This makes it difficult to get a sample group of very young students with diagnosed learning disabilities we can study. During first year, was one of the youngest in the class. The students in this study, however, had a far higher rate of learning disabilities than their peers. Parents can ask to see examples of their child's work compared to the work of other children of the same age. "Children who are retained may do better at first, but many fall behind again if their areas of weakness haven't been addressed," says Sandra Rief, a resource specialist and author of Ready . I've also read children with ADHD are normally immature for their age. I got held back in preschool for crying too much. Julia Layton etc. I was continuously told what an eager happy angel we had, however he never progressed to the standard. Repeating a grade increases the risk. The Redshirting Trend: How to Know When to Start Kindergarten, Why Kindergarten Redshirting Was Right for Our Son, 8 Best Kindergarten Books to Get Your Kid Ready for School, Latest Results Show Math and Reading Scores PlummetedWe Need to 'Act With a Sense of Urgency' Says US Secretary of Education, 8 Tips To Help Black Families Prepare for School Emotionally, Dyslexia in Children: Everything Parents Need to Know, Why Classroom Clip Charts Do More Harm Than Good, School Supplies for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade, The School Leaders and Teachers Who Took a Stand Against Bans on Mask Mandates, Parents Are Going Back to School To Get Their High School DiplomasHow To Make It Work, Why We Need to Stop Outing LGBTQIA+ Students, Parents Can Have Back-to-School Anxiety TooHere's How toCope, Keeping Kids Safe at School During COVID-19, Parents of Immunocompromised Students Are Forced to Rely on Others to Keep Their Kids Safe and That's Not Fair, Why School Districts Are Rethinking Gifted & Talented Programs. I believe struggling kids should be promoted, but receive other intervention methods, such as intensified learning, supplementing classroom instruction, and providing one-on-one tutoring with a teacher or cross-age tutoring with an older student . My parents told me that I would be repeating and moved me to a different school and that it was to give me extra help. Oh my goodness, yes! You feel confused. Think about milestones, If you began teaching 10 . A resource class 1 - 2 hours a day might be helpful and better than retention. Some children would benefit from repeating kindergarten. Given average per pupil spending of roughly $10,700 (the most recent national estimate), the direct cost to society of retaining 2.3 percent of the 50 million students enrolled in American schools . Have you thought about holding your child back from first grade? in his conversations with me, and he is 5 years old ! As far as hes concerned he didnt finish kindergarten and he believes this is a short break due to Covid. It's no big deal. It has been a nightmare to get help for them. If the teacher is concerned about the child's maturity or behavior, parents can ask for specific examples of behavior that cause concern. Language: Does the child have trouble pronouncing words or expressing ideas? They are reading sentences and books. But we just feel hes not ready to move to 1st grade, and thats just gona give him more to struggle with. They are pushing kids too hard these days and are expecting way more than when I was in kindergarten 22 years ago. Exactly! Some go to second grade. Because children develop at such different rates and the kindergarten age span can run from 4 to 6, there is a tremendous range in social, physical and cognitive development. My preschool teacher should have been aware of that. Has a teacher recommended that your child repeat kindergarten? He has emotional issues, is not matured, does well with younger kids as is, and just has not yet developed emotionally where he should be for his age. Educators often say that during the first three years of school, a child is learning to read. I am being sent home a retention letter Tuesday. I bought ABC Mouse and downloaded many helpful learning programs. In most areas, children must turn 5 by September 1st, in order to start kindergarten. Most of the other students were 6 years old and much more mature than my 5 years old who already had developmental delays (and he was born 6 weeks pre mature, so if he had been born on time, he would not have made the kindergarten cut off anyway). Hes on the low end of the spectrum. Another factor to consider is whether your child is as emotionally developed as his or her peers. This, in my opinion could greatly help my son with almost zero downside. But generally, if the school wants your child to go ahead, thats what will happen. Ugh. Students who are retained are more likely to drop out of school compared . Long story short, he did not do well in kindergarten. Anxietyor shyness: Does it take a long time for the child to warm up to other kids? Following that advice, my parents moved us to a private school that went through 8th grade. In my case, I benefited from grade retention, but after doing some research, I honestly believe it does more harm than good for most people. Does he play well with other children? Specific