Uh, you know, people. And I think that kind of like ties us all together. That just kind of like took off. Um, that process not involving your one downs in that process is basically the first, it's like the original sin. Um, got everything done on time and really over, uh, over achieved on, on the targets, um, and was constantly being yes, man throughout that whole process. And then we come to the third kind of strategic theme, which is be the best at what matters. I guess processes if you will. And to your point I thought was really interesting, this whole notion about this, it's all fair and good until you get, until you select the wrong thing to be the best at. Yeah. Kevin: I would agree with you except for the, uh, the individual contributor part where I think, not everyone necessarily has to be a leader of like large groups or large teams. This one's good about focus and prioritization. Facebook. And I, yeah, I can't, I mean obviously there's multiple videos sharing kind of companies being started with niches. Oh, they're great. Gojek adalah grup teknologi terkemuka di Asia Tenggara, dan pelopor aplikasi super terintegrasi dan model ekosistem. Listed Fortunes favorite again! You can then bring your solution. Org Chart GoJek - The Official Board Board N-1 N-2 CEO Kevin Aluwi Move CFO Thomas Husted Move Finance, Accounting & Tax J. Thanks so much for tuning in. Implement. However, as an organization matures, the hard part is not scaling the technology, but paying heed to culture. Nadiem: And if you connect the first theme of bottom up innovation to the second theme that we just discussed, um, about, uh, building bridges and breaking walls, right? I feel exactly the same. We're dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio-economic impact for our ecosystem of users. And I think that, so just to remind the three axioms, short term gains, a lot of people talk about it, short term benefits, short term success, but the difference between short term success in long term success is that willingness. And that just doesn't work. Right? Innovation is the sacrifice really. Yeah, right. GOJEK does ride hailing, food delivery, payments even on demand massages. And we're also much further from the problem. A bottom up innovation approach actually favors people potential to become leaders as opposed to people's just potential as an individual contributor. That's a really good reflection of it. Then we're able, even leaders become, gain far greater visibility and transparency into what's happening on the ground really. We are here because of each other. WeWork Calle 26 # 92-32 in Bogota, Colombia. GoFood becomes the world's most helpful and user-friendly app during the pandemic. I just got a hint of how it's taking a step back and managing this process between very talented people could produce better results and a little part of musical sad. Decoupling what truly matters to the user to what you're so fired up about. Adaptive Organizational Culture Unadaptive Organizational Culture Visible Behavior Pemimpin mencermati semua yang mendukung mereka, terutama pelanggan, dan memprakarsai perubahan bila diperlukan untuk melayani kepentingan mereka, sekalipun hal tersebut beresiko Manajer cendrung bertingkah laku agak picik, berbau politis dan birokratis. Category - Community and Industry Engagement. We all do our bit to make sure its transparent and open to innovation. 2019 is really about the how. Culture as organizational personality Their most recent investment was on May 12, 2021, when CEO PT. Right. Once, because most problems are unknown problems. Because you know, when you're juggling, and I think we're all guilty of this, in many, many ways around thinking that hey, we can do it all as a company, as, as leadership. You cannot compete with that brain power and a lot of leaders can't let that go. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. But for either reason, it just keeps guessing what I want to do next. Long term success takes a lot of sacrifice in the short term. And I think that even in the beginning stages of our organization, we were very top down, very exceedingly top down. Outro: Hey guys, hope you enjoy the podcast. GET allows me to have initiative and be creative. Sebagai Nadiem: Fear and money. 7. But I think really having that mindset of being, thinking about, you know, what are the things that really matter and what are the things that don't matter, even though I kind of feel like I should be doing them right? You might have solutions in your head and that's fine. They decided like, okay, we're going to tackle this. Whether you're looking to get across town, or even earning on the road, choose Gojek - we're the city's latest ride-hailing app dedicated to making your commutes all that much better. If you just set from top down that, that direction without actually taking in the feedback and inputs of each of those key leads under you, I think that's where the beginning of the end, you know, like that's where you start losing credibility, you start losing trust and you start losing motivation. Being part of this journey is nothing short of exhilarating. There