sharwil avocado vs hass

Check the photos and descriptions of cankers and discoloration on avocados at this UC IPM page, and maybe one will fit your Gwen: (I prefer this to their compost, which is a bit overcooked and too fine for my liking. This high quality, black-skinned avocado is up to 25% larger than its parent, Mexicola. I really, really appreciate this article. So surprised I bought one to see how well it works as a hedge as you mentioned in another article. And if I couldnt find a Fuerte, Id substitute a Pinkerton. I have downscaled a bit.and now I have just 20 trees and 16 varieties. On the other hand, I doubt youd be disappointed with Pinkerton, which is widely available. Our hydrangeas have always been pink, not a hint of blue, no matter the quantity of theSoil Acidifiermy mother added.I think our PH is around 7, not less. Incidentally, similar spacings can often be used in a yard as on a farm. In my garden, I have only one Reed. Taste Ive read is great. I even made a chart a few years ago showing the harvest seasons of some varieties (in my post When to pick avocados), but Im not perfectly comfortable with it because every year is different and every yard is different, even within a small geographical area like a single county let alone all of Southern California. A Florida avocado has the same kind of fats but in much lower quantities. For more information visit the NZ Avocado Industry Ltd website or phone 0800 AVOCADO / 0800 286 2236. Pinkerton seems to never drop fruit in the heat. Ive never tasted one but wondering how it compares to Reed and Hass in your opinion. I wanted to say I appreciate all you do with your website and videos. Hi! Is that too far away? BTW Thank you for the great info youve published. Try to check out the frost patterns next time we get a cold night too. I found only two Spanish nurseries that talked rootstocks. The avocados have smaller seeds inside and therefore produces a significantly larger amount of flesh to eat than other avocado types. Hi Robert, Grows the best long-term in the ground. Im very close to cutting mine down. I have a Hass that is a few years old from Durling Nursery. The best months for planting are typically March through June, depending on where you live. reading on other forums, ive seen comments that its better in the long run to plant a smaller size tree (3 gallon +) compared to a larger 15+ gallon size tree.that the smaller size tree will out perform and out grow the larger gallon size in the future. If youre planting trees at six feet apart, you might find it necessary to remove every other tree after a handful of years. And compared to Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high. See this article about mulches and controlling root rot in avocados: In the wild this means a range of flying and crawling insects, but in Western Australia this is . Thank you so much for the great articles, and for your personal attention and replies. The tree is around 12 ft. 3 Advertisements West Indian (Persea americana Mill. They had to prune three times per year, and still the production had declined since year nine. That is, they have thick firm skin with rich and nutty flesh, high in oil content. The grove manager said he prefers Hass at no closer than 12 feet. Some answers to these questions can be found here: (Not that Pinkerton avocados arent delicious though. For your milder location though, this might not be important. I have no idea if it was a great one or a terrible one. Plus 1 GEM, 1 Lamb and 1 Bacon. Give your avocado tree about 15 feet of space from other trees and plants. Now, less fat might sound good, but the fats found in Hass avocados are very healthy. What a wonderful gift! There is no bitterness or bacony note. Thanks for your feedback. The Sir Prize avocado is defined primarily by a distinctive ridge along one side which becomes less noticeable when the fruit ripens. I am trying to get a good combination of A & B type and have avocados throughout the year. What are your thoughts on a Sharwil Tree? Its significantly bigger than Hass, as seen in the photo above, and. I also purchased a Sharwill and Green Gold from Atkins Nursery last year, but they arent the best trees as they were burned pretty bad from last summers heat wave. I have to plant them in a line of north to south. Would you still recommend a Hass and Reed for us? Theres a little more about my opinions on choosing avocado varieties in this post: Greg, Variety makes a difference. I love my Hass. I am going to try to graft new ones and see if the results are the same as well as see if it fruits every year or every two. The flesh itself has a mild taste and is quite watery. If I had the space for only one avocado tree, I would plant a Hass. The Hass is a medium spreading tree, whereas the Reed is more upright in stature. Lamb Hass Lamb Hass is a California selection bearing spring and summer fruit. Big and green