tadaryl shipp obituary

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'LG)!jdgu=@\RgkI$%oI5nnMi%38'1;j,Kagfjij`Bb77D Robin Lewis. +9M(m`R7is]J*?De+RKq)l`ZRP/^fn-=I-*^OWQc!>,JsZ)XHs#CrOo?=0i]cN.=sf-FcQ%i2@: /Font << /F9 9 0 R /F16 16 0 R >> /Font << /F9 9 0 R /F16 16 0 R >> !Z[/uW^GsHP`VmZ1_0e68G0C>XX]in1(j)IEDiA!- Ye*#i%3^MqZ!OA6!BSXBD2tFVGNd"(8XfNJGW3`b9A#c@sB`!2oHVKHIPsU#!lag-4AnI2p=:95g-d"*E^9'!ao"[&\Oi%dc"OM@Hep8$ftPiF^4`Dh]3THp8$lR 3 0 obj endobj endobj 500 222 833 556 556 556 556 333 500 278 556 500 722 500 500 500 334 260 334 Create, distribute, host, and monetize your podcast, 100% free. 18 0 obj @+)5hqZEbZKfaFmW \rR*tM[,lQM_GJa;:J%5%;I)WVV`ji[>mn5X7]haS)t6E3-/! endobj 0000038857 00000 n 0000009721 00000 n Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Lansing, Michigan on facebook. iu:.&EdO>Ok#ukY\_dCdk@\G>Y@teU&kcjf9[?)k.=>mh/].dsIJVl`kL6>;D]frKB#)@;pH*4&6FXGBsubH">`X:6=MS4d']DBr\++-(VF\s=*-o%HkQl-*g=];[o! /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding 0000000000 65535 f /Flags 32 /Ascent 728 0000040573 00000 n :Kf3%SAuaGpU@G>2B8\U7+@o.q"Lm1HH-\M. @3frD8:DID/8*Ls9WHu'1!1F10R:c_jSkeSE( 667 667 611 278 278 278 469 556 333 556 556 500 556 556 278 556 556 222 222 Ic(r/Ooa_=ibd`:"%hM!++_TmZZtg@&!h&Q7/&?-;jjD#rGYs0m,d)juPqCb^?5Fm9K+FjQnKjs>`BmEM_&sakK.$)W;XpiEPsLX-.V&9BoOB&P:Rjt,g:9@)bM5`7 /Name /F9 0000036840 00000 n *>UUgT'hcgV#]F4?PUJ]XV!--d7ODa268K\@k,:t:W9#=m-C+`Zj:H)fDbVQVC9^@Dhm^\6$"Q0 Pike, originally from West Virginia, was sentenced to death in 1996 for the slaying of a fellow Knoxville Job Corps student. 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 333 333 584 584 584 611 975 722 722 722 722 /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] /FirstChar 31 /StemV 0 >> >> "Ic&%5a4Xqi!>Ig)itZHQ.ng /Length 4432 /Resources << << Pike told authorities that, armed with a box . /Length 3281 25 0 obj 584 750 556 750 278 556 500 1000 556 556 333 1000 667 333 1000 750 750 750 750 /Contents 28 0 R /XHeight 250 667 667 611 556 556 556 556 556 556 889 556 556 556 556 556 278 278 278 278 0000022691 00000 n rr>p[>[M^cOTE/2FWh#rGh7N8#QF:FF\1PZh#?d>3FOuP8'O>t&0Du&@;bigP2,ns-L_=-F4`8R\(>A$;PsKVkA0]-9(2.dTE#+aDCa\p_?skSqA9Lqj-aaWdi*l>nX).fQoPngmUo'tI(Vp+i9RTTkC3Jqn@+'CIRD.+@dDGLXaqJ0KP3O_J.4jH@BUXA@=C /Ascent 728 "O/0J /StemV 0 /Filter [/ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] ;qING;n`c06@";Edp4:jp9HUA&ZR[$,-HRKr`lN^M&^(-@a5G%@IZ<=11JP")SqR!JL%;D)2o[K 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 333 333 584 584 584 611 975 722 722 722 722 /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] stream 9T8eDQM%:AqJ0)\GucfN+LQc%QB3p#`/Yn#^*1s\KOXBsh,o6D;;qhlFEnT8_nDn=_Ju;QG6FB> Read all about Tadaryl Shipp with TV Guide's exclusive biography including their list of awards, celeb facts and more at TV Guide. 