pieces of knowledge are really only part of the picture, though. He cries often, and doesnt follow directions very well, but loves to look at picture books and make up funny rhymes. I think she meant years old not month old., my son is 6 year old the teacher told me he has to repeat kindergarten because he dont want to do his classwork and he does not follow directions what should i do plz help me. So here in 2020, I find this article. It does look as though you can argue against a decision to hold your child back. In some areas your child does well, and you hope that by the end of the year, his maturity level and social skills will catch up with the other kids. Grade Learn how to spot itand how to protect children of all ages from bullies at school. Every child is different. Although this article is well written and touches on plenty of other skills students need to go into first grade, it fails to mention they need to be reading, fluently adding and subtracting, and do more than just hold their pencil correctly. Her work has been published in The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Learning Site, The eLearning Site, and Internet4Classrooms. I have a little girl in my class who only just made the age cut off for kindergarten. But there is very little out there about holding a child back in kindergarten to wait another year before starting first grade. Knowing why kids act immaturely or young for their age lets you offer the best support. I believe in trusting maternal instincts! Teachers often have good instincts, but not every teacher is great. One thing to consider is how your child will feel when all his friends go to first grade and he does not. Read my reply above. Being one of the youngest in the class can play a role. The recommendation to repeat the year is not a comment on your child's intelligence; it's a comment on your child's maturity. However, I believe talking with a school councilor, which we are going to do with ours, and also, having him tested by a very knowledgable but retired elementary teacher friend, is what we are going to do next and then keep researching for stat on this and what the experts say. According to his teacher they wont hold them back until 3d grade! Kids develop skills at different rates. Rather, it's about an overall picture of a child who may be too "young" -- physically, cognitively, socially or some combination thereof -- to thrive in first grade. As the kindergarten year draws to a close, many parents are left worried their child isn't fully prepared to take on 1st grade. Faced with this revelation, it can seem someone is questioning your child's mental acuity. Second, holding your child back can have a negative connotation. Why had his teacher not told us earlier that he was having issues so we could have worked more with him on blending or got him more help? Children learned math and reading skills in hands on ways, through singing and dancing and through hearing, retelling, and acting out stories, through building with blocks, measuring, pouring, and doing puzzles. After a month and realizing school was done for the academic year, I grew concerned with our sons placement next year. "She said that Julia can't read well enough to manage in first grade and that she's immature compared with her classmates, " the mom wrote. In your parents' day, kindergarten was a pretty laid-back affair. Every answer seems wrong! In her defense they JUST started really reading. we are so lost. Some young children attain the age of reason, the ability . I will do what I need to do. Instead, we got him the occupational therapy that was recommended, and he went on to have a great year in first grade. Thank you! I cannot give much advice about teaching on Kindergarten or early elementary level as I was a teacher for grades 8 and above in English and History. He has some learning challenges (I think a learning disability), and has been in speech since he was 2. . 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Few of them will be deeply affected by (or even remember later on) repeating kindergarten. If they arent reading, it isnt even a question that they remain in kindergarten. A: In Colorado, children with summer birthdays are eligible to start kindergarten at age five since most district cut-off dates are October 1 or within a couple weeks of that date.That said, around 10 percent of parents, particularly those in middle- and upper-income brackets, are deciding to hold off sending their children, often boys, to school until they are six or nearly six. Im a grandmother raising my grandson with my husband after raising four sons and kindergarten was never like it is now! What can cause kids to seem immature. The teacher has let him build legos, blocks pretty much all year. I'm looking for advice/experience in having a child repeat a grade. Anxiety and shyness are surprisingly common in kids. Hi Jeanie, His pediatrician suggested that I keep him in daycare and wait until the following year to send him to kindergarten, but she did not mention that until his 5 year well visit which was a week before school started. That should help him quickly acclimate to the situation, and feel better about it, too. The research clearly states not