Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway address the court on Friday. The crime most likely happened at the . The individual being sought at the multi-family dwelling was a suspect in a murder that took place at about 3:00 p.m. the previous Friday. "I want to say to the entire Jones family, Aiyana's loved ones and friends, how terribly sorry I am for your loss. [61][62][63], In May 2016, BlackMattersUS[64][unreliable source?] Weekley, who retired from the police department in 2019,claimed Mertilla Jones grabbed his rifle, causing it to discharge. The family of Aiyana Jones, the 7-year-old girl accidentally killed by a Detroit police officer during a raid in 2010, has reached settlement with the city o. Theyd not been tabulated for four years. But it was dark. Cargill said because of COVID-19 restrictions, she was unable to attend Jones' parole hearings to contest his release. JeRean knew badness was on its way and called his mother to come pick him up. Dr. Carl Schmidt is the chief medical examiner there. Police arrested Mertilla, administered tests for drugs and gunpowder, and released her Sunday morning. People my mothers age like to tell me about Detroits good old days of soda fountains and shopping markets and lazy Saturday night drives. Horace Sheffield, a local version of Sharpton, got stiffed for $4,000 in funeral costs, claiming Aiyanas father made off with the donations people gave to cover it. Danny Wilcox Frazier is a contributing photographer for Mother Jones. [5] All Rights Reserved. Jones was born on July 20, 2002, to Charles Jones and Dominika Stanley in Detroit, Michigan. [41] He was charged with involuntary manslaughter and "negligent firing of a weapon causing death". There are some 10,000 unsolved homicides dating back to 1960. He is charged with involuntary manslaughter and careless discharge of a. [6][7][8] On October 10, the judge declared a mistrial due to jury deadlock. By police incompetence? Huff and his partner were not actually called to the scene; theyd taken it upon themselves to assist the younger cops, according to the police version of events. On his desk is a bronze bust of Geoffrey Fieger. As a reporter at the Detroit News, I get plenty of phone calls from people in the neighborhoods. The kids are dropping like flies and hes got nothing but useless words., CHECK OUT A SLIDESHOW OF ABANDONED HOUSES ON ONE BLOCK IN DETROIT, join us with a tax-deductible donation today. So bad is the rivalry that when the schools face off to play football or basketball, spectators from the visiting team are banned. [5] Wayne County Circuit Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway presided over the case. Weekley stated, "A woman inside grabbed my gun. You might blame postwar industrial policies that sent the factories to the suburbs, the rural South, and the western deserts. "(Jones') parole guideline score placed him in the high probability of parole range," Gautz said in an email. They were conducting a police raid in search of a murder suspect who lived at that address -- and being filmed for a reality TV show in the process -- when Officer Joseph Weekley accidentally fired his gun. The man stopped, turned, and pulled a gun. In October, judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway dismissed a charge of involuntary manslaughter, citing a lack of evidence. WHat actually happened to this little girl? What I find ironic is a friend of the punks released his video t. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. There are no fewer than two TV dramas, two documentaries, and three reality programs being filmed here. His murder led to the police raid that killed Aiyana.With large swaths of the city rewildingempty lots are returning to prairie and woodland as the city depopulatesSoutheastern was slated to absorb students from nearby Kettering High this year as part of a massive school-consolidation effort. Killing of Aiyana Jones. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? Weekley's first trial ended in a mistrial in June 2013. I think its abominable. Outside court, a spokesman for Aiyana's family criticized the judge for her comments. . It was a sweatbox, and I went across the street to the liquor store for a soda pop. A total, unfortunate fuck-up.. It would also help inspire the creation of the Black Lives Matter Movementthree years later. Were going to pull people over for traffic violations and were going to take their cars if theyre not legal. The family of a 7-year-old who was fatally shot during a botched raid in 2010 is suing Detroit police, alleging officers lied about how she was killed as part of a cover-up. The police have been working under a federal