are a trove of new projects both teams are cooking up. We know for a fact that is there is no finish line and its a continuous journey to achieve amazing things and changing millions of lives for the better. About Clan Culture: A clan culture is people-focused in the sense that the company feels family-like. Move Engineering, Merchant EcoSys. If you liked it, please hit like, subscribe and follow us on social media. Like, like everyone will agree that yes, absolutely we should do that. This meta-analysis, which comprises 43 studies with a combined sample size of 6341 organizations, reveals that Quinn and Rohrbaugh's Competing Values Framework provides a meaningful structure for the ideational aspects of organizational culture. And I think, you know, we're only kind of in that first layer, but you know, I really do hope that, you know, as a company that we can, you know, go to the next layer, the next layer and then we'll see what that means. It's rare, that magical moment when the work, the people, the benefits, and the energy all align. I think this was an interesting one because intuitively of course, do you agree like, Oh yeah, of course we should foster collaboration of course. Secara parsial, Gojek juga menerapkan budaya organisasi market. Fantastic for short term but disastrous for long term. Di antaranya : 1. Were dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio- economic impact for our ecosystem of users. The content in this post has been approved by Gojek.. Oh. Gojek launched its application in 2015 with . We got Nadiem and Kevin again, that's right on Go Figure podcast. The sacrifices I think are what's hard. Right. And, and because you also understand the decision making that goes into, into that, um, you are also much better at problem solving, right? Here's how organizational culture might have been handled in the past: The CEO commissions the Human Resources department to produce an effective company culture. What does that mean in terms of real business performance? Nadiem: A lot of people confuse that. GO FIGURE is a podcast dedicated to expose the inner workings of ambitious tech companies in the emerging world. Because it's like, okay, like clearly, you know, I am responsible for something. Just a little sad because, because it's like I used to deliver good results, but when realizing at a certain scale when a leader realizes, you just can't, you cannot compete with the collective creativity of your teams. So in 2019, there's three specific strategic themes that GOJEK has that represent our longterm investments. And I think out of, at least for, you know, all the companies that I admire. We're all about that. It's very hard. Maybe it's your idea, you thought about this whole thing, uh, you pitched this whole thing, um, you convince somebody that this is the right path and now you're doing it right. Involving our people is the biggest asset for us, which helps us nurture the learning culture within the company. Organizational culture is the set of underlying beliefs, values, principles, and ways of interacting within an organization. Kevin: Yeah, totally. Integrates Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam apps into one, under Gojek. And finally when we're talking about what exactly they're doing, being the best at what matters means. And that was the payoff in my mind. Yeah. Move Marketing A. And around prioritization. Number of Exits 3. Um, and I think when you kind of, we grew so quickly and all these people came on and like, we had to have more organizational structure and more layers. At the very best. You only figure that out later, right. You understand the key results that you were trying to achieve. Well, what for you, it's when, you know, you're trying to, when you're trying to raise something, right? The second theme is really about "bottom up innovation" and how to institutionalize that within the organization as opposed to top down method. Today, Gojek has transformed into a "Super App": a one-stop platform with more than 20 services, connecting users with over 2 million registered driver-partners, and 500,000 GoFood merchants - with a total of more than 170 million total downloads across the region. Because to me that implies that either A the team's that team's ideas are being suppressed. Gojek has made 13 investments. You name it we do it. But you know, I think you're right. It was like, okay, that sounds cool. And that's sort of the, the waterfall comes out. It's gonna be what where we are going to do or be our best at. Welcome to Gojek's Bangalore office! And thats the essence of working in a a dynamic engineering org like GO-JEK. Kevin: Yeah, I think so. Yeah. It also depends on what department, what function, what rate of urgency there is. thegeneralist.substack.com. What Gojek does to manage culture within the organisation is by understanding that culture is the lifeblood and backbone of everything they do, supported by having the proper fundamentals such as vision, mission, and statements. Gojek is funded by 34 investors. And I think in a world where, you know, a company is growing and in a world where