reflection about the self from various philosophical perspective

In such a case, the battle boils down between the strong and determined and those who have felt exhausted and cannot sustain the argument: they just surrender and abandon the discussion. Most religions advocate for the dissolution of human for human nature to prevail in the world. I need to study hard to be able to achieve that goal. Plato, for example, was a great philosopher and thinker, upon whose ideological pillars was that the problem with humanity was simply the moral behaviour, and that when subjected to better moral training and justice, man would live a better life. According to Dr. Phil, most people define who they are by explaining what they are doing, where they are or their role in the society. Self is best understood as a collection of behavior that leads to a person to behave in accordance with different circumstances. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by,, Descartes' Cogito Argument and Hume's Critique of the Self, Meditation Two: Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind, R.Descartes' and T.Aquinas' Views on God Existence, Descartes and the Skeptics: An Incomplete Case, Descartes and Humes Ideologies in Contemporary Psychology, Descartes' and Buddhist Ideas of Self-Existence, Descartes' Philosophical Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy: Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, A Miracle as an Extraordinary Happening Occurring in the Physical World. Abstract: In the last three decades, we have been witnessing a growing interest toward academic research on mindfulness practices based on Traditional Meditation (TM) and Buddhist In explaining this, one cannot doubt the act of thinking because doubt on its own is a form of thought. The dilemma grows bigger and bigger and the question arises whether ever such times will come when men will arrive at a definite conclusion. There are two approaches in defining self at this point. Napoleon, whose philosophy was never to surrender and give up, never knew life without the gun and always walked as a conqueror; he is described as a man who did not fear pestilence, disaster or bullet. No among us never felt that they did not feel that they are in love or we are being love by other. In essence, thoughts and actions executed by people are usually as a result of the self. They need to have an initial answer to the question as they journey to understand their individual selves deeper for the whole semester/summer. All these things make up a part of me and that is just the most obvious of traits, behaviors and thoughts. While philosophy seeks to understand the nature of the self and its . By the fact that thinking defines self, it is possible to relate it with human existence and consider it inseparable from being. Nobody will do it for me for it transcends the experience in my mind as well as the senses of mine. As a result, we can view place and movement as mistaken notions in human life since lack of certainty is the only certain thing that exists in his life. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. His contribution in mathematics set unbeaten record with his efforts being widely applied in calculus and geometry. But how we die, is at least somewhat, up to us. Many of us experience being hurt by the person that we love. What ideologies these influences plant in our minds also depends on a number of variables such: nationality, class, race, etc. He, having investigated the opinions and the behaviours of the renowned philosophers, is rather unready to give a description of what philosophy is about; he is of the opinion that it is dependent on the person. an academic expert within 3 minutes. using a metaphor. )Rene Descartes - he says that since much of what we Based on this approach, Sorabji further double emphasizes the fact that there is a need to protect human way of life and not only base on its relationship with the self or the interaction between members of a given stream (Sorabji 13). This critical writing on Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay was written and submitted by your fellow We utilize security vendors that protect and To conclude, as for me, it is better not to entirely agree or disagree with the opinions of the Russian philosopher or others, but rather to be perspective and rational. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. According to Sorabji, the idea of self is real in the human history. As such I has to exist in order to doubt and be deceived by the evil one. . Plato wanted to uphold justice and do everyone good. I learnt the importance of making the right choices early in life. Explains that philosophical reflection is a nice way to escape the real world. It is an important element of man which governs and defines himself. For example, if you didnt totally understand the discussion of your professor dont be afraid to go to his/her consultation hours. Perhaps I would agree that it is among the hardest things to define and express in explicit words what really philosophy means. As a result, several proposals have been put forth as reading formats and methodologies aimed at simplifying this reading process and step (Frankfurt 202). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. (2016, Nov 13). The present volume addresses the Self under different and influent philosophical perspectives: from phenomenology and psychoanalysis to metaphysics and neurophilosophy and discusses several and distinct problems such as personal identity, the core/narrative self-distinction, psychopathologies, the mind-body problem and the nature of the . Thanks Writer Lyla you are indeed awesome . Both the learned and the unlearned still struggle to understand what philosophers talk about and want to find if it could be given a definition. Short Description: This course examines the way philosophy looks for fundamental characteristics that identify life as a properly human life, asks about its ultimate meaning or purpose, and raises questions about what counts as a good life. However, it appears that a persons chief problem is inborn and it lies in what he/she is rather than what he/she does; persons deeds could not change him/her for better. The argument that there is a correct moral and philosophical way to fight for the equality of the sexes is used to grandstand and political opponents. Perfect Silence 10. Lesson 1 summary The self from Various Philosophical Perspectives 1. Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Aristotle's Reflection on Philosophical Concept of Good, Social Philosophical Thoughts and Contributions of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Secularisation as Philosophical Concept and as Real Thing, Verification Principle as Philosophical Concept and Scientific Method, Philosophical Movement that Shaped Philippine Education, Augustine's Philosophical Views Against Skepticism, Philosophical Concept of the Moon in Taketori Monogatari, John Rawls' Philosophical Concept of Veil of Ignorance, A priori and A posteriori Philosophical Concepts, Philosophical Concepts of Act and Rule Utilitarianism. June 17, 2022. On September 3 of 2018, we have passed a reflection regarding philosopher's perspective about the self and here is the excerpt from my reflection. This workbook online is very convenient for students taking synchronous (online) classes. 1(877)733-3925. My confidence develop through time and through the situations I encounter. Differing Perceptions 11. The human self has been a topic of exploration and inquiry in various fields of study, including philosophy and psychology. I believe that philosophy is, if to put in simpler terms, is an art in which everyone contributes his/her own wildest imaginations or perceptions of a thing or an idea and imagines how certain things work or explains phenomena, and all the adherents of the ideas will have to live according to the inventor opinion. As mentioned before, the concept of self has been defined and described by various authors throughout history. Through this tolerance the society can then obtain a higher sense of fraternity and respect for one another. See full entry Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Print. The philosophical perspective associates "self-evaluation" instantly with long-standing key topics of philosophical research such as the metaphysics of the self, the nature of. Since its everyones school of thought, philosophy is multi defined only by those who practice it. This paper will discuss one of the three main sociological perspectives, conflict theory. The I self refers to the self that knows who he or she is. Admittedly, I do not agree to the philosophers about their theories in such that it is hard to believe to their theories because of lack of sense and feasible proof but even if I do not believe to the great philosophers I still consider Gabriel Marcels tenet to be the most outstanding among the six philosophers have mention in the Article. On the other hand, the Me-self is what I develop as I meet people in my life or some situations develop me that make myself who I am today. But when the philosophers spoke about they are so incredible. Someday, she wants to touch lives to live up to her name and say that she will always be Ife, a part of someone's life. From their perspectives, they look at philosophers as people who are trying to construct harmony and system; their points are curiously and nicely fashioned, relying upon materials that such a philosopher owns due to his/her intrinsic experience and also upon his/her personal observations in life around and beyond him/her; thus, other opinions are also based on the experiences of others. "Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay." For example, meditations continue serving as principal text books in philosophy departments of most universities in the world today. professional specifically for you? Additionally, the pictures are not considered to be essential and are likely to be altered under extreme pressure (Sorabji 14). I know that dream of mine is very hard to reach but I will strive more and face the challenges in life, I canachieve the goal that I wanted to achieve and that is to become a teacher. Anger Management 8. Even our enemy, we able to express love to them even we hate them we already express them love by giving them mercy when they do wrong and that is the sign of love. Besides viewing self as an illusion, other philosophers approach the concept by considering self as an activity. I agree that the "I-self" is the thinking self because this "self" is what I know that I describe my self to others. Besides cogito, the mediator also affirms that he thinks leading to an argument commonly referred to as sun res cogitans (Rorty 215). Based on this analogy, it can be argued that I can be divided into various concepts as defined by specific qualities and attributes. (2022, June 17). AUGUSTINE: THE SELF HAS AN IMMORTAL SOUL. Therefore, we are conscious that we did something wrong and we should not do it again for we should not repeat our own mistakes twice because were grown-ups already. Answer (1 of 5): As we grow in understanding of both ourselves and our surroundings, we can more accurately gauge our capacity. Cause and Effect 1. )Augustine- he said that the body is bond to earth and the soul is to anticipate living eternally in a realm of spiritual bliss of communion in God. So therefore, we should use our decisions wisely and this will definitely lead us to self-actualization. January 11, 2017. He has arguably been dubbed as the father of modern philosophy with special emphasis on the Western school