are the two fatal qualities that prevent Reeds acceptance as a commercial variety in todays small and black Hass world. Thanks for writing. The trees were 15 gal and difficult to keep hydrated the first summer(you forget all the roots are contained in the pot size). And I hope this post helps you choose your own best kind. 1) which two varieties would you recommend as being good pairing for quite heavy clay-y soil?! The worst infestations Ive seen have been on highly fertilized trees. This is one of the "classic" avocados. Thanks for these contributions. You have me sold on the year-round Hass prospect. The avocados are large and oblong with a small seed and thin green skin. I found one at a small nursery in south county and planted it in between the 2 existing trees. Hawaii Sharwil avocado. Today, the 'Hass' accounts for about 80 percent of all avocados consumed in the entire world. I also dont know anything about growing avocados in France, but Ill do my best to help you get started. June of 2018 Yes, heat tolerance would be a desirable quality indeed. Mexicola is the oiliest variety that I have tasted but its a bit too intense for me, and I wouldnt say its one of my favorites. But Im game to attack it with a fun and practical twist: Im imagining that I just moved into a new house with a blank yard . In my (very limited) gardening experience, I noticed that choosing the right variety is not everything, one has to be sure it will function well in the conditions ones got. This is important information indeed. Thanks again for everything. I read about GEM, and it sounds like it would fit easily in our space and produce great fruit. Medium sized, pear-shaped fruit has an excellent creamy, flesh. Great read! Zutano, Im also always unsure what Im going to find at these types of stores, which is why I always have a look when Im shopping there. Your climate in Temecula is similar to mine in Ramona: a bit hot in summer; a bit cold in winter . One of his favorites was the Nabal. 1) be reliable cropper, a variety that gives high yields, even as a solo-tree (we dont have other avocados in our neighourhood, and my two trees, not flowering at the same time, would be considered as solo-trees) That sounds like a nice combination of trees, and it sounds like theyre growing very well. As for the snow, we have had quite a bit of ice the last few weeks, and today it snowed in parts of the mountains, even in the valley (Pasadena/Rancho Cucamonga)! You can always try a Hass too, and just prune it to the size you want. But the other VIVEROSBROCKAW does!!!!!!!! You found an avocado tree in Nice! Such great information for gardening in San Diego! 1 year old Reed on unknown seedling I finally managed to buy 1 Hass (on Duke 7) in a local nursery in June 2022 (they sell avocado trees only in May-June). Will likely be going with a Sir Prize based on that fact, but Eli at Subtropica has all available, its just so tempting to get all three and just try to plant the reed on the other side of the property. High oil content - Sharwil and Hass both >25% oil. I grafted some Sharwils here and there in the spring, and theyve grown more than any other variety I grafted this year (including Fuerte, which people often talk of as being so vigorous). I realize it cant live forever there but at least I will get to try the fruit someday. I hope you didnt get snow where you are, because a few weeks ago when I was there, it was COLD and rainy. dont know how to grow in your region, I would stick to A types though. Before I get to that, do know that if you live within a mile or two of the beach in Carlsbad, you can get nearly year-round fruit from a Hass tree because of the mild summer temperatures: by the time one seasons fruit is overmature and tasting too oily, its almost time to pick the next seasons fruit. Reed Avocado Greengold Avocado. The same occurred with my newly planted atemoya: the leaves turned black, and the tree dried to death. Replaced with a Reed which is doing great so far. Hi Elizabeth, Kona Sharwil Avocado. I visited a grove with a soil pH of 8 and saw that their GEM trees on Dusa were stunted and chlorotic. They will never let you down or change their form. I would go with the clonal rootstocks if you can, but I would get one tree on Dusa and the other on Duke 7. I confess I began gardening only very recently, and I am super interested in all the different varieties and the scientific details. But Mexicola is about as small as avocados come, so in that way youve already got your lunchbox avocado. I know Sunland, and I can empathize with how you and your avocados feel. Im going for it! Our southernmost facing front yard has a decent slope, so planning to plant there. On the other hand, I have read of some Gwen trees that dont set fruit well without a pollenizer tree nearby. Should complement the GEM season. Fuerte and Nabal are both well known for alternating in this way. Hard to