to and the teacher says we have to do this for his well being. . First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. Like many parents, I hadn't realized that success in kindergarten depends on many factors, not just intellectual ability. Studies have shown that by the time they enter middle school, kids who repeated kindergarten are more likely to get into trouble, dislike school, and feel bad about themselves. Can he run and jump, play catch, bounce a ball, dance? She's been a teacher for over 20 years, and says she . I sort of understand. His academics are really good. Things we knew he concretely understood never translated in class. The data showed that 9 percent of first- and second-graders in 1997 had their entry into kindergarten delayed, up from 5 percent in 1995. If your child still finds these tasks difficult by the end of kindergarten, he is probably not ready to go to first grade, either. The research is very clear that even if children are not ready academically or emotionally they do not benefit from retention. Sometimes kids act immature because of academic struggles. He ended up repeating Kindergarten and is doing great, having just finished 7th grade. They need to be able to write full sentences with capital letters and periods. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? Is your child ready for kindergarten? My daughter started Kindergarten this year, and the principal told us in the orientation, that children are expected to read at the the end of K. We are facing the same thing with my grandson the teachers recommended to keep him back but I think he should move to the first grade . Beyond that, though, things can get a bit confusing: Which skills is your child behind on? What many parents have trouble with is whether their student will be better off repeating the year. Anyone have their child repeat kindergarten & regret it? We work with an OT for sensory issues and a psychologist to assist with ADHD/ODD, parent management training. The researchers said these findings didn't mean that kids born in August are more likely to have ADHD. Shes also going to attend a reading program over the Summer. Hes able to do work great at home with no issues or complications but we have been reading and going over his words to say rite and hes mastering all academics in school other then speech issues and the reading(which is the latest work for children to learn in one month that hes having issues with) As a parent and knowing my son can pass work that his teacher sends home ,wonderfully and has great reports and test and work through the entire year, i feel that his teacher should have caught issues at beginning of school and in feb when we spoke and i asked from his teacher for him to be in speech and reading classes it should have been donealso for her waiting for the last month .Of school (and more confussin of hes doin wonderful to switch he needs to be in same grade again) In my eyes and heart my sons teacher failed in teaching and catching early what he needs help with, she failed him as his teacher and failed to help him further in class and with his school issues..She failed to listen to what i would like and want for him to keep and help him stay on top He shouldnt be kept behind for his speech and very little reading issues he has its not rite and wrong !!!! Your child only turned 5 in August. Repeating Kindergarten. Grade retention has a negative impact on all areas of a child's achievement (reading, math, and language) and socio-emotional adjustment (peer relationships, self-esteem, problem behaviors and attendance). The pros of repeating the prep year of school. These test results were always provided in graph format. Your child is young for the grade, however, and repeating might give him more even footing with the other children in kindergarten. It could just as well be learning disabilities that make it hard for these children to get good grades. To sum up, his fine motor skills are good, his pre-reading skills are good, but he may not yet be mature enough for kindergarten. Published August 17, 2017. He will be turning 6 in a week here. Ive seen the damage done to countless students by the change, and much joy and celebration robbed from early education. A fantastic memory, the main reason they want to possibly repeat kindergarten is due The decision to hold a child backoften called " red-shirting . Rose. I wish he were only going 1/2 a day but that wasnt an option where we live. This will be much easier if you're honest, telling your parents you love to spend time with them but unfortunately doing so at their house is a not negotiable. Before we speak of first grade readiness, we need to look at kindergarten readiness. Second do you have any suggestions on how to teach him to blend sounds into words? . Keep in mind he was mostly virtual in pre-K during the pandemic and started face to face in December 2020 for kindergarten. Babies' immune systems begin to mature soon after birth. There are lots of reasons kids might seem immature for their grade. So because he is not doing well with blending sounds and he only knew 55 words of 100 on a site word test. Is he flexible? Q: Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. Does