spiritual supplies", "occult shop", "gambling luck", "Lucky Mojo bag", or "guardian angel"), or a name within quote marks (like "Blind Willie McTell", "Black Hawk", "Hoyt's Cologne", or "Frank Stokes"): Here are some other LUCKY MOJO web sites you can visit: OCCULTISM, MAGIC SPELLS, MYSTICISM, RELIGION, SYMBOLISM Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic by cat yronwode:a materia magica of African-American conjure Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms Sacred Sex: essays and articles on tantra yoga, neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship Sacred Landscape: essays and articles on archaeoastronomy and sacred geometry Freemasonry for Women by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive: captured internet text files on occult and spiritual topics Lucky Mojo Usenet FAQ Archive:FAQs and REFs for occult and magical usenet newsgroups Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist Lucky Mojo Magic Spells Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more Free Love Spell Archive: love spells, attraction spells, sex magick, romance spells, and lust spells Free Money Spell Archive: money spells, prosperity spells, and wealth spells for job and business Free Protection Spell Archive: protection spells against witchcraft, jinxes, hexes, and the evil eye Free Gambling Luck Spell Archive: lucky gambling spells for the lottery, casinos, and races POPULAR CULTURE Hoodoo and Blues Lyrics: transcriptions of blues songs about African-American folk magic EaRhEaD! (n.) A mixture of red sauce, (Spaghetti, Marinara, etc.) There are forums and webpages discussing this unusual ingredient period blood. Its very common when you first start menstruating to have periods like this sporadic brown spotting and irregular bleeding. Um hi, Im 11, and today I had a brownish reddish stringy discharge. Two months of bleeding is quite a lot! Who knows.. maybe it went wrong.. maybe he just got the clap. Bad breath, body odor, stinky feet, and strong vaginal odors are all caused by odorants produced by . I have PCOS and my current period, Ive been having a lot of blood clots that vary from stringy to the size of a half dollar. You may also see brighter blood at times when you have cramps. I have had no sexual activity whatsoever, but I have used Vagisil recently. Anyway, one night, I offered to cook for him at my apartment. If youre not totally icked out and youre looking to get started in this form of cuisine enhancement, this forum has a guide: No, do not grind up tissues, cloth, etc. This is because ~ 95% of all people who menstruate . Arby's Medium Curly Fries. 1st day was a light pinkish orange, 2nd day was a pinkish red, and 3rd day is a black red heavy blood all while this cycle is about a week early. Is it normal to feel like you have to puke on your period, today is the 3rd day and I get bad cramps, just wondering:) and I am 16 if that can affect it at all. (this all happened because I was on strong antibiotics from a spider bite and so the antibiotics seemed to have screwed up my vagina). Hi I am 11, about to be 12. I used the restroom a few hours later and there was a bright red flow but no tissue whatsoever. Here you do want the shards, and the old routine i learned was to get one from each finger of both hands and one from each toe of both feet. It has fewer blood cells than ordinary blood. Same idea. Hey Bethany, this sounds like it could be normal, but if youre worried we recommend checking in with your doctor if you can! It can vary person to person. Hi! Menstruation (menstrual cycle) is also referred to as a "period." When a woman menstruates, the lining of the uterus is shed. Hi I went to the toilet and Ive got my period and there is strings blood and I dont know what that means at all. Further into your period as your flow might slow or blood might be older, your period blood is likely to be darker in colour. (Lodestones are also "fed" in hoodoo -- with magnetic sand.) Basically, in my family, believing in folklore and old wives tales is pretty common. I never bled much after giving birth. Hi Nancy, it is quite normal to experience variations in menstrual cycle length between periods. C. cursed heart Well-Known Member. However, if you see a colour that isnt usually what youd expect, its always best to check in with your doctor, especially if youre experiencing other symptoms that are out of the ordinary for you. Im on the implant and find Im bleeding almost constantly Ive been on it 2 years but as of lately Im bleeding non stop. FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, what would be the male version of this? Still, others may see it as a way of asserting their power in the relationship. Light bleeding without cramps can be common! Having a period is an amazing way your body stays healthy, clears your uterus and vagina of unwanted materials, and prepares your body to get pregnant if you want to have a baby. If you use foil you can CAREFULLY ball it up and it will create flakes. Its possible it is a one-off period thats started later. It turns out that there are people out there who enjoy cooking with it. It turns out that thereare people out there who enjoy cooking with it. In hoodoo and Sicilian folk-magic, vaginal fluids make a good substitute for menstrual blood in coffee or tea love spells. Bleeding for longer than a week. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. We hope this helps! Is this a normal period? directly above shot of blood amidst woman standing in bathtub - period blood stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Mine is both thing + watery and dark + stringy. Gonorrhea infection. I had an early miscarriage 3 weeks ago and started bleeding last night with moderate cramps that woke me up in the night.. if its just my period then its 6 days early.. Note that in token of this, urine/menstrual blood magic is almost always a subset of love or lust magic. This thread is a super story. This month the color of my periods was total different from the usual one I normally get,the color was brown from the beginning of my periods till the end and was accompanied by a heavy pain for like 2 days. I dont ever experience that shade when Im menstruating. If your periods seem heavier than usual for instance, soaking through one pad or tampon every hour for . Hello, bleeding isnt often a sign of pregnancy, but if you think this might be the case we recommend taking a test or seeing a doctor if you can! Im 13 and I just started my first period and the blood is a really dark brown color and its thick. Peeing on a knife blade and letting the pee run on the ground is one of many methods for accomplishing this. As far as I know, theres no male version of this Consequently, I dont eat anyones spaghetti other than my own. 10271. a heavier absorbency. I will often times miss my period and have it come back like a 15 days later. If its the only blood you see over multiple periods, its a possible sign that your estrogen levels are low. (I am impermeable to peer pressure when it comes to menstrual baking, my friend said, after being accused of wowserism). I do not have much pain. Hes super sweet and attentive and never fails to make me laugh. What you've done, is 100% illegal. Hi. They rarely have good results. Ive had light watery bleeding for a month then a normal flow period for 6 days then back to watery blood again so basically 2 months of bleeding then a normal period what can this be ? She made voodoo spaghetti for dinner. Hi so i have not started my period but every day i get a teespoon or less of this clear liquid in my patties so I am changing maybe 2 times a day. No doctors are on call today and then its the weekend. I guess Im scared to and hoping that Im just really really late on my period. Hey Nona, we recommend checking in with a doctor to be sure! A Reddit community for Conjure, Rootwork, and Hoodoo. Stringy blood clots during the period that show as long strands of sticky period blood mean that the concentration of the discarded uterine lining is at its highest. My bleeding is black and if not very dark brown, its also stringy however not heavy what does this mean ?x, if you get it at the kinda end of ur period its normal i get the same thing. This might be best checked with your doctor, so we suggest you book an appointment if it continues! If accompanied with a light pink period blood color, this could be a sign of stress or pre-menopause. I wokeup with cramps like period ones, and i went to the restroom and had a slightly light, but really rusty red flow. While you here, why not check out our range of organic and natural period products? ( pregnancy and breastfeeding) it is normal for a period to be this long? Last updated: September 10, 2018Stains happen to the best of us - and always in the most inconvenient locations, right? Old blood that has been in your uterus for longer will have a darker color, like brown or black. In case you need me to tell you that feeding someone your period blood without their knowledge is probably a terrible idea, Im going to have to tell you that it is, in fact, a terrible idea. My blood is dark and stringy. Saving lives! Pelvic inflammatory disease. I know this is an old post, I started my Evra patch on the same day that my period began, I then after 3 days, took the patch off because it didnt suit me, but this was midway through a period, my period ended naturally, then I was just having brown streaks on and off for awhile, today I have began as if its a brand new period, but it only properly ended two days ago, my blood is red with stringy bits in, and its very heavy. Even if its. Cum on their cinnamon roll? on day one or two, your flow will be faster, the blood will be newer and therefore is likely to be bright red. Changes in your period blood color are normal. Almost 6 years of using pills..and last two months my blood is dark and this normal. I am often asked what a person can use for this type of rootwork if bodily fluids cannot be gotten. Chlamydia infections. Hey, this sounds normal but if youre worried we recommend speaking with a doctor if you can! its brown and stringy Ive had mine two times already and it still is. If it continues and you are worried, we recommend asking your doctor! and period blood.Found primarily in African American culture. Since there is no one chemical formula for lye; in common parlance it can be any really strong alkaline solution. If youre unsure please speak to a doctor or your parents. All rights reserved. Take that and [Informant was so long trying to finish sentence, that I suggested:] (You carry it with you, is that the idea?). In other words, YOU capture THEIR stuff. It depends on them and the adult carers around them! Some people think of urine as a "territory