say. If there is excess moisture, your Hass avocado tree might suffer from root rot. Bonny Doon Avocado. And I started reading about rootstocks. Hi Joseph, There is a lot of great info here. I saw that you have a Gwen and was curious what your take is on that. Its season should complement the GEM even better, and the growing pattern seems like its columnar as well. i was thinking that maybe a gwen to help the sir prize and reed for stewart seems to be the right pairing, or should i think about redoing my variety selection? As for Reed, it can handle the heat fairly well as far as Ive seen. H.B. (If youre wondering where to buy one of these avocado varieties or any other variety of avocado tree see my post, Where to buy an avocado tree.). Thank you for your wonderful blog! I appreciate all the documentation! Thanks Greg, Do you suggest shade clothes for all my trees (about 4 feet tall, 15 gal), or will it stunt growth too much? 3. Sorry to hear about the decline of such a wonderful tree. Sorry that I bad-mouthed Zutano in the comment above. Ill try some beneficial predator mites next. The mainland now accepts for resale, sharwil avocados, given the need for a great tasting avocado in winter. Most people think Fuerte tastes better, but Bacon is a nice milder, sweeter avocado for the winter. In that case, one Hass tree might suffice. What do think of a Reed vs. Sharwil in temecula where it can both get too hot and too cold some avocados? By black sand I meant sandy loom. As an aside, I recently spent a long weekend in Ramona, beautiful area. Theyre similar to Reed in both taste and appearance (round and green skin), except that the Nabals I know have a thicker, shell-like skin. About the leaves, I think most people just think it looks messy. Avocados have been grown in neighboring Spain for a very long time, and I know there are nurseries there. (Theyll both produce some without a pollenizer.) Buddy, youre the best. I hope your trees grow lightning fast! GEM and Carmen will both satisfy you, Im sure of it. Im in Ramona, which calls itself the Valley of the Sun, and its not too different here. The foliage just doesnt look very pretty close up. Let me know how the grafting and new trees go, and share photos of the cut fruit if you get a chance. I just put down the mulch and leave it be. June of this year I topped them at 8 feet, The Gem is still at 8 feet but the other two want to grow to the moon. If you want to know how to kill an avocado tree, ask me Ive done it all. What could have caused this issue ? Thanks for the feedback on Holiday. Reed is basically a summer-into-fall variety. I just planted a Sharwill which I found at Atkins, hoping that our Global Warming trend leans my way. But Ill let you know how they grow. Its just easier to maintain over the long haul. Hi Greg, I cant speak from personal experience about my own Sharwil trees because theyre too young, so this guess is based on what Ive seen in others Sharwil trees in Southern California. Hi Greg, i live in north OC, and new to growing fruits in general. However, they often dont have any in stock, which means your only choice is to put in a request and wait for delivery as you noted. For those who have a large yard, Martin. The flesh is very oily, rich and creamy tasting. Im in a hot area of Bay Area northern Ca. They have both Reed and Hass, both Duke 7 and Dusa. The main negative is that, to me, Pinkertons dont taste quite as good as Fuertes. Thanks. Step 4. Could you make a suggestion and where I may obtain that tree. . Sharwil avocados from . Good luck with the Reed. Im guessing it was the chlorine that did the damage. With a single Hass tree you can have good avocados at hand for at least seven months out of every year. Sharwil Avocados are medium-sized pear shaped fruits characterized by their rough green skin, which stays green and does not turn black as it ripens. The tree looks good and very healthy!!!!!! One, how well does your Fuerte produce? or either OK? Hass x 4 Reed x 3 Sharwil x 1 Unknown grafted x 1 Fuerte x 2 Ettinger x 2 Wurtz x 1 And a few seedlings. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, If the only Hass avocados youve had are from the grocery store, then you have no idea. They should do well for you. Also, strangely, there arent too many Sharwils around considering that its not a new variety and everyone who tastes one says they approve. The skin is green when ripe, is bumpy and of medium thickness, and peels easily. This is the experience of many others as well. But where to find this information otherwise? Thanks. Hi Greg, I live on the California Coast in between Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay, were at about 800ft elevation and 1 mile inland from the coast. Im watching them do so in my yard right now. Hey Greg, Ive heard people say that too, but Ive never found evidence for it. Also, there is nothing written about growing avocados in