there is competitive pressure obviously in many different, you know, from many different angles in the business, I think there is the temptation to say, oh, we have to win every single thing. This is the hard part because a lot of people decided, some people may decide what they want to be the best at, is something they are deeply passionate about instead of what their end user is deeply passionate about. Awards and recognitions Winner, UN Women 2020 Asia Pacific Women Empowerment Principles awards. Right? A peek into our culture, values, people, principles and stories that make us who we are a step better than yesterday. And instead of creating very, very prescriptive, a key results, we just combine those seven metrics with some strategic themes, three of which we're discussing today in this podcast. Perusahaan teknologi yang sudah sangat dikenal ini percaya bahwa bekerja secara produktif dan serius tidak harus mengenakan jas rapi. Like, you know, we have this feature that, you know, we've been working on know for a long time. Kevin: I think for me, I agree with everything that you said. Rather than being the guy or the girl who has all the ideas. Uh, it could also mean that as a, as a leader, they want to take all the credit for themselves. Share this post. Trust is everything. I learned a bunch of stuff, but then I'm just, I'm thinking what's next? I'll set up elsewhere and the inverse part is to create an incentive or at least a cultural incentive to help out other teams, so breaking down silos, there's a payoff to it, right? Researchers - Global UXAlliance, Usaria, and Somia CX. But without that requirement to share the key results, then you'll never get credit for it. That's, I think the first thing. I think actually these two parts or these two themes actually almost go hand in hand in that sense. As a tech startup in Indonesia, there are a lot of challenges that Go-Jek has to face regarding the culture and competition in this on-demand service industry. I mean, we, we, I mean the last, what, four years, uh, we just kind of held on, right? So you need that forcing mechanism. Easy, easy things to say no don't count. When you know, things are what things are good, you're growing well, you know, investors want to talk to you. Sense-making has been. Right. Right? People's incentive is to, oh, okay, my boss told me to do that. And I think what ended up happening was a lot of people ended up becoming more or less engaged. And I think it's easy to kind of get into that, uh, into that mode and yeah. Um, uh, became, it morphed into top down because in order to, in a top down into, I would say a negative way because you know, in order to be able to influence with a hundred percent certainty, like hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of people, you have to be extremely forceful, right? Organizational culture is the rules, values, beliefs, and philosophy that dictates team members' behavior in a company. So there were all of these perceived benefits, right, that you could immediately see right away. The Competing Values Framework describes value systems based on two main dimensions. Built a culture of high data literacy. Oh, I love this feature. I don't know. But what do you think is then the ideal leader? PAPER GOJEK.pdf - ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY Go-Jek in Indonesia: Seizing Digital Opportunities at the Bottom of the . Over 20 products, 2 million driver partners. That's exactly the, the, you know, the concept of not being able to have agency or control over your thing when you know that you are capable, that's a difference. Primary Focus: Mentorship and teamwork. And the research and the data is very important as well. People without ego are a luxury in the current times. And those can also be sources of insight as to maybe these are other things that we should consider focusing on maybe during the next quarter or the next half these are when like, uh, these are when problems, that we didn't realize were problems, suddenly surface, right? Like I was pretty significant percentage requirement minimum. Strong Communication and teamwork trans-sectored is wanted in the Corporate Culture at Google. Um, and it's out of our control, right? I mean and that's what doesn't create that long term success factor because then some of the best people under that person will just go, it will just leave or they will burn out or they become demotivated. Tell us why it matters and tell us what you're going to be sacrificing. I think most smart modern people will agree that these are right things to do. Nadiem: Right. There is a cultural payoff in an organization for helping another group out or another team out even though it doesn't directly fall under yours, but we took some forcing like some really, really interesting policy changes from processes that we took forth as a result of this. But I recently, I think over maybe over the past year, I've recently been totally hooked on YouTube. What is it that you are not, what is it again that you should be sacrificing even more, so. So then, uh, people become less engaged because they're just, they're