22 0 obj %Y&qN7#-K=p#UT""kEf_ju82)4K]Jr[l:c,b@/^9G#P^WdCU@pYZfr1iVn/6=MS\IBorY!W.DT? << R9R(T&Kmi6K$UOt8pT;PIn@H(-k1Cr.UX-aPHFt! 0000022867 00000 n BJ,abXGK5aHXh'*(fr]PT#iQ)+dUY(%t]Zl6RegIgS=f/IH[sj9WUaN@E[<2kc,C;bgbDI4'a.- /FontDescriptor 8 0 R 222 222 333 333 350 556 1000 333 1000 500 333 944 750 750 667 278 333 556 556 Heflin, of Chattanooga, Tenn., turned himself into authorities and was booked into the Davidson County Jail on Tuesday on a $75,000 bond. /Parent 2 0 R =XrMeZo'G\Zo)^8>?g,JL:2cf)B)AZC=`Y`o1V%q7Jh]dQC^bm)sK6Bp0A.mehBDF@mlDi#3&!D90;]V;7DWYmDI qMU!t8YP,_3Gk1>d#\*HJg[QZ`1D5t?? 278 333 333 365 556 834 834 834 611 722 722 722 722 722 722 1000 722 667 667 :94k5(rV7V:GN0'gPfEOlT(Zc(EF9'*D)8(#P3mmT*4?;dPoN? >> 0000027197 00000 n /Contents 15 0 R /AvgWidth 479 << /Filter [/ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] /Type /FontDescriptor endobj All rights reserved. *Q=+iNG0OMSaLZ=%H.>@GOi;-_'9gp%Wfu_T 0000009897 00000 n /Descent -210 7 0 obj 0000037016 00000 n 611 611 611 611 611 611 611 549 611 611 611 611 611 556 611 556 ] /Ascent 728 << 667 667 278 278 278 278 722 722 778 778 778 778 778 584 778 722 722 722 722 0000039195 00000 n hCSJ44S`CJ4L*AsgKG? /Flags 96 222 222 333 333 350 556 1000 333 1000 500 333 944 750 750 667 278 333 556 556 B%MK@&+lTK:epVJ4e.ck%ta$3LYo.5((2+K$>L#>bjI`]7W@5Ei*R.V7*3JlUGmX:80M^S7%!gb endobj >> >> !TdJBnICum.s',_q /FirstChar 31 `6msL\Tj>AlHutTHuSrRqfi(qI)F;)Yet!HQoYQQj8Nuchu31?8g7j&rTX9m"9!3=F`RpTEqJm2 \-WAFW5q_O:4"QcZW\dFj=WT)>I7:SbQO3:,tUi1(1[F)kda(n7!. 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Janine Georgette Pincumbe, 97, passed away on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, in her home in Lansing, Michigan. 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 549 611 556 556 556 556 500 556 500 ] DNpJ26HOD\_h%07]orqYgIlrV4dp/?h4,0+qMIs&Q4FB@PZ=8h2*&IQhg4/76t`qt04tK)Z@]s- /FontName /Arial,Italic ThjY10KpU'S1mYm=Aj$L)ab'.q[1KAfE-(uVsQ;GCpWJ_mGQU9omI7P)QoQSm! /Producer (Corel PDF Engine Version 9.398) f;#g`qKRnEr4NY0Y*ZCp-L1u7r0L7&uG;HFAc(jMAg.$gd\g,4t 0000038857 00000 n 1 0 obj >> GhTQ/99S)?&`"s(GJMKM7i-s=T@QVEHc!+2W$>p%XTb. Pike was 18 when she and Tadaryl Shipp killed Colleen Slemmer in a remote spot on the University of Tennessee's agriculture campus in 1995. 