France. Should I go which two Dusas (Hass+Dusa, Reed+Dusa)? Besides it being a source of great tasting fruit id like it to be a nice (picturesque) shade tree. Share a photo if you get a chance. For anyone counting net carbs, avocados are simply amazing. Theyre hard to find these days. I moved mine into a barrel. As for rootstocks, I havent seen them make a difference in my yard in terms of cold tolerance of the tree as a whole. High oil content - Sharwil and Hass both >25% oil. Nowels Avocado. Very happy with my Zutano. Wish Maddocks was open on the weekend so i could check it out. We had problems with root rot our persimmontree died of root rot). Thank you. And youre right about the tree looking weird, but it works. And thats what a five- compared to fifteen-gallon tree is: younger. What do you think? While Dusa is the global standard today, it does not perform best in all conditions with all scion varieties. Holiday doesnt produce much down here either, from the trees Ive seen and grown, compared to other varieties. See: Good problems. I went to Fallbrook and paid Eli a visit, and I came back with a Reed, a Sirprize, and a GEM. I counted 51 fruits in this picture. I completely understand and I agree. Weve got room for one, or maybe 2, avocados. i have small seedlings of sir prize, stewart, lamb hass, and some hybrid unknown from home depot. Historic photo of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hass in front of an avocado tree Eli mentions that hes swamped with GEM orders, and that he had to save one for me since I contacted him in February because hes completely out of GEM right now. Were getting a couple of avocado trees to plant in Pasadena. Great to hear! What an adventure youve gotten yourself into. Thanks so much for this update. Out of those choices, I would go with Fuerte just because it has the most potential for cross-pollination with Pinkerton. This is when I began looking for my trees abroad, within the EU. Oops! Wrapping the trees creates an oven. My son, who ate it with me, called it the bestest avocado ever. (Though only a kindergartener, he has eaten his share of avocado varieties and actually has an opinion worth listening to!). Usually the soil we get up here for avocados is more suited for stone fruit. The two main differences between Bacon and Fuerte are that Fuerte tastes better but Bacon is more productive. I also started hearing about a lunchbox avocado that is being developed for high density planting. (See more about Reed in my post, The Reed avocado tree: a profile.). Its not the worst soil in the world, as many fruit trees as growing nicely here, but which types of Avocado you think would thrive best in these conditions clay-ish soil, can be quite wet in winter and hot and super dry in the summer? As for heat-tolerant avocado varieties, I wrote a post about that some years back and Ill be updating it soon: maybe you missed my question on May 2, 2020 or I missed your reply, with 3 citrus trees and room for one avocado on the central coast of California, Cayucos. Where to find Sir Prize Avocados? But I will say that it is definitely precocious in my yard. They arent peculiar in flavor to me, they just taste like everything I hope for when I think avocado.. Elizabeth, 27. I would love to grow one or graft a branch onto a tree I have after researching about how great the fruit tastes. Both have excellent tasting fruit. Carmen Hass is similar to Hass Avocado but smaller 6-14 oz fruit. I have a 60% shade cloth for my Fuerte. I have a spreadsheet of many varieties and their seasons and how they all align based on flower type. Thank you for your reply, After doing some research and asking question in my neighborhood the last couple of days, I found out that Im not the only one with this problem. One thing I didnt consider was the price of avocados during the months where I would likely have to buy. Two, get a combination of hardier varieties and others like Hass, Reed, GEM, etc. Only Fuerte tastes good then, of those youve mentioned. Variety: Flower Type: Taste (subjective) Fruit Size: Fruit Color: Fruit Shape: Skin: Oil % Fruit Season (Irvine) Tree Size: Remarks: Anaheim: A: good: 18-32 oz: green . (Then again I let mine hang until June.). You can go two ways about it. Because Cayucos is so cool, Id stay away from B type avocados in general, including Sir-Prize. The color of a Sharwil avocado stays green when ripe, and has a cold grayish-blue tinge to it. This is so fun! What's more - I don't want to mush up my avo on my toast. You could eat Sir Prize fruits starting pretty early in winter, and then you could let the GEMs hang late and eat them even through summer maybe into fall except that Covina gets hot, so maybe not. But not about the persea mites. BACK IN STOCK APRIL 2023. for avocados. This might be different for you though; it probably depends on your particular microclimate. We do not have a lot of wind problems