marker," equating its magical deployment to the way that male dogs and other carnivores use it to drive off male rivals, and so they don't appreciate the fact that a lot of the urine magic encountered in folklore involves WOMEN'S urine, not men's. Ah heard dey said yo' could take yo' discharge an' put it in a rag an' put it where no air kin git to it, an' put it in yore pillah, an' he cain't do nuthin off nowheres else, an' he'll have tuh stay home. In hoodoo, and in polite Southern speech generally, urine is often called "chamber lye" or "water." It was also an abnormal amount of bleeding and it was pretty watery. Is this normal? Is this normal? Hi Audrey, this sounds like your body getting ready to start having periods! For love, mind you, for love. 5 While we haven't tested it out, we'll admit that it's an interesting Men can make use of their sexual fluids in love spells. Im 29 years old. That's twenty little clippings. I think she means end of her period of that month. U wear either pink, red, white, or purple underwear and you wear it for 3-7 days and then after u soak it in water overnight and then u can have your target drink it, make ice out of it, cook food w it, or use it as an ingredient in your spells. I had a pregnancy scare (was super stressed) and my period was late by a day, but then I started spotting. I keep on throwing up on the first day of my period, like I throw up everything I eat even water and medication and the pain lasts for 72hrs. It's highly possible you'll notice jelly-like blood clots during the period from then on. Youll likely menstruate for 30-35 years, but actual periods last about 5-7 days in a menstrual cycle (typically 28 days). It might be worth checking in with your doctor, just to be safe! I called my doctor and he just told me to keep an eye on it but I have a feeling it could be more. Eat This! Stir in the tomatoes, tomato paste, water, sugar, Worcestershire sauce, oil and seasonings. My auntie has been doing it and she is married for 12 yrs. McDonald's Medium World Famous Fries. Yes, that is normal because this is your first one, you will be experiencing brownish-red or dark blood( Which is old blood) and bright red blood( Fresh Blood). 10273. My period is 4 days long. My period also take forever to end. I have been getting stomach cramps every so often but they arnt bad. Love is creative, expansive and even primordial energy, but its not oppressive. Ever since coming off the implant my period have been every month around the 12th apart from last month and it was a very light period that lasted 2/3 days. 4 Even though scientists haven't confirmed a direct correlation, some people have tried infusing their menstrual blood into face masks to see if it makes a difference. Today its a red-brown and its heavier and clotty. me too. REGISTERED MEMBER. Menstrual blood that is slippery and has a jelly-like texture is mixed with high levels of cervical mucus, which is totally normal. When Do Most Girls Get Their Period? We'll use the information you provide in this form to send you updates by email. One study found that endometrial blood (a.k.a. Women continue to have their period until their late 40s or early 50s. Your period is a time for drawing your energy inwards. Your period is basically a free health check that your body provides you with on a monthly basis. Advertise here! Menstrual blood is known to be a very good fertilizer since red gold contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. If its accompanied by heavy bleeding and grey tissue, it could be a sign of a miscarriage. I dont quite know but the months leading up to my first period I had brown streaks on my underwear. There are so many things that could go wrong using bodily fluids. However, you should talk to your healthcare provider if you get it with a greyish discharge color, as it can be a sign of an infection or something more serious. Conversely, chamber lye has its strengths -- a man can use his own urination to cure a case of impotence that was put on him through magic. lol . period definition: 1. a length of time: 2. in school, a division of time in the day when a subject is taught: 3. a. Your intuition, creativity and spiritual energy are growing even as your physical energy is on the wane. Soaking the cloth or string in liquid will re-activate the fluid. I also think my yeast infection is coming back yet again too what does it mean when a yeast infection and bacterial infection keep coming back. Now, blood test for Ovarain cancer is normal. Then there are others that have no shame whatsoever and claim they do it all the time, and its worked wonders, andwho cares what the haters say: Everyone is saying that am doing the wrong thing by cooking my husband food with my period. Its the same exact situation! I think I just got my first period? Yeast infection. Is it normal for a 6 year old girl do wear a training bra? We hope this helps! After a week, my period stopped, and for five months I never got my period. Im breastfeeding and had a baby 14mths ago, Ive only had 3 periods in that time and theyve all been super dark brown and gritty. They may function as territory markers to other females, of course. This is the result of increased hormone . Salt content: 190 milligrams. Ive never had it before. hi, I have a very consistent period cycle which lasts up to 3 days and right now im having blood clotting and continuous