of thought (Smith 1). I carefully and critically examine a pre-existing belief before incorporating it as my belief system. CHAPTER I: THE SELF FROM VARIOUS PERSPECTIVES A. All of us can do something that can make our love once a certain happiness and enjoyment when they see us. In essence, the cogito exposes a different view of the world and states the fact that mind is the only thing in the world that is able to know itself. Its your choice whether youll do what is right from evil for you have the intellect that allows you to make your own decisions., IvyPanda. I have grown up to see things from different points of view. When we hear the word Love we always think that is relationship but if we will see in our environment, all the people that we belong with even the people that we hate much is what you call Love. Definition of 'perspective' perspective (pspektv ) Explore 'perspective' in the dictionary countable noun A particular perspective is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences. Philosophy of self. Is it possible for Descartes to believe that he does not have a body and senses yet he exists? For example, we are just human that commit mistakes. I will answer it like this. Philosophy is known as the "mother of all sciences." Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Personal identity (or the self) is founded on consciousness. Graeco-Roman Varieties of Self. was an early Pre-Socratic philosopher, mathematician and astronomer from the Greek city of Miletus in Ionia (modern-day Turkey). As a matter of fact the existence of the body ceases since one is a thinking thing with delinked body and mind. This is essential in defining ourselves our existence. In this coverage, Descartes criticizes most of Aristotles arguments and designs questions that have remained debatable in the world of philosophy today. Man is a thinking man that has an entity to doubt, understand, analyze, question, and the most important thing is to reason out that can exist independently in the physical body. Philosophical reflection is the careful examination of life situations. Be it the Christian Bible, the Islamic Quran or any other religion creed, they all have their own order of belief; each claimed that their belief is the right and that their philosophy is correct; even atheists have their beliefs, who in this case will agree or accept that their philosophy is not correct. By clicking Check Writers Offers, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. In the understanding of I, it is worth noting that senses and imagination cannot be trusted (Rorty 214). Loading. As mentioned before, this essay will put emphasis on the second meditation in defining the concept of I, also known as self. Aristotle views the soul as the "form" of the human body. Explains the value of studying philosophy today lies in its breadth and depth. Slavery did exist and the women were not considered true citizens, but when compared to other, much more tribal cultures at the time, the Greek people experienced a freedom unheard of in any other part of the world. He breaks from the norm created by Aristotle that knowledge is achieved through human senses, and that mental statuses usually resemble what they are. We all know that we are created in the image and likeness of God for we are geared towards the good. Currently, Ife is in the middle of writing her own story and creating her own path. "Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay." Self-reflection is a skill; the ability to be aware of yourself. However, visualized pictures are important in describing a complete image of selfhood even though they can be philosophically studied differently. It makes them have understanding of their uniqueness and potential in using senses to recognize their surrounding and the imagination ability. IvyPanda, 17 June 2022, Based on this argument, it can be conclude that the mind knows better than the body. . Irish Fe Bolaos, or Ife, is a seventeen-year-old first year student of BS Chemical Engineering in Adamson University, Philippines. It can be described as a substance which persists through time. Starting Academic Year Overview of the Lessons: This chapter presents the different ethical theories as propounded by great thinkers in the history of philosophy. Question Your Life: Naikan Self-Reflection and the Transformation of Our Stories - Gregg Krech. Being an academic scholar I need to have a grade not lower than 1.75 in the semester grade. The meaning of life is then prescribed by the God that one believes in. Answer (1 of 5): Hello Recca, The philosophic perspective of yourself is mostly an intellectual understanding of yourself, which is useful. developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life. We cannot know any one thing or pass off one of our perceptions as absolute truth. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. It is doubtless that the definition of self has a wide range of implications. He believes that a person dwells on a state of fictional self or authentic self as created by the Supreme Being. , students are going to answer the question, Who am I? He further notes that in explaining "self," there is a stream of consciousness, which lacks the owner. For the last decade the topic of the Self has been under intense scrutiny from researchers of various areas spanning from philosophy, neurosciences, and psychology to anthropology and sociology. McGraw, Phillip. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. A philosophy professor offers a compelling and thought-provoking study in which he attempts to reconcile philosophical concepts with day-to-day life. That much is certain. It primarily aims to achieve the first course outcome: articulate a holistic and comprehensive view of the self . 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