where we are located, either. Ive seen numerous examples of this throughout Southern California. Best of luck with the Reed. Is there another tree of comparable size that complements the GEM in season that could happily share this space? We had a hass 4 years back that sun burned to death. But, most of those carbs come from fiber. We may have an improved Fuerte. But the distinctive smooth texture and nutty yellow flesh of a perfect Fuerte is so appealing to me that I dont even want to adulterate it as guacamole. Who grew it, any idea? 1 year old Pinkerton on unknown seedling From what I hear it is a great tasting avocado but they dont seem to produce much up here. Lambs do get rich, for sure. In fact, it is precisely the microbes in there doing their work that produce the enzyme called cellulase which is said to fight the pathogenic fungus that causes root rot disease in avocados (Phytophthora cinnamomi). You mentioned stopping to see friends in O B. If the only Hass avocados youve had are from the grocery store, then you have no idea. So if youre toward that side of Temecula, you might get Sharwils to hang on the tree a long time compared to the eastern side of Temecula. But first let me say thank you. Kona Sharwil avocado was introduced in Australia and is now a major commercial variety in Hawaii. Most of them dont usually produce as well in such climates as A types. I am curious to see if it will fruit consistently. Lots of dieback when it reached 117F for 3 days. Also, avocado flowers are primarily pollinated by bees, and bees readily fly between trees that are 50 feet apart. Thanks for the input, and its really along the lines that I was looking down. I like the taste of all of them, so would ideally want to pick one for cross-pollination and longest season of Avocados from both! See my short video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here.). Old mexicana only a few a year, sometimes none. One I chose was Pinkerton, and I chose it because I knew very well that its bloom always overlapped with Fuerte since I have trees of both in my yard. Whats Reed like? I already have lamb, fuerte, Mexicola, Pinkerton, Reed, wurtz, Sir prize. (See more about Lamb in my post, The Lamb/Hass avocado tree: a profile.). The variety has been grown in Southern California for about a hundred years, having been brought up from Guatemala by Wilson Popenoe. When your Hass avocado tree is newly planted, it will need to be watered every two to three days. Ive been told that landfills in other counties offer similar products. The Different Types According To Region Of Origin Horticulturally, avocados are classified into three categories, based on the regions of their origin. CA avocados like Lamb Hass don't do well in FL and vice versa. 1 year old Hass on Zutano seedling Otherwise other avocado nuts (like myself) might annoy the generous owners of the mother tree. The other two are not doing well. I have been trying to research this for a while now trying to figure out the best combination for me. It has excellent flavor with two distinct crops a year. "The trees are also more compact, which means growers have less costs for harvesting and tree maintenance." The three more Guatemalan types get afternoon shade which I think helps since in recent years our summers are very intense much like inland Riverside and or Redlands as I recall with temperatures reaching well over a 100 more often than a decade ago. Two main varieties on offer. Theres likely to be at least a little variation in your yard. If we are successful. Sharwil avocados have a dense, nutty flavor and a high oil content. Theyre really small. One of my Hass is still a baby, so I was considering taking it out and putting the Reed in its place. Im ruthless with pruning shears (you have to be), Youre welcome to check out Piet Stassen and his pruning technique displayed at UC Irvine. I wish I knew your yard in particular because there are always various microclimates within Sunset Zones and city limits, but unless youve got an unusually low and cold spot then these varieties should do fine. . Pinkerton, The Gem is covered with avos, the other two have about 5 or six each. See his website for details: Kindest regards, Avocado trees produce thousands of flowers and only about one in 5000 sets fruit. I have seen, in person, happy Hass and/or Reed trees in other parts of Southern California considered Sunset Zone 18, such as Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, and Redlands. Most of those youve mentioned Hass avocado but smaller 6-14 oz fruit type and have avocados the! In Australia and is now a major commercial variety in Hawaii, 1 Lamb and 1.! Then again I let mine hang until June. ) is the Global standard today, it can both too. The decline of such a wonderful tree tolerance would be a nice ( picturesque ) shade tree your opinion tree. 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