light very pink and light spotting, what can this mean? A man can use his semen in the same way, hiding it in food or drink. Yes, it is normal for your period blood to change colour throughout your cycle; daily, month to month, or even throughout your lifetime. Josh Geller ( gave this simple formula for an orgasmic spell utilizing semen: For every man who uses his semen to attract a woman, however, there are probably a hundred women who capture a man's semen to rule and control him or to keep him faithful. I usually get cramps on the first day. Cramps for the last 4 days. Its simply another type of bloody clot and is totally normal! The name for pasta sauce in God's country. Hi I have been on my period for over 2 weeks and its still really heavy. I read this last one to my husband and he literally ran from the room just hearing about it. Voodoo spaghetti A New Orleans tradition! I also rarely experience cramps but this time they have been so bad that it hurts to move occasionally. We hope this helps! Im 9 days late. Hey, an occasionally irregualr period shouldnt be too much to be worried about, but if youre concerned we recommend speaking with a doctor if you can! Trichomonas infection. To make the sauce, reduce the orange juice by half, turn off the heat and add salt to taste. It's a love spell from Hispanic culture. Sounds like it might be a good time to check in with your doctor, especially if this is unusual for you. This the 1st time this is happening Im so confused. Sounds like a death metal band. No ritual, prayer, or invocation is necessary; you simply add some menstrual blood to the man's coffee or tea. One karezza writer, John William Lloyd, who advocated abstinence from orgasm, declared that during "the woman's time of great desire" (e.g. What Is Your Discharge Telling You? Im 10 days late on my period and I have never been this late. It is common for a man to refuse or only warily accept dark-coloured beverages like coffee or tea or foods with brown or red sauces such as barbeque, lasagna, or spaghetti from a woman. Oct 26, 2005 2,965 11 Windy City . You're most likely to see bright red blood at the start of your period. Things were casual. Hi, I am Peri menopause stage. Hey, stringy blood can be completely normal but if youre worried we recommend speaking with a doctor! Passing blood clots larger than a quarter. Have a bloody mucus discharge before your period current boyfriend a little over a year ago some. The hormones that fluctuate during your menstrual cycle regulate the lining of your uterus (endometrium), and as these hormones change, the endometrium breaks down and separates itself from the walls of your uterus. You can also use a person's bath or drinking water to water a plant in which you have "planted" a honey-apple spell. The idea is to get your scent into the beloved's sphere of consciousness. First, let's talk about dominating someone with YOUR stuff. I might die if my heart is ever broken. My periods are often times irregular. Stringy period blood, usually dark red to dark brown in color, means older blood. What is HAPPENING! Step 3: Wash period underwear in a cold machine wash. Do not use fabric softener. Period blood is also made up of endometrial tissue, so the texture varies as a result of this. Most of us are glad to be rid of it when Aunt Flo comes to town, disposing of it along with tampons and pads or those cup things some of you are into shoving up your vajayjays to gather your blood. This was done to bind him, but to avoid the sneakiness of slipping it into his drinks i want him to KNOW how much i want him to be mine, and to know that i am working the spell on him right out in the open.. This is called "feeding the mojo," and the use of the word "feed" is, of course an indicative link to African magico-religious thought, from whence this custom derives. Flo users describe the color of their clots as everything from "brown in color" to "reddish black.". I was phuckin grossed out, immediately started gagging. My flow was light, but was heavier than my spotting, is this my period? Dude. In fact, it's less concentrated blood. Shortly after that, we became exclusive. Finally, you can use a person's to make a "boiled prayer." Transfer to a 5-qt slow cooker. Seriously, such work immediately strays from love into domination, commanding, compelling, bending over, do as I say and so on. Similar to dark red or brown period blood, it usually means your period blood has reacted with oxygen and the majority of water in the blood has evaporated; i.e. I reached out to a lawyer friend who refused to click on any of the links posted above, probably wisely, and asked what the legal status of this would be. "Period blood is made up of thickened endometrial cells that slough off if there isn't a pregnancy, actual blood from. Super stressed ) and my period someone with your stuff it continues menstrual baking, my friend said, being..., i dont eat anyones Spaghetti other than my spotting, is 100 % illegal,... Your energy inwards the room just hearing about it is on the and... Menstruate for 30-35 years, but actual periods last about 5-7 days in a cold wash.. Is pretty common mixed with high levels of cervical mucus, which is totally period blood in spaghetti re-activate the fluid &! The heat and add salt to taste and the adult carers around them and... 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