just there to do, to follow orders. And so it's very easy to kind of, you know, create that alignment and people are excited. In 2018 we had like a, I dunno, something like 25 key results for the company that we want to the whole company to achieve. Nadiem: Yeah. Google is home to countless communities of unique people. Um, yeah. Right. I think is really kind of the, marker of you know, whether or not, you know, companies and individuals are serious about this. And so for the next cycle if this actually is a systemic problem across the whole company or across multiple different, uh, teams, then we can decide to tackle it together as a group right. And the other is a probably not doing a great job and I'm probably disappointing people, I'm probably dropping balls. Right? And would you agree with me that most of those are evolve around how the internal organization operates? I think one is, um, people then, um, don't think they don't think, because like, oh, my boss told me to do it right. Everyone, you know, media is writing about, look at all this amazing stuff. A for those listeners that don't know where the co founders, GOJEK and, um, I think a lot to, just to kick this off, I think a lot of people talk about short term success criteria for technology companies. Um, and I actually think that, um, it's not just realizing it late and it's not just that I think it doesn't happen frequently enough. Parameters - Brand loyalty, media engagement, and CSR. Because they receive direct commands on what to achieve and sometimes how to achieve it. Evaluate. They're, they're rarely, there rarely is for any kind of organizational investments. We actually forced groups to share their key results. Um, so when, when did that, when did that change and why did we decide to shift to even be more radically bottom up in the organization? This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 02:26. Nadiem: Thanks a lot Kev, until next time. According to MomentumWorks, this is the structure of the board of directors: Founders CEO and founder Nadiem Makarim who holds 58,416 shares, accounting for 4.81% of the total shares. I think the habit of just like, hey, like, let's do this. And it's amazing that you kind of see a company publicly say that, oh, we're going to do this. Inovasi, adanya keyakinan seleuruh insane gojek untuk bisa, can do attitude, berimprovisasi, mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda dan berpikir . Top down isn't about being a, uh, you know, like a tyrant. Um, uh, on top of that, I think that the ideal bottom of leaders should be providing the platform for their direct reports or for the people that work under them to shine. Evaluate. You're helping with this, you're responsible for that. And the first one is this, the theme is called "be the best at what matters", what truly matters. You just like, fuck, I've just spent like an hour and a half on my life just like in a YouTube hole. and the free food and food corners, Google encourage the "Googlers" to communicate extensively within the organization. It's about being the best at what truly matters, which is about a focus. Gojek is founded on the principle of leveraging technology to remove life's daily . I think the second thing is making sure that you talk to those leaders, talk to their subordinates during the planning and OKR setting. Right? What makes a difference, though, is that each of us is willing to try. It is the hardest thing to do to focus on what truly matters because what it does require is for you to sacrifice something. Type 1: Clan Culture. GOJEK'S ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPALS Banyak startup yang focus pada short term matriks seperti revenue, valuasi ataupun growth. Kevin: Yeah. Either that or entertainment. Nadiem: In order to achieve building better bridges? Gojek (ditulis bergaya sebagai goek, sebelumnya ditulis GO-JEK) merupakan sebuah perusahaan teknologi asal Indonesia yang melayani angkutan melalui jasa ojek. Right. It's hard and, it's hard in any kind of fast paced industry, right? Description of Gojek. Like moving as one, uh, you know, there's a fine line between celebrating a team success and creating competitive pressure to achieve things that are only great for that team. We've invested so much time and effort. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Orders jump to 300,000 a day. And I think ultimately there's only three ways you can really kind of motivate a team to truly go above and beyond. Does it, you mean do people actually care? You think you can plan for all scenarios and then something out of the blue comes from left field and when that happens, the amount of cognitive load to this, the higher leader has to put to solve, maybe put that fire out or should address that issue is so high when the entire context and level of ownership of that team is not achieved. Corporate culture is often referred to as "the character of an organization," representing the collective behavior of people using common corporate vision, goals, shared values, attitudes, habits, working language, systems, and symbols. Hmm. My name is Nadiem Makarim, CEO and founder of GOJEK Southeast Asia's first Super App. Instead of creating flexibility within each of the teams to determine how they want to decide and which ones they want to decide to contribute instead of just getting cascaded like a mathematical formula. And so, you know, I think again you keep on going back to this theme of that this is better for longer term because you know, how else are you going to keep people motivated in an environment that's changing so rapidly when unexpected things happen the time if not through kind of that high level of ownership. 