he wait his turn? The research suggests I am placing n obstacle in his way by doing this. They did some testing prior to the start of the This is not about how smart your child is. And the social stigma of being held back can have a major impact on a child's attitude. Start . Time to catch up developmentally. I know it would hurt, but could it also help? I could use advice information and anything that could help us!! They want him to repeat kindergarten. He is constantly talking about being in the first grade next. If you think she will be ready in every way: not just in reading, but emotionally and socially, go for it! We were also told that having him repeat kindergarten would be devastating for him. I know it will be difficult for her to see all her friends move on without her but on the other hand 1st grade is ridiculously hard and I feel like Im throwing her to lions because I know shes not academically ready. The major problem Im having is not only did the teacher tell me, my son would be in many encore programs but that they would be advancing the curriculum quickly to catch up. Im actually not liking it a bit! It can feel like an insult: like your child isnt smart. Think about your child's emotional readiness. Our son repeated pre-k due to his maturity level. Your gut reaction may be to defend your child. Heres what I think: were pushing these young children too hard. You turn to your computer and good old Google, and end up more confused than ever. If your child is unable to follow simple multi-step instructions, follow a task through to completion without getting overly frustrated or distracted, work as part of a group, listen to a story without interrupting, or sit still for the duration of a short lesson, he or she may not be quite ready for the relative rigors of first grade. Now school is over and although his teacher told me throughout the semester that he will most likely be repeating kindergarten, the school promoted him to fist grade. Ideally, such programs allow children to develop at their own paces. Varda Meyers Epstein serves as editor in chief of Kars4Kids Parenting. Second time around, one of the oldest (at a different pre-k, for what it's worth). I dont think my daughter will handle being held back well. Even the screening laws are failing these kids. Was my bright little boy going to flunk kindergarten, I wondered, because he didn't care about arts and crafts? But to be fair, her daughter is "an August baby and the youngest in the class." His teacher comments about his immaturity-- he is very well behaved, but does seem to be immature compared to the other kids. In the past, repeating a grade was more popular and was typically suggested if a child was viewed as underachieving or unable to cope due to various factors such as social immaturity, long-term absences, long-term illnesses, behavioural or emotional challenges. Perhaps students with learning disabilities who repeat kindergarten do better in school than they would have had they not repeated kindergarten. The work done at home, or not done at home, will place all children behind where they would have been socially and academically. Not anymore. Not a teacher, but have researched standards. For all anyone knows, your child could end up perfectly on track by the fall. 4. I still talked a little too much in first grade, but honestly, the trend continued on into my 30s If your child is doing well academically and isnt disrupting the teacher/class too much, let kids be kids..theyll be just fine! "Repeating Kindergarten." I just wanted to know what are my rights as a parent in the state of Texas. What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and another 7 percent wait a year before starting, according to the latest figures from the National Center for Educational Statistics. I did not know these words at 6, nor could I build and create what he does without my help. Otherwise, experts suggest that parents carefully consider a teacher's recommendation that their child be . I am in the same boat and just wondering based on what you had come to a decision. You're right that normally repeating the grade is not helpful. He lives with adults and communicates like a little adult. Yes, some children learned to read on their own, but it was not a requirement. Schools that favor retention ignore the research, which has shown that most children don't catch up when held back. What there is suggests that schools with retention policies have a lot of resources and manpower to deal with kids who need a bit more help getting ready for school. I have enrolled him in a new school for a fresh start. We are solely to blame for not having our son attend pre-k as I was uneducated on its value. First, you need to remove all of the "you" feelings out of this equation. From bullies at school favor retention ignore the research is very little out there holding... About how smart your child will feel when all his friends go to first.. His teacher they wont hold them back until 3d grade was continuously told what an repeating kindergarten for immaturity... With this revelation, it isnt even a question that they remain in kindergarten a writer, expert or. 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