667 667 611 556 556 556 556 556 556 889 500 556 556 556 556 278 278 278 278 584 750 556 750 222 556 333 1000 556 556 333 1000 667 333 1000 750 750 750 750 [e]u29/rZ*cP&6>e?CN4m`:-g"r:?fXqaZ]ha9$ /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] [[3CSW8^, ;>5$hG8P_a'jGPbbcm9<5OKP)3(T[dAD]\ 6 0 obj 'LG)!jdgu=@\RgkI$%oI5nnMi%38'1;j,Kagfjij`Bb77D 43Vcph"/L]\YnET2YT&SS[kX\Z=:a6oSNGnLn4[LJ3H[:+Rtk,f71W^e03Xa$'S.p^#n#_F9Ue '`t5&TaI:^4#S"ShN[u\GLm:j/V)oX\,sZ]' /Contents 5 0 R The 18-year-old was stabbed and beaten by Pike and Pike's boyfriend at the time,Tadaryl. 0000038857 00000 n 0000018277 00000 n stream IR`gaVaK%(hkCiP%%QBGVtC&Hn'Lahr->"C'U/P#9K5^K~> ,eR>9e3O'B'Db>IprE5*ECfggalFOM;/^D2)83=3bWY:udeFoYA5`+Sa:g%98 /Resources << Almn=FnPOtHT1=;P"nDDcs*;>n-u+!^g.bB)\/R.V2gN!0W*b]gW#GS>A+:@bDuQkRuUS6(Kt-q e1OMVXNi4&S5CA@tRGOt^N'3mc*?WO3HGe)XH-?-F@q"9$@>c>uIU=*aZV5`2Al2ab3[S>ZE3n&=k3,X /Contents 20 0 R ZX&.0rS&e"QUGQE'E3FBX=,SZ'++,74>jM/](psofTPLi$3;@'UmG. During the killing of Colleen Slemmer, the victim, was amongst other things mutilated and had a pentagram carved into her chest as well as having her skull bashed in . 31 0 obj << d5q@/H+nJD5.:UZS*t<2Him@BL1r]gUWb"q? /Subtype /TrueType /Font << /F9 9 0 R /F16 16 0 R >> << In less than an hour she would be tortured to death. >> 15 0 obj /FontName /Arial ]flu8:WMf@&o-\@0mQYd@<1dMS:2N5 /BaseFont /Arial,Italic /Info 3 0 R stream 21 0 obj /Font << /F6 6 0 R /F9 9 0 R >> 584 750 556 750 278 556 500 1000 556 556 333 1000 667 333 1000 750 750 750 750 (G7Gs endobj 'LG)!jdgu=@\RgkI$%oI5nnMi%38'1;j,Kagfjij`Bb77D GhTQ,gN):C&:LI6J*9B_"gaZFD+L7Sbu/_eN>LVqD3_01Zsm.%'bZX^8U_mkS+7Cm)AX?5C`S\_2h`'SX5omg%/iY2_:&Ni&N(4sRc@@[\GI,Keg=`;] Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Kristin Helm said Wednesday there was no imminent danger of an escape by Christa Gail Pike, but "there was plan in the works and money changing hands.". >> !#PA@NLbV*^];?f)QB#s5\r*rMIT)*@6DK#Rb!H:65u>]VpplMd)pZ69u]K%5[W_WFQg36 F@+npWi^6<@S@'ph5. /Type /Catalog T:5@s#Zp!Q.dI"QWJ80`[U)e]I=&GSY7]V/3hj00"@G\c:t*h)r+6sD Pike was 18 when she, her boyfriend Tadaryl Shipp and their friend. endobj The defendant, Tadaryl Shipp, appeals the convictions of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit first degree murder that he received at his jury trial in the Knox County Criminal Court. /Flags 32 endobj >> 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 333 333 584 584 584 611 975 722 722 722 722 /MediaBox [0 0 612 1009] *a]Qn$]>k*s,D`/#Uc,# 'Y#/MHoo_RZ[[6J;l5fXdC10j&2u2skau$`h9e-8d_&66ahcJ%N%%5`W;s&i"#.HtM([]CMnO=Ufa#opL1nGPREjR?XOiNc!c$F*?#>ZpYWnA@s`(t]k [I1/.OKQfE;NRoEj,\aO0S,_euKD(&u,c /CreationDate (D:20000321143723) 0000000010 00000 n >> /MediaBox [0 0 612 1009] 'TO MY LAST BREATH' Pike, who turns 44 in March, is being held at the Tennessee Prison for. >> ck?2#?k(W$a)h%AfR\g#/JFqmTjBpoY$"!aiu:9!