2023 Gojek | Gojek is a trademark of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk. Even even current employees of tech companies, etc, thinking about these long term organizational investments, they're just like savings. Uh, rather than thinking about, you know, building an enduring company or in doing business. The culture consists of an established framework that guides workplace behavior. Gojek used technology to rewrite these rules and thereby create a huge market that would not have existed otherwise. I think that one especially, you know, coming from anyone, you know, listening who is coming from a leadership, I think it's very, very easy, um, without malice to kind of, um, think that, you know, top down either explicitly or implicitly is better. Kevin: Yeah. Right. And we did this right in our, in our recent kind of OKR setting exercise, instead of, you know, us as co-founders, kind of just challenging targets, etc. And we're going to mention, uh, I think we're going to go deep into three things, which are some of our strategic themes for this year. Kevin: I agree. Operations expand beyond Jakarta. We've invested a lot of time and effort in, and I think they actually you know pretty good in and of themselves, but you know, whether or not they're really impactful, whether or not they're really worth the effort was debatable. It's so easy to say, you know what, it's not worth it. Share. I think this is true for, but I think a lot of the things that we say actually I don't think when you talk about it at a, at a high level, right. Gojek is an app that providing a variety of services from payments, food delivery, transportation, and logistics. Right. I think results in, you know, if you want that pace to happen results and just saying, telling people at some point just do it. Well, some of the risk is that you actually slow down some of the key initiatives because you realize that other teams require, you sacrifice a little bit of your ego in a team in exchange for helping out a partner group or buddy elsewhere. But you need to trust the investment process because it constantly compounds to the future. For instance, in India, women are legally entitled to six months paid maternity leave. 1. Review the different organizational structures most commonly used. Nadiem: I think that's what, that's the theme that we wanted to talk today. And this is where it also gets tricky. See? I look at all these great things that this thing can do now, but, right. I don't know why suddenly I'm so much more Kevin: Right? Nadiem: Well did I think, I think we've covered a lot of ground here. A lot of painful activities that don't deliver fruits that are obvious are more painful than beneficial in the short run. It was good. Nadiem: Which is super hard, being in a tech company with running like hundreds of experiments at the same time, by default, things have to fail.The majority of things have to fail. And, and there were some clear benefits to that. And getting feedback from people about that. If you, if you work on only one side of this and only the bottom up innovation and you don't crack the communication and alignment issues and the collaboration issues, then you are potentially worse off because you're creating completely self servient goals that are bottom up, but unfortunately may not help the greater goal of the organization. Kevin: Well, I think a few things, right? Because they're closer to the problems. There was less of uncertainty in terms of what people should be doing, right? And I think that that was that's been a big transition point for me to actually force myself to move there. Semakin baik organizational culture yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan, maka kian mudah pula meraih kesuksesan. And I think for most bosses it's easy to fall into that trap as well. Right? It's all fun and Games until you get that decision wrong. So we move faster, right? Like if you have somebody who reports to you who is always doing well, who comes up with great ideas all the time, the natural inclination is like, for you to say, oh, this person's great. Test. Do you understand what the objective was? Hope you enjoy it. GoFood rated #1 user-friendly app during the pandemic. Nadiem: How many times have you heard either a consultant or someone say, oh, we're breaking down silos? We grew 900x in 18 months and still rapidly doubling. Kevin: And also, they will decide to do things that you might question, like they might not be directly linked to these things, uh, to these specific metrics, but at the same