consent decree since a 2003 investigation found that detectives were locking up murder witnesses for days on end, without access to a lawyer, until they coughed up a name. The ones pictured here are all found on one block. He caught a lunch lady stealing the childrens milk money. Im alive. He had been married eight years and had three daughters and a stepson. ", The mother of Jones' victim, Lyvonne Cargill, said: "I'm stressed thinking about that man coming home." The city filled with people from all over the world: Arabs, Appalachians, Poles, African Americans, all in their separate neighborhoods surrounding the factories. McNeal wondered how she was going to pay the $3,000 for her sons funeral. In an attempt to distract the occupants, police fired a flash grenade through the front window of the lower apartment, where Aiyana Jones was sleeping. It is the home of mass-production, of very high wages and colossal profits, of lavish spending and reckless instalment-buying, of intense work and a large and shifting labour-surplus, British historian and MP Ramsay Muir. Known as Half-Day Hathaway, the judge was removed from the bench for six months by the Michigan Supreme Court a decade ago for, among other things, adjourning trials to sneak away on vacation. They went hog wild. Huff entered with his gun still holstered. "This was an assassination by video," said Roland Lawrence as he and others watched a small plane . As for the tape that Geoffrey Fieger claimed would show the cops firing on Aiyanas house from outside, A&E turned it over to the police. Completed in 1917, the school, attended by white students at the time, was considered so far out in the wilds that its athletic teams took the nickname Jungaleers.. If youre a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.. Weve got nothing but bullet fragments., A neighbor who tends the lawn in front of the dope house out of respect to Huff wonders why so many cops came in the first place, given that the police hardly come around at all, much less that many cops that fast on a home break-in.. Add in the fact that half the police precincts were closed in 2005 for budgetary reasons, and the crime lab was closed two years ago due to ineptitude, and it might explain why five of the nine members of the city council carry a firearm. She arrived too late. But I would be doing Aiyana a disservice if we just vented instead of dealing with the real problems., He went on: This child is the breaking point.. You might blame the UAW, which demanded things like full pay for idle workers, or myopic Big Three management who, instead of saying no, simply tacked the cost onto the price of a car. Mother Jones was founded as a nonprofit in 1976 because we knew corporations and billionaires wouldn't fund the type of hard-hitting journalism we set out to do. While a thousand people mourned the tragic death of Aiyana, the body of JeRean Blake Nobles sat in a refrigerator at a local funeral parlor; his mother was too poor to bury him herself and too respectful to bury him until after the little girls funeral, anyhow. This has helped reinforce a culture shift within police departments. [53] Two days after Jones's death, on May 18, 2010, attorney Geoffrey Fieger filed lawsuits on behalf of her family against A&E and the police. / AP. People are awake. "She's not a scapegoat. On January 28, 2015, the remaining charge on Weekley, a misdemeanor for careless discharge of a firearm causing death, was dismissed. [39], On October 3, the judge dismissed the involuntary manslaughter charge against Weekley. You dont go into a home around midnight. What happened after that is a matter of conjecture, as Detroit officials have had problems getting their stories straight. Responding to a breaking-and-entering and shots-fired call at 3:30 a.m., Officer Brian Huff, a 12-year veteran, walked into that dark house. Owens switched his moped for a Chevy Blazer. Two trials against Officer Joseph Weekley ended without verdicts on a charge of reckless use of a gun. "[42][43] Then eight, then eleven. [20] He pushed his way inside, protected by a ballistic shield. The car made Detroit, and the car unmade Detroit. In the end, Gibson was charged with Huffs murder and the attempted murders of four more officers. Soon, the air was the color of a filthy dishrag. The suspect fingered for Blakes murder, Chauncey Owens, lived in the upstairs flat, with Charles Jones sister. By civic malfeasance? Uncategorized. The settlement was finalized just days prior to the scheduled civil trial. Which is what he was doing at this house, authorities contend, when he put three bullets in Officer Huffs face. As our Detroit reporter, she is helping us expand our coverage of the economy, politics, and culture in and around the city of Detroit. 