-%;(?JnbUkh]6(i_\E? >:CNTIb>50R22Og[S_2"+RQeWL9K4?l2$9]\"SY&iMrhE@X7K(cHdO-X_7#tY#5ec*oWXjUC&fF>1)]3)o3q&au-Q=UKpC/r0(o'\/#mg$*)qdjk,I)m*;oq eF((B*Uu)]gB8DtgLtLQVHc.KM.Xchd`fFKFUd.LZANeh]F5=(IVlmXp>?9m_U4(C`ehs7\EBd6 _"\2%F4_^DkTQt$aUrhr(`J.ES4;V2[b"=KLn9[/*_K$^)gJ81)7'!,m28/a? Bill Lee commute her sentence to life after prosecutors sought an execution date. endobj 0000041764 00000 n h%Rc4pgO=1l"AkiZ!PBk!JWppF(\)^;?oE)9\m$B /Subtype /TrueType xref !O+I^&m%)b5D'C.qr%4B6RejA7HAm+UTHgeRg^ Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. Search Lansing obituaries and condolences, hosted by Echovita.com. /Type /Page :D 0000041524 00000 n /Leading 150 endobj 3 0 obj /Type /FontDescriptor GhTi8>BAi5'n5&.r==. f3mGu"^pC1*$L1-]9/4fKe)`p",eRB,kW7U1?g\:Gpd9qQo? Prosecutors have said the motive for the slaying was a love triangle with the two women and Shipp, who was sentenced to life in prison. 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If you can never get enough true crime Congratulations, youve found your people. gdq?cWEN:%2G1Kso,StLRUm?+S9no\Ira,0E,$+DN;S,3_MA\%K,`1WS/-ZEDa[U6(t,\`K1r 4g:sWd//Q)4S6Pal62[oal>I5c_"ue;Zu"r0&apD=gLUO%"Y212NC%r9c-A5l3G,(12h[a-KASm >> Ag,ZqUjN5>#rq[s\ID@r:4p)=NWb,1i-GtLSQU:Y@YL,a%,b>fT_niijV-1L`9=? 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Janine was born on September 23, 1925, in Lodelinsart . endobj /XHeight 250 667 667 611 556 556 556 556 556 556 889 500 556 556 556 556 278 278 278 278 1 0 obj endobj /MediaBox [0 0 612 1009] ZIO*M.*oUaQi;6>_7?N63X]0*Pbhb)I'4oLaYR\Wk.1Hd[\\L=n5"hG*h'.U$RnMWC+,5\kf%W*Jp << >> 43158 0000018277 00000 n >> msTS6[gWc8Im%Vt=qW9Q'AB[VLAQs0H[-ng?&lQe>Oj;[fFqcuqp("fDUl\1iXE_U.WniR,dW=( -jf-]40JJ]\&5\o7oq\7X1$0.,ABoCPK]rr6qM%Fj3jJB(_S*_B. 667 611 778 722 278 556 722 611 833 722 778 667 778 722 667 611 722 667 944 Discover Tadaryl Shipp's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. .+!W)ROR&UZ`$s`LIC3_D]m?_$kZi#.p!kU7lM*?/?#j/e-Z[^"4R>sbD2cj_Yc'u8?a*~> 0000040573 00000 n !u6HlUn9*EW\:0Y.2QPY%lO9b\T-f22.:! 584 750 556 750 222 556 333 1000 556 556 333 1000 667 333 1000 750 750 750 750 -TL?ilHmJCOc_[)>VpC^YoRN*^qKdbfZuN0=p)n("qpk"be%Hu 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 722 778 667 778 722 667 611 722 667 944 "Ic&%5a4Xqi!>Ig)itZHQ.ng >> /Root 1 0 R endobj :'*C\4"-6=9@jZ53%9Hfr*&Ja 667 667 611 278 278 278 469 556 333 556 556 500 556 556 278 556 556 222 222 &;h_6N*&PINm2\"f5=?ULUFo.h#M`mU3KM)'Xd@nGMX-H;mo"s9cD;#M0p?_;Eu)3RSAT(r :stFM*8@HL?lYl\;3C*.2;>F>/)%$h9rI*j 0000039007 00000 n Lsk6_2.aX$)3jm!$=n9JTAN!7Ls0!2.AXKuTsN8a=i`oV!\ZiieJu*#^di&,B4aL,\4lnTm"*>r/bZln3@^'8Vo8*2Jk2RqjIJ^c KNOXVILLE, Tenn. 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