time, are important, you know, to those teams. They just had a way or a means to communicate through bottom up. Nadiem: That's right. Having the patience to listen to someone elses ideas with an open mind, especially ones you disagree with are rare. Like when you were at these places where you work and you just weren't listened to right. When they're trying to raise something to me, I would like to hear, you know, I would like to hear, um, credit given to others. The Culture Design Canvas is the #1 tool to map the current culture of an organization and design the future state. That's a really hard thing to save for I would say anyone. What we did was we invited all the groups together so that peers could challenge and review and we had a whole section of how they can help the issues that they can help with for other groups. They have a high bar for hiring, and are heavily invested in tooling, processes and best practices, and train the designers in that. If you're the best at everything, you're the best at nothing. I was just labeled a dreamer all the time. And I think more importantly, why did you think that this was, this is something that is actually different than just kind of just saying like, hey guys, collaborating. Right? And how did you feel? And look, hey, you're a new father, right? This is infused in the way we do a goal setting. Fully engaged employees are far more likely to be satisfied, motivated, and committed to their work and . Right? As individuals and as a team, we never let ourselves get too comfortable whether its about knowing a piece of technology, scaling for hyper-growth or achieving new milestones every day. So you have to have targets at the top and everything has to be MC, the middle layer has to contribute to the top layer. Like what's urgent, what is high leverage? Move Accounting W. Move Sales A. It's like a learning hub, right? Kevin: Yup. So your value, you should be secure in the value that you are actually laying the groundwork for those people to succeed by doing things that are better than you. After about a year or even more than a year, then we see unreplicable payoff, right. And then suddenly like a product just like leaps in terms of just quality, uh, you know, about like a year or two years after that. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. Right. That's it. And here are some common mistakes that I've seen. Kevin: But did you also know people who are totally fine with just like, hey, heads down. You could still be somebody who's driving, you know, something, uh, executing an idea as an individual contributor that you know, is also given a lot of leeway to, to kind of, you know, have ambitious goals. Hmm. Here are the forms by which you have to meet up and then let the magic happen there with facilitation. We occupy 3 floors of a building in Bangalore's Diamond. It defines and creates a unique environment to work in. And, and, uh, oftentimes, you know, again, growing up in, you know, probably more traditional households. OKRs are Objectives, Key Results. And, and explicitly calling it out in front of all the other product, group heads. Social Impact Transform lives, inspire change. And I think in large scale organizations think about themselves as a facilitator role within that and manage the process, set the ground rules, here's the rules of the game here are the parameters, here's the targets you've got to share, here's the budgets you got to share. And you also have to be a very effective collaborator to do that. Questioning authority was not, you know, something that was viewed positively and, but then how did you feel in terms of, you know, the things that you did, uh, with respect to that authority? From my personal experience, a lot of companies talk about being people first, but most dont practice the mindset of what it takes to be truly people first. So what I've realized is that the best bottom up leaders will never do that. You're a new father and you have two daughters. The more that people below you come up with better ideas, the more you know you're on the right path. 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Dedicated to expose the inner workings of ambitious tech companies in the Corporate culture at.! You might have solutions in your head and that 's right on go Figure podcast of strategic,! Team 's that team 's that team 's that team 's ideas are being suppressed 've realized that! Compounds to the user to what you 're on the principle of leveraging technology to rewrite these rules and create..., which helps us nurture the learning culture within the company a peek into culture... Create that alignment and people are excited what matters means were dedicated to creating ( and scaling ) socio-... The problem 's amazing that you are not, what is it that you should sacrificing! 'Re doing, being the guy or the girl who has all the other is collective. Dan model ekosistem depends on what truly matters, which is about focus... Juga menerapkan budaya organisasi market principles, and committed to their work and other product, group heads on to. 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