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley Jones died from bullet wound during the raid Police say officer's weapon fired after an encounter with an adult in the house (CNN) -- An attorney representing the. By wit and will, he managed to make it through. Listen on Apple Podcasts. This dental device was sold to fix patients' jaws. Why you looking at me? said Owens, getting off the moped. Jones new family had been on the drift for the past few years as he tried to pull it together. Even the beavers have returned.The daughter of an autoworker and a home nurse, McNeal grew up in the promise of the black middle class that Detroit once offered. And he wouldnt even help her. First, it was six cops who responded to the 911 call. "[21][22], Mertilla Jones said she reached for her granddaughter when the grenade came through the window, not for the officer's gun, because the flash grenade had set the child on fire. Two days later, a crew from the Detroit Police Special Response Team raided Jones' house on Lillibridge Street, blocks from the store. On Friday, Hathaway dismissed a lesser second charge, of reckless use of a firearm. According to reports, seconds after entering the house, Weekley fired the fatal shot. Its some lil niggas at the store talking shitlets go whip they ass, Detective Theopolis Williams later testified that Owens told him during his interrogation. He was formerly a reporter for The Detroit News. Behind him stood two rookies. "[27] His trial was scheduled for October[28] and finally took place in June 2013 but resulted in a deadlocked jury. No weapons were found on ANY person in the house after the raid, including Charles Jones and Aiyana's mother Dominika, Aiyana and her two toddler brothers, Mertilla Jones and her sister, and two adult cousins of Charles. Weekley claimed after he got through the front door that Joness paternal grandmother, Mertilla Jones, attempted to slap away the MP 5 submachine gun that he was holding. Behind the door was Jason Gibson, 25, a violent man with a history of gun crimes, assaults on police, and repeated failures to honor probationary sentences. "Aiyana's death was a tragic loss for her family and has been a heavy burden on our community. IT WAS JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT on the morning of May 16 and the neighbors say the streetlights were out on Lillibridge Street. The case had been set to go to trial next week. (Thomas Sugrue, in his seminal book The Origins of the Urban Crisis, writes that residents in Detroits predominantly black lower East Side reported 206 rat bites in 1951 and 1952.). Stanley suddenly emerged from her stupor: Whats that got to do with it? she hissed. Go ahead, walk in the Detroit River and disappear. But I cant. We hope this resolution will provide everyone involved a measure of closure," Detroit Corporation Counsel Lawrence Garcia said in a statement, according to the Detroit News. The madness has to stop, he said. Detroit police officer Joseph Weekley stands in judge Cynthia Hathaways courtroom in Detroit, in June 2013. Grover 08:10, 10 June 2014 (UTC) Reply . If that isnt a record for any major metropolis, it is certainly a record for Detroit. Its going to stop, he promised. [49], Aiyana Jones' funeral was held in the Second Ebenezer Church on May 22, 2010 in Detroit. Evans drivera copgave chase. So Dr. Schmidt keeps them on layaway, zipped up in body bags as family members wait for a ship to come in that never seems to arrive. Even if you check the TT's of each city Aiyana is nowhere to . And during our conversation, he referred to himself in the third personGeoffrey Fieger. Jones was arrested, and though she was quickly released it was not before she and two other family members Aiyanas parents had been forced to sit in their childs blood for hours, Scott said. I asked Fieger if Charles Jones should accept some culpability in his daughters death, considering his alleged role in JeReans murder, the stolen cars found in his backyard, and the fact that his daughter slept on the couch next to an unlocked door. Lord Jesus, I ain't never seen nothing like that in my life."--Mertilla Jones, Aiyana's grandmother. In this current era, what she calls her "most confident" yet, she's channeling none other than her go-getter Bel-Air character Hilary Banks . The fire department is little better. Weekley left the courtroom through a private door. She said she made no contact with any officers. One year after a Detroit police assault team shot 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones to death in her home while A&E's "First 48" TV show was filming, neither Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy nor U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has brought charges against those responsible. 2023 www.detroitnews.com. Weekley said it was an accident and accused Jones of wrestling with his gun immediately as he entered the abode, causing the fatal shot. His mothers house on Lillibridge, he said, was just supposed to be a way station to better things. Weekley doesnt have to pay but the family that lost a child has to pay, said Ron Scott, a spokesman for the family, shortly after attending the dismissal hearing. In 2007, he attacked a cop and tried to take his gun. Specifically, since 1997 a 1033 program has enabled the transferring of billions of dollars worth of military equipment from the Department of Defense including mine-resistant protected vehicles originally developed by the South African defence force to thousands of small American communities. Rayshard Brooks was a 27-year-old African American restaurant worker who lived in Atlanta. Was Detroit an outlier or an epicenter? Detroit VA hospital harmed patients, altered records, investigation reveals, $8.5 million wrongful death lawsuit settlement, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. I get no sleep. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy, though his heart did not seem to be in it. 1894 shipwreck found in Lake Huron, confirming "powerful, tragic story", Garland to face Congress amid ongoing special counsel investigations, FBI chief says agency feels pandemic likely started with Chinese lab leak. Henry Ford built his first automobile assembly-line plant in Highland Park in 1908 on the east side of Woodward Avenue, the thoroughfare that divides the east of Detroit from the west. Take for instance the death of 7-year-old Aiyana Jones, who was shot and killed during a police raid at their Detroit home. 2:45 Detroit Charles Jones, whose role in a high school student's 2010 slaying helped spark the police raid that ended with the officer-involved shooting death of his 7-year-old daughter. During the second trial, Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway dismissed the most serious charge, involuntary manslaughter, saying there was insufficient evidence. Owens sped two blocks back to Lillibridge and gathered up a posse, according to his statement to the police. Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. Evans told me then that major crimes were routinely underreported by 20 percent. AS SUMMER DRAGGED on, the story of Aiyana faded from even the regional press. The whole country knew it, and the whole country laughed. That is, until someone realized that the schools are controlled by rival gangs. The victim, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, was shot in the head while she slept on a couch in May 2010. I went to visit Cargill, who lived just around the way. In tow was an A&E crew filming an episode of The First 48, its true-crime program. It was a white cop who killed the girl, but Detroit is Americas largest black city with a black mayor and a black chief of police. On October 4, 2011, a Wayne County grand jury indicted Officer Joseph Weekley for involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment with a gun. Whenever I see a person who died of violence or misadventure, I think about the dead man with the open eyes on the dirty floor of the liquor store. On Thursday, a settlement was made in the lawsuit that amounted to $8.25 being paid out. But the SWAT team didnt wait. City of Detroit Corporation CounselLawrence Garciahas treated the family with utter disrespect and disdain. That was before he canceled a planned press conference to discuss the upcoming case. Bagpipes played and the rain fell. And America is buying. [34][35], Weekley's first trial ended in a mistrial in June 2013. A bunch of lazy, uneducated blue-collar incompetents. Outside, three men were loading the boiler, tubs, and sinks into a trailer to take to the scrap yard. I want to get out of here, but I cant, she said. One year later, Aiyana Stanely Jones investigation mired in delays", "Homicide suspect hunted in raid that led to Aiyana's death is charged", "Man sentenced to life in prison for Detroit teen's death", "DPD officer involved in Aiyana Jones shooting identified", "Police, family look for answers in girl's death in Detroit", "How A Police Officer Shot A Sleeping 7-Year-Old To Death", "Detroit Police Officer Charged in Shooting Death of Aiyana Stanley-Jones", "Michigan Supreme Court Won't Hear Appeal in Weekley Case", "Slain girl's family alleges police cover-up", "Grandmother's fingerprints, DNA not found on Officer Weekley's submachine gun", "Officer whose bullet reportedly killed Aiyana Jones was frequently featured on A&E", "Mayor: Detroit doesn't know 'how to stop' killings", "Detroit police officer who shot 7-year-old returns to job after half decade on leave", "Joseph Weekley, Detroit Police Officer, Charged In Aiyana Stanley-Jones' Death During 'The First 48' Raid", "Cop Who Shot 7-Year-Old To Death Will Be Retried", "Second trial to begin today for officer in Aiyana's death", "A&E 'The First 48' producer who filmed Aiyana Jones shooting admits to obstructing justice", "Photographer pleads no contest to obstruction of justice in Aiyana Stanley-Jones case", "Videographer pleads in fatal Detroit police raid", "Videographer in fatal police raid gets probation", "Videographer in Aiyana Stanley-Jones raid gets 2 years of probation", "Judge declares mistrial in Aiyana case after jurors fail to reach verdict", "No more retrials, Aiyana's Family pleads", "In cop's retrial, attorneys at odds over how girl died", "Emotional 'show' put on by grandmother of slain 7-year-old Aiyana Jones not grounds for mistrial, judge says", "Detroit police officer back on trial accused of manslaughter in Aiyana Jones killing", "Mertilla Jones testified in Weekley case", "Weekley may seek retrial over tirade by witness", "Weekley prosecution nears its conclusion", "RAW VIDEO: Emotional outburst from grandmother of Aiyana Stanley-Jones halts Joseph Weekley retrial", "Grandmother to Detroit Police Officer Joseph Weekley: 'You killed my grandbaby', "Emotional outburst halts trial for Detroit officer in girl's death", "Officer Weekley trial halted until Monday after emotions run high - Fox 2 News Headlines", "Judge cites 'justice' in dropping charge against cop", "Surviving The Painful Funeral Of Aiyana Jones", "Lawsuit Alleges Police Cover-Up In Fatal Shooting Of Sleeping 7-Year-Old Aiyana Stanley-Jones", "Attorney files 2 lawsuits in death of Detroit girl", "Family of slain 7-year-old Aiyana Jones sues A&E for reality TV crew at Detroit police raid", "State to probe girl's slaying; lawyer disputes cops' account", "Fieger says police shooting no accident, he has proof", "Aiyana Jones case, attorney says Video shows police fired into Detroit home", "Cop in Aiyana Stanley-Jones shooting back on the job", "J. Cole dedicates video to dead 7-year-old girl", "J. Cole Dedicates 'Crooked Smile' Video To Slain 7-Year-Old Girl", "The 6th Anniversary of the Aiyana Jones Death", "Rally marks 2010 death of Aiyana in police raid", "Six arrested during rally honoring Aiyana Stanley-Jones", Joe "Brain" Weekley's webpage at A&E: Meet the SWAT Teams, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Killing_of_Aiyana_Jones&oldid=1139956467, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 18:19. [CHECK OUT A SLIDESHOW OF ABANDONED HOUSES ON ONE BLOCK IN DETROIT]I keep calling about these falling-down houses, but the city never comes, she said. Moreover, the Detroit public school system is the worst performer in the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests, with nearly 80 percent of eighth-graders unable to do basic math. The police were searching for a murder suspect thought to be in the Jones home. [48] On January 28, 2015, county prosecutor Kym Worthy dismissed the last remaining charge against Weekley, the misdemeanor of 'careless discharge of a firearm causing death'. These Wigs Install in Seconds. Save big on a full year of investigations, ideas, and insights. Grandmother Mertilla Jones said, "Accountability needs to be expected from cases like this, because cops can't keep killing people and getting away with it. . She waited, but Sharpton never came. The city provided clothing, fuel, rent, and $10 every week to adults for food; children got $5. Jurors will get instructions from a judge and then start deliberations in the trial of a Detroit police officer charged in the fatal shooting of a, The re-trial of a Detroit police officer who killed a young girl during a May 2010 raid began Thursday.No one disputes that Officer Joseph Weekley shot, A jury is deciding whether a Detroit police officer is guilty of a misdemeanor for causing the death of a little girl in 2010.No one disputes that Office, LGBTQ+ youth are less likely to feel depressed with parental support, study says, House elections committee considers election security bills, Federal judge: Flint missed deadline for lead line replacements; must complete work by August. Is charged with involuntary manslaughter and `` negligent firing of a weapon causing death '' shots-fired call at 3:30,! Markets and lazy Saturday night drives, was